Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1969, p. 11

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Alas rot SAIE ramstsiMltKT BDHAGS mm mmmw FEED SEED It GRAIN 00me AIR TOOLS nmusuollznucroocm memorandumluau TIN himAll noon ashram cm IRE 41 ohm ST tn Km PERSONALS Open Monday to Saturday7m am to 530 pm Friday right until pm on are In at usual kn you old laminaan mute sat stress tar use lhl amour PEI no or Antihie at nutt mama Bub urn MD FOR SALE Dine mu chairs my nice For time lnlnrmtlal all mayo am Kant column Item In our nu it an to yum tint nr L11 and tuna thrustor atom turn complete in mm an NIH ln tum Like on Tue ram mm la Vida klatsena tumly round Muted Inf port asl models unmet meet bmtr at am mm WILD BIRD SEED lt mu in sum Yam me we sat era 5L mm arrlx Chrfluftrld halt telll tram unlit cnausuut bed £99K monsoon Trlwhorll res flu at nan 3113 carpets no numeral draperies Must ranttea ham That and Anlltl mom nutan lid plumes all ma Acts zacltn outer landsn Min 66 Domino main anus out tareor luv notes not and Quebec hell outlet max tolled unit mass lont at all mm also tam militant cuss mt tar nubile Mull runner utrdaulm pint tuc me maul rodeo immutable tan Mignon and mam or LA sons302m IDH noon an bananas BIRTHS looanmlalmluaeem Golan alum item mar tam Auxv chm malt ur man To ntnm mp first mm or inflrtduu Kidd Dunlap Want an or one all for appointment on no In nunounnox mailed In Tb nzntn duly be me In lama DRESSMAKI NG NOW Ls BARRIE Paiect rum Garments Slide alter the Iatea mm Irom luridknown silica hoo Les by Man killed ulriere No pollun needed For an nppoinlmwt call mm WOMENS COLUMN Pe rms SPECIAL $600 M051 TEES it WEB ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON mannered sum or Gladys you run oahm lntlld an Monaco NH lusting ll one June In Lynn Innerat name Dm vxle tor uncut um on nan on llama at no tun recto erary tattotnamrnt minute my Rapellntemmt Illa uty Illtiled remains in Inc lam duntints to la antarto Hurt Emma lm hla szn tn sear Jam Alvin Plan loved nomad bill Siakher den tamer or tatteen Mn ll nodal oi Tnmnln mired or stoneall linttitans rm or Primro halite 4m ltoct rltlm and Hand inn ntenm or and Rose IXL it sinnerll lln Lotme realm bend in Contra um siut or Samara rattli In Runya or Mam run 313 Xartem bed humel or it uh FIIWI unseat born of Brvntl on would be minted nan ampat Inc Perm General mini on Sunday or Emvaie hr nut Kenna Mmltdba oulhwn or as manrm and and mmm MY Satans Choice LLLzLLlcgm SHAW IS CHARGED AGAIN Court Disrupts KINGSIVAV court menm Monday by three men wearing Satan Choice gomszydtb Intel gal loud chariot in below the courtroom John Gillie of Oshawa Larry hlollrny or Ibronto and maria Grey at Illusion were remanded to March to on charges at attaching police otiicer during polite raid on Satans Choice clutth early Sunday The dleulnl unis mined the courtroom Inrnlttlre to vi brate came Irortt some oi the 25 other permit also arrested during the raid by city police provinclal police and the IIUIITP Ball was set at $1000 or Ol llie Mcilroy and Grey that the contusion In the courtroom prompted Crown Attorney John Sampson to ask that hall on raised Irorrt 300 Nentydtve other persons In dudlttg tour testaxe girls were charged as foundinn under the Liquor Control Act The 21 males were remanded to llarch hail was set at $200 The at males were romnndcd to March Bail was set at $100 Betty Fowler at Kingston pleaded guilty to being round Kingston are hederm Wan ner Ottawa Paul llohtnn and Walter Moore both of Toronto Dennla Patterson Windsor Ont William Iiughu Riot mood Bill Ont Ronlnold Hawks and Bernard Gulndon both of Oshawa Siuen Gold Itiebvale 0nL Frederick Fish er Alan Fatrcn and Gerald Dateuporl all of Hamilton Patrick Carey Markham Ont Carl Bridges ThornhIll Ont and Howard Sorry Petorbor out Ronald Scrutton of King atoll who was charged with having llquor In place other than his own nsidom