Allergy May Cause ConSlant Nose Bun chashmzsednlehe inpfllm nlmnl danderLot Same dxrvnie Malian in use also an bererponsihle al limb sully that till were ether manna in 151 lion flze inner are of net of mm in the bane but the base Andrbove iL 1i unable11mm not usual 4nr sinus mdiï¬an Lo derellt op and make yaw nose led pm ly nimble is many nine in respect that ï¬ling Ire the other ma 5mm nus candiï¬m lur Inert ha 621 Ind it tauer mm in the snusex sell but he would be in pani TELEVISION rBmmxnm4wnAmtmxuxm 7mmsmumrrmmm urmuoewca MOIMNG WE MONDAY 10 FRIDAY mxnyloodxmulewloMerer 31 me In lilzmin cnnnn is enaugh and taking lddniunllamomlsllfldfl Aslnrilbgnzmdlnrev arming ihal chin mick lwmrhdflld Pml Junei SecrexlndimflulmGoodlnr 21mm IAqnu some gnu Opening ladc331 ul hurls ï¬ne deemer 52 $9 la ea EE 9E 080 STATION eymmmmnn 0m United Church Women met 31112 homedhdn GET ME enl Mn Alben Purull mm ixitin unmit lee Mt Garï¬eld Burma and Mn Everard Drawiml repen ed ll home visits Ind ï¬re husv ï¬lial 4211 Mrs Ruben Stash we in drug if devotions Mn 64 3mm gave report on Sleilrdship and ï¬ance Mn Panel give In Muslim loihemldynnmnabï¬nxingin the imperial 2mm rum 1819 130 mm Pierrie flew to or Inn rum and week with her niece Mm John Hunter Ind her sister in in M11 Em Moore TRY awn WANT AD PHONE mm pnocmms Mr and Mn Bruce Huber end family Renaler visited the Janna5 mount Mm Pink ne Mn Ruben Graham and Mn lél ï¬sher are prtienk in Siev anron Maurie Kamila Mn Murray in patient in Bunsen Hospital Vï¬llvwdnle M38 DANS flï¬x turn nddened by the sudden dull Fall 17 Mn Joe Dixix ol Whining flier brief Hines Mne Delix ween Mellon we Cooks m1 resident More mmu danghizr cl Lhe lite Mr and Mn Ruben McDonald Beside her husband she is surriretl by Lhree danghiers Cheryl Hull if mrt and lumbar John and Henry Harrie Funeral unite was held mm the Unilcd Church here Febl 20 waran The 0155 held the lag of $1121 series of eurhres will 16 tabla pllrerL The Ayimluir nl Society will carry on series or enehm starring Thursday Feb 27 in the Masonic Hall Mn erlmberx Ind chil dren forum be put week IiLh her mnthlr 1111 Emu Cungrilulzï¬vns In Mr Ind Mm Game lay the may deflated their 25th wedding Anniversary Wurld Day Prayer Kill be held Fï¬dly March in Lb An ilitan Church Dalian Slim who has been paiiem in Sierensan mur inl Hospital has been removed in Tamale hmiiaL DESSERT EUCHRES Mm NCokopenedberhome far the February mime mea ing with large number in 31 Lndanre The theme Needs muir Binary was convened by Mrl Walker wiLh Lhe In Lime Needsnnir beak on div pier Moan Paper on history uu Md by Mtlï¬lliam Welk err 11 war decided to have two alternoon dessert eudlres March 13 and IS Secretary Mn ban was named as delegale La the ï¬ring centerenne in Guelph DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT WA ON mama mp mm GRANDRXX 51 1113 min Mel Debeny 11 Marc meellnz will be all 5mm um hare tune to reside in Iroqqu Mm Whiter alzsun Hm mm Wang fall where Mr Dohem leather mm mm rrxuntu ma 1157th in the my ivth WE 114 314 A2 LBW Thu Several gum from timid Jamil man held 1114 wean anemia urieus 3W Februmbmmm 51 Mm 1m 25m uemem ms ImEm mm mm amen or church mu Kev$5513 Ann walk large number in attendance in em nixm um Demï¬onal led by Mrs tcmmu 6am Lemma Puma or BOYS Glass and Mrs ierinr ymmu tgfgflml gfglm fookzwn 01d 39 A236 Ireasurer Mrs Murphy gave Hm Hm magma 94m Smam unn me lovkinz forward to the an encouraging ï¬nancial mm 1c5m°ltliaiat 1313mm ennui mi 51335 in are Mia ranhare an mnise 1L 1211 One amm unm Onk flmm oi the Union Simian Wright enlenxined will piano THE EATS AR AV MT CAKE Is we mm tlevem aims nMn Torrnit On Friday mum duel 0N me mare 1uei4f smo cur IT Aer gt TUESDAY maven 25 Emma Nor RV Hue 9m 71 Zone Hill MW Hrgzu Fm OFFICE HOU Ifll tzcm Nr mm Hiram uh mum lGmxnl mm 74 219 ï¬orn wan titanqu llEuck IM got Cvfngugm It ODly 11 My rm max Sï¬m £09 11 547M 11 um 1an mo 1114an Ell zmn My Line cm GJlJh egggï¬ï¬‚ Ind 7Jnomle Damien In only in case youre wondering 22 having clear mo 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