Till25E GIRLS and Mrs Andrew hianilowabi are per forming native lndian dance called the Dove Dance at WAITING for their chance to go on stage are two mem bers of the Wilrwemilrong Pow wow Dancers The boys age IN TOWN lund raising event sponsored by the First lnnisï¬i cube and scouts The dancers are part oi the wilowemikong Powwow courtEgret school Dancers from Manitoulin is land lExanlinerphoto Indian Dancers Entertain Siroud Scout Audience The erwemiirong Powwow Dancers from the village oi will wornilrong on Manitoulin island presented 11 dances during one hour pmgrlm at the Strand Community Hall Satinday night All the dancer were related to nature the snake dance the was dance and the dove dance Each was executed in an in dividual style that is each of theelght boys and forn girr ins terpreted the basic steps accord ing to his or her own personal IW Airnost frenzy pace charac lefiud the boys dances while the motions performed by the girls were siow gentle and graceful eMrs Andrew Manitowabi mother at eight of the dancers helpedlto train them with the aid of adultartmm Manitoulin four and six years are the sons of Mr and Mrs And rew Manltowabi of the Mani toulin Island Reserve Exam iner photo TONIGHT LOUNGES Bayrhorehllle Millionaires Brookdale Park innKing Herbert and the Rainroots Continental InnLite Eclair QueensThe hnpatxs plus Margo GoGo Wellingtan and lore Lee MOVIES lmpcrlalaidere We Go Round the Mulberry Bush RoxyThree in The Attic OBITU MRS GEORGE HILL The death occurred recently in Penetanguishene Hospital or Edith Brunton Hill widow at George Hill who was for many years member of the editorial stall of The Barrie Ex aminer They had resided in Al Séelt Support For Catholic High Schools TORONTO CF PEP campaign pressuring the Ontar io government for lull tax sup port of Roman Caiholic high schools was introduced by hm school students Sunday to the pulpits ol churches in the arch diocese ol Toronto Student spokesman for PEP or Provincial Education Pro gram spoke following Sunday services to appeal for gnvcrn mcnt financialsupport Grades 11 12 and 13 Government lundr 0n larios Roman Catholic schools only up to Grade 10 The PEP campaign was launched in 1967 by the English vCatholicEducationhssociation of Ontario The present pro gram began Feb 18 in other Ontario d1 ce es and will continue or live more Sundays it is expected to include priests and laymen brain hemorrhage iandale where lilr lldi operated shoe store Later they moved to Minets Point when he Join ed the neivspaper salt full time Foilowinng liiiis death sew erel years ago her health wor sened ani she was conï¬ned to the Ontario Hospital at Pene languishenc By last November she had greatly improved and she went into Georgian Manor In December side atflered broken hip in fall and was moved to hospital Several days later she died of massive Mrs Hill was bomin Cleve land Ohio Jan 1902 and was married in ma She was the daughter of the late Randolph and Phyllis Brunton her lather being the son of the late John Daniel Bruntnn who was an early settler in Simcoe County emi grating lrom Scotland in the mid1800s and locatingin the Allandale area Only living memberol Mrs Hills immediate iamilymir nephewCiillord Brunton who address is Box 185 neeport is holding meeting 830 pm in the public library hall Slides wil be shown on aquarium plants in addition to small auction of lish and sup plies Thelirst lnnialii group of cube and scouts invited the Will wenikong Powwow Dancers who areabo sends to participate in the fundraising event According to Ralph Rowe Eralnnistil olub master the lands were to be divided be tween the packs All break for the wikwend irons Dancers the ï¬rst lnnisiil cubs andscouts put on short musical and shit show ed the public to attend show Student is New Mayor For Week Barriel new mayor tor week in Jun Trueman it oi Cod rirmon Street Public School 1be grade eight student is the son of Mr and Mrs George Tnleman of Penetang Strut Hewiilbeswornlatappee ialmeetingof allbe night at pm The annyor for wreck mount was introduced last fall at the mggestion of llayor Bentley The Rodents elected by their schoolmates at leud council meetings and van iety of other civic hrnciiona Film Showing Tuesday Will Help Save Park Aid Dorian Parker today ung lng of seven scenic films at Cell tral Collegiate auditorium at 530 Tuesday evening Proceeds will be donated to the Barrie Save The Park lund Sponsor is the Barrie Hortimlinral Soc ieiy the Save the Park com mitten is making concentrat ed effort to raise as much money as possible but we will need the full support oi the public to achieve ourobiective Aid Puller said Those who Lilith to see that film willbedoinguleirbitandttwy will have pleasant evening We Films include The Calgary Stampede Yellowstone Nar tlonalyPnrlr and Butchart Gardens Give Paperback Reference Books Librarian Urges OTTAWA OP Giving stu dents reference books in paper back editions would be cheaper than stocking university librar ies William Ready chief librar ian lifdhlaster iv rs ty Hamilton said Sunday Every time book crosses counter it costs 29 cents We can produce it lor that Mr Ready told conference on uni versity libraries sponsored by Carleton University Bancrolt linanee direc tor tor the provincial university allairs department said it costs