was rc leased on his twm recognizance alter the raid DEATHS By THE CANADLAN PRESS MoscowAlexander Tolufil 58 chess master who represent ed Russia in European and lo tsruotlonal matches Monday OttawaDr Marius Barbcau I75 Canadian Inlklurlst and first FrenchCanadian to attend 0x rord as Rhodes scholar In hospital Clay Ssntv lleit who was acquitlcd Saturday morning at conspiring to hill PIE sidenl malmnflchlldnn at lunlm or seven brothers ltellln at the Jam ll Lynn INMXII tlontr 11m vtlr ane uu um Monday until lll nl1l on wronmay must tam to trauma Anut Church rut room amke pi no nos Tumours tantamount unlvnle Cemrlflr Chapel interaunt later in and was titled $100 with the alternali 01 60 days In lail SENTENCE SUSPENDED lira Peter Morley at King4 ston was placed on probation Kennedy waits to post band alter he was charged with two counts oi perjury by the New VACUUM CLEANERS Ilsa lmr and shalom Sana rllullrtx me Vacuums IDm LEL slam or harm LOST FOUND WALVLT drum nlttan nal an Entity an MA new 45 Dunlap St West mm Orlcans district attorneys oi flce Monday afternoon Vith Shaw is attorney Edward We mantl AP Wirephniol REFUND UNEXIECTED RICHMOND Va AP Os sldcllls or Virginias er Congressional District who cou tn each silver ltd ram meal my son spam ltdltaloa out IhliE mandate Tunado Hamil daunta beds at or static pen ram Also uhle unto nlIul road momma rzsowa wrxmmm nib lane Inr ule i7 snot lmr action lilh one new In excellent condi two and Telephone 17ml altar span ACCORDION months old Telnhone 73312 mu Bar mm my on nae ad 71H339 nAcnstrrsn lad female are urnn to old mllar Ln Allmale am sun please all msunar 7M7 llama amt louhd nav tnmtn and tore routA Female Road rot lanailiving and mm or um r1 on I0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP nutIr tummy tunn Cracks Alberl Plath nu Inch II Czpnu Kidd or no slatrte bottom hushrd pl EH3 Iltln dear no nonm or Bramnv wn lfllrt Ill1 le PIA II litWinn SEN DI Lmlll an Cvmnn It heme Resting the James Lynn Tunual lionit Dmlllt unill At the m1 rlmltal on Sun ma in at slu lltrse Mn Robert an tvecnetory than on Io menu Itnxltcnn coma Duns or Iltrrelnl nice It Pan rmwnn entomtznrnt an 0N MAY Canadians Demonstrate For Worlds Hungry Iar one year alter pleading guilty to being Iotlndqn Margaret illelrle of Ottawa and Mrs Brian Scott of King ston were fined $50 apiece on the same charge Others charged with being roundins werc JeIIrcy Mason lnhn Shappec Gerald Storms William Vanrhyn Brian Scott and Peter Morley all of the lrlhulod to the election cam paign Democratic chrcsont alive David Satlorliold III last fall have received our ot ls cents on each $1 contributed We raised little bit morn than we hudgclcd and was able to spend it little loss than planned said Sattcrfield who caslly won third term in the Unich States Congress OTIAWA ICE More lhan 509020 Catsdims pound the pavements on llay In mas slvc demonstration at concern il£¥hff°il2tll 3i Ior the needy ol the underdevel sear nlrhud Iluucbtgn anti lylu oped world $5333 Nonwalkers nill turn that ltesunn at on ham conm into hard cash by spam mm soring the hunger marchers at so much mile lot or 1113 1968 Into countrywide camv palgn involving more than 100 miles to Ottawas Ionbblistcring 000 people in 50 communitlcS Inmfle circuit at the national Proceeds oi allhast mama capital area Sponsors contrib werc shared by about dorm me anything Irom to cool organizations invnlvcd in lntcr milc up national developman Calgary topped the list oi cit This rm any been day lcs Inr receipts in teen when inhaled National llalk Day and 3W0 walkers brought the organizing committee varcv the pm art or hi1 nun DIDTXC OD unkhtdomzdet 35353155 Lummmwnk Nursing Emir nm line Tele AII zxrrlltnt madman 75 Km DDMI 215691 plrtr Ttllpllhllf 75H woluerantrd algal utntu acts the lids hula Ilium 1am and rm Sum nelzht Wren condition an run tr Home Brand nun Tdrpbflne lrnnh calla ma lxlme am 