examusnreternoues WW 15M All Othe Dcpernnuu Quotation 105n Your Benson Attempts To Spread Tax Loud More Evenly WAStthGTON CF Canadar tax relorms will try to spread the tax load more tairly but there is no prospect the total tax load can be reduced dramatlcally ï¬nance Minlster Benson said Monday night The Canadian minister him sell an accountant spoke to the annual mnlerence ol the Tax Exemtim institute and said be hopes that by next year at this time the relormed tax system will be operating it was his longest and most detailed speech yet on the sub ject The governments tentative proposals will be made in June and submitted tor parliamen tary study in September After the parllamcntary committee enuuin the government will make deï¬nite proposals tor tax relorrnwhich will not then be retroactiveand the mcnt hopes to have them uritA ten into law by tom ltr Benson noted that two big steps toward tax relorrn in Canada have already been taken and that they parallel similar mores in the United States These are the taxing oi tile insurance companies and policy holders and revision ot estate and gilt tnst with total exemption tor estates passing between husbands and Wives We are now ready to move tnretarrn ol the balance at the mum Becalue ni budgetouting se crecy Mr Benson could not re veal now what he has in mind tie suggested as other ï¬nance minister bciore him hare done that there should be machinery in Canada for more public de bate on proposed tax changes More they are decided and an trounced 1t may well be that in such an we we In Canada will have to reexamine our tradition oi secrecy to tax matters he said After the governments tenta tive plans are outlined in June in white paper it will he sent in September to committee tor public hearings The whole system at taxation can then be argued including the parts oi the core which the government doe not propose to amend as well as those that it does While the committee hearings were in progress the govern ment would consult the prov inces on its propnsed tax changes lie noted that most Provinces now set their individ ual income taxes as percentages ot the tederal tax in order to have unitarmlty oi application Brace lFor Vote In West Berlin BEELIN AP East Gtmany matching gainst West German pru tdenttal eledlo to be held In West Berlin on Wednes 531 closed Mmfll mitt babn nus between at city and West Germany tale to day BERLIN tAP West Berlin made ï¬nal preparations today to elect new president in West iterlin despite stiitened Commu ntst opposition and threats to the citys road and air access routes At least hall at West Ger marrys 1036 resident electors had flown to Berlin without incl deal by Monday night although the Soviet Union warned it could not guarantee the saiety par us British and much planes carrying delegates to the Fderal Assembly that will elect new presidentmdnes The Western Allies remanded to the Soviet threat by reiterat ing they hold the Russians re sponsmle for security in the air corridors Those arriving atonday includlt ed the two candidates to sue needPredent Heinrich Lnehke Detence Minister Gerhard Schroeder ol the Christian Denn ocrals and Justice lï¬niner Gus tav Iteinemann Social Demo crat Foreign Minister Willy Brandt and mostoiber leaders of his Social Democratic party also were on hand Chancellor Kurt Georg Keisim gcr flew into West Berlin today aboard US Air Force Coir stellation that is regularly used to take the chancellor and West German president in and out oi the City The chancellor asserted that the election is thoroughly peacelnl occasion that does not disrupt or threaten anyone or injure ranyones rights He also said it is Sign at West Germanys legal lies with West Berlin ans The Examiner TODAY Ann tandemc City Neva2 canned1o ll Cannes7 Deathsll mumr EditoflaH Sportss mares rv wrap7 Wannera WomenIC My WAWvrmkvzml inurxrzzwn ummrcmrmerxw Millions Of ChineseParticipale In AntiSoviet Demonstration HOXG KONG Mias llj tins at people took part in flï¬nv Sn at lions throughout China during the last ours prntestlng against ï¬at dc dash robbers were killed ed Peking charged the Russians drcam or an armed occupation in with the United States in anemia to codrde aura Radio stations in Peking Cam ton and Tibet today reported demonstrations involving bun dreds at thousands of people all along the 4Mnifle border with Russia and in every major city More than 400000 people dam castrated outside the Soviet Embzs in Peta llniglayai ternoon and event the ottlciai itadio Peking raid The demonstrators carried plade and chanted sloagns denouncing Russia for em coaching on Chinese sniL They also held huge rally to warn China would launch counter attack agath any future intm awn 0mm mums Heard Threat To Computers liODTRBAL GP police tconstable testiï¬ed Monday he heard threat to destroy may ptlltrl at 5r George Williams University seven hours before police riot squad moved in to end stndent mum at the university last month Constable Alatnrteroux told the court he was outside the entrance to the illva oom puter centre shortly More am Feb it when etudmt chanted