Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1969, p. 6

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were held by the Ladies Sec KOLMAR TROPHY PRESENTATION The Vice Srips Playoffs tion of the Barrie Curling huh phy was won by Lily Webb and on Friday The holmar Tro her rink composed of loan 0s Hclts Complement Costume In Rich Variety Of Styles NEW YORK Wt lfata have become accessoria rath er than separate entities fashion authorities say so this spring woman wont he think ing of thcir new hats prima rily in terms of dominant seasonal style Since women are tending to buy hats in conjunction with the rest of their wardrobes as they do with shots scancs and jewelry theyll choose their models to complement their clothcs Thus if hat has wide brim which flab tars pantssuit it will be chosen to go with Small brimmod hats arc favored for shaped and bclted coats The New York rnilliners have come up with rich va riety of styles but there is one dominant note Scanes appear on all types of hats as underchin tics or streamers or wound around the throat Pertinent Facts For Teenagers Conlidentially to Teenagers national health and welfare booklet about VJ is freely available by writing to the pro vincial or federal health depart ment Syphilis and gonorrhea are two different venereal diseaaeasEacn is caused by different germ venereal diseases are trans mitted with rare exceptions through intimafe sexual Contact IOontrary to popldar belief they are not spread by contact with toilet seats doorkaohs shaking hands handlm money etc Lift lag and straining have nothing to do wiih acquiring these dis eases No reliance can be placed on Econtraceptives as means of preventing infection lhere is core but no immun ity to the venereal diseases You can have venereal disease any number of times Free treatment centres are crating in many cities throughout Canada Your local health de partment can direct you to the nearest centre Names and per aonai information remain strict flly confidential and the individ ual is treated tactfully and of ficiently by trained personnel EFor these reasons most persons gt have access to speedy effective treatment and owe it to them selves and society to seek and obtain medical care if the faint est suspicion exists that inlets tion has been acquired Pale pastels an the favored spring colors this year the liilllinery institute of America notes with lime peach and lilac featured in addition to the popular candy pink or blue Another important re val brings back felts si they fit so well into the femi nine wardrobe and have an affinity for the pastels SEETHROUGH WK IN At the New York showings Rickie introduced padre hrirn in soft peach felt with matching chin tie Archie Eastllh circlcd the culled brim of pink felt bowler with peasant bonding and streamers Adolfo featured felt and included not only hobo ner in while with hlaciraodwhite patterned patches and died under brim but also widebrimmcd white felt deepcrowned and handed with wide black ms grain The seethrough look in dresses carries into rnillinery in slicer fabrics such chif fon orgaody and lace nlr bans are articularly popular in willie iffon or in smaller styles with open crowns Emma draped pale yellow organdy turban to one side and added floral edging The pantsmy hat is ofcmlrso brand new look just like the pantssuits Choice ran from an exaggsrr ated ncvrsboy hat with white scarf to wear with jaunty tunic pantssuit to peach felt cowboyboomed in white straw suitable head gear for carnalshaped Jumperpants outfit lifts Alice presented pale pink hat small and anapbrimmed for coatpants Straws of muse always herald spring and Mr John used various weavu He espe cially like the turnedorpalda western styles hia theme this season But he even outdid the Flying Nun in sldewide flyaway brim in natural rough straw with pink chif fon chinllo scarf fhe teenagers arent for gotten either especially since it was their sudden interest in lists last fall that revived the seemingly dying mlllinery market Notable youth model lndaaiad red cradleted newsboy cap and scarf white felt with generously rolled swagger brim and red gingham ducked cloche In Canada lonnwudm allowed turhana With all his Montreal cosImrcs He feels they are feminine and an ideal accessory Mooneals ltir Flemming also likes turban and in cinder number of travel paokahle patterned silks in laa readytowear cqlledlon They arein flowing panels wrapped around the head and backpanehdlafiéffluthe is more definitely featuring white and pastelfelts often trimmed with straw Force SpringFlowering Shrubs To Provide Early Blossoms Bring cpllag into your honla now suggest horticulturistr with the Ontario Department of Ag riculture and Food You can have preview of spring by cut ting branches