77360 was IDlnln sunk to care mm mm or children In my home an ind Cemetery man Interment alks vary to lcnlzlh ram 25 cunch aunt mantra or bur Emile cemeury my weekly at the Bond linen not Tutsday unlit upon an namely sum nm in Please tetranwae name bent Unitas Churn tor luncer no death In Imusllll rol lecuun or TamilWE lnzluelnr Inllnuea must be Mild Samplesc blame senmm tulle plu rm MALE FEMALE Misc at on Town tomhmellt nlmvalc Cemrlrry cowl Interment mm ltnqlry Uni Crmeirn In mmnntm will also share in the demon slratton by helping to adminiy tor the walks provide food scnting agencies expects more than 500000 people will take part Cnlario wrnntntilics already planning walks on National Walk Day May are Fort lVil CANADIAN RADIOTELEVISION COMMISSION The Canadian RadioTeletision mrrtission will hold Public Hearing in the Adam Room at the dialed lauricr Ottawa Ontario cmlmellclnx at 530 on Tuesday April 15 lens in comedian with the following Famous Playora Canadian Corporation Limited Famous Cunnunlcnuons United At Its hearing held in Ottawa Imrn No be 19 to Nov ember 22 1988 the Canadian Rndioflelcl ion Onnnrtlsslan twin me motile lovely kitchen chaise tollan Uld MirLe but haltnun matinsz ublk lull Xltblu Ilblr bank of chlr use all Dxlnunll itnltmr LLMIJ ankle also modem 1er mt enat 3v dellndtl immanent Dhunr Hui 1le lrutrllmmta and hook on Winter Burlap CHM omen cliiel KIDY edllmd to W175 drink and Iirst aid or just shout cncoumgoment rum the side lines The hunger marches which began as isolated Centennial Year projects to raise funds Inl swine charitics developed or hamPart Arthur Hamilton To rnnto Brampton Goderich Sar Thirlyflve communities In nia Chatham Barrie Vattord eight provinces havc already Niagara Falls Orillia Oshawa made plans or the 1969 walk 30 Lindsay Petcrhnrouglt Ottawa at them choosing this stay Bollclillc Kingston Brackville date and St Catnarincs as In the Canadian cancer otlld be appreciated IN MEMORIAM ssnnrla 1mm armory er Am hunblmi not not mm miter Sidney George smlta tho parsed Math tm not when we line out or rtnnt WANTED REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE Real Estate Salesman or Lady or Ehmale and summing area No ewerirrrrenmry Our company will train you Apr 35 PLAN WALK tmzart use and atmsnrles cum in tons 10M menact allot 1124 to an luman Set our rack of mean Also In mock music nrlelcam music lunch so plies for all Instrument and over low Dun sum or collectors Ye Old IlImIc saw Petra st mtlltn Um FRUITS VEGETABLES ply inpersou to the Management CHOUQIN CO LTD 205 Dominion Ave MIDLAND Join 5mm Countys largest Realtor nmmn route 0mm or Barrie am to ellm tun to on only Car or null mick nmtury Contact roman Star on 52 Burge none 72qu or emine men Anussay bushel and us Ertnx urn contains Elizvlntn hm hlnhwlv 29 miles won or Looxmnm snatch DOGS PETS VPOODLIE DACIISHUNDS nullity pewter at campctauve price D9 are our bullnul Tnhen mra llhlnr Lbrm $11 rout wcnyouue am keep us its mind 735373 Heexlell Mlnhnnt Poona Trimqu Pruletttonal morning an breefil nick2t and rectum 725419 mlrzal puppies tar relic malt and malt German Sherman week old Telephone mom marrun tor Kale purebred Remnant went ole Tele phone mass ARTICLES WANTED TO SELL 0N CONSIGNMENT Clothing antaswries household items small app antes sports equipment toys baby furniture Must be IXBLJIY cleaned and in good repair THE WISE 72343461 CASH or old all chlm gins hooks caulnflcs mm min Jlmrllz Tmt EAL alto mln rel baby om usan about eon 1M nun meat Marl Uookrtoun 4m FARMERS MRKT msmrmsrws 95 or Advanced ram syncms Klunenu Onttar mu dlncoun Li 1111er Ull For We Lth indomauan man no rock RR Tutan 71W FARM MACHINERY 1356 Joan limo bulldozer AI condlllnn also run type Lrlllcr low pound capacity Telephone no LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ran nu Holstein cow due nun roan vld brad llemum or null trade on beef cttue Applv cordon lloodnw 