to policei It you dont go well break the computers Constable imzx said he impulan identity iherdent mmwmmt 1betndooratoibeuntn were open and could see him holding round metallic dirk over his head The threatenax made alter pt line had laroed doara open and then retreated when they were met with hail of broken bot tles and pieces oi furniture POLICE CUT The witness said two police men were out by flying flats Constable lanai was testi fying It the preliminary hearing of Kennedy Frederld 29 at Grenada rim of in adults charged In the £000000 do atrucilai rpree with conspiracy to commit limit and damage We Idiotic Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday March 69 WEATHER Sunnyiriiba tow dondtheh Ramble vats tans NotAMcn Titan SUSPECT ISHlD and tern lOePor Copy 12 Page IN QUEBEC BOMBINGS Bombs And DYnamite Are Found During Police Raid MAYOR JEAN DRAPEAU Centre congratulates rtontv real police attcr man was arrested in connection with the recent bombings in the US Reviews Procedures Montreal arca The man was arrested alter raid on home in Montreal today Po lice olticiats are lrom lctt Sergeant Robert Cola head at thebomb squad Inspector Felix Juan and Police Dir cclor Joan Paul Gilbert CP tircphotai In Liglit Oi PuebloInquiry WASHINGTON CPI The unhappy case oithc Amnrican spy ship Pueblo still urilolding in Calitarnla with harrowing de tails about North Korean brutali ty the crew has already set some milestones More may be created tor United Staics mili tary procedures belorc the Fuch to story is ï¬led away The first at what may be sev eral congressional iavcstiga lions apart tram the Calitornia naval inquiry nay drawing to close begins here today Chair man Otis Pilre at House at Representatim armed services subcommittee said the 2111va sis will be on gaps in command between the Pueblos naval and intelligence personnel on gaps in communications and on the code at conduct for American prisoners violated by the Pueblo crew The incident has altered US and Soviet operating procedures tor their electronic snooper vcs eels m5 DRAWDuG chow bmv thelunar module left at pears in space today while tidied to the Apollofl upm lt is possible the us may do cide to alter is military code lur American troops talrcn pris oacr The gist at this violated by the 82 suniving olflcors and men of tho Puchlo is that pris onch when captured shall give only name rank service num her and birth date ONE KILLED 1N SEIZURE The crewone man was killed in the ships seizure in Ja ry 1968may receive anything irom commendation to court martial at the naval inquiry being conducted by five admirals Eut heads could roll higher up the ladder tor what were ob vious inadcquacies and errors at judgman at senior levels The known records oi the us any act are not particularly in spiring The destroyer Maddox oac oi the two v5 vcsscls in the celebrated and controversial Gulf oi Tonkin incident at Au trait as it orbits the earth The astronauts are checking out the operation at the cam hlnedsoaccshiwindwiaz gust l96t was an electronic tn lclligcnce ship NEW HSTRONBUT PLAYS IT COOL HOUSTON AP The rookie astronaut on Apollo ltnsscll Schwclcltart is proving to be the most rc iaxcd mcmbcr at the crow lit launch Monday his hcahibeat was only 72 com pared with rate at 135 for James Achivitt the camv mandcrvand veteran of another flight And when the crew was sleeping during the ï¬rst night Schncichart was breathing only l2 times minute compared to 20 tar Achivitt MONTREAL OF to haired bearded young man in dirty khaki leans was arrested today in an early morning raid on an ensbend tlat where three live boats were iound Jeanlhul Gilbert Monireala police director declined to iden tity the inspect at Mm coa terence but descrdted him as ï¬ycarold Canadian He de clined to say whether the mans nmtticr tongue was English French or another language ltlr Gilbert said that the pre dnwn raid on the topdloor flat in downtown threestorey tenement building uncovered three homemade bombs sticks ot dynamite and too deio nntors Also round was par tially completed iotntb bomb The police director said one at thc three ltvo bombs was boo bytrappcd it was placed in suitcase and set to explode when the suitcase was opened Woman Expected To lead Israel JERUSALEM AP Golda Meir lsraelr leadlnz woman politician appearalo be ebon in for Interim prim mlnlater the Jewish state The Wearold grandmother won cycmhetmlnc endorsement tmm the ruling Labor partyr leadership bureau Monday and reliable sources said the is vir tually certain to accept the poet Mu ileir had beenireported reluctant to talte the job be cause other health but she told an interviewer Sunday Ice strong enough its just the primomdnisters lob is horrible especially at time like thin when the country is in state of continuing hostility with the Arabs Fearing an explosion police dispelled the shcrecy surround ing the raid and evacuated about so residents oi the tone ment block DEVICE DENIED Police experts disarmed the device There have been It bombings in the Montreal area this year including terriï¬c blast Feb 11 in the visitors