Baby Talks srncoz murmurs co to Ceémo my Deafness Key Of Local Interest wedJiog of local intarst took place In Toronto when soa an Elisabeth Dinney became tbt bride of ibomas Joseph Paul Sate son of MrJnd hiss Joseph duo of Barrie The bride ts tha daughter of his and Mrs Robert thrice Dinney of Erie tor OIL The evening uremony was performed by Rev William OBrien against background setting of pink and mauve Dw ers and undelabra VELVET DOWN Given la marriage by her father the brides line gown was famiooed of relvet and fear lured stand up collar of heavy white lace matching the lam kinmung on the full length sleeves velvet pilibor accented with lace caught shoulderlength bouffant veil of silk tulle The bride carried bouquet of white WHAT THE soul and violets with initial Ivy and velvet streamer Min Brands Disney of landon sister of the bride out maid of honor Her town of 5on pink velvet was designed on the line and accented with head dress of pink roses tier her quet was pink roses and violets with trailing fry Ind valvet streamers maidiingtha color of her dress The bridexroonra brother Peter Thrry Saso of Barrie at tended as best man Bill and Jonathan Dinnry brothers of the bride serrcd Ia ushers After the ceremony guests were received It the Toronto residence of the brides uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Rows Dinney The Kingway The bride chose paddy groan wool crepe suit with navy Io ccssories Is going away cos tume The newlyweds will take up residence at llrantlord Ont STARS SAY By ESTRKLLITA ms NMOILRDW Sunday will be perfect time to extend hospitality to family and friends in day for gift givlng generosity on every plane Travel and mmahca also favored FOR BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday our outlook is an extremely loasant one You are currently it Iperiod in which you can ormu III longrange plans and your ï¬nancial status if you site constructive stepsespe aiiy between now and the end September ï¬ne gains are tarpromlsed during the forth oming seven months but in der not to offset them it will imperative that you avoid peculation and extravagance in ugust November and Decent er even though on Dec you ill enter another splendid eovrnonth cycle for fncrear log your assets next months for occupational betterment March July Sap tamber and November Stellar blessing is given to your person life too with emphasis on ro mance between now and fats September in late October and JInuIry on travel Between May and September also De cember and January Both domestic and social interests should continue on generally happy note throughout the year child horn on this day would make an excellent painter composer or play wright DAY TOMORROW Monday will he day in which your best efforts could pay nit handsomely nrpetiors will be nrindful of your endeav ore and you could receive some unusual recognition for services rendered FOR THE MIRANDA it Monday is your birthday your ability to size up durations your ability to size up situations smartly could bring you many beoefita durin the next is months This be year of accomplishmenta sprint bosrd to still greater achieve ment in to future Look for fine chances to better your fmnnelai status between now and the end oi September Then consolidate gains and mark time until next December tst when you can look forward to an excellent threemonth cycle for improving monetary matters still further Do avoid speculation during the early part of August however also in November and Decent her Beat periods for lob ad vnncement and recognition March July September and November but steady progress will be evident during the entire year Personal interests will alsobe starblessed during the next year with emphasis on rov mance between now and late September in late October and January on travel between May and September also in De cemherand January If carefrd to avoid friction on the home front in early November your domestic concerns should be no usually harmonious for long time to come child born on this day will be endowed with high order of intellect love of beauty and delightful personality WENDYS COLUMN MurphysianéPrOvide Lot To Think About By WENDY HICKS ms WAS HOME last weekend and we were discussing Parkin sons Law Work expands to fill the time available for its com pletion horn there we went to Murphys law If anything can go wrong it will and then we began to make up some of our own Probably some of them were hidden in our subconscious minds and had been seen some whcre before although they were not deliberately remembered but somopf them are our own and you run probably add few of yours too Any bus that normally runs me will run early when you are Any door that is approached sky with your arms full will open towards you in any given pair of doors the one pushed will be locked Any door clearly marked Push will be pulled first if only the right arm is free the key will be in the left pocket car will always start at once Except when it is vital that it starts at once Streetcars runevery