raser HELPS TO SAVE THE part Presentation By Rotariotns DOOR PRIZES were donated by local merdrantr lor the Save The Park Dance and HE MUSIC was lively and so neerthe dancers Adding to the fun of evening were Thomas was among the lucky winners lie is show above receiving his maturing number or spot dam Mrs Hebert and itir Oodrburn were among the guests who no Rotary cue or Barrio lowed the evening at the Sm the Park Deuce will for not Dr presented the deceit and it was accepted by Dr Beeton on behalf oi the Committee Dr tnnbull expressed the notari Wghwmt ve The Holiday lamlocated on Highway to end Essa Road one set of luggage irorn litre Park Examiner Photo enjoyed the lestivitlas Ex aminer Photo Eusiness Women Plan Fashion Show Muriel Perry and thankedby Mrs Lillian Jones The Business and Professional Womens Club oi Barrie held their eguier meeting at Mrs Dorot Eedr member and guest brought dish and dressed in costumes depicting other coun tries Japan higxlco Korea Hawaii Austria Paldsmn India italy Trinidad Irina Canadian indinn and early Canadian were represented Miss Dorothy Scrivei and Mrs Elsie Fitzcrald Alliston Miss Peggy Day illidiandpltirs Elean or Reevie and him Helen Stew art Barrie were guests of the Club The Speaker Mrsp Dorothy Ayclifio Regional Adviser Be gion was introduced by Itiiss And Professional The siness session was Cilaih cdby Presidcn itrs Anna Stewart Shamrock Fashion Show will be held at Collier Street United Church Fellowship Hall March to 030 pm and convened by Mrs Beth Kearsey Mrs Anne Stewart will be the delegate to attend Seminar on income Tex sponsored by Protessional Womens Club itirch 30 pm at Holiday House Rummage Sale is planned to be held April 28 at the Leg ion Hall Members or the Barrie Club are invited to attend Creed Ma Luncheon being held in Eramp ton March 30 pm The meeting closed with Candle ghtirig Care ducted by Mrs Jean Earish and Miss Mabel Ferguson which re views tho history of Business and Pmicssionai Womens Clubs round the world The next regular dinner meet ing will be held at the American Hotel on March 18 The Guest Speaker will be Miss Linda Belt Department of Labour Womens Division and her topic will be Women in Employment Friend Oi Famous Dies In London LONDON Reuters Lady Violet Eonham Carter Bl it politician and leading controver sinlist lor half century died Wednesday night She was the daughter of Her bert Asquith Liberal party prime minister during the First World War Throughout her lite she campaigned on the British political scene as friend of the famous and spokesman for progressive caucuses eted the use oi their lovely Ururclalil Room for the dance intoi merchants More genervur in their support of the ettort and computed nunter of door res hire Benton wile or Dr Barton who is the el ortr of the current park carn palgn was presented with roses timing the early part or the even ing The presentation was made in lppredallon ol the ncrlllce oi time which has been made by the Beaten tilting the amount miter denim parties preceded the dance Gt irens from all age mum and out Dllilo were armor the approximater in who attend ed the dance THE EARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH I96 CHEF It Doreen on to right assisted by Ed Borne mnn proudly prcsldcd at the SPEAKING or PEOPLE AND PLACES COCKTAIL PARTY Prior to the Save iho Perk dance and ballet supper party last evening at the Holiday in Mr and Mrs Ben Barrette en tertained at cocktails Guests in cluded Mr and Mrs Marcel Racine Mr and Mrs Pet Downs Dr and hire liarvcy Dougha my Dr and Mrs Bailey Mr and hirs Fred Bucklnnd Mr Ind Mrs Macltearr Mr and Mn Jim Leloie itir and Mrs John thicAskin and Mr and itirs iim iiunter KEFDILE THE DANCE Mr and itirs ii Dobsky Vine St held cocktail party before last nights Save The Perk Dance at Holiday inn Among the guests present were Mr and Mrs Fred Indt Mr and Mrs Harrington Mr and Mrs Lawson and Mr and Mrs lion Harris CARIBBEAN crturer lbree couples from Barrie and one couple lrom Kitchener have returned home irom memor ahle winter vacation cruising on schooner