gallery at the Montreal and Canadian stool exchange which tainted Tl per was Mr Gilbert iald that in the raid police tound literature and posters lrom Russia Calm and cub and documents reierrlnil to the Front dc ludieratlon Que becols separatist terrorkt group that claimed credit tor series oi bundling in 1963 that killed one man and maimed an other ior tile lie said the police action couldmark tho beginning at the en ot the current bomb wave bat cautiously added dont want to be too optimistic More arrests are expected be said He declined to say how long the downtown flat on St Dominique Strcet just north of Pine Avenue had been under surveillance He raid he has reason to be lieve that bombs were made in the tint and taken from there to be planted tor the Front do Liberation Quobecols Docu manta tound in this flat would help pollen in their current in vestiaailon The police dtroctar dastaibcd the arrested man as member ottthandeaidbehadalso been an active metthee of this Rauemblement your llndependanca Nationale Expect Nixon To WamSoviels Tonight Against Berlin Conflict WASHINGTON floaters decision by President Nixonin hold televised news conlerv encc tonight atarted mutton be will warnltursta about the risk or an Eaereet confronta tion over Bollin The hourlong conference starting at 9pm EST will deal with mien polio lam it was originally sched uled tor Thursdaythe day alter planned West German presidential election in West Berlin on within animation the White lime my an nounced the canierence will take place day before the election Diplomatic observer he tell 1N Casi or narrower Lighten Ap HOUSTON CF Still linked nosetonose with ht moon cab the Apollo 17 astro nautr gave their spaceship ruchetln kick upward today to malre it easier to handle it rear cue is necessary in rtilry man oeuvres ahead James McDivilt David Scott and Russell Schwelclrart tired their rocket engine It 912 ill EST tor alth two minutes The spacecralt engine deliv ering the power at jet lighter plane boosted the high point at Apollo Bs orbit to about 211 miles with low pntntot 121 hm tiring at the main on nine which chills path at or hit to cllntlcal between mllca Thats pretty good the as irnnauts reported when mission control told them the hgum at the new drblt One at the aim at the planncd rocket tiring was to re duce the weight at the Apollo by 7355 pounda This matter the ship easier to manoeuvre with less loci and backs up its abil ity to rescue the untested moon cab it necessary in days ahead it alaochecks outhow well the autopilot handles the co od wobble oi the co blned spacecratt in rapid boosts oi power The Apollo astronauts uid they did not get as much wobble no they had expectation this rocket tiring The scene at or the lint rocketing mann vreol the day when hthlvilt reported irom space An intereitlng aldelight here ttauflml He told the earth that when they accelerate their combined vehicle they get lot at wobbly night He said it ex acted the rocket tli ny tairly exciting the astronaut ened shortly It reluctant to rile Voiced and ohvlmnly mo ed on their ucond day When ground lton Evans an and in mice hiflx in wire photo Drawingi irom space sounded brlk and alert bwzever the utm nautc proceeded to tot down an updated flit plan and other technical data preliminary to itlï¬hrlaya labors ontheir today Alter that the next order at business Waa breakfast The menu consisted ot Canadian Why CAPSUL Union Nationale Gains Assembly Seat 10 neviim Nathnatc go Nixon wan maoernod dial MI thee etepa threatened by Germany it the election he in West scrim MM Celia II rloal obstacles to bopedlor ronndotAmeflunJtu d1 tatlta on prtbleml bl concern nhln Nixon Ind tinting tile eightrday Wan tour was to win Allied adornment he stepbyrtop series at neuotla done with the aluulaneon dcv miniind the arms race and reanhsog accord on European the Mariana either encouraged or tailed to pop isIi over Bowman bacon apple eauce corn flakes brwmiea and knit drinks lbeApollh voyager were flying nosetonnes with their bualtke lunar moduleaunti nation dubbed gumdrop and solder by missionroontrolat the end of trot day which ottea imam too busy to talk Eé amcd national BMW seat Monday in byelectlon victoryth ptrengtbwed Premier JaanJaequce Bertrand position within the riding prmrinoial patty IlS Bombers DriveBack Tank Column sAlGON Ar North Victmm mi whim tint and other natured vdtidei deeper into sauthlvtntnam than ever betore today tut American bombers drovc them back from remote medal force until in the central highlands DemandsMcKeough Resign For Breach 10mm UP Vernon Singer ttDawnsvlcwi demanded in the legislature Monday that Municipal Altair Mlniilcr Darcy MCKW resign tor intertcrlm with the udmniizration oi tus tice Mr Sinai unaided Mr itchouzito department 01 order ing justice at the peace not to accept tntormatlmu worn out mind landlords who have tailed to pay property that winter to tenants under the terms at the govurnmcntn shelter cxunptlalt TlhTOHealBtliliielf tarln Health Mlnlatcr mum Dymcnll trip to Kiowa toJoy but probably tar his department Hill today who the lpott