Identiï¬ed only as John Doe this 5yearcld man is freed lrom handtutls by Dis trict at Columbia guard so he can testify today betore the Senate Judiciary subaonnnit tee on Juvenile Delinquency Thc witnms for has been in and oil of prisons unwriton Intern Teaoheri in mm unaided promo lorzprotpmlre high IOHN DOE UNSHACKLED T0 TESTIFY and correctional instituqu since he was 13 years old volunteered to testily in hopes he might he able to help his brothers AP lVirephotot Hellyer Sees Freeing Oi Mortgage Capital OTTAWA CPI Enough mortgage money will likely be available to meet this years target ol 200000 new housing units Transport Minister Paul Hellycr reported to the Com mons Monday night check wh lending institu lions homoï¬nancing plans tor this year has shown gratilying results he said Although the results have not been tabulated our initial impression is that the capital mll be available to meet the housing target for 19429 ir IIcllyer minister respon for me made an ex pol ieiv alter oppo mcmbers accused the government of tailing to deal with the housing problem He said it is matter of immediate urgency to increase the supply oi housing to the point where customers have choice at accommodation Tnc present shortage was one actor in high costs vacancy rate of three our or ï¬ve per cent would permit competition The 200000 target would be 4100 units abuie the 195M built this year The housing dcbatc corn on governments bill covering $72724283 in sopplementary spending estimates it includes tour Si appropriations by which Parliament would approve our extensions of lending hy the Central Mortgage and llousing Corp The opposition reacted with charges that the $1 appropria tions were permitting the gov ernment to transfer spending trom one account to another within department without reformed to Parliament Immigration Minister Allan hiacEcchen also came under Commons attack twice during the day on government immi gration policies At the start of the sitting he told Iormer prime minister John Dieienbaker that Jerry Rubin leader of the Youth lulernati at Party in the 115 was admit leg to Canada last week by mis ta drool tankers department spoken sold Monday The plea was admitted to Education Minister William Dario more than year are by the Ontario Secondary Sdaool Tudren Pederlion it would comic unmanned mom to work in the classroom while lilo chunk minority audit The federation toehthe plan mhlboarenwdylorlhetudv er shortage muting trom tha departmentr cancellation ot simmer training programs lodmtioo spokesman said research lodlcotas shortage oi 1400 teacher in Ontario high schools out all Another 1300 positions are expected to be ï¬lled by uncertain teachers hired on the strength of letters at permission lrom the depart ment Gluttony teaching eandL dates Quality in ooeyear course at collage oi education alter getting university de gree Summer training courses which were widely criticiaed as being out to useless have been cancelled except tor those she dents who have been teaching or two years on letter of per mission or to candidates drawn trom industry The adoration plan presents two alternatives or Intent train ing It suggests pilot project at loo candidates should be at tempted betore any permanent plan is accepted MasseyFerguson TORONTO CPD Massey Ferguson Ad is selling more farm machinery everywhere ex cept in North America The companys annual meet ing Monday was told by Thombrough president that North American arm mochire cry sales tor his company in the three months ended Jan at were much below those of last year He did not give precise ï¬g ures Overall sales oi larm ma chinery were down seven per cent but increased as per cent in markets outside North Amer ica Medicare Change OTTAWA CF Health blin ister John Munro said Monday there is no chance the leiieral government will change the pro visions of the Medical Care Act ï¬niyAir Canada been fly you to Frankfurt Nonstop daily ive ir Air Canadas Franklurt Jet there with us and enjoy all the pleasures of flying with the only airline Ontario to Germany Nonstop thatcanlly you lrom everyday from Toronto this summer AirCanadas Germany exciting and intriguing Germany And Air Canadas daily nonslop Galaxyjet isthe tunwayto getihereLook into our Fly NowPay Later plan Extra Gillies Plan and our Group Inclusive ToursThey make Air Canadas Einope so easy to get to soveasy