0m Sizqu Telmvne mm KOLSILLN mm for sale one near old For runner minimum telephone napalm GDDLNSEY her with milk quota Telephone 4556er Hanan coil or me one Tut on or soon saddle mock mp ew lee number 17 so er Apply telrpnoae MALE HELP INNISIIL TOWNSHIP roucn organan require POLICE OFFICER Qualifications awarding to the Police A61 of Ontario Applications may be obtained rtml innisfll Toundtip Polioe Department sumcz moon mangar required rm mllor can in Danie heter enm milked excel lent manually or Yilhi nun llrlte Bax rot Barrie Examine mintij 5mm Station leaned Grade II or beltel Satan pIIUJJlmlenalrsinn new in tonne to Apply ism only to ma Slatloll an field EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL lve mothuly on we to or when my vlln name Monday mourn Friday Alludale area Telephone muss warms man available or Part Lime work alter on use ch ends Telephone 12min TUTORING mitt ulz to Grade preferably Ill littar in students own DUEL Telethon 72851777 CAREER OPPORTUNITY Inr AMEIIIOUS MAN rlerl Itan in Barrie or area Marrind Trescnlly meeting the public Ior would like to meet the publicl Ile ill pay you bile training to become our sales represenb BIlYe Woolly for good income Car supplied Ali applications confidential and caretdiy consdercd For appointment telephone Sal tlrday or Sunday GEORGE SIYIAZS 7268231 MAURIIE mom MI Weekdays mm nouns handed box maul cruel 4mm 15 Slr taunt Strand 72mm con can old um Foiled would hm reasonable quantity ol hay sates HELP AGENTIL But Her out mind ntvfim rherLnrd In the hurt or um um lent blth lnrlnr and tone in all his aval Upright and just In all his or slums and Lnle In nun and mind Bullalltll memorirx be 1m behind almy remcmpzrcd ml sadly mined by wile and umily COMING EVENTS MR AND MRS vIES WNARD DI STROUD will be at home to friends and neighborson Saturday March 1959 to 9m pm STROUD MASOth Raid on the oczasiort of their WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1ND gifts pcascl Bingo Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West $300 JACKPOT CDNSDLATION $100 ADMISSION 50c In support of the Barrie Branch Navy League oi Canada BINGO JACKPOT $350 Canadian Legionllall Every Wednesday At pm Jackpot is played on regular cards BUGHTY BIN GO Everyafledgesday NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond OIIILLIA ANNOUN SIMCOE NEW PICS By IIIIS ANLESS George Smith and Archie Iran less attended the annual meet in DI Simone East L0L bold in Orillla Fit Mr and hits John hchill have mullnod from throwncell vacation wiLh relatives in New Jersey and Long Island USA or and llrs Tony Porrctla Linda Robert and David spent the weekend at Feb 16 with the laIIers parents Mr and Mrs Spain at Toronto lliiss Linda OgllviL Miss Shar nn Wznlcss and Mr and Mrs Tony Frtcrs oi Toronto were visitors on the weekend will Ill and llrs Archie llanless Miss Donna Ilae Sinclair COI Iingvrood was at tho home at her grandmother lIIrs Steve liawn and attended Catherine Dawn birthday party at Mr and Mrs Clineiltawns Other guests were Banhulomcw Guthrie and Misses Jean and Susan Bartholomew Barrie CROWN HILL By IIIIS DUNSIIIOIIE Sincere sympathy is extended to Ed Sutton in the recent death oi his brother Milton Sutton llr and Mrs Gordon Atkinson attended the wedding oi cousin recently at NorthCar GLIDE US llrs FI Sutton is visiting her mother Mrs Kimtvn at Pardon Salk airs Evelyn Gough is In charge oi the Bowling household while the parents Mr and Mrs Norman Bowling Allistvn are holida in in Florida lticltling attendéd the American Guild of Music com petitions Iur guitar Saturday and Sunday at Royal York Hotel Friends and nclzhhnrs oi Mr and Mrs lloy Partridge and farm CARDS 0F THANKS tMntl would like to IItEnIS clone It thank hours Dalston Ucw at towels nun cards alum my stay In boa nurses and run an era tloor winery Dr Watson Dr LIVlsLflnd tar yl nras lI ntma Dullth CEMENTS SPMIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Plat