lrom flowering trees or shrubs and forcing them to blossom indoors The easiest to force are for sylliia hovering uaba and cherries pussy willow and Jap anese quince For best results select branches that are well supplied with flower buds Flow er buds are neatly larger than vegetative buds Always cut the branches with pruners or sharp knife so that the tree iniury heals oliddy Bring branches indoors and crush the cut ends This enables HURRle Boys an tiiris Some Fun On The Way PUSS Oriliia Oporallpuu Wednesday Mar ll Tickets hull 1125 Children 75 Phonelutlld Barrie Sponsored by Unlrrnlty Wamunuclui the stems to take up more water Gently rinse the stems in lukewarm water Forsythia is the easiest Lo foroe It can be placed in water and put in warm room imme diately It druid bloom in about ten days Varieties that are more diffiullt to force should be placed in lukewarm water in cool room for few days When the buds have eltpanded bring them into warmer room to blossom When you arrange these bare branches remember the impor fance of line in flower ar rangement borne laabcl Church and ling Gout Henry Groh presb dent of Kolmor of Canada hid made the trophy presets ta Examiner Photo TABLOID STARTS MONTREAL 16 The Sunday Express new Engliahvlaowage Sunday news paper want on sale here Sun day The 40page tabioldrized Paper selling on newsstands for Z0 cents is published by the Sunday Express Publishing Co SILVER ANNIVERSARY surprise dinner party marked the rain wedding an ulvuury of air and Mrs Kilburn of lmdon OoL fomn of residents of Barrie no party was held at the Port of Call Toronto and war amnged by the celebranu son to law Joel daughters Air and Mrs Don Hagan oi St Vincent St Barrie and Mines Terry and Gerry Kilhurn hiring the dire per la tbahali Hui room of the Toronto restaurant the hon orcd nummflgiea another rurprlu youngest daughter Ml Beverley limoura arrived from Courtenay British Columbia to than in the eels button Afterwards the party continued at the Toronto home of Mr and Mrs Bryan Sher wood Guests included Mr and Mrs Dennis lforafleld and Jim hfackie hlr and Mrs Kilhlnn were married at Huddersfield Eng land in is and arrived in Can ada in me Mr Kllburn war ata tiooed with the Canadian Forces at Base Boldea for seven yearn murmon At the regular meeting of ti Ladies Auxiliary to the Calla dian legion retiring Pruideot Mrs John Drake was presented with fiftot comm and past presidents medal bar The new resident lilra Shirley Campbel assisted by him Edna Graham made the presentation This was Mrs Drakes fourth term as preai deal since she joined the Aux iliary in im The otugoiox esident thank ed officer members for the gift and for their support during her term of office During the businela meeting it glowed that Mrs Helen ngwood the newly elected Zone Commander of EA would be making her official an nual visit in March At the close of the meeting social hour was enioyed THE BAREIE EXAMINER MONDAY MARK 15 WHAT THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLIIA FOR TOMORROW mesday will encompass pee rind in which it will be better to stick to routine rather than begin unfamiliar undertakings Ba conservative in financial matters top You could be suc cessful it making sound investe meats but speculation of any kind would be rhky indced FOR THE BmmDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that as or now you should find your self in an extremely active and energetic period for accomplish menirrfhe stirsare generous and should bless all efforts with fine recognition between now and the end of September especially where occupational andflnancial matters are con cerned in the latter connection it would be advisable to consoli date all gains at that time manage consenatively for two months then beginning with the first of December you can plan on some further expansion since you will be entering an ex cellent threemonth cycle for in creasing assets Despite the rosy outlook pio tured above it will he impera tive however that you avoid all 5m BOOTLEGGENS BAEDDA India Reutersl Police dogs here are being trained to detect the scent of liquor and sniff out bootleggers hideouts often hidden under ground irlthis western lndia dis trict where prohibition is in force speculation in early August also in November and Decem ber Do not indulge in extrava gance riog the latter two monthe ether Best months for job advancement March July September and November Those engaged in creative work should have generally good year with notable periods of ac complishment in to in March June October and De cember This new year in your life also promises great harmony in home and family mattersespe cially if you arereareiulrio avoid friction in early November lf single you are slated torinter esting romantic