Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1969, p. 2

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DOLL REMAINS IN TANGLED WRECKAGE doll rests in the twisted wreckage of the car in which family died yesterday after noon The doll belonged to died in crash Her brother Kevin and lather Clifford Scbiodel was treated and leased from Royal Victoria three members Midland Karon SchiedclagcdlourSbo Schiedel 43 also died Mrs Hospital with nilnor injuries More Than 1000 Hydro Men Oil Today In Rotating Strike TORONTO CF More than 1000 Ontario Hydro employees were of the job today as concil Iation meetings were scheduled between the representatives of the publiclyowned utility and the union Hydro spokesman said some 360 operators at generat ing stations in Hydros Niagara and northeasth areas were off work as well as 310 at Lakeviaw Labor Congress Critical Premier Robarts IDNDON Ont CF Ontar Io Premier John Robarts is sup porting the insurance compa nies whether it is on medicare or taxation the Canadian Labor Congress Ontario Region cdu cation institute was told Sunday John Elcen of Tomato re search director of the Ontario Federation of Labor said the premier is not going to impose atax on insurance companies when insurance companies are right here in London in his ow conspiracy Mr Elecn was speaking on the Carter commission on taxa non during the last lecture of weekend institute He said labor ould support the Carter report entirety What we neediis to support the basic principles or the tax system Carter proposed and work out details later All generating station near Toronto and zoo office workers The rotating strikes designed to harass management without disrupting service were started Feb by the DMDmember Local 1000 Canadian Union of Public Employees The workers are demanding iospencent wage increase in twoyear contract and wage parity in Hydros seven regions The utility has otlerod 155 pcrcent in over two years Wages under the old contract which expired last April range from to £209 week CITY rvrmrs TILE BARN EXAMINER MONDAY AMRCII LOCAL AND GENERAL CHAIR STOLEN binds pattcn arm chair valued at $0 was stolen from the main lobby of an apartment house at 29 Queen St between and pm Sunday Tire chair has not been recovered TIRE MISSING Lavcryne Cannon of liladoc Ontario reported to Barrie pol ice that wheel and tire had been stolen from its half ton truck sometime between Fdr 23 Loss 0i Cultiire Driving Indiana Eskimos To Violence TORONTO CF Can Indians and Eskimos are being driven by the loss of their cul ture to violent action to win the transistonzed baubles of the white mans world an Edmon lton psychiatrist has written in the current University of Toron to Law ournal Dr Hellonsaid isa matter of extreme urgency that steps be taken to treat the antisocial behavior of native groups struggling with the switch to the white mans cule ture Violent mass action may result as natives become more aware at their deprived posi tion Dr Hellon described Indians and Eskimos as impulsive pleasureseeking and aggies sire Evidence exists of wide spread mental illness he said and problems include illogitlm cy and venereal disease drink ing and violent crime He said the suicide min among Eskimos ls twoundea half times that an da as whole Dr Hellon recommends that Indians and Eskimos be given the benefitof social and eco nomic planning They should be trained to hold jobs and be given better living conditions Parents should be educated so that children do not inherit all the problems Prompt treat ment should be given in cases of abnormal bebav WayscrgqlBeach Studies Pollution Prevention Wasaga Beach council has asked the Ontario government that ratepa representatives have the rig voice in any cost split financing for propos edsewerage and water supply systems for the beach area Estimates presented to coun cil have placed the cost of pro posed sewage work at $2060000 and $1i400w for water sys tem It isanticipated this work would probably be done through NINESING ivms issues bliss Stewarts Grade pupils held successful banar and bake sale Feb 20 Theyare trying to realize enough funds for trip in the smother World Day of Prayer is to be hold this year in SL Peters Church Speaker will be Mrs Fletcher Stewart largely attended evening of cuchre was held in the Parish Hall Ieh zt proceeds going to thaOuhatohelpbuyatent HUMAN RIGHTS The February 25th meeting of Womens Institue was held at the home of Mrs Msguire Mrs Harvey Mdiean convener gave splendid paper on Hannah Eights yedmday and today dating from the Mag na Oarta Miss MarercLoon gave burrent events Miss Mar ilyn Crawford was drosen to are let the flatd for the Womens in stitute Sirnope County scholar WmfiIHomenaker Smith are improving foIlowing operations in Barrio hospital the Ontario Water Resources Commission it it is proceeded with and be on long range basis The village council which is headed by Heeve Eugene Lange Vin has reserved judgmentnn these sewerage and water sup ply recommeodations contained in draft of what has been term ed the Wasaga Beach implemen tation plan other parts of the plan have been approvedin prin ciple and are now being given further attention FINANCING PROBLEM Dealiis on proposed financing are desired along with other specific information before any decision could be made on the service projects The beach has about 1200 year round resi dents alrhougb is summer popul lation often bits 30000 While appreciating the financ ing should be done practical basis the need for facilities to prevent pollution has been stress ed Helen Gillies wellknown Wasaga beach booster com menting on the large outlays in volved said Hugs amounts of money its true