ten min utes except when you have just missed one Garbage day is yesterday If there are two outstanding television programs in one week they will be at precisely the some time If the washing machine breaks down so will two other appli ances If the telephone rings once dur ing the night it will also ring twice more Everything goes round some thing first thinking machines work The 80 minutes in Iwhich you slip down to the supermarket in curlers and slacks is always the 30 minutes in which your arch ensmy shops on her playback from the hairdresser and fash ion show The checkout counter to which you were going but didnlt is al ways the quickest IF you HAVENT taken your chfldren to the Planetarium at the Royal Ontario Museum do gt recommend that you put itonthe list of things to do in the future and even if you have no children to take you will enjoy it your self am sure have visited the one at Mo Master University in Hamilton hnd thought that this would be about the same Th certain extent it is but there is so much to be foamed about the beav ens that there is great deal that is different The presentation It McMaster is on somewhat general lines with lots of information and dem onstrations of the positith of the stars as well as the planets showing how to find thorn in the sky The presentation at the Royal Ontario Museum is slanted to wards the planets and shows how they were discovered and how it had become possible to plot their paths and to predict exactly where they could be found in the Apart from anything else If you are having firing days shopping the rest in itself is worth the dollar admissionstu dents aod children are loss The chairs are wonderfully comfort able rather like the seats in an aircraft and reclining so that th heavens can be seen above In fact the only part that was dif ficult was the showing of the film taken from the space ship Apollo The planetarium is cur cular and we were sitting in the eastern sector which is where the film was shown and we had to lie in the seats and look at it upside down directly overhead But im sure that it would have been fascinating the right way up so dont be discouraged Because the seating is limited tickets are hard to get and we Siluronirrtienners LOW LOW REGULAR DRY CLEANING PRICES Pioin Dresses Skirts Plain Pants Ladies Slacks Mens Suits Fast Service Free riches may able or right for the machine nutter HURONIA CLEANERS MR AND ours THOMAS saso Z0 mammsar Special Care Of Silken By ELEANOR ROSS As promised have gathered some expert tips on the core of silk garments So here they are Some but not allsillr weaves are washable Cleaning depends on the construction and finish of the fabric and the style of tho garment in which it is wash able whereas dresses of faille or brocade as well as many silk prints require dry cleaning Cleaning care is not always obvious to the eye Thus mlnu facturers are in favor of provid ing hangtags which give specific instructions for the proper care of their garments Unless clothcs are labelled handwash wcra lucky to get them it is advisable to get them beforehand and the showings are at pan and t3 pm lasting for just over an hours AT FRIENDS house last week they had an old friend visiting them and he was teil tog some of his experiences in the Army He often had to tour the country with important vis itors and this time it was with Prince Philip They were vidtlng small town in the NorthWest Terrflor iaI and wont had been sent head to expect them and to or range meal for them There was only one restaurant in the town and it was decided that ow ingtotheslaanftheparty would not be posiblo to feed everyone in private house and that therefore the restaurant would be the most suitable place Also it had the added benefit of waitress The place was duly painted and spruced up and menu was selected carefully to provide the very best of Canadian cuisine Firstthere was thick luscious pea soup followed by Arctic char and then ptsrmiganNsxt succulent roast of venison was proudl presented and finuliy the Waitress distinguished her self for ever She cleared the plates from the previous course and leaning over Prince Philips shoulder she said cheerfully Hang on to yonr fork Dooir were having pie for dessert $135 65 65 $135 ms DRIVEIN LOCATION Photo by Jch PM Dolor URDAY MAW 1969 arments the majority of silks should be dryciuned and only by repu tabio establishment To tell the truth no pure silk should go into the washing ma chine hut today there are many sllir blends containing synthetics nail these are machinewash NLDOW RULES if no specific instructions are liven for washable stik item follow few simple rules First of all use mild soap to create suds in lukewarm water Squeeze suds through the gar ment several times Do not nth But if necessary repeat sudsing with fresh soap Gentle handling is the key he sure too to rinse several times in tepid waters ritual the garment away from strong sun or heat until almost dry or roll it in turlnslr towel and leave for half an hour or so the Shoelli