lhil illï¬ï¬inil Rina YL Fult as REAL ESTATE Gallium415m 0U HAVE BEEN WAITING am he been mine luv you Ind here it isA line bedroom bunyluu will large lot low down payment ot 8m and only mam hatr new it to gether Joseph Dirrlmlo 725 ELM With this low price you can purchase ll norey lull in sllaled brick building three bedrooms located in ion Ile tails call Jim Martin T166001 WOW Lovely 50 acres or the low price ol $7500 uh snow downv Large volume of hush on prov only Call Lila Hird leti931 or WI 56000 No acres including house lneeds repair land alone warlh more than asking price $1500 rill handie the deal Cnll Fred Kcnney HOG or Angus ll5681 3m ACRES Sandy loam soil 175 acres are level and 115 acres of bush in rods of river through property Home included Cail Bob br Dee Hanson imam DOIIN PAIET SSNO 40 arms and small collar just an Highway 90 Phone lor more details Brian nr hing Wake Lcld Iliiwï¬ï¬l or IIISIRS FULL PRICE $3500 nAtlractive two bedroom home on acre of idyllic tree oov cred lnnd stream and beaver dam on property Ideal for yzung or retired to Dont omlss this opportunity Call 725 Bibi or iZISGEI SEE YOU AT OUR BOOTH AT THE CONTINENTAL LVN FOR THE BRIDAL SHOWER ON BLAIIGI 11 1969 t1vm=n Gumu mrsuz Manon Neman 725m Ammo bum hm Klein ham Stewart Wino EAlard Yvonne none 72512 Graham Title mm aim Hmln 7256001 MEMBERS BARRIB ORANGEVILLE TORONTO BOARDS BOWEN ST rr 7282379 APPRAISAIS MORTGAGE RENTALS BRICK BUNGAIDW bedrooms This is new home well built and located on the 9th line minutes from lake Smme hll us for an appointment to inspeti Only $1750 Bill Ilackuess Res nwm lllS Realtor 33 COLLIER ST bedroom aorev home Zbiu idwelL VILIIA EIDWELL W321 VI FISHER 7261 OBI RLALTOR DEVEIDPMENT LAND ed land in Innistil Twmship with 150 leel ol choice sandy beach fronting on paved roads All wned or collage land Terms and priced to sell Telephone John have l73 aces oi level Lre Peter Gulfoes outrage holds Available $12 lnng wire for this 115 roomy bedrunri home lotated out ol Barrie For lunherinlomratioo tall Lou Goedermndi just LOVELY sermon Split level home bri family llitdten Inthrooms Mm CAUL mom Id 161 neurons WW woman33 MW No it HAY miw mu SCANDW nilneon Alla wmi must Prlei Hinton 545 Anita and flutter Swill mom DUPIEX Cut do on your cost ol living by having an in cmne from an apartment Bad unit has bedrooms The location 01 Liis duplex is excellent lor renting BEDROOM HOME only about Foals old with lot of living left in it yet This home is close to the inmtrial area yet localod In good residatjal part icon All Rose Res mIIG BIDWELL SUVVIDALE ROAD ARIA garage 31 in wall hrnadloam in living and dining Large welt lreed lot ï¬om by appointment only OUR XEVIET LISTING china cabinet in Lyingroom is just one of the lovely features Iered home Extra bedroom ï¬nished in base ard and doset space lhrougoout Lot size 64 axes Dali Ivan Bidet EUTII LLOYD malls IV EMORY MILLER Paint SQUARE henmom hlngaloa lull base mcrz min recreation room poied drum and termed yard Call lily bedroom home only blocks karti public hifli schools This very attractive it storey wmes mmfleie garage and ï¬lliï¬lai recreation ram Call Ed Donnelly usmi SIDIIIY owlMn nonrva new Runny mum is COMPANY Baylield ï¬reet PHUIO MLS REALOTIS ttadiad garage with nice large kitchen ixoadloom in living oorn Dustin built home