Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1969, p. 5

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gt NEW COUNTY COUNCIL MEMBERS lMPliESSED Among the 13 new member of Simeon County council are West Gwiiiimhury Deputy move Orville Hughes icitl MOONSWNE ifStaifl That Madame township west of Bar rie is on the verge of consider able new develpment has been emphasized by plans announced for construction of four mile long artificial lake at Pretty Valley The lake and cottage subdivl don project involving an invest ment of about 38000000 whirh is to be carried out by US firm has been getting major attention but there are also number of other smaller projects planned which also are testimony to Medontes future potential The township now has an as ressment of slightly over $2 000000 and it is said this will be more than doubled when the lake and cottage project is com pieted Reeve Ingram Amm has em phasized this large scale un dcrtaking also will spur other enterprises Moonstone itself communit which has denied onle mun pal office and coun cil hall and is the location of Dunlops widely known storE also is on the threshold of new development OOLDWATER Staffi There has been co derahie change in county ad strations since then said Coidwater Reeve Ernie Miller only member of the current county council who was member of the same ad ministrative body 21 years ago wasa member of the 1948 county council and also the 47 and 48 too as well as otiiers remarked the Coldwater more who was county warden in 1946 Old records showed the ma council had 48 representatives tom 31 municipa ties Earries members were move George Clark and Deputy Reeve James Hart while iiugh Johnston now welfare inspector and Andrew Tudhope retired then repre rented 0rillia Other town representatives then we Allisto Jr Cunt ningham Collingwo Norman Bush John Allison Mid land Taylor Alex hic intosh Penetang Ben son Morris Stayner Clar ence Wood Millage members were Bee ton Lloyd Lilly Bradford Evans Goldwater Mil reomore George Shep herd Port iiicNicoli George Patterson Tottenbam Pearcy Victoria Harbour Bnice Eplett Boyd Miile now councillor in Madame then was Medonte reeva with ex wardcn Fisher Ora To Pay More in County Levy 0110 STATION Staff Ora taxpayers will leashed to pay slamoo more to county tax coffers during the current year than last year it was shown by county figures on 1999 levies Oro was levied for $4900987 for county roads in comparison $4612432 last year while the general levy wasfor 135615 up from 58154 The new Oro levy was based on adjusted equalized assess ment of $93013 lost of the 31 munipr lies the county rece ed notice of increased lev ies since the rate was increased from 124 mils to i311 One of the exceptions was ncghboring Medontc whVzt had its county levy reduced by 13409 due largely to equalized sosamentadiustinentrrhe 1969 levy on Medonte included 512 27765 for roads and 520mm general in comparison to $15 li962 and $2267303 The new Mcdonteequaiized assessment amvuniefd to $2455531 and Stayner Reeve NA Pflel Ochm Each has had considerable municipal erpoh icnce in his own municipality Moonstone is not far from the pr pp sad lake development Plans for aolut subdivison most of which border on county road 19 have been submitted to council by representatives of Toronto firm The proposed lots would be from two and halt to five acres in size noun all was advised OWN WATER SYSTEM location of the hiedonte tele phone systcm exchange ball park and school Moonstone has its own community water sys tern Two other Modonte com munities which also have their own water systems are War minister and Hliisdalc New Mcdonte township garage to house the municipal road Changes Canton of Hillsdalothe other member Oro representatives were Smith Campbell now well known Barrie reaiior and flohn Woodrow now of Orii FROM lNNIsFIL Clifford Lockhart was rceve and Robert Eldrige deputy roeve of lnnisiil while Essa re prmematives were Louis fraux now road superintendent and Walter Woods Joseph Parker was 1946 reeve of Adjala Noble hovering was hiatchedash roeve Victor Turner represented West Gwil iimbury Fins reove then the late Wal Lady Directors Slart Fair Plans 0RD STATION Staift Mrs Vic Hart of Hawkcstone heads the womens division of the 0m Agricultural Societywhich has started making plans for compo tions at the l969 Oro fail air The twoday exhibition will be holdon Tuesday End Wednes day Sept and it Domestic science preserving baking and setting competitions are among those in charge oi the