ntlnoi zxrnntzncm ml estate ulna Wmmrmfi pummel mulled Contact tax tau Runnable tlrota mm PIGS warnen to to int overNot Jul rm REPRINTS ham unclesrm bound ammo fly is luzmlr épnlllid Era um um C9 prints at any new pictures sale 0c to so hale Cyril cant Barrie cut all Engagements Marriages and Deaths Bird Announcements maaimum 49 words Cards of Thanks 25 words 20 COUNTY NEWS ily iormerly of Cown llzll gath crcd al the United Church IUI social evening In address was read by Rev Allison llaynos and Mr and hirs Partridge were presented thh too matching cnd tablcs by Clarznce and Harold III and Mrs Partridge are my resid at 10 Downsviov Dr Barrio ZIIAIICII MEETING lomcns Institute will cntcr taln Mitchell Square Il March ll pm at the United Church Roll call vcar something green and am member oi the WI becausef Motto no one is rich cnnugh in be without neighbor will he commented on by Mrs Hitkllnz film on Illa SevernTrent Walcrlvay will be shown Visitors welcome EDENVIILE hy ll GIFFEN Russell llaw and Douglas Gil ien have atlendcd agriculture classes in Elmvalc Edeuvalc Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs Don aid MacDonald Feb 12 The magma Around the World in an Afternoon was preparéd by historical research commit tee with Mrs Laura lcNabh as Parliament At Glance By Tuz amaan harass MONDAY Mirth 15479 Ertcrnal Atlairr Minister Mitchell Sharp said round tlwcloclr protection it being protided or Canadian work or at the CanadavPahistan nutlear power projects near Karachi Eldon Woolllanls PCCal gary North said there is sev rious danger that Canadas all models in the United Statcs Vvill deteriorate Ilealth Minister John Munro said there is no chance the ladcral go run on will change the provisions of the Medical Care Act Grace IIacInnIs IND Vancollver Kinsawoy pro posed Cnmmons inquiry into the treatment of laboratory annuals TUESDAY March The Commons sits at pm EST to continue debate on supplementary government spending estimates The Son ate mects at vonvcncr Mario GiIIcn was nont inated to attend oiliccrs contor cncc in Guelph lhc Vl are having skating party in Stay ner for tho children FLORIDA ITEMS on Feb II llirs ll MCEIWSIII and Miss Agnes Hopkins and Mr and Mrs any GIIlcn with more than 400 other Canadians attended the Canadian Societys Entertainment in the Fellowship Hall of Christ Methodist Glurdt St Pctersburg Vince liounliord formerly cl Orangevillc was master oi cercmonles Anyone who has attended the old timc fiddlers contest in Shelburne knows his ty as an MC Some celcbritics who attended were Mayor and Mrs Dennison oi Toronto and Mrs Gladys Cornell formerly at London who has bccn referred to as Queen at St Pctersburg since she is MC for many entertainment in that city She is the mother of WardCorncll wellknown Cana dian sports broadcaster On Feb 23 Canada Day at CALC was attended by at Inst 30 Canadians Some noticed there Iront Barrie area were Mr and Mrs Thomas Mr and Mrs Bill incldlart Mr and Mrs Gordnnlireland Mr and Mrs James McKclvcy Mr and Mrs Earl Parnell Mrs Ecardsall Mr and Mrs Hector Armstrong Mr and Mrs Gordon Wiggins Mr Corbett Mrs II II El all WANTED STOIIK srumn Seenonelatelyi Antorkdhnt in when the stark departs its iIme lortheWcicome Wagon Hostess to arrive with guts In baby and helplul Infor matlou tor the new mother But since the Stark out numberthe HosmsesWel come Wagon nerds spotters to help out Be stark spotter In our neighborhood Our ost esses Will appreciate your help and so will the new mothers To report ark righting call heard proposal by Famous Players Canadian Corporation Limited to reorganize iLa holdings in broadcasting new company would be inmrporated to be named Famous Com mtmimtlm Limited According to the applications the purpose at tho pro posal It to tseaie company vhidt by complying with the terms oi the dircdivu on foreign lmtcrship issued by the Goverranertt would