takemoney WIIII PubiiIher mutually Owldim NImDIoen Limited 16 anymld Strut BIrrio Ontario WIIIIIm Tailor GInIrII MIMI McPherson Managing Editor manmtnl Drilre To Cut Unemployment Insurance fIhe Un ent Ingram film built by the Palm Fr mnployugra and the government has been mused by the Tongulï¬ï¬mlum um anyone who pays into rt rs entitled to out Benefits havebean drawn fraudulent 1b respectable pleaswallassbiity 2ng Theypgoppear unawarerthat they risk jail terms the Ottawa Journal munents In opening its drive to cut down fraud lthe Unemployment Oonmrlmon gave the following five exam es of Who may have been employment rules were against them LA waitress waived beneï¬ts for two months and when interviewed slid she would accept work only as waitress valling in her community It was nlled that she was not available for work and she had to pay back beneï¬u received retired railway conductor claimed unemployment insuranoe and said he was ready to work as watchman He made condition that his pay shouldbe notless than $85 week while the going rate for watchmen was $60 By imposing this restriction he lost the claï¬flcnhon of available for wor and unemploy ment insurance beneï¬ts 50 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner March 1919 Can adians mourned death of Sir Wilfrid Inurier former RimeMinister Leader offlbeiallartyfor 32years In Board of Education byelection caused by appeal of Drchry Wailwin on re sults of January voting John Wisdom Allandaie merchant topped poll follow ed by Will King Alex March and Dr William Richardson Dr Wall win again failed to get elected Barrie Colts elimindled Bradford in Jun ior hockey 149 on round At Sudbluy Colts lost ï¬rst game of playoffs +3 it John Brennan opened butchu shop in Barrie Mik Wiseman sold butcher business to Readrnan Cookstown Town Council voted $300 annual increase to Arthur Smith clerktreasurer and raised assist ants salary to $50 month Barrie Collegiate diplomas and prizes presented before large audienceht Grand Opera House Mdroppedlpflztxm Plansrundcr wayroc county committee to prmnote salewar savings and thrift town awardedvliï¬litnzy Medal He enlist ed with 157th Bn rind served as rein forcement for 75th Illeut Alex McCualg Winnipeg formerly of 0m died overseas of pneumonia He had been badly wounded and gassed shortly before war ended Ifeut John Walker who was with 37thand spent two years in Germany as prisoner of war retlunod to Allandale He expects to resume engineering work soon with Grand TrunkRailway Pie Harry Smith returned home to Barrie He went topaymrnbaby ruiedba out of unemployment lnsuo edbofrndtheum and at Wage rates higher than those pre station stammr Sgt Frank Agnew Cooks Atlll mind stenograpber left one ymcnt due to pregnancy of huba she registaodfor work as gim but said she must have at least $58 Irnonth more in sitter This restrion once aid married woman who normally workegdatx or pollen morals eachbyéear receiv uneanp oymen entrance no fitsWhEnshewaslaidoffleadmitted to UIC officer that she Ind no inten tion of working for the balance of the year It was mind that she had voluntar ily withdrawn from the labor market and unemployment imurance benefits woman ales clerk drew benefits for three months in city where sh employees were mudr in demand When interviewed she revealed she had made no effort to ï¬nd employment She was disqualiï¬ed from beneï¬t The ULC hcs to on losses from fraud and other abuse by $3000000 be fore March 31 this year This would he awelccme savingnot only for thefcd eral government but also for the honest workers and employrrs who help build up fund too many have been ready to plunder DOWN MEMORY LANE overseas with 177th Simcoe County Ru and served with construction unit in France Pies Aubrey Hooper and John Spearin amived home from over seas Lieui Archie Him spending few days in town He was with for unit in Aimee reclaimed by France from Germany Among thosayust home PteJack Murphy ionnerly with Barrie Marble Works Pie Arthur Green sides Pte Eldon Adams of liï¬nesing Col John liIcPhee Cpl Al in of Strand Sgt William Somorvrlle It Mi Mildred Justice appointed pur rnary teacher in King Edward Schooh Ember Flour Mills have been rebuilt since ï¬ne destruction of June last year Walter Sarjeant and Charids Hunter of Barrie gave addresses in Orillia Memo dist cumin Sunday Barrie Golf and Country Club decided to