among the islands of MiniSkirts Play Up Legs You cant skirt the question of legs in year when fashion dc crees mlnl mum coverageis the thing What you can do is concentrate on making less then perfect logs look good better their best Heres how gtColor scheming Pare down plump logs by wearing darker hose Even textured stockings turn the trick ii the textural in fierest takes slimming vertical lie For skinny legs be right and go light The pastels oi the Sprint palette are perfect for making thlnlegs appear more sounded so are stockings that have the wonderiul gloss or the wet look Complete coverage Givo legs from toes to thighs the allover flattery that pantyhose supply For one they eliminate the bulge betwixt stocking top and girdle bottom For another they make tor modesty when mint clad maidcn stretches Or stoops Happy medium it youdont dare maxi and your legs arent goodeuough for mini hit on the happiest of medium lengthsone that strikes the leg at midltknee Be Smoothie erep legs iurz tree by shaving at the ilrsl sign of growth Also develop the habit of applying hand and body lotion daily especially to your heels and knees Shoe Do Keep shoes well groomed Polish smooth leathers so they hhine Give the brush so they shine Give the burst heels get run down Social notes Ire intended to cover the general Itan life of the city Dlltrld weddings parties lreveuers and visitors are all items at interest to readers at this page Your help in roppiytngyllrlr news will be greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrie Ex Imlner Montana ult tor Audrey Coulson or Sle no berts at the Womens Depart ment the Caribbean Sea air and Mrs Donald Emery Mr and Mrs Ernest Boll Mr and hire John Nixon and Mr and Mrs Richard Campbell he was the firstmanager of Wool worths department store in Bar rie now Western Ontttrio super visor ior tho Iirml left Feb on Air Canada from Toronto ior Grenada They spent five days basking in the sun It the Gren ade inn then boarded charter cd schooner with crew or five including wives of two crew members who did the cooking and cleaning For the next 10 days they mixed leisurer through the Caribbean touching at many small islands on the way north Finally the party of eight disembarked at The Bar bados spent day there and then flew home this week DR ERNEST RYAN WED Dr Ernut Ryan formerly oi Barrie was married recently in Los augeles West Covinal to Dr Doria Barclay associate pro lessor of art eduation at Califor nia State College The couple hooeymooned at Palm Springs and are now residing in Toronto Dr Ryan the ldest sookof Bya Ryan of Barrie and Meets Point He is graduate of Bar rie Collegiate and University oi Toronto Is now surgeon on slali or Scarboro General Hospital and conducts his practice in the Law rence Ave Medical Bldg COFFEE PARTY The Evening Circle at St And rcws Presbyterian Church will entertain at morning coffee party onliarch which is also the dateof the World Day of Prayer Calm and tea with homebaked goods will he served from 930 until it oclock in the church hall Mrs James Morley is convener oi the event Fes tures include bake table and also baby sitting services meeting of the Ladies Group of Zion Presbyterian Church Angus was held in the home oi Mrs Pearl Stearn Monday Mrs Marjorie Lalonde presid ed as plans were completed for the World Day of Prayer Ser vice to be observed in Zion Church March at 730 with Mrs Thorpe as guest speak er nu antrear aARRiss ONLY aourtoue Lunch is to be served after the service All ladies of the community are invited iinei arrange the were made for the Tea and Bake Sale with St Patricks Day theme or March 19 It 730 Alter the business session an interesting reading on St Vel entine was given by Mrs Pearl Steam and Bible devotions were read by Mrs Grace Ross iol lowed by short showing oi slides of the Middle East Lunda was served by the hostesses Mrs Helen Brennan and Mrs Pearl Steam RENTAL Pupils of the Barrie Branch oi the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association will pro sente recltnlths evening at 730 pm in Codringlon Street Public