with lull bosamnt You should one Is home Int sire ooxwo Financing can be arranged for on Give our personalized reryice try Please it home Hay EAOIOUS DREW git large livingséomn with dining area real nz prim M500 Terim Gil Irene Form in further details on em MalAnTHIl mow MARY MORRISON mm nein For SALE i00LTDMLSRFALTORleCoIlierEmlamm Angus Ml Sleburne mo lulu Belds £94560 Mindm GET IN ON THE SPECUIAIION 8003 ï¬re acre of registered 82 division nilb breathtaking View of Georgian Bay Call George LIYIWD or Vasagn Beadi SAVE SIIE Low price on this businm only till Sim I5th My equipped restaurant oilh tables bstool counter and barber sbq and thin quarters located in lost growing connoinityg hill price 83 with terms Call Plt or Theresa Byrne man Ill PLUG 31630 $3031 no in more you Into this bodroml home Conveni ent to adioua am downtown Newly decorated thmuflaout Immediate possession To in spect please call Hannah Pent Iand mm IARGE DINING ROOM INew bedrom bridr veneer bungalow Auachbd garage OCcntrally located on bus route For lurther paruwlars call Dolly Mandi M4 or 4401 GIOICE LAKElow LOCATION Near kille Simwc This home needs little completing but uhere can you get beckoom home villi large living room good basement wiih partial rcc room electric and breed air all beating situated in one of the boiler resort area just south oi Barrie for only 51631 Let me show you today Call Pal Caner loom Na toll charge minnow DireDoll Hamil ndlleriiyb Jeanine Pit Euler Hannah Penillnl an wood PHUIO HIS REALTOR oi Inuislil and only couple of Dink Hartley 12379 Mortgage funds available TELEPHONE 7234430 in one of Barries beiter areas BIDWELL m1 CY MCKENZIE MIG 67 DUNLQP ST Free hummer Parking Halal BUNGAIDW REAL um CARSON PHOTO M15 REA10R woman STREET NEW Blilui HOME belhom nvinmom bloben and muelbuirabousennrineaxrpletiouJouledbnedzeol odious obere taxes are low llmoedinte posesion MVII handle Call MD 7266161 mvunr Emmi AllEA AMANDA hewbroornlnidrbimnhw3bedroumaridurportllueian bomedosotosdmkandbunespricodatfllmllimlrelool iiulnrneoodhmullRuseHCamnmslsl mm one am in mommiuccrniiEnnalemna nun Lang moill FRANK NELLES PbctoILIAaIlullor nmvrmsmm OOIRVIRY RETIRED1W HOME1 bedroom numb bungalow on lowly landscaped lot acres Iinishod recreation roan lined breeuwaymmelowmuCaummulorlnspwon EVENDIGS CALL WELL WILLSON OLDER THREE BEDROOM BRICK HOME Close to sdioola bis slop at law in my good eondiiion ï¬nandng available gt $55m Cal Mrs Atkinson No 179 VIA POSIBILIIY Nine two bedroun brick bungalow under two years old with apartment in bnsanent Situated on bail acre of land Call Keilh Mohlaster 425668 No ill9 DOXI FENCE IIE IN WitVI HOME WITH WIS OF LAND We have several among them is this two bedroom bungalow situated on dirt am in On with cdar hedge and many maturetreeaThinweottIuslameoalleerambertJmm No 119 LARGE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT central location avail able immediately mo per moth Call IIIIS Atkinson mod 5mm rum more LIMITED PHOTO IIIIS REALTOR 194 DUNLOP St IDEAL OFFICE LOCATION Ior sale or lease on main street Omnilete second floor area if leased owner will alter to suit tenant OOSDflzRCIAL PROPERTY IN HIE HEART OFCITY 1500 square leet on main floor Ideal further lnlormatioo N0 emu LII Modern brick bungalow with large livingronm centered around large brick