erect club house at cost of $3000 George Cameron shipped 75 hogs 65 cattle to Toronto stockyards He got $17 cwt for hogs Scott Bros have large order fresh bay ice forHamilton firm ing williake place onslding at Barrie Hunter Kennedy turner 9f eliirigtonHoteLsold his Royal Hotel in Mcaford to Bank of Toronto Supply at local woodyard now exceeds demand Bryson Bros bakers and confectioners dissolved partnership A1 but will continue bakery Edward will run tea room and ice cream parlor Waller Pattersons Shroud rink won Bar ne Banspiel Barrie Colts tied Sud blny 44 in return game but lost round 87 Imal team consisted of Goal Bud Fisher defence Tex White Charlie IJynch centre Babe Bognrdrs wings Max Bosemfeid Ross Bertram OTHER EDITOBS VIEWS WHO ARE THE RACISTS St Catharines Standard Tens of thousands of Asians most of them lifelong residents offlast and Gen final Africa are now being deprived of both livelihood and property and are being listed for deportation from Africa because the new leadlns of Africa sub scribe to policy of African for the Africans ll zvizlzu raring SWIRLiNG WNIRLDODL RADIOS NAMEolIiFIF SURVIVEDA PLUNGE ovrsn Tris earn chle noosesuoe nus AFTER escrpme From moisum up our MM sumac mail Distiller mm ll n1 TUMBLE powwow FAiLs wrsrounwzn ii lmEl swru were run nurse on installation is WAS RECAPTLIRED SEVERAL DAV LATER lit EILALMER WATERS A1 QUEENSTW FAB DOWN RIVER Andbecause Britain which seems the only refuge for these unfortunates is un willing to accept an unlimited number of colored refugees the Africans are denouncing the British as racists There is of course nothing racist about the Africans whonre practising their own theory of race relations by linking outthe Asians WWMK zirwuxvpmemmwxmmm 71504912 Miller FINANCIAL intuit i7 wealtrcrlraurrnilsn lrï¬imowtmmnmw Aftertho yearly rm OTTAWA REPORT Value Of Is Being Assessed By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Ale Canadas balfmlilondallar swian pool embassies best buy for the taxpayer Ihc comprehensive rcvivw of Camdas foreign policy now being undertaken flid Prime MInIIter Trudeau includes demonstrating to mn western hemisphere neighbors the im portsnce which the government attndres to Canadas relations with them and studying how best to minute these relations andCanadas interests in this hemzspbere Nine Latin American coun tries were chosen for this dem onstratian these ranged from Brazil population 80000000 to Costa Rica population oooeoo There should havebeen up problcmvabout compiling nunm and well informed survey Canada maintain no live diplomatic presemgin those countries rising from an embassy staff of Itivcosting $134000 this year in Costa Rica ioa lavish diplomatic staff of 24 operating on $392000 budget in Brazil whereour ambassa dors house cost H369 to buy QUEENS PARK Stall Is Selected For Woflds By CY YOUNG Onnaf the more striking fea tures of Canadas glittering glamorous Expo 07 in Montreal was the obvious high quality of stalls It all pavilions To use it hackneyad phrase the cream of the cropno hippies ylppleI or yappleldellnquents drop outs drafbdodgers or deserterI Among the presr radio and television corp which amounted to arRornan legion we Ib Bayileld Street Barrie Ontario Authorized aI second class maiiby the Port Office De partment Ottawa and Ior payment of postage in cash Return postage guaranteai Dally Sundays and statutory Holiday excepted SulucriplIOn rater daily by cameru we weekly mm copier roc By mall Barre 52600 yearly Ontario $1500year motor throw off 018 year Out Iide Ontario 510 year Out Ilde Canada British passes Ilons $25 year USA and foreign $32 your NationalAdvertlring Offices 425 Unlversit Avenue Toron to 640 Cal cart St Mont real Member oi the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circulation The Canadian Prcie In ex eluItvely entitled to the use for tug of all oval dlea ll 11 IpIper or ited to It or The Associated Press or Barriers Ind Ilsa the local newI published therein WWW mu aileron tunnel antisly the other Ottawa could do ths because g5 WWW and fumlsb including $189961 for lounges beside the pool It Is exactly for preparing such local surveys that ourblg embassy staff should be quell fled But our foreign minister Mitchell Sharp seemingly could not rely upon the 138 trained diplomats costing us total of $laii000 this year in those nine countries Instead he felt corn