KliVANLi LT GD liarvey Mitchell tell with Barrie Kiwanis Club member New Tenet Seems To Be Dont Get Involtired Klan in society today has de vised hundred ways to shake himch irce oi the Christian tenet that he is his brothers keeper Barrie Kiwanians bean last night Harvey Mitchell lieutenanl governor ior thc newly named Huronia division at Kiwanis told the club that many members at oty seem to have written an th commandment Dont gel involved Hippies who insist on doing their own thing said the swab or are an extreme or general public leaning toward nonin volvement They want to opt out oi res ponsibility for everything said lrhï¬tchtfl ht it is irrrpos He spoke on the shallowness oi thehippie culture The misam derstood prophets are really untalcntad ioaiers he said INVOLVEMENT PHILOSOPHY in contrast there is the in nus rrsnrnNtIINs Duran carver TRUE tishermans dreamcome true lohn Gosnell 15 oi RR 2Stroud caught this iiipound minutesto land it but it sure ed Examiner photo Roy hlachlcm talk bclora Sir Mitchell xpoke to the club about community remce work last night Mr runner sitearn voltement philosophy oi Kiwnn is and groups like it Our motto is We build he said and our theme tor toss is Prcsene our heritage oi ireedom do it no Rccentwallrouts at higa schools across Ontario in protest against what students considered to be unlair legislation exlcnding the school year showed that youth is generally responsible and hard working The students who walked out IN TOWN LouNcEs Broolaiaie Park innKing Herbert and the Rotmdcrs Bayrhorelhe Millionaires Continental lmrUla Edair QueensThe impacts plus llargo tinGo Wellington80b and Lora Lee MOVIES ImperialRae We Go Round the Mulberry Bush RonThree In The Attic 38 winch take trout oil Big iBayPointIt took me 15 ed involvement as key to solving social problems which exist today Examiner Pho to were almost always junior giaders nho realty didnt sand to lose any employment time by staying in school The students in grades and the ones who need the summer Jobs stayed back in class and kept working What goes on in schools to day will be the norm tile in tow yea he said Thank goodness the great mass at young people are excellent citizens lhe salt 01 theiarth TONIGHT was worth it said John lie plan to have thejsh mount Hydro BetFacing Toughest Ijest Today TORONTO tCPt Ontario Hydro may be lacing its tough cst powerproduction test today in the series at rotating strikes by employees members at Local 1000 Canadian Union at Public Employees to keep large numbers or operav tors oli the job has resulted in the continuation Zooman layoff in the Niagara region The company also announced that about 275 tradesmen or maintenance workers were to be laid olf Soba in the eartern Ontario region The union is demanding Jaspercentiwage increase over two years and wage parity in Hydhor seven production re glans InwaNIaNs once Centres the Problem Grows Chriadians are considerably ins concerned about pollution than their American neighbors round tabla diacusion gonrp decided blonds in Barrie The group made up oi members oi the Kiwanis clubbl Kempenielt Bay agreed that per until out lay on pollution control was less in Canada than in the United States and that more could be done to halt air and water pol lution in matter cities and tours like Barrie bciore they have major problem im the larger urban centres hrna progrm has been made lbouï¬t in Barrie said Willard Kinzie law years ago Kempantelt Bay was pollut ed all around the shoreline Last summer tests showed that the water was clear tor swim my Part oi the problem said hir Kinzie was that the existing sewageayslcm along the show line had been sized according to existing population sever at years ago and had not been litEn ennuh at an otcrcptil iactor tor population growth when everything increas llward Contract For Repairs To Post Oliice ederal works department contract awarded in Barrie ior renovations and wall repairs to the post oliice building or $2 963 is among contracts oi more than 55000 totalling $835702 awarded during January The deoartment announced the ï¬gures hionday it represents iancrease at $3066953 over last years January total ADD CP CP sooner maniac Wins Citation For Service In Vietnam The son of Barrie cocple has recetyed the bronze Star ior his service in the American Army in Vietnam Pie Rodney Kirkpatrick 20 the son or hiruand Mrs Roy Kirkpatrick of $2 Duckwnrth SL served with the total Airborne Division USArmy in Vietnam irom April 1868 until Nommber 1960 He is now stationed at Fort Bragg Carolina The citation says that Pie Kirkpatrick received the medal ior otrtstanding meritorious service tï¬s initiativexzeal sound yudgrnent and demotion to duty have been in the highest tradition of the United Shtcs Army tat he said satay valves would open and dump raw sew age lutn tha hay NWAGE PROBLEM air Kinno also said that part or the nrohlcm was caused by towcostcottages in the run rounding townships that ran sewage directly into the bay Alru hioosterrmn another member oi the group itrcsscd air pollution Vo only bate bout there major industries in Barrie that put wastes in the air at prmht he said So we tend to allow it in go on little more than it the problem were more serious localaction is needed and bigger driva by the white wottdhring action Kiwanis president Lea illorgan said that man has become so smug in his technological pro wess that ha reinses to believe that ho is still part at nature The earth is not unlike spaceship and man is pass enzer Mr Morgan read from newsletter on potluLimfWhe ther he destroys the ship and himself with it is entirety in his own hands Former Oro Councillor Dies lit 85 one time well knotm horseman and tormerOro town ship councillor John Alexander Graham died yesterdayat the inntswond Nursing Home alter lingering illness He was