ï¬replace fully modern kildicn lamin size diningmom piece bottom basement electric heat Altadred garage Terms available hll today Fred Taylor Paul Penman Charlie Read Don Campbell smut Campbell mm DISTINCTIVE HOMES In The Distinctive BARRIEVIEW SUBDIVISION lllghcmlt Road South endof Barrie l0 DIFFERENT PLANS Under ma ton dose to NmnSmnott BiIIIIiniItm Leo Cirmorn hunk Nellu SHELS ms REALTOR no DUNIDP 51 mm 731105 7788313 mom mine rumqu Helen Knownmiss ROGERS CONNELL Photo ReaIIor DUN STREET EAST At the Five Points Phone mason EVENINGS CALL FRED EPLLTI M93 CHAS ROGERS new SIMOOE EDD ORO Fumishcd bedroom cottage livinzuoom Menvilhmm boards pieoe hath screened alnporoh two extra Ironl lots Full price $17 Contact BEF TY NEWTON Haukestone OEIILIA an ace industrial lot in town with six room house all conven iences Full price $010 Con tact BEIIY NEWIDN Ilavdrev done tormo II KEITH 119 REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babooek Barrie Cclnouzne Stroud Spencer Thornton Snow Stroud Ed Green Barrie Betty Newton Hawkestone Lillian Roberto Marguerite Moore and Pituimminl Churchill norm Torry Stevenr Zlmvale i71W Ernest Walls Barrie 134209 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 loo Bayfleld St 7231071 Appraisal Llstlngl Invited my 436133 45392 Hill 7mm arr1103 7250927 732256 MLS Realtor ITE ELVA MILLS mam PROPERTY FOR SALE RES 7287389 Doug Campbell mom 4565341 7mm Richard tDickI Beer meow Ron Allan Dori Marshall All electric Underground Wiring all and n5 lla Mortgages BETTER BUILT HOMES BY cont some DOUG Horton ALEX ISERANUI mm 736649 INESON MLS REALTOR 7284294 Catherine miremow Toni Portermew on Realtor IGRIESBACH SHANTY BAY 72817844 PRICED TO SELL Smart 25tomblink4spadoda rootiis double garage fam ily room with ï¬replace and parquet lioor broadloomod immaculate throughout An borne reduced $1000 $1290 inmsm Year round home terriï¬c loca tion for ice ï¬shing and swim ming Broadloomed living room attractive kitchen plus utility porch bedromns piece bath 141w taxes M15 SUMMER BUSINESS INN ISFIL Water Iront lomtion Snark bar immersion booth dance hall li cence present post ofï¬ce ran arise Excellent opportunity or ambitious pimple Ills RAWN Real Estate All Broker 309 BAYIIISLD SI SPECIALIZDIG IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evening call Bill Rawn Simon Beekan Dick Draper PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER JOHN IL WHITE WWO 129 Bradlnrd 5t mm mom 131 725074 donation Phone today for on roll nWN unrtuze nuoy timber puttcuim tel one no em TRAVEL TRAILERS lm Con1r travel tuner iuiimmoped excellent condition RENTALS APARTMENTS +0 RENT mm Electric heating $140 per month 72oom mum 7mm Corner of Hayfield and Grove The ultimate in living acm modation Starts at $165 Call or appointmenI mm Now luxury unitnon one and Iwo bedroom opartmmtl modern op or In our MODERN PLANT pilgrim canny Cnhle REAL esrAre PROPERTY FOR SALE CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers Dlnlop St Lil Ind and mum and are on low monthly payment We buy your pm Ind and mortguea IA tumin manor mgr zlirrluul mom II Dem sllml hum um ma mime out TORPEY Rent mo Broker SHANIY BAY mans Jul COUTTS AND no OWEN ST mm MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo M15 Realtor EVENINGS GORDON III Coons 7287175 SANDY OOUIIS WALTER COUIIS