pelled to make personll 311 flndlng trip reinforced by four other cabinet ministers one MP and Wrcpeat 37civil ser vlserr That grand tour cost you In unwind $14384 an average of $5579 per person an the inn ket plus his pay They spent 32 days touring the nine countries shelving for travelling time and weekends they stayed an aver age of working days in each country Yet in that brief time the winged Canadians accord lngivllfitcheil Sharp were Able tomakc some profound discov cries Everywhere we went we found that dcvolopmentrisi main preoccupation of govern ment ilIr Sharp revealed Any Canadian could make that discovery without going any nearer to Latin America than Tiplemailc Ave nue Fdll during the four months Ibraad cast from Expc there war unanimous agreement that none ratedhtgher than the staff of the Ontario pavilion most espe cially the young women writer for the magazine Paris Match said to group of us one day in the press lounge Ypu Englishmen all of us were nativeborn Canadians getexnitnd about the flair of the French women We Frenchmen get nil tingled by the classic beauty of the Ontario Englirh girl Now the Special Projects Branch of the Ontario Depart mint of Trade and Development ishard at work getting staff ready for Expo in at Osaka in Japan JFrank Morï¬suéu gyfi in charge prefect furTrade and Develop ment has explained to me some of the problems The federal government made it mandatory that applicants for jobs at tho Canada pavilion must first of all have reasonV able fluency in Japanese than llfiontionr could take applications from anywhere In Canada but Onta rio had to observearesidence rule to make the pavilion staff at Osaka tnrlyreprcscnlaiive of mbassies the province and language had to came second recruitinx team of four was sent throughout the province be tween last Oct and Dec It visited every university in Ontario including affiliated col leges nlsccollegu of Ipplied arts and technology 12min ute movie was shown and other cxnlaniory material given about Ontarios 02600000 Expo 10 Milan me vnrnmuv Ethiopia war independent 000 years ago Smgxms In the cultural sphere to which the Latin Americans at lach great importance we ex plored wide spectrum of activ ities ranging from scientific re search to film production llfr ShIrp explained Other reports however indicate that the liver age utininthegutter which is where the majority are suffer ing hunger altndics more hit portnncc to cultivation than to culture But it in nice to know that that new South American expert Hon Otto lang can now talk with personll knowl edge to his constituents in Sas katdrewnn about film produc tion in say Guatemala Let it never be suggested that our cabinet ministers should not show the Canadian flag in Ityle around the world If it cosisptbe tnnpayer 5175000 to charter jet to fly that party to Argen tina thats fine if it costs $19 28625 for dicir beds andha runner on that safari be It What other expcn siraiorrr =1 But what is hard to under stand is this if theOttawn Val leys barefoot cabinet boy Hoir Joe Greene for Instance Is able to learn all that Canadian needs to know about Latin country in just 215 days than why are we mending $1011000 to keep mdiplomats there for 366 days this year nu am muslin letting nhortof mIferlIL he week he gut It mm on it llna min or Inonymanu letter lo the editor Now Rob ert you know tht cInt be donI by my reputable paper If tblI beepr up well have to take nod Over the yean Ibout Ivoryundldaialboï¬raminer bar alter the meoral ly dim make it How wound you like our Bob for reduction 03 Cool mInl TEE comm of the Daily ftmer published in Farmington Newszlov Rut thtl letter re cently Donl you know the dil mm between winch Ind much It probIbly means little to all but some of the younger member of your ruff IhouId be inleruted in knowing much II ferrule bu being while winchrlI mechanical device to pull thlnrr with mmr lam involving the lso of crank In your front page story Wednsdny headed Boat armament stolen you refer to gonn driven Wench certainlywouldnt WInt my son of mine to marry that kind AN 0L1 FRIEND of musch days was mentioned by lfdfen ric Porter in his Telegram corn ment on the Spring Flower Show of the Garden Club of Toronto lnstweelt It was Lthuly Posen who in the mid thirties had blI own band Ind played drumI It MlneiI Point The ladies in charge of this event It OKeefe