by Wulkwel Should mares be pampered Millions of dollars are went yesrly in beauty salons to beautify the American woman Yet neglected feet and ill fitting dross will line the face dampen the spirits and can be rotated to more serious physical ail merits Because feet get more wear and buss than any other part of the WWII is important to give them the loving care and pampering that is given to the most beau lifts face Your feet will appreci ate refreshing daily bath foot powder will aid in drying When your feet are tired stimulate them by immersing al ternateiy in hot and cold water vigorous mas sage rruh rouyr towel is good Apply lanolin lanolin cream or lotion toarcas of foot that are dry or cracked Trim toe nails straight across Exercises sud o5 toe wiggling arch stretching andslorv ankle rotation should be cntoyod at ev ery opportunityï¬luthlng your feet up on aide desk or anything about two feet above the floor is highly rccormnended to etirrrulate circultim Its relaxing for the whole bod pd good for the feet Borrfrs Ittirlmt hlmr hllfli 58 DUNIDP SI BARRIE sense of sound discrimination nurcLW if your child mum ra baby talk after the age of tour you should take steps to hare the habit corrected before it becomes serious handicap is the federal health department pub iicatlon Bahy Talk One fre quent cause of baby talk is that the child In hIrd of hearing or hatwbatiskoowoaslhleh frequency deafness This rneIns he doesnt hear such sounds as as or th and leaves altogether in his speech if you suspect deafness of any kind consult doctor However four out of five chil dren with defective speeds have no organic causes and most of them have no mental defect either saysvtbe pamphlet 1be majority are mitts intelligent children who have very weak For instance and th sound alike to them Such chil dren can and should be taught to tell one mud from another The best time for this correc tion it between the ages of four and seven delay can mean that your child will develop per sonaiiLy troubles because of his dcfcctivn speech ii the condition is not too as treme in which case speech therapist ahouldbe consulted you could do great deal to help your child Ibr further tnformann on what you can do to help correct ynur childl baby talk write to your provincial health depart ment for free copy oi the pamphlet Baby Talk Handy Casseroles From Leftovers Leftovers can be dollarsirct chcrs reminds the Food Coun cil Ontario Department of As riculiure and Food For sample make quick tasty salad by tossing together any unused cooked vegetables such as butteredpens or corn with spoon of cleardressing Or storo cooked leftover veg tablcs in cream sauce made with tablespoon butter and tablespoon flour for each cup of wgotahle cooking liquid Keep In the refrigerator and add other leftover vegetables through this weak Then on the weekend serve as an instant casserole or creamed vegetable dish Another handy casserole uses leftover cooked meat fish or poultry baked with noodles rice and cup of mushroom or celery or cream of chicken soup ADDRESS PHONE Responsibility To Neighbors Theme Of UCW Conference The theme of the seventh an nual meeting of Simooe Pres byterial United Church Women held Feb so in Collier Street United Chrrmh Barrie was My Responsibility in fig Neighbor Mr Wallace Gou of Dalston President chaired the days proceedings The morning session Wed with sing song led by Mrs Al lan Orr Mrs Pardon of Bus ton Ave Barrie based the do wtlonsl meditahioo the poem Creation Christana will be known byour love for others Mrs Grace Nrakawa rendered the solo lift every voice and sing ccoonpanied by Doug Garraway Deceased members of Slmcoe Prosbyteriai Were remembered by prayer and presentation of dozen roses by Mrs Per kins of hildiInd The annual report showed pastoral charges It and con grogallofrs tn Presbytery 51 and all have organised ucwr Ap proximate oumber of women in the above congregations is 37m from these 24 an monk bera of the UCW Financial statement for lost Receipts sasoooss expendi tures $343 leaving bol nnce on hand of $81115 The Bursary hind which Is fund to help students training for full time church service totalled $1199 and from tlss 890260 had been used to assist students dur ing the year leaving balance of $39697 The UCW contributed 3159650 to the Rama Manse Fund The 1969 aim of the United Church hoard of Women is to raise two mlllon dollars for their work throughout Canada Indoverscas From this mount Simcoc Preahyterial pledged to raise $11000 plus $800 for local expenses To an compilsh this the local UCW will have to raise their alloca tions higher than in 106d SLATE OF OFFICERS The slate of ofï¬cers for 196 was presented by Mrs Scott and Mrs Rees president of Toronto Conference conduct ed the election Rev Lula of Eimvaic President of Simona Presbytery led in service of dedication and installed the fol lowing executive Past Presl dcnt Mrs Gordon Sarjeant 0r lllla President Mrs tough Dalston first Vice President Mrs Gordon hfagulra Drillia WHEN YOU BU OR MORE Premium 