mall Gibson WiIIoughby IllLS Realtor 29A Ontn St 728474 Evenings Lloyd Tilly 7736663 Larry DciVilda mom Miller HAHW LOTS FOR SALE nflnï¬hrug nere lggmrlver on me 21mm Torohto PROPERTY WANTED COTTAGE PROPERTY Winled to buy with or without eonre Aoomximlely loo root likenout rantre within loo mile noun or Barrie ilurl be mien Iblypflcrd Write nox Bani Exlmlner WINrnnlznn outline wanted to buy bedroom modern corn we iiicu Write no nlma Ellmlner littnl Dartlculln DUPLEX wornw tn Bmie Good no payment Must be In Kood repllr Write norm Barrie an aminer MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on ALL Hours rmuls AND COMIIEHCIAL rnorznrns 90 0F VALUATIONS ll YouNeed Money ln romolldlte debts Pay oil nxLllInl moflllzel 0r martian comlnx due lIone lmnrmzmmd Anv worthwhile cause Wrilc or Phone 7260981 Mortgage Funding are SimpsonQSears 12 Dump 51 Member Ontario ilengan Broken Amelilion mi zvllllhll In nurciure name We will even lend you money on vour momre Lnuuin Marta Fundlnu immi sncorrn monrrrs moronsen for cash on behall clientt bnmed lute Commitments Frank Nelle Realtor mitos rtl wrung mortllgu mall on OriIIln Manure co nox gsIHOIlOuia uii neemi INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transler your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage ol any kind lee STEVENSONS lln DUNIDP ST an on 72mm springClecthp Tittle RemembeLNothingiCledns Up nmmntnmxmmmavmtm ZAPTS FOR RENT THE KEEIPENFELT ï¬wiï¬ï¬omii rim on nvnrunu Item um no on In Mm loan milling polled sï¬umuuliï¬ in viable tauntIts Mun onlr Phone mot AVAILAle um Io bedroom tielat Iputment mm and rem orator Found Free Irklnfl III plow Ilundly rerlli en end lilo monthly klbphone mien Itrnumvl room mm adult enlnnct inn lban suit wo Manna on onuuru or Barrie Telephone no bedroom Inmflll or rent Unfurnished Passion Irma ll ltul Ind hydro mopued Mini llellltln leirpbnm mus mu FURNISHED or mirroring ten bedroom bmmeut nymment in now home stave rem mm and but lied Park rpm Ilull1L elrohum mime erra NI MIG bedroom wflmrnL Ibo one bedroom mrtmeur iron and mixertor nu led laundry with pent es Itde only ï¬tglllbln April Televbone llvn bedroom heated abutment ituve inn rrmrmwr luppllld nom lociier 1m oarkl nun dry lullllleL no no door ms monthly Avrilbi him is 71841 ANGUS4 bedroom helled opul ment untumlsnen Avrlleblb mn hull monthly Tklephone BEDROOM lament Drlvlte In lrnncu rucpiice womb sits monthly include mi and ultiIllu mention mom uxnxoonl routineit llvlnl room utchen buntom prime minus itorur room Av Able limb is Telephone mot ANnusTwn bedroom apartment for mu hell mo hydro mpplien Rea noble Telennnnostronn Lio lm alter pm AvanAnLy now furnished rooms benslliim room and kttditn releannnr 7mm SMALL unlumuhrn room ment rrnuno rioor relhtonta ed furl entrance love and re rlrmtnr wbï¬llrd very eeulni Sull adults only Ihone mom APTS WANTED TO RENT nmuluu lmmedlltcly Suitable icmmmonitlon Ior recent Czecho uovakiin immlmnt family Two rdulta inn tvm rhlldren are and limit murl tr reasonahln Con mi Due TIlonuon Cann Illn ooner Centre Home HOUSES WANTED nmu hnule muted to nut In or our Minus Required by Apll write no box 517 Anna 04larlo woonwonm executive rennim or bedroom home to rent would prefer largo yard Party posrmlon required Please tele phone in Dnhaiiir ireml blui nm noun Inl year round