but these laoil ities will be must sooneror later and the longer they are postponed the more theywlll cost so why postponet The beach is one of the few large recreational areas of its kind left in southern Ontario in which the waterways are not pol luted Helen Gillies noted as she added ber written comment With the phenomenal increase in year round residents and the ever mounting number of summervlsltfirsflibwsuléisblir present system of individual wells and septic tanks Every year iheproblem of findingrpacs for one without endangering another is becom ing greater as our building in spector would verily With busi tress property where so eral tanks are often required it has become very expensive neces sity and deterrent to builders Town sewage would be terrific improvement no overflowing tanks to offend sensitive noses of our tourists no tanks empt ing secretly of course into the river Iiiappropriate action is not taken Helen Gillies envisioned the time when signs may be post ed on the bay or and river Not Safe for Swimming That would be an expensive day tn deed she argued in support of her call for action Why not avoid it Whynot proceed with plans for sewage andwater as fast as possible It was suggested the Chamber of Commerce could serve most worthy public service by taking up the matter furthe BELL rwaar By SUSAN STODDART Weekend guests included Mrs Walters Mr and Mrs Plume and family were Mr and Mrs Huffalt Mr and Mrs Prophet were at Mrs Pearl Chappels Mrs Ada Quanta is visiting her daughter in Cookstown The fishing is not doing very well this winter allegedly due to too many an bites tlnohilintcrirna was ablgsfi cesr and many people attended It was held at itinlsiil Park Bill of lrinistil The snowmobile races were the greatest attraction and to The wheel and tire whidi were brand new were valued at $10 The then took place while the truck waspark ed in the parking lot in the rear of the American Hotel rams awaan Lloyd Churchill 41 Offic er in Charge of Base Borden central clothing stores was recently awarded the 25 year federal civil service certificate and pin in ceremony at the base headquarters The presem tattoo was made by Col Ockenden base command er iMr Churchill his wife Alice and four children reside at 131 Cook St Barrie tCan adian Forces Photo Opposition Set To Tee Oil On Government WAWA OP The opposi tion is preparing to tee off on the government today for al legediy bypassing Parliament in pouring through new legislation At isue is the practice of putr ting ti items on the list of sup plementary estimatesthereby giving orticial status to particv ular spending In the 1963455 supplementary estimates which come before the House today there are 58 such items and op position parties say they are going to take the opportunity to tackle the government on them as the Commons halos threeday supply debate These $1 items should be ined only in the most extraordi nary circumstances says Can servative House Leader Gerald Baldwin iPCPeace River The Opposition has been hand ed golden opportunity to dis cuss the issue Before the com mittee on miscellaneous esti mates completed its hearings Thursday Marcel Lambert PC Edmonton West managed to get committee approval for two motions condemning thEuse of these $1 items These motions now form part of the committees report which comes up for debate today The standard Commons mo tion that the House concur in the report of the committee means that the criticism of the 51 item is placed before all merriiérshlofilobflfflf TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE mMlt Events Begin Anopenbouaawillbohetdat Oakley gm Millie lobed bo ginaing tonight and lasting Ill neck The school will be open as part of Education Week from 530 no to 80 Ian until Thursday inclusive Also planned for tonight as of Education Week ll and school meeting at leI at Steoia Street public nhool Also starting today pan eota otli be visiting classes at Prince 01 Wales Iohool Guest speaker at the Steele Street homo and school associa tion will be McKay super brundcat oi academic attain with the county board of educa tion Tomorrow night King Edward and Maple Grove public schools will be open to parents Two Injured In collision Barrio woman and her seven year old ron were in iured yesterday when their car left Highway 00 two miles south of Concession II of West Gwiib lmbury township pod rtruck guardrail Mrs Mary Stout 30 and her son Kenneth both received mule tipia bruises in the crash They were treated at the emergency section of Royal Victoria Hospi tal and released Damage to their éar amounb ed to $300 In other weekend accidents in the area Catherine Johnston oi Goldwater received broken foot when she was struck by car on Main Srect in Water TltogcrGrant Noble I7 of Goldwater was charged with faib Ing to sport the accident to pol ca Would Draw Public Into Debate On Science Use venom CF The public must be drawn into the growing debate over how science will be used speakers decldul at week and discussions of the Canadian Institute on Public Affairr During talks on national sci eoce policy makers told the final session of the institutes winter conference that the public has not been involved so far Few attended the session besides scientists Drury president oi the treasury board squclobed spec ulation that the federal govern ment might appoint minister of science or science policy or change its science policymak tng machinery Within government itself do not see any new structure being established to implement science policy be said Satur ay Senator Maurice Lamontagnc chairman of the Senate special committee on science policy said policy has been developed in isolation since 1915 by