to enjoy Franklurt Germany Give them twirl this year Spend iewshort minutes with your travel agent European European Galaxy Toronto to Frankfurt nonstop everyday this summer TorontoFrankfurt toms little as $321 itZl dry Economy clm Inturn tual to moon at 15 or mm poignantg towel at mu Eltuilvo my 1m Surizcrto government Appwml For soult at uni wut inno in In coon Homer he said OnLario could work out an acceptable provincial plan to enter the na tiooal scheme nithout too much Idlustment Mr Munro spoke to reporters outside the Commons chambEr where he had said earlier that he would be happy to disruss the matter with We Pit mier John Robartsil the pro inter requested iL Unlawful Fishing PitAVE RUPERT BC lCP Captain Kicbim Akiynma oi the Japanese ï¬shing boat lion shim taru was charged hlon dry with unlnwlully tishin in Canadian waters The charge laid under the Canadian ï¬sheries Protection Ad is mooted to be heard Thursday bctoro Magistrate William Poole The Japanese ship has been detained here since it was or rested Feb 25 or nilegclly lish ing within the Canadian lzmilc ï¬shiu limit Oil Market olillntvn Eldon no ams PCCalgary North raid Monday in the Common then is serious danger that Canadas oil markets will dens norm in the United states He asked whether the govern ment will consider continental uii Wiley Acting Prime Minister hlitclv cll Sharp said all aspects ot oil policy will be discussed with the US and repeated that Prlme Minister Trudeau and President Nixonwlll Ian up the subject at than March 2125 meeting in Washington Train Bell Stall BELLEVILLE GP Bell Canada Ltd will spend about $i500000 to double the capacity of its stall training centre here to oomnmodaie 3500 students by 1970 Itcbert Scrivener president ol the company an nounced Monday aboiiti NHA Home Improvement Loans Training The metre will also include living quarters tor 15 students taking one to toureweek courses Buddey Bell manager in Belleville soul 10 per cent oi the students will come trom out side Ontario Admitted Yippie DTMWA CF American yippie leader Jerry Rubin was admitted to Canada last week by mistake Immigration Minis ter Alan tlncEachen said Man day in the Commons He said in reply to tumor prime minister John Dielcnha iicr that his department decided inst toll that ltubin lendcr ol the Youth International Party tYIPl would not be admitted to this country However the immigration nt ticcr in questicn at Toronto Id not recognize Rubin the minis ter said Rubin had spent about two days in Canada didnt make much impresion Rescue Fishermen WINDSOR Out 01 US Coastguard helicopters and Canadian boat mounth on in ternatooal re cu operation Monday to pluck stranded lishormcn lrcm large ice too in Lake Erie were ice fishing oil 1an ot Point Pelee iindser on an ullshore wind pushed the ice pack out into tho nlte Nurses Strike ilrflliLTON CPI Eighteen instructors at Hamilton and Dis trict School or Nursing say they will go on strike today iollowin failure at instrminiite concilic potion attempt ltonday The strike agreed to by vote Oct 20 had been set tor last Thursday but the nurses tlccidccl Wednesday to postpone it to allow lurthcr bargaining sessions TEE BARNIE EXMIINERITUEENY MARCH Its surprising how many people dont know aboutthesevery helpful loans Yet theyve been avallablethrough the chartered banks lordecades and lens at thousands of Canadians have taken advantage of their terms Appllcation lora National Housing Act Home Improvement Loan may be made to any branch ofa bank the loan can help you to lina repairs alterations or additions to yourhome Even the word home covers house or multiplefamily dwelling or housing project or even building consisting oi business promises and family housing units And you can borrow up to $4000 for example to improve onelamin dwelling inside or outside with up to 10 years to repay This covers everything from lnstallin repairing roof in short NHA Is vitally concerned not only wllh your Wellbeing at home but with the Illa andhaalth of your house we the cost of any number of heating system to building garagepto Yours exclusively And few short hours With us AI CANADA See your travel agent or contact AirLCanada Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation 130 Blonr St West Toronto Canadas Federal Housing Agency ilCotlierSiIenL Barrio mun zooam 363 tit xii2M5 ismhwgï¬QWQdr ï¬rst pa KW 5m 51