4piy Du Pont nylon cord body ensures greater strengthmeets or exceeds all official safety standards Premium deep tread ensures longer life for tits Rolled shoulder design for safer handling Wlds doap shoulder rib where the Wear is greatest Exclusive tread designtor tpp parturition and traction 25MONTH GUARANTEE agaittst wesrout PLUSno timoormiieagolimit guarantee against all life Iaiiuras tor the lilo of the tread niea details tee Plot 643 For full In our Spring and Summer Clialngtia 19ft lMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION Your local SimmonsSoars catalogue Sales Ofï¬ce stocks most popular secoud Vth Pendent Mrs Everelt Emma Barrie Region Ii VicePresidents South Mrs llobt Neil flourehlll llesi Mrs Norman MIcArtirur Shyner East Mrs Edgar Rielka Sec or arse Valley Dr Barrier Correspoodv lng Secretary flirt Bert Maw Barrie Treasurer Mrs Dickinson Shanty Bay Com mlttee Chairmen Cltiaenship and Social Action Mn Elmer Pratt Siroud Causation in Christian Education and its alonary Education Mrs llfc Development Mrs Trace Milian OrilliI Leadership Development Mrs Trace Elmvale and Mrs Bruce Loinl Drillla Nominations hits Scott ifswkestone Portfolio Secretaries Com munin Mendsz and Visiting hirs Howard Campbell Shanty Day Literature Communica lions and Program Mrs Keith ilrdor Collingwood Press and Publicity ftfrs Gilllrnm Barrie Stewardship Recruiting and Finance flin Dnldgc Barrie Supply and Soc ial Assistance Mrs lit Guthrie Gifford Archives Mrs Mackenzie NW inwcli pion ist Mrs Proctor Barrie Bursary hind lfrs Elwood Gordon Stayner Without Portfolio lira Clar eoca Carson Phelpstoo Mrs llalnes Bradford Mrs Ferris Mldhurrt itlrs Gwen anson Roscmontzenfrs Frank Harrison Hawkestone llfrs Cecil Reynolds Breton Mrs Elis Allistoo lirt Gerald Elacidourn Croomore Delegates to Toronto Confer ence Annual Meeting being held March and at North Bay will be Mesdama Dickinson Ferris Trace Magulre EPrott And Emms During the afternoon session the UCW members of lilinesing Crown Hill and lfawlrcstono re ceived the offerln which was dedicated by lot enham UCW Praise Mrs Eldon Greer of Collier st Barrie favored with the solo Hymn of Pr dialogue Projecting the Future of UCW was present ed by Mrs litres and Mrs Bowman president and second vice president of Toronto Conference United Wo men There are 2900 UCW Duty DAYS metrrbers in the Toronto Copies eoce which Itrotchrs front Lake Ontario on the south to Kansas kaslng on the north it has too mo and it momma LI highlighted in III dialogue were Changes of sirua lure are taking plsco in all areas We are approaching things in different way This is true in all departments of the Church today We must witness in different ways but everytme we do is witness of our love and concern for others it ll inst as important to help our next door neighbor as it is someone across the sea To grow spiritually we must ova one another Women should enter politics to provoke church thinking VLrltlng In our own Church and outside is very important Much thought should be put on how our Church bund lng Is hang used Should we keep rm such good buildings and not make good usoof thorn Do some reconstructing with in your congregation Present the things you feel are worth while to your Church Board and in this way start some action within your Church lifcn and women should be working hand in hand You in your own local Church can protect the future of the UCIV itro Edgar Adult Occupational Centre Chor under the lead ershlp of Mr Morley Thornton rendered sovcrai selections in the evening They were so well received ths crowded Church audience gave the choir stand ing ovation MISSIONARY SPEAKS The guest speaker Dr Nor man illncltenke was introduo ed by Mrs Maguire of Or lilia lie is aformer Missionary of China Nigeria and locks At present he is serving as Assocc atc Secretary Board of World Missions of the United Church of Canada in June he will be taking up rcsdence at Rama indian Reserve as minister to the community Christan Mission beglru at home among our neighbors and strangers witirln orn midst said Dr Mackenzie We must see the used first then we will want to do something about it As we do will see the needs in the wider field We cant all goto forlgn fields so let us be concerned right at home and do something about it LEFT T0 =CASH IN QN CANADAS GREATEST TIRE VALUE PREMIUM SUPERlRED as To scanners Atr ruastsss athcrrwnrts ALL TUBE EACH Paras tsss WHITEINALLS AND snING wirtrswntus 7J57Mll 715119 asssnort ifiitit airsmars II 1357 rs roeIan assanon Islest mmou artmots estMots all Wasunis 11m sour us an torn more alxraaaooto venom no vsrrsersoro ossuesroto tsxslsro oro us sumo sax rsltoto ssxetssootn Isrussmo or are also ALLSTAfE tires altering immediate delivery installation can be arranged for nominal char See our exclusive line of ALLSTATE Tires SimmonsSalt Stores moat Catalooue Sales and Auto Aeeauones at all Offices and Simpson Stores across Canada nnnnsss PHONE Just Say charge It on your SimpsonsSeara Accountl 129DUNLOP ST 728592