library $115 in salaries to pro ms $95 worth of booka Edward Farnworth student at Brock University St Cathar ines complained that the inter university loan sernice was not available to undergraduates Graduate students can obtain bookslromany of the 14 provin clallyassisled universities in Ontario Librarians argued that the system would he too costly il opened to undergraduates WILLIAM COPELAND loll second year student at Geor gian College and Terry llciias also second year student at Public Speaking Contest Tuesday Titre Barrie Lions Club will sponsor its annual public speak ing contest for students from the Barrie Hiï¬l Sdtoola at it pm Tuesday The winners one boy and one girl will compete in the Region ll spcalooll Fri day March 14 in Orangeville Beloro the contest the Lions are having their regular meet ing at 630 pm at the Bay staire lodge lilincts Point EMERGENCY NUMBERS 7285588 72564 7284131 7289802 city Police OPP Fire Dept Bospltal the college watch as David Lamb representative from Carver demonstrate an on 1250 OrlHalld During tro polisber and ultra sonic cleaner The demonstration waaone ofmany conducted at the Georgian College Opeia Horse Saturday Examin er photo OpenHouseAtColleg Georgian College held its first annual open house Saturday from 10 run to pm and was attended by 1750 people The open house wasvsnhed tried to enable people of the Barrie area to visit the newly ccmplcled first permanent buil ding of be college Tours were conducted by coir loge students and fatality throughout the twostorcy build in ddition to student cafe leria and lounge there are 11 classroom six laboratories library design arts studio twodraltjngrooms business machines room and two typing and shorthand rooms The college is now offering corner piru continuing edur cat division The purpose of TY NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAYI MARCH 1969 Health Unit Awaitsl APPvaal Oi Budget The Simcoe County Health unit is awaiting approval of its 1969 budget by county council liar rie andVOrillia report issued from the health unit for the month of Barrie Delegation Opposes New BillsI delegation to an emergency meeting 01 the0ntario Humane Society in Toronto on the week end has returned to Barrie de termined that newly proposed legislation by the provincial gov ernment should at best be defeat eadd or at leastdrastlcally amend The delegation headed by Bar rie lnanolt president and composed oi several other members was among 600 people who crowded into the King but wardSheraton llotel Saturday to hear speakers demand ï¬ght against the two bills 71 and 71 Bill 7n provides that humane society shelters shall be the same as poundaand that ani mals ill them nonnaliy sold as Damage $145 AcCident NH Barrie was charged Sat urday alter his car ran into the near oi car driven by Mich aei Douglas hchibbon 19 at 172 Gunn St McGibbons car was ShppEd facing south in the left hand turn lane at the intersection of Essa Road and Btnton Avenue when it was struck irom behind by Peacocks vehicle Damage to McGibbons car was sea and damage to Pea coekts car was $100No inlur resulted lrom the collision nrcmvan Booms SEOUL AP Rle bodes at to South Korean alplnlsts who disappeared in an avalanche in the Valley of Death onthe east coast Feb 14 were dug out frornnnderebtrfcutolrsanatr urday and Sunday national polt lice reported The victims were part of an 194mm mountain climbing team training on Sorak Mountain tor Mo expedition tothe Himalayas supply these potscanbeseinhti andusedae research animals in laborator ies Bill 74 removes the power of society inspector to enter pre mises without warrant and re moves are authority at the soc iety to destroy injured animals without the consent of the own er or written opinion of irrth and auftering from veterinar ISJI Further nowhere in 13 her bill is anyting other than the Soo iety used to identify agents and inspectors gt We canonly assume that the government is tryingto dealus out said spokesman ion the delegntirm Frank Wainwright Mr Wainwright said that the proposed regulations to stop in spection without warrant and destruction without permission iwere stumbling bloc plac ed in the sodetys path Main point of argument is that under the new law dealer in research animals will be able to demand unclaimed animals lrom anyshelter Society publication called Crisis issued in the lace of the proposed legislation says that this means the dealer can then do what he likes th animals as the act protects his premises from arbitrary him tion by the society The constitution of the Humane Society will not allow animals under its care to be used in labs We understand the need lor research animals said Mr Wainwright but there are breeders not dealers who can Basil Capes president oi the society and trey weaker at the Toronto meeting called for the elimination of dealers in re search animala No one should proï¬t from trade in experimen tal animals he sold rsilluwattcnding signed petition and discussed tactics to force the legislature to abandon the bills or modin them one new bills provide that the meeting society will be administeredhw the department of agriculture and food and also sets up new provincial group ofhumane in specials The meeting was undisciplined and noisy with booing and cat calls or unpopular speakers