women directors who also include Mrs Roy Gray Mrs Jim Pearsali Mrs Gil Lloyd Mrs Mollamieson and Mrs Kay COLOR om mmnmmmw btr Oebm was member of Stnyncr public utilities board for 16 years and is now serv ing his eight term on council Examiner Photo Subdivision Plans Add To Medonte Potential equipment was opened at Moon stone last year Hurold Grocan of Cold watts has plans for development of another subdivision in Moon stone vicinity which would have some so lots Main inierscctlon of Moonstone is at Concession eight and county road 19 Mr Greenwoods subdivision umuid be on Concession ten neon county road 23 The latter is main route from Goldwater to Waverly where it links with Highway 27 to Elmvale and Barrie Reeve Amos heads the Med ante council which also includes Deputy Reeve Horace Varcy and Councillors Don Woodrow Boyd Miller and Lytic Johnston lclovvlzrd Robinson is municipal msmlcr NEWS TEE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 1969 Trace ler Middleton was chosen war den William hiaw was the other Flo member Fred Vuneise and James Pat ton were Nottawasaga represcn talives Gowanlnck and Wilbur Reed 1953 warden were from Oriilia township Lawrence and James Rule were from Sunnidale George Widdis and Fred Kninnear were from Tay Fred Hunter oi Barrie ro tired county clerk war reeve ot Tecumscth in 1956 with leonard Downey and Cam Maurice were from Tiny Matthew Van Loree from Tossorontlo and Earl Richardson now clerk and Roy iiiukiing from Vespra Reeve Miller is currently serv ing his 17th year as member of Goldwater coun Governor To Visit Creerriore Lions anemone Staff Pians are being advanced by three more Lions club to tender Bill Moody district Lions govern warm reception when be no its here next month Mr Moody who lives at Mount Forest is slated to pay an of ficial visit on Monday March One of the newer clubs in the district the Creemore Lions is headed by John Ney The club ce ts rt LAST DAYS rim mo PM Bitime noun Still Faith in The Township is in long letter George ilnnb or who lleuloying them in Miami any that the new piano in bylaw bu ioopdrdiud much of his properties Ind ruin ed solo when the buyers visit odvl planning bond official and found out about the pending by law However he say be bu that told in innirfl and things will be better the locatimof innislil is tenn and feel can bring my tumbled to Council and let fair consid erltion including my dance hall licence MA was AFFECTED Residents and summer cottag erl who formerly built on small loisandpartaolldswillhnd considerable difficulty it they desire or sell their pm In future 3th restricts the sale of many lots which do not meet the requirements at the present subdivision control By combining theta into one par cel it becomes necessary to apply to the committee oi ud iustment for consent to dwian up that parcel into lots for sev erancc purposes The bylaw will eliminate the constructional pcrs mnocpt residences or summer cottage on small lots or lots that do not meet tha require menu of the bylaw It also con trolr to some extent what may be put on the lots listed in the bylaw approximately 2400 of them It is an attempt to apply the same principles across the entire toumxhrp VALUES JEOPAEDIZED Owners oi homes which are located on lots that do not moot the present requirements in the bylaw may find if they decide to sell that values an affected by the changes and it could be that getting consent to tears ter the sale might be difficultA or evcnirrpossdile Manyhornes have beenbuilt on part lots or portions of properties and should replacement or sale be desired it might be found so discourag ing that the prospective pur chaser may give up It does not seem lust or fair that the bylaw should have been passed and can be enforced before owners were given any opportunity of knowing what was being done Buyer of puberty would be Iware of the requirements now that the bylaw is in force but previous owners should not be penalized as in most cases they cannot do anything about the sire of their holdings gramme Check our features Com pare our prices Then choose your Inglis auto matic washer gas dryer or portable dishwasherfmm consumers Gas You can take up to five years to pay with easy payments onyour gas bill Inglis llbmfor ff Automatic Washer Model LFO 5300 WSR Featuring pged cycles special cooldown cayejor permanent press infinite water level selection full time lint filtendisoensev and sunssavran Only $29960 must Moog lng and rinsln Emmy priced Loyola W65 sellcleaning imam mar Wotoohltrnovertofisim