in his aim year gt native oi Oro and lite long resident he once looked alter race horses tor the William Wright stable He also took keen inlcrest in horse races and events atDm tall iairs which he only mlsscd attending once in so years On that occasion he was on trip to the west are Graham served on the urn council tor ich terms some years ago Reava Kenneth Gil christ and his council paid tri hute to him at the hlarch meet ing yesterday Predeceased by his wile Ethci Wilkins brother andvsistar Mrs lJen nie Gray he is survived by two nephews Russ Gray oi Shanty Bay and Donald Gray at Drillia and niece Mrs it Marion Burrell oi Drillia Funeral will be held Wednes day atternoon at the iennett Funeral Home 162 Bradlord Street Barrie to Guthrie Union cemetery Alex Graham of Guthrie re tired Oro assessor is cousin FARM PRICES TORONTO CP Wholesale in retail carton cggs average weighted prices quoted by the department at agriculture as oi Monday large 49 Ame dium 445 small 382 Eggs Wholesale prices to country stations iihre cases quot ed by committee of wholesale egg dealers extra large it 45 large 43544 medium 355 35 small 79 3335 79 Butter nrtc Canadian Dairy Comm ssion lcnderahlo earlots buying score 64 buy ing to score 65 selling 65 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADP PHONE 7282414 DINING our NIGHTS queeviewa RESTAURANT us Dunlap 1285151 ARE MONDAY TO THURSDAY GRILLED WING STEAK with Mushroom Sauce or BREADED VVEAL CUTLETS sourtt lam principal of Steele Street Public School and Steeic Street Home and Sdtool Association guï¬t New Educational Sciifeiriei speaker Allison Gnrdhousa just prior to his address to the group last nigh Mr Gnrdhousa told the association about the history at change in education in Ontario lia to sup tendotlltor this im Examiner Pbotot gt Brings iNeva Enthusrotsm county education supervisor told home and school associa tion gathering last night that they hold the key to preventing parents and the schools from drilling apart Allison JAGardhouse super lntenlenl lor the Barrie area said that with the new county school board sat up it was al most impossible for the home and the school not to drlit part We dont want this to hap pen he told about 40 membch ollhe Slecle Street Home and Shool Associatl on Aclivc home and school groups such as yours are one the best ways to prevent it hir Gardhouso was making an education yeek address to the group inplacc ol academic atiairs superintendent htcliay who could not attend in tracing an outline history at educational advances in Ont ario since the iirst garrison school was set up in Kingston in 1783 Mr Gardhnuse said that the county sysem or ad ministration was inevitable It was just that people back tow years ago couldnt see it he said In lfltfl said hlr Gardhouse the iirst legislation concerning education viias enacted in Upper Canada Plans were selal that time tor the establishment oi eight grammar schools on the English pattern No iinaaeial arrangements were made however said Mr Gardhousc in this Edgerton Ryerson was appointed superintendent oipub lie education An not making attendance compulsory was passed in lifll and the terms Inspector and pubï¬e school came into being Constant expansion has mark all education in Ontario in this century he said Tedtntcal nnd busiacss subjects were in troduced and in ms the town ship school areas were iormcd lniai7 the high mt cs trict system was begun and Bar rlea collegiate was part at it said tttr Gnrdhouse The Itobarts plan opened many new avenues oi study tor students in Iooz and his announcement of tho county system last year began what sir Ganihouse re ferred to as very real change in education The nun system will work it we do and weve been working very hard rcecntly Director Jack llamsay and Mr McKay are vorltin iii hours day and many more oi us are doing the same be said We are all tilled1lh new enthusiasm The new county system is also cheaper in many areas than the old multihoard sctup he said in 1968 the payroll or admin sttAnrrN turf We lslrallve slaltv was m7700 and honorarla ion board and commlt tco menrhcrsidmoustod to $74 000 This yearrthotwo iigurcs are some itnd mom respect ively sold MUSGnrdhouso on tartar vttttE$J have compiéte sharpening service tor ery nced run household to ind 53 Owen St camac Dial 72831 ll HARPENING errantam is non nusmnssNor retroactive ad on farmluhricantsl Stock up now on quality Texaco tarm lubricantsl Figure out your gt lubrication needs for the season ahead and order nowl You get savings on everygallon plus handy 5gallon drums at big bulk discounts The more you buy the more you savel And enter our lucky draw contest Youll have good chance to Wiï¬ an eightspeed Osterlzor bench grinder or compressed air spray gun Call us today And trust Texaco to save you big money all year long Hydro raid supervisory per sonnel will do their best to take on heavy workload iorcod on them allowing decr sion Monday night by local 1000 to ieava only about too of 940 power station operators on the Job today The operators on strike ev erywhere but in northwestern Ontario and Georgian Bay are key men inthe daytoday oper ation oi the generating plants More than moo ilydro em ployees including the approxi male i540 operators were schede ulod to take part during the day in the unions strikestarted Fob it to hack demands tor new labor agreement Hydro and the union bargain ing for total at 911m employ ees were expected to continue contract talks this morning Hydro said the unions more with Spanish Save 175 Children under l1$l15 you wanna MON TO muss SPECIAL nIerIautoNj SIMCOE Prtnotruu 15ANNr 57 was oNrr FREE Pint Brisk of Ragl Ice Cream with purchase of Bucket or hum of Kentucky Fried Chicken 5W PHONE zazsca including 90day automatic iiua tuning service DOMINION Robinson low at iluniop nf Trlephhtte mam