Mr Wainwright said this morning that he wasashamed ollie way some members of the aud ience had conducted themselves DEATHS nevm Con MaudeAt the Pene lam General Hospital on Sundly itlarvll 1969 in her rota year Con llruoe arm or an arm vale beloved wire of James Roland Bevttt um mother or has and William Couhon both or outline Hush CoIlLlon or urtoweu aux bar rhnrzr Srcogi pg Scalaborn rich or arya arlene Devitt at home of Vasey mvtnfï¬ly re membered hv l7 mndt rarer sum or Gladys lrlrs Farmer lleti Mrs luuon anh at Oshawa melt girlr Brown of Mansion Ruling It the tunes ll Lyon nrnerrl name nun vzie lor Innerl rsmru on once day amen at use on Teasp DIIXY Entombment Elmvale Ceme tery Chapehlntemaent later Wav erly United Cemetery in memor ilm donniiom to the Ontario Heart Faunatron would be appreciated omen ruler AlvinAt the rule General Hospital on Sundly arm 1959 in his 75th year James Alvin rlrlen or Elnavale be loved husband of Emily Slatchcr our father at Eastern hire moon or Toronto rraurr and More or stonuwru treatises hit or Peterboro Nellie Hock rlarel andllaheitlr Firearm or Neenawa ll itoba and nose him11 myhton of Stnnamli urn Lovtn ly remem bend as randchll en and lreatarandchli ran also rvived by seven hlnthaln Resting the James ll Lynn lunarl llom nuto vrle rner mo run Mond uniéi churcn for funeral service at not om Elm in interment later Temoran cnlomwrlcnt cemetery Oha Elmvala come KIDD Cobb Albert At til Poirotn General Hospital on Sun dry March 21 1950 in till 53th year Cephll Kidd of Mi Elmvaia bel husband ol Ellie Filln her Wm Mn wuurnr alerts all Elm homo Rolling at the mu ll Lynn Funeral Home ttmvale until 245 nan Wedneslv um tn to chlille Aorticn allure Eilnvtlle lnr luncnl rervlee It nor Temporary entailqu vale cemetery mural later urnvaie Cemotry January said that following loc al approval the budget goes to the provincenhich contributes 75 per cent ol operating costs Overall btnlget for theheallli unit this year was recommend ure up $89117 from last year but is quite bitless than the $121521 asked One new program proposed in the budget is dental heeltr program which will be prev entativerservioo to the drillhen ofthe county During the month oi January totalof 121W routine inspec tions was made including it request calls by the public health inspection services Aproblem Mitidt has caused the inspectors concern is the increasing number of complaints ol flavors and the unvdlolc sameness of some o1 our proces sed lluld milk in many instan ces according to the health unit report customers are buying milk that is unpalatable Tho invesligaiion o1 this pro blem has not been completed as yet but has revealed some of the practices employed by law processors andretailersirr the handling and storage of their fluid milk is most ullSBtlSe factor According to the report when the problem has bee fully rc Taslt Force Report Receives Qualled Support UHWWA GP The nation al council oi the Community Planning Association or Canada Saturday gave qualiï¬ed en dorsemeut to the report at the Hellyer task force on housing In statement issued at the end or twirdnymeeiing here council said are convinced however that with such id range of recommendations some specific priority poiicyguidellnes should be established immediately in order that tile urgent problems lacing urban Canada can be lacklcd promptly and silt riently solved measures will beini ed to prevent this from recurr ing in the future The registered nurses work ing with thepublicheaith ing service are continuing wrth is nd ing testing andlrnmunliation the elementary schools The rel part also states that prepara tions are new under way for the annual Heal testing for Tub erculosis in Grades and I2 which is totalre place during March The public health nursing ser visited total of 1235 ram iiies during January 924 of which were new families in addition 1698 visits were made to patients such as schools the aged handicapped and soc ial wellare Communicable diseases report ed during January were 39 cases of chicken pox live mease lee ï¬ve influenza two scarlet fever and one diphtheria carrier totalingasz cases the continuing education divi sion is to otter variety of programs throughout the Geo gian College area toadulis Because the college is large the division is considering can cring courses in cormnunities such as Olsen Sound Coiling nood Pcnctang and Vallrerton Hanover vi ofier variety of courses to fill the needs of the particular area Three varieties of courses are under consideration precon ege collegelevel and gener interest programs The pro college courses in uiude parttime and tullttme academic upgrading ior peopi Mn have not completed Grade 12 but who want to enter the college diplurna programs The college level 00112393 would be the regular day col ege programs offered parttime4 to adults who want to obtain college diploma gt General interest or sea would include variety of cour ses designed to meet the we cial vocational home alrl com5 munity needs of adults Car flck RENTALS aconorncan ortan WEEKLY atomnu RATES 7266474 HERTZ 231i BRADFORD bruins Our enronrs lake view itrsrAURAnr lat Dnnlop ap TEE5151 ARE MONDAY to THURSDAY GRILLED wme STEAK with Mushroom Sauce or BREADED VEAL CUTLETS with Sp ish Sauce FREE run arirker Renal ice Cr am with purchlm oi Bucket