moo Florida overqu weekend Rodeo then which we had not neon for noout 10 years othroedaylffctrlnddrnwa Inge am On thy two last dayswewrrotold tbot over30 mohl MEDICINE EAT When we saw that the list of contestants contained the namu of two rider lrom Medicine Hat Alberta we found our way to their camper whidi was parked in the area where the contestants lived Pat Page no and Warren McKinley is bad vorked lhelr way south ll profaslonal bare buck ridofo living in clipper with In Alberta licence They had paid their entry fee of no in the hope of sharing them prize money in the contest fhey rode the saddle horses provid ed by the rodeo officials and long with the other six contcs tants had to ride the holsc for 10 seconds without touching the animal with their hands Unfor tunatciy they did not getinto any prize money the day we watched Pat did make the time but lost points and Warren was thrown from his horse before he got away from the gate lho boysflare heading north andconrpetlng ln rodoos along the way the first being in Mont gomcry Alabama in the Parade of States that opened the Silver Spurs show we were surprised that these visitors from Canada which is the home of the world Paxton Quigley VSpring Planned At Elmvale MALE Staci Ditties for the spring seed fair at the North Sinma Soil and Drop hmuement will be received up to caddy Mord it was confirmed here Binbits In to be lined at the community hall here between and 730 pm that dIy The seed fair itself will be held on nuroday Much and Frldu Hard Pmldent of the crop nnpro vo ment association Ferris of Miflnust is ohairmIn of the seed fair camdtteo Ind early iner est indicates largo showing of uhbits which Id be at Allis ton ounurrsday March it MAIN omens Main officers of the North sim coa Asoclationmho are busy helping with arrangements for the seed showing hone besides Mr Ferris also include vice presidents Ed Bula of Stayner an and Russ ll Carter of Dr iliin RR secretarytreasurer Morris Darby of Waverley pro iect director Alan Scott of Barrio protect cemetery Don ald Bell Barrie RR and district director Harry Davis of Utopia BR Emphasis has been given by officials to the good local oo operatlon as well as that of all err Municipalities represented on the board of directors include flos Vespra Sunnidalo Matobo famous CalgaryStampede were notlncluded on Conn dian flag Itwas probably an oversight that they were not invited to participate and an other your if there are Cana dians competing we shall hope to see thorn with their flag tly ing is prisoneer love and completely exhausted AIMthus ruirns mm including ZOIbso ii 559693 Seed dads OrilllIOro nnyfayInd Madame townships Than I130 is an Ictlva group of modal directors FAMILY DAY huraday blnrdi ha been designated family day Jor tho fair with the them Flood Pro duction and Agriculture Today and in the rum Ii mutation of little on the world food ritultion And look at farming in the future will be one of tho features with John Moles of the Ontario Hydo corn menting Ridiard Dick Goodin ro oently retired from the Ontario Food Gounod will discus the topic Few Facts with Some Folly hmdunental and Far roachlng to Farming and Food in 1969 no will review some of the diungea in todays mind tural Mono PMATO PROGRAM If potato growers program starts at pm with Earl Frid ell of the canadlan department of agriculture holding discussions with the North Simooa Potato Growers Asociation Production will be stressed on Friday Murch Professor Tom UNREST IN Ramsay Director of Education 67 TORONTO ST 726 6558 Fair iifimmmt partition Professor Gun Andan aou of the prop science depart moot Ind Jld many will and cropspecialist will be In main speakers Whitest Shirt In Town EDUCliTlON WEEK third to at roucAnoN OHANGE TO WHAT The Simeon County Board of Education invites students teachers parents service clubs business organizations church and civic groups and Ill otherlnterested individuals to contribute sugges Lions that will aid in the longterm development of educational goals in our County Please submit your opinions in writing to the Dir actor of Education 204 Grove Street East on or before May 16th 1969 Barrie McCullough Chairman And if youd like to shop for your new lnglisapplianoo in the comfort of your homecalloursales man Hell be glad to visit Inglis leorlbr Dry Model lfO 7200 Wiiilfl programme drying special ooohdown core for permanent press tumblm press control and lntlnit emperatura control large up top ltnucr Only $18500

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