School The public is invited to attend No admission charge will be made but collection will be re ceived at the door LADIES CURuNG Arink trout the name Curb in Club won the annual Geor glen Chin ihophyat at bon spiol lo Colilngwcod Members oi the rink were skip Mrs Ross Hickling Mrs John Ough ltirs imu heistow and Mrs Edwin Laws lAI MANY ins colnmurn in Rome prob ably rat irom 40000 to 50000 persons namcmn IN rrrn FAMILY Weddings are news and we are anxious to give yours the best coverage porsible Contact the wo mens editor at In early date and arrange for your wedding story to ap pear when it takes place bullet rupï¬r iie shown above ten his De Flum beau specialty The attractive bullet included chicken with wine i2 salads Much triad potatoes Mexican corn and six arts of cold meats ltn appealing tabla oi lrervrh nasuies and tarts was hrolud ed in the menu Contradeptive Revolution Is Affecting Marriage Market CHICAGO AP The girl whowants to get ahusband today has to be lot sexier than her grandmother says Clare Boothe Dune Thats mainly because at the contraceptive revolution which may yet prove to be the great est revolution in mankinde history says Mrs Luce lirs Luce 65 whos been novelist and playwright politi cian and diplomat is veteran champion ol womens rights She told black tie sssem binge celebrating the 70th ennl versary oi the Woman Athletic Club Wednesday night The impact of the contracep tive revolution on the psyche of Iob Asset To Be Woman AUGUSTA Me AP Mrs Marlon Martin says she has been successful in her jober Maines labor commissioner be cause she is femininenot Just email but feminine it anything being womans an advantage because neither labor nor management expects youto know all the answers Mrs Martin said in an inter VI They take it for granted that woman doesnt know what shes talking about so she doesnt have to be airald of lose lngface by asking questions nd since she cant have doesnt know she can draw out points and feehngs by asking questions man would he entv Farrasaed or feel stupid ask lllt Marlin 6t teats that the biggest thing she has going for herself is her effort to remain herself woman in this iield who doesnt appreciate this asset is making mistake she said young American women been sheltering rhelleng the most anclcnt concepts oi very nature of woman her and has left her in state at wilderment about her pro mic in society That and the industrial re lutlon have made lod woman loss necessary to deys man she added BHES DRAIN He knows that she It not solutely indispensable to material wellbeing and co tort explained hirs Lu an as consumer or domest good rather than what once wasa producershe re resents oneway drain on Pocketbook Add the latter day religion of psychoanalysis which ha given generation oi iilll hangups on motherhood and thcrhoorl and the result sat Mrs Luce is this it has become harder en border for young women who want children and home to got and keep husband But where thorns will theres wayand the way today said Mrs Luce is supcr sexiness Fortunately for women he body is still trapif no longer babytrap mantrap Youn men still desire women as much as ever even though they done AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE Daily Service MALTON PIIONE ZENITH £0510 FEATURE FOR MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY HOMEBURGERS bag Mealtime Suppertime Anytime VAi home porpot the office why not grab bag of Humeburgers and live mm on you gt Snow HOLIDAY INN ADM $175 PER PERSON rulingL49 Hauling22L in bug 298 It in bug 372 l2ino hog442 Withloeh Beg You Mnerurshose Girl of delicious WllooiBeer ior scrrr INSPIRATION indian silk scarves make this shirlrdresa in white brown paisley worn over wide irons ers in reverse colors lus chla scarl sashes the waist and yellow one is worked in to turban The outlit Is by Bill Bins for Maurice Rent GP Photo TRAY NEWS room HARDYGLENWOOD Newl969 Patterns Now Avoilalile Ar OUR WELLINGTON sr rLAiA SHOWROOM Open to aim $6100 pm Fri to pun ner BAR OPEN AT PM SHOW STARTS AT TICKETS AVAILTABLE AT FABRIC SHOP COLLIER ST GENTLEMEN WELCOME