UCCDDIMY or II country hullIE nelr Blflll Iur tnrll or earlier LIMP liter pm HOUSES FOR RENT nmnomr town house Avlllnble immenialily For further Interm lion ielern ne mml helmen And pm week om only LnnGi Inter bedroom noun III in lira bnlkynrd Close to en tral coileeiale nip monlbly lele nliene 7154955 uznlmoli house or rent Mormon ol New Lowell All convcnlencel Avallohln March mo monthly moan ntonml bedroom muse for rent very central nvollnnlc almorl im mrniilely $150 monthly For more Infarmiliall telephone notions ROOMS TO LET rmLVlbirzn bedroom to rent In nrlvate home warrior renrlrmn or mile anneal near mick inr Telephone 7mm ctan turntsiied room for mnl linen suooiled Gentleman prefer redielLoonne 75mm some rain centrally locum linen lied parktntl Apply 71 uy Street or telep one mom noovaNn BOARD I100 Ind Mani aVIIIIbll wltahlc in nuslnm xiii close to hoevltal and mornian Collcle In Plaza use PLYMOUTH neivrnere or interior lhamnoo motor olema 1552 cimvnom door huntoo in engine lLIIIt iioor mm In In enndltlpn Alio in hp no em aIIIC complete win commtor brand new moo ml voanwnaw stltlon walon eerurlule or mechnnlcll rltnen szlndlble low cost lrompomllon it 5550 Telephone Mil wnzcwla III rum oum cbev rolet lor ulc IIIIMRIIIC 11 In condition Telephone idiom taco mill Humanoid complete rebuilt lrnnlminlfln new ualnt too in very road condition Don arrer Telephone 75415 Mint uil tel hone Mr lraiw mission men between rm Ind p111 The first the foremort the only one that went to the Arctic any week Telephone or pm MOBILE HOM TRAILERS am RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Nortlflander Parts andrservige ItEN Cash or Terror up to It Years inctan in An us rar THE WILLOWS 255 Dunlap Most centrally located him maisonette for rent Upslaln downstalrr Balconies or Patio Divided washroom Over mo sq ll of space Stove fridge washer dryer Phone 7231413 THE BAYFIELD APARTMENTS 728554 ll Hwy Burton Ave moss an amount Mobile Home or Clll em mom ALUMINUM SERVICE Sellstoring window iler izooosl 134 ESSA no mond 31 per bullet wunlnr Ind Iranlnx no in mirtr Ilckflp Ind doliwr mow RUG CLEANING Proloilslonal carpet and unhol ltery eleilrilnil lN YOUR HOME PAINTING PAINTING DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Also sign painting European experts VAN NOORTWYK 114 Rose Skeet moors PAINTING ma decontlnl rm elllmltu Telephone YIkO 72mm flouu Palntlnl interior an extr tor Venr reluni la nu tel shutters polio doorr siding Windows recaulknd replaced with modern sliders OHIGHESI QUALITY LOWEST PRICE SIMCOE CARPET CLINIC 232 llUIIONlI llD glue our sin Adultl Telephon week um 57 ilJv PHONE 72847 Mr loo commRCIAL Truck menu home unlel niuter erulmln ll Yllil experience 725 TSUBONE PAVING on 723 terrific iurruturc and ap pliance bargains or Want no RENTALS ROOM AND BOARD Wooin with rum it no ll Guild llntlm maximum mum mm FARMS FOR RENT mm mm name or not Mb union immediately in minute with or ramre tn comm all on Line irex illrbuv menu lelwbvue oimui OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT nun on or emu for not io1 nunlon tail use month net Anulou mm OITICI rpm to Nnt InterimIt ly and onuue Heller and wiln wunrm helllllel In slam muntclpli bulldlm Triephopl ou ulo durum otllco noun gt AUTOMOTVE TOM HUGHES 13an SERVICE Corn lete repair NEW DUSTRIAL BAllERlES