be enabled to expand its activitiea The new proposed hoding Why would buy all the shares now owned by Famous Payers Eradizn Concord lion Limited litseveral PM All and television stations and In CATV companies Famous Communications Limited would also buy large portion ot the shares the individ ttala or mummies associated with Famous Players Cans Clan Corporation Limited in these various broadcasting undertakings The larger proportion of the share pun1mm wond he paid tor in shares of Famous Gmrmmications LirnZted Fantints Players Canadian Corporation Limited would then hold slimtly less than mat of the voting stock the new company and 100 the lass nonvoting par ticipating stock The individuals and companies previously associated with Famous Players Canadian Corporation Li milnd would hold approximately 557 of the voting stock The balance at the shares would be sold to the puhii flaring hard this proposal tor preliminary review in Ottawa in November 1063 the gimmission regards it as matter of gent consequence for the broadcasting industry in Canada and IeeLs it requires further attention and public dismisslma The Cotmnzslon during the coming months will study the ilrrpllCatlntls of the propascdcnrporatc and Imam aal more trout the social cultural econmnit and legal pozntol view specifically In that lite purpose of the Broadwaing Act and the directive lrorn the Government to the Commission dated September 20 1963 The Commission will hear the basic proposal and the petincnt appiimtlmis atils Public Hearing commending April 15 1989 dedsion will be announced after this hear ing For the proper conduct oi the hearing It is imperative that the requirements of the Board of Broadmst Governors vacedure Regulatiom be strictly iollowed Anyrupport op position or Dominant on the above menilnncd proposal or applications dlould lie tied with the Secretary on or before April 3rd 1969 in twenty no clinics Cantu ot the regidatitms may be obtained from the Queens Printzr otlau Ontario Perso thing to brica submitted thrcspoct anIca ons may do so during gular oitice hours at the ofllooa of the Commission as mdcou Street 0t lawa copies at this notice may be obtained by writing to the underlined Foster Secretary List of Companies and Places Involved In the Proposed Transactions BROADCAEII Televtslon de Quebec Danadal Quebec PQ Central Ontario Television Limited Kitchener Ont Drills Callmbia Television Broadcasting System Lmitod Vancouver 36 OIus 33 1391 of Okanagan Valley Television Co Rd audlOOxa DI ClmKTV Limited CATV 1011an TV Cable Service Urnltcd Jamin Cable TV limited Nounindict and Dranuord Gilawa Cable TV United Oshawa and Whitby Ont lian thoon IAlrrchd Port Arthur and Fort William Qnt Metro Cable TV Limited Brampton Burlington Toronto Mississauga Oakville St Catharinca Fort Eric Niagara Falls Welland tantrum Ont Cable TV Lid Montreal PQ WM 166 of Skyline Cablovislon limited Ottawa Duh 15 of Laurcutlnn Cablettsiou Limited Hull Q4 15 of Brockvlllo Atrium Limited Bra out Cornwall Cable Vision 1961 Limited flatneviston Medicine at Ilmltod Cablevlstott withrIdze limited Carnx Television infill Limited chtiurn and Estevan Sash lIalrdILm EDAxIaI IlOfiBI Limited Grand River Cable TV limited Badou Strauard New ilamlt lnlrg Kitchener Wattsloo Preston and Salt Ont Barrie Cable TV Limited 100 Lake by our rial photographers Please call at our Business Oli ice we are sorry we cannot accept phone cram additional words per wordl In Memoriam no verse and Cable TV Manna Metro yldeon thrilled Winnipeg and Pinawa ll Powell River Television Many Limited 0130mm Cable TV Limited Aihornl Cable Television limited FEED SEED GRAIN HAY FOR SALE Appmxlmaleiy bilen Tap 200 lkper line STRONGEST CURRENTS The war strongest rur rents are in the Saltljnld prices on request Norway which reach in knots Verse 1pcr count line extra Comm Events phone strand

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