scien data and without anstystgmatic political review Tar roots on APOLLO incur CAPE KENNEDY Fla APt Here are the facts and figures on the Apollo launching Astronauts Cola amea McDiiitt 39 and David Scott 35 of the US Air Force and civilian Russell Sohwelckllt 36 Purpose Orbit the earth to quality all pieces of Apollo hardware including first manned test of lunar modulo designed to land two men on the moon Rendezvous and ocki exercises between lunar module and ApoUo command module and two hour space walk by Schwcick hart Flight duration Nine days IDIIIS 47 minutes Beckett Threestage Saturn which with Apollo space craft stands 363 feet tall The worlds most powerful booster with firststage thrust at 7700000 pounds Cost of mission Saturn $135000000 Apollo craft $3500000itr lunar ul $41000000 launch operations including recovery to ssooooooo Total moooopoo aooaa By ms snaarinown WJ VISITS Edgar W1 met at the home of Mrs Strachan Feb It with Cinwes as guests Mrs Sinion Cralghurst gave demonstration of ceramics show ing how to pour mould and displaying several pieces in various stages of completion The regular March meeting will be cancelled because Clowes NJ has invited Edgar Wl to special meeting Mar II at 030 at Edgar Commun ity Hall Mr Scott will show films on the history of Oro township On Mar 70 Edgar Wl is invited to join Stroud or an afternoon meeting Don Shannon willgivs dam onstrauon on leathereralt NOTHING NEW Cleopatras haihlub was said wms queens scour nirvana Brian McFadden of the 2nd Allandale Scout troop receiv ed his Queens Scout award during ceremonies at Burton Avenue United Grurch Left to right are Steven Hawkins an nuicr member of the troop McFadden and Scoutmaster DISTRICT WEATHER sunny Skies Predi Elwood Wynea District Corri missioner Ben llook made the presentation during recent father and son bannueL hied In Area For Tufesdciy Sunny weather continues to reign over the Barrloilresh Tuesday with little change in temperature Winds will be light to northerly near 15 The Toronto weather office ls predicting low tonight of 16 and high Tuerda of 33 Noon temperatur outside the Barrie Examiner was at Synopsis lnassivo high pressureover southern Mani toba is drifting slowly math and east bringing clearsklea and arn or mal tanneratures throughout Ontario Tcrnpera fares tn southern Ontario this morning are expected to climb to the high 30 this aliemoon In the Northern Ontario tem peratures vary hebween acre no to below Toronto Hamilton Iondon Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara lake0ntlrl0 southern Geor glan Bay Hallhurton Mostly sunny and little change in tem peratures today and Tuesday Winds light to northerly near 15 North Bay Sudbury northern Georgian Bay ltemasaml Cochrane Algoma WhIte River Mostly sunny ibdayand Nesday little colder today and not much change Tuesday Winds light to north or north east near 15 Western James Bay Mostly sunny today and Itresday low cloudy pcer and few scattered snowllurrles nicsday Colder today and Tuarday Winds light to northerly near IS Montreal and Ottawa Clear with some cloudy periods today and Tuesday Near seasonabie temperatures Winds light Forecast Temperature Wino tonim up nears Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Wingharn Hamilton St Catharines Tomato Potortoorough Kingston Owen Sound ltrenton Killaloo Muskokn nsnseigsnaananaaatsnoaas Mild weather ls forecast for Gamble and parts of Now for tho Maritimes and milder most of consortium with rain expected in western British Scotia and New Brunswich cold wave is moving across nonhcrn Quebec heading weatbcr is heading for the Prairie provinces OP wire photo Police Will Be curtain jAt University Disorders TORONTO CPI Education Minister William Davis said Sunday that police will be called in immediately it stu dents create disorders at any Ontario university Interviewed on Toronto radio station CFRB Mr Davis said the public cannot tolerate dc struction Hosnld there Is degree of unrest among students and oven teachers but be doubted student activists knew what changes they wanted to bring about Mr Davis said he was sura there was more to student on wasriea Bracn oy 11th snares and Mrs Edd utt Tor onto spent the weekend with Mrs Merter Lynn River Rd celebrating the laiters birth daY Mrs Marquis who has been in St Josephs Hospital Toronto for several months is now con valeslng in st Bernards Mr and Mrs Lloyd Dyer Nancy Villa with Mrs Helen Gervals left last week for hot lday in Florida Six anowmohllcrs from the area attended the Kawariha meet weekend Miss Barbara Dyerrcame fourthrin 1the womens open competitionahd Bob Tlmlock fifth in overall to have been supplied by lead pipe points for the Kawartha Cup for Canada and United States rest than inst average stu dents seeking academic and administrative reforms but did not elaborate He urged private industry to find work or idle students dur ing summer vacations because frustration over unemployment could lead to disturbances There will be 40000 students seeking summer jobs across Canada this year he said and governments aretrying to find jobs for as many as possible MOUNT ST LOUIS By rims number Friends in this corromniity were shocked to hear of the death of Her Gerald Lah at Compton College Univer sity of Saskatchewan Itegina He was the son of the late Denis Lahay and Anna Fitzgerald Lahey of Punching Real estate business is really booming around the Mount Sev eral farms have been sold LV lemon Noon Hour Servrre than =125o ruesoAY MARCH Collier st United Church Luncheon carved at l1OO noon and 100 pm Why not prolarva what you LACHANCE =cr North ro Dunlap at have created byng

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