FOR TRAClOItS Em $20 SNOWMOBILE BATTERIES new and rebuilt Reasonable 725v7822 STARDUST GAS BAR Highway no north miles east nl hllnesing OPEN DAYS WEEK SAVE ON GAS AND OR CARS FOR SALE Rays SIMCOE MOTORS LTD JAVELINV Tiflin St mono moimu AND S0N ESSA no new ms FORD 351 enllnc door mlo with glacnebiolloroMTiiPiéinlA can on er one muse nle door birding nulonuuc gander Prime elepnnn 7m DUNE BUGGIES Plbr in bottle tollt Volknwllenl Ammo colours may Pro Hun wm Strand calm DIRTY can paLnted we robs rcran rites weenKn Service moo 1988 CHARGER SNOWMOBILES BOMBARDIER SK IDOO on display RIDGEROAD MARINE Ridge Road and Con vAuroMorlvr NOWMOBILEQ illlE ALL NEW SNOW CAMPER HERE is THE ANSWER to the hunter lblwrmm Lionmowerth it lite on skin cut up in It eat in it my out cube Mobile and best all on It all year modefl Highway Tl Mldhurlt 728411 ALL ALUMINUM SNOWSPORT with the GERMAN AIR COOLED ENGINE Kerv Johnston nlolori Ltd YOUR Barrie Volkswagen DEALER Gown st Int Esau Rd Barrie POLARIS Sales and Service BOLENS LAWN AND SNOW EQUIPMENT CAL MADILL nighwry new no SNOWMOBILING zoo acre Inn at WRTAGE TRAILS off Slmcoe Road between Hwy 90 and Minédnl Special Saturday night Safaris rental or own imddnes Old fashioned sleigh ridu by ap polntrnenl Hot beverages ml of mi MOTOSKI Sales and Service Immoan common no Bradford St nilSatini urn ll ILI Silldoo runner lnlomullon lemmas no ecu in sumo in ii owner gorilla condition Telp on 7237313 Grondvlovrv Ford uInlet illl uonmnnnrm amount no lid in imp Excellent cond llon Mult Mn and tried In bl lpprenlllld Telephone mm mutual lm silllino inn trailer in hp iued only noun mo in ortrlnl casL Telephone mom after om loeo SKIDOO Super Olymploue IO brill llceneed Ver nod dlLio swim 154556 n7 MOTORCYCLES m1 cn up Ito ula mllel memoir Indian TRUCKS FOR SALE rm eru picku and 325 insloco 1m moment TrentI rxceflem conditlon Mktnr enroll Telephone norm We an inn run ion mewnmwlth flock min and low mllulo Tele phone om INS vm I10 or no to IllIlldlII or ulgmW Ailrs ron SALE NORTHWAY Rolls Co LTD tlho house of fine broadlitom Remnants all door and priced DOMESTIC AND woolen EROADIOOM Telephonn 497221 ALL us FIRST II We are Skilled in our Serviceand Will give you Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE PLASTERING thin men III and In wirmmiur emu 721mm SIGNS PAVING Manierl Paving Italian Export Co of Barrio Free Estimate Work guaranteed ASPHALT BOOK NOW rum earnurns 10 early spring pavinz ALUMINUM Driveways pnrklnz Iota barn RE Stroud We ynrllr IRONING FREE issllMilw Also on cement work Garage door patios Telephone collect Cannot or production ialhe work Itouombly vrlced CIII Al 2217 liter wn RENOVATIONS warn nmwma Mllflan lumiitlan rm ntlmlin flfllflnfllfl were TIIIDIIDII5€DII Mr 11 1707 the lab you hlvo be PatriciaLek Ilium in mm sl mom LocAL IIIlllln obium mun Came mica 67 Collier St thI mull VCARPETING HEUGAIIIE CARPET or commercial and ruldentlal Best carpetlngln the world Free lolomultlou and domooatrntlon BIDMS CLEANING SERVICE 206 Napier St 72MB SNOWPLOUGHING INoerowrNo VI ma lull Allandalnengndlrvtrtfl 72 lm mum or mom Min LATHE WORK lonr in room cupbolrdl homol um rronu unint Ion loo in onion ImIII rimu moist mNn mnoniy mm mm INSULATION outing remodelilslugllflflnnl Illa HANDYMAN 5de hlvp done Prom TRUCKING Watch Classified nor ior Telcunonl