experiences be tween now and late September also lnlate October and next January Dont take possible mummy romance too seriously however Most auspi cious periods for travel 32 tween lilay and September tan outstandingly good period for all Plsceansl next Decenrbcr and January child born on this day will be highly intelligent original in his thinking and creatlvdy in clined BACKACHEa BiADDER IRRITATION Common Kidney or Bladder irrita Liars make many men Ind women feel tune and nervous from frequent bur or ttchl urinallon night and day Srcondar lg on on late IllEp and have like arc ache and feel older gm deprmeo ln ml nous alts ax uaullly brlnll relaxing comfort by curhln irritat for nroaa in acid urine an oulclily eulngpuufictcrsrmtatarurxlru allocation wrrll MARCH 2170 Scileduie climb in Barrie Public Schools Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday om and Oakley Park arm 11 Monday Open Emu 93011 through iilurcdas to King Edward 030 ll45 Mlle Grove Open House 700 Itfo Allaadale Height om house 1130 180 Codriagtlm Open House Delft 11 mo 210 llillcrest Open House 115 Open House 700 Open House Mo lilo Johnson this Steele Womens Federatioa Dinner Speaker Mr mi namuy Director 81mm County Board of Education 0pén To All TOU T00 SAN SWING INTO SPRING The first ticket for on lileoettcs rl Dance Swing into Spring was sold by him William Hadley on the left to Mrs Ed Taylor The dance will be held on ANN Lllllnrlls rnwsrs Inheritance 1315 Gilt Not Payment Of Debt Dear Ana Laodera was especially interested in your ad vica to the parents who were about to write will They had three children and wanted to leave the bulk of their estate to the eldest child who had been thoughtful and kind The two yolmxer ones had been selfish and inconsiderate You told them to go ahead and do it Well this very thing happened in our family was the child who was favored liy brother and two sisters bccamc ugly and resentful and instigated proceedings to break the will thn hcard of it went to my lawyers and told them didnt want anything and to please di vida the estate three ways and leave me out The lawyer fol lowcd my instructions but it didnt improve the relationship with my brother and sisterr Now they have all the money but they still hate mc So next time Ann plcase ad vise the parents to write will that treats all children equally and is ironcladone that cannot be broken or altered nomatter who says what SIBLlNG sonnow Dear 59 m2 Tbs letter you refer to unallocated angry protests surprised that so mahy readers felt parents should divide their estate equally among their chil dren regardless of how they were treated litany wrote to say the child who is favored is despised by the others They stopped speak ing and their children grew up strangers in spite of the criticism am sticking by myorlginai advice Parents do not owe their chil dren an inheritance An inherit rubbed lit week how cute the new girl is elvlv cannons anca ls agift and should be so regarded NEEDUNG Dear Ann LeaderI Jim and have been married 14 years lie is handsome and has an out going personality He draws peopleer magnet Espe cially women At recent oflice party new stenographcr caught my eye She was easily the most attrac tive girl thereand the most aggressive saw her go over and as Jim to dance While they were dancing she mas saged the back of his neck hast under his suit coat and times was sure if she got any closer she would be behind him am eifllt months pregnant with our sixth child should say sixth and seventh because it feels like twins and looks like twins and the doctor says Dont be surprised It goes without saying that have not felt like playing Romeo and Ju liet for several months Since the party Jim has been telling me at least three times April 11 It the Holiday lna Tickets are available iron lifts Bruce Edwards 7mm Examiner Photo and he adds hallloklngly Ana Lenders saya wife ahould ba understanding and welcome repentant wayward mate with open arms laugh it oil and try to be good sport but it hurts Any advice ENGI NEEES WIFE Dear Wife Jim is needle artist The fact he talks about Miss Busy Fingers la good sign that nothing is cooking Dont rise to the hall Honey if you keep it tight and funny chances are he will too Confidential to Cant Decide nle failuroto make diolco la in itself choice More ulcers are produced by the inability to make decision than by main in the wrong one Move al ready Whitest Shirt ln ToWHH HOMEVBURGERS riilifabagn Meqliimex Suppertime Anylime Athome or at the office why not grab bug ofA HomeburgersondliVell inning149 can tugiznl in flag 298 middling372 12 toiling 442 With Each log You May Purchase Gui of delicious RootBeer for75c orsN YEAR ROUND WITH llosrrss srnylcr

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