Centre derided to holdiformnl dinner on the eve of opening day The minsircl selected for during in good old Curly Posed whole band of aged muslclInI vuan out all the most romp worthy munhara of tile 20s and 31 wrote Coiltwist Porter Mr Porch la IIvored by the Garden Club for ringulIr cbIr acteristlc Ha conduct the bent of the trumpets trombonu Ind drums with Inch viror hour after hour that eventually be In invnriebly overcomowlth faintncss At lhlI moment he lea war bacirwanie intotbe lp bed There he revived by many beautiful men Ihe fact that the band on just as well without II of no consequence Mr Pognr top plovmd revival inseparable from the nhmsphere of the show LAST min met Curly he was conducting the pit band in the old Casino mace Of course ran into him on Queen Street West right across from the present city hall While com ing from the art gallery thinly BIBLE THOUGHT ma an no in nu Soul thou nomad leech llld marksman nonfukafhine one all drink and be merry But and laid into him Thou fool thl night thy IOIII lull be required of thee then whose ebIll these things be which thou Inst pruvided Lillie 121520 Pity the mnn who has big plans without God You need Him as your pIrtner today Jesus Idves i969 SUMMER SESSION AT Waterloo lutlieran University Will beheld from JUNE 30 TO AUGUST As usual classes will be held mornings only leaving theafternoons free for studyiln weeks you can get credits towards your General BA on soicolllurswrorcuobsr FROM rumour COLUMN Aged Musicians Oi Minets Point Iy Kl WALLS bII comeI 1051 my If relI Point Ind the Wi known II flu Victory and may to SpIdlnIl But tht got VII tht crack by Porter lbI use mnricinnr The all of my virtue and around Blrrln my found PM monthly It cit rum Griz 0mm rules 35 5E Err observitioru It is still very rcId Ihic Ind alien humorous Print humor too or fortune from re centlrnre friendly riemvut to United Mm malt In our oer bathroom tomb mIrked hiI Ind berI Ha war bit env bIrrmed but kept them until he had dunce to ask the mon Ilgnorl Idvtce Just keep them av bay lid thIIprlel th no to It my be needing them BELL DIRECTORY now ll Kenneth WIlI In thccity Ind Mel WIIllI bu discovered that ha II not the only Want in BIr rie This makes the work of letter carriers even more diffi cult However thcrcln ItiIi lust one Well II the plan of work or of Ilene brick or hood or other mated In intended for unity or an closrre LETTERS T0 THEEDITOR PRIVATE PARKING Dear air In Eranliner February 2701 there IppeIred letter Iigned by Mn OBrien Borden Ontario Idlildllllrlhl private per to ping the metered City at It corner of Owen Ind Worriey succin TblI letter deurveI In Inner have paid to in thls lot for the last fIwyeIlI Ind to my knowledge It bu been postadtwicu with private pro grty HymnThese signs have en torn down for ransom bert grown to thouwbo removed em Because of the amount of new thiI winter ploughed to thc Ilde of the lot the parking Iran has been mnsidarnbly reduced For this reason Irand other graphs warkln similar hours Ive found frequentlyviro poulble to get in the lot be cause of free loaderI intern tionnl or otherwise since the firrt of the year have had to make uIe of the city lot for rum one half of the time thus paying twice for my parklnm to anyoneinot knowing it is private lot find thlrherd understand Leachka arldrig permill carerabout Iigrled by him Then will be folmdusually on the windshield displayed in cars authorized to park in the lot Incidentally isnt is pretty cheap marking for over two months Yours truly Brock 129 Pending St Barrio ertIr call ll5l9 Antilro logy ro Erinlrb so GeolrIpby SB Mathemltlcr Psychology 37 Biology to English as Geogrlphy in Mathematics at Patelelm 39 Biology 37 English 44 Geongphy 45 PhlioIophy no £33m BuslneII to English 45 Geology 203Philosophy rs and Ewnnmlcl French 10 Hebrew 110Pollticl 10 Réllgtoul Emma 01 French mlrnuoryr 30PniltlcI 37 Sludlu Economics French History alralnlu 42 35 English 10 French 40 mum in FolilicI is 5010553 English to Geolrlphy History 44 Psychology Sndnlogy English 12 Gnongplly History in Psychology algaemery unnrlrtn a4 canning ltdOllieltiflilbi If IIyallolggyr is Mag Epnnlrh llo VINSTRUCTION fCENTRES AT WATERLOOO ORILLIA Courrl Feu 5H0 per courli Reildnnco FIII from $150 for the renlcn Residence III Include boer meal daily Mon to Fri InclUIlVl iNFORMATION CALENDARS ANDAPPLICATIONFORMS 744nm