GUARDSMEN DISPEBSE STRIKERS National am with bayonetted rifles and dacnlil putica used tear gas and Domestic Satellite pepper ergasniaddneto blocflngtbemalnentnnesto late Friday the oampm while roving at tho University of Calitoruia rumpus About 75 pidrcu were gm weave flutteran win down AP Wirepboto enews Contederation ilAWIA iCP Postman General Eric Kternns says domestch communications Iellite system scheduled to go operation in the early 1970s rcuow the Canadian corde stion Speaking lnthe Commons Fri on goiIemmcnt bill to rganize government dcparb ants hlr Kieram said Confederation was built upon mile upon mile of steel rails department at communications under Mr Kicrnns and de partmcot of ï¬sheries and tor estry under Jack Davis On Monday the Commons will be asked to approve spending estimates of number at gov ermnent depaItmmts This gives the Opposition an oppor tunity to thump the government on any issue it wants to raise Mr Kierans said govern ment bill to set up public and private corporation to manage reels the needs of all Cana ians and which provides them ith the means to tuiï¬l their slants Fridays debate centred upon Iclattses oi the bill establishing the communications system will be introduced shortly and full information on it would be available then But he outlined three main ob jectives of the systamz APromotiog Canadas scientif lp knowledge and the industrial potential In the ï¬eld commu icatlons managing the Canadian North and other underdevel oped areas closer to the main stream with instant communica tions and live television Putttng in space satellite that speaks both French and English and which speaks to all Canadians in those languages no matter where they live Mr lflcrans said the govern ment intends to be concerned with the means at bringing com munication and not the mes sage Our mandate is not to oper ate new telecommunications such as the satellite but to bring them into being and to regulate them once in existence CENTRliL NOTES Mark Victory With EatIn By HEATHER SANGUTNS Ind SHARON JENKINS The Senior Girls basketball team GBSSA winners celebrat ed their victory with special Eat In Both Miss Spanis and Mr Waddington were given special tokens in appreciation at their coaching abilities from the learn Junior Boys won close 3481 against Eastviaw last week This week they met along with the Intermediates ODCVl in the Iemi ï¬nals Central is becoming comput erized in the attempt to create new and better educational experience in this school Option sheets for nextryears programs have been sent away after due consIderatiorr of the multitude of subjects that will be altered The curtains will open this week on Centrals production at Oklahomal Everyone involved has been working diligently to makethe musical success Al though it is dangerously close to examinations the practices have been attended faithfully Not only have sacrifices been made time wise but the hand because of its important part declined the request that they play at spec sasrvrrw SCENE ital concert this week at Massey Hall Over the past months Oklaho mal has been shaped into star performance by Mr Earle dramatic director Miss Smith producer and Miss Wase Music director Behind the scenes the stage lighting and make crews have been adding greatly to the success The dancers un der the direction of Miss Nith owskl the principal characters and the chorus convey the happy spirit of the story The only thing lacking is the tact that the Irhole school cant be involved ln such an enjoyable task Tragedy Beialls Jr Hoop Team By LYN GRANDY and GARY LALONDE High again Despite our cheerful greeting there is pain in our hearts llragedy has be tailen our school On Monday our Junior Boys basketball team aplayed Base Borden at Camp Borden The score there was heartbreaking 3i40 for Base Borden Since this was tomb pointsseries our spirits were still high becausewe had only to beat Base Borden by 10 points In our next game and we would still have the championship But as we said before tragedy has struck and on Wednesday we onlyrwon by which was not enough to beat them Oh well nextvyeas well certainly beat them right guys In case you havent heard our choir which won ï¬rst place In theKiwanis Music Festival just recently has also won schol arship Mr Wittickreaily de serves grand congratulations and the fact that this is the Chairs first year in competition and only its second year in ex istence makes this an even greater accomplishment On Monday of Iast week the stngewas allset Tor PTE Rynard PCSimone North to visit the Grade 12 and 13 His tory students Due to untoresecu circumstances Dr Rynard was unablc to keep his appointment with these students but he has promised to return next Monday tor sure Maybe then Margaret will get to give her speech As We said last week themes azine campaign has once again come to Easiview Up until Wed nesday wedid not have enough money to get our womboasd Yet but the final deadline was Friday and we all have our linr gets crossed for that big scorc board in Hue gym Next time you are in the hall and have nothing more to do look around you There is that certain feeling of impending doom in the air What is the cause and reflect The answer to this question is very simple lik am timetables were posted this Thinking of week and exams are sdiedulexl to start on March The ettect of this gloom is not too evident at this moment but it will all home to mother anddaddy he revealed with report card homebomothersnddaddy day Good luck lhe Leigh Ashtotd made its ï¬rst appearance at Eastvlew last Friday night Judging by the number Iof people who attended the dance was asuccess but most will agrce that the music was too aci to dance to our next dance has not been an nounoed yet but we will keep you posted That about does it tor another week Bye now BUILDING Thinking of REMODELLING RANrLLING IIARQWAnr BERTRAM BROS LIMITED 419 BLAKE 7160154 no Romp me name mm mutton rum mg Inflation out Of connoi In Canada Stanï¬eld Says VANWLIVm Infil tton in on ot control In Canada Conservative Leader Robert ï¬anflald laid Nd Uncntploymen is bunsin nnd we have and dan perou magnum We Wm am many mainly tor unmer employ ment he laid to speech to the Canadian Club at Venomo vu lllhndxinlldlduumy minister at ï¬nance insth of aortic at the toollsh virgins now in charge In altectlve war against inflation would still re quire some new approaches Mr Stmlicld laid The problem was immediate urgent and very critical Tbs opposition leader said the only alternative It the present time Is the tonnulstlon oi volun tary mldeilncnvon prices and in come the Canadian coon omy Such guidelines were not pop ular with business and organ ized labor but it we are going to reverse the onslaught at In tlalion we have to begin now Mr Stanï¬eld said the main recommendltion lo the govern ments white paper on price sta bility is tor another study group Bot inflation was already on tronchcd and tar advanced to the Canadian economy of 106 immediately and decisive tion was needed lbe tragedyot the present inflationary spiral to that it has persisted and con times to mount at time when growth has been lagging and uneasiployment II on the in craasa Postal Shutdown TORONTO TOP Postal union otï¬clals want Torontos 1t postal stations completely closed on Saturdays claiming skeleton staffs working halt days on Saturday are exposed to security risks and hazards Ashton secretary of the Toronto local ot the Canadian Union of Postal Workers said Friday lack oi Saturday super vision In the citys post ottices is hazardous to employees He said postal clerk mild mitt serious illness or an secl dent alter the ottim are closed to the public at ham and not be discovered until Monday morning Circulation Up new man or my newspaper circulation in Can ads was up by $4549 Copies in man over the previous year Ed ahe maniac po Tabulation tor Editor and lgtublishers loss ldternaiionai Year Book due in March show that Canadas us daily newspr pers sold total of 4599439 newspapers on an average day in 1968 compared with 4414940 year earlier Doctors VlSll SAULT SEE MARIE Ont GP citizens committee has been formed to rase $2000 to help ï¬nance an expedition by 15 local doctors and dentists who will visit remote lndian set tlements in Northern Ontario in June The doctors and dentists are providing up to week at their time to treat Indians living in an area between James Bay andths Manitoba border omwn AT GLANCE Tim CANADIAN mass FRIDAY Feb 18 1569 Fisheries Minister Jack Davis said in letter to seal hunters he will consider barn ning the hunt unless they con duct it humanely The right to own and regis ter ships in Canada should be restricted to Canadians or Ca nadianincorporated nies says special inquiry by the Canadian Transport Conn mission Fin an ce Minister Edgar Benson told the Commons he tar IMIlospactaUlestifled will make report betore NOTICE TO EXAMINER SUBSCRIBERS CARRIER MISS It your Barrie Examiner carrier has not arrived by pm please phone 7282433 no copy at The Examiner will In dellvlred to your home by pm givntrv TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS 8t TRUCKE There ll no charge for this service FEEFWJ on Control IDNDUN Matters Rt seardiers have developed new blrthcontml pill whldt they claim with cut down death caused by bhodclotting the British Medical Journal reports The pill which contains only one humancompared with two in the conventional pillis said to reduce dramatically clotting which leash totstsl thronbosis Close Hearing PRINCE BERT Sank 0P drcliminary hearing at Mandi MowMrCaIlum on seven changes of nowpital murder at Main Narrows Sarto Marsh 10 will be closed to the press and public Judge Thomas Agnew of magistratea court announced Friday McCallum was charged alter seven persons were slain with an axe at the frontier settle merit in northern Saskatchewan Jan to lie was remanded his day to Mord WORLD BRIEFS Knob Hill Farms uyouruesfland Hunt Robbers masses mos Ont wiNkomaanhiostor thmnrmodmonnhoheidwa Mutton audit union and ditc Will It nodempedwithtamo diameter lownship police sold the men armed with band an and wearing ovmnts and hoods made tron sweater sleevol entered the building shortly balm nzso pIn Three DEW were in the building when the holdup took place No shots were tired Police Brutality WCIDILLA 10 dramas oi police brutality were raised in the anus Cohmrbla legisls Friday as tho Berger NDPVsncouvsr Burrardt ndtcd Attorneyï¬eneral Leslie Peterson to investigate com plaints about the MM detach meat at Scchclt small coastal community 35 miles north at Vancouver Give us the trait you have or the alleged letts and we will certainly investigate them Mr Paterson told Mr Berger an anger said not in no la in months there have been series ot incidents involving complaints that young Indians ii in man mm flow as am and intmudatl on Expect Tax Hike mum CPD The Globe and Mali lays Ontario residents will face nearly $200000000 in tax increases when Treasurer diaries MacNaugth brings down the provincial midget next was The story says thsedgoveiirn mentspending expect to crease by nearly $800000000 Fined For Fat RICHMOND mun Ont 1th Knob Hill Farrel Ltd was lined $50 lirlday ior violat ing section at the Food and Drug Act which limits thaiat content in glound beetto Wpér ccnt federal health and wel he purchased three pounds of beef from the store Sept 28 and found the meat contained as per cent tat Ridunond Hill ans miles north of Toronto RDBKERS some NEW YORK th Somtone tired shot through special shatterproot glass window at litlanys but the window held and the thief was unable to get atva $39000 diamond and ruby necklace 0n display inside Po lice lound smallholc piece of wire shoved through it and three expended Aircalibre slugs on the sidewalk VOLUANO PM UP HONOLULU was reported spewing 400 tact high Thursday night in three fountains east ol Alae crater ot Kilauea volcano on Hawaii is land Scientists said the activity Was perkuig up in the volcan June on the economic state at the nation PostmasterGeneral Eric Kiernns announced in the Commons that special group at senior public servants will make full study olthc cum munications industry as the basis for national oommunh cations policy MONDAY March The Commons sits at pm PST to debate supplementary spending estimates tor the year ending Mandi at The AP Lava os east rltt zone They also re ported one new eruption wmrmas SOMEONE EVANSTON Ill AP lt William Monter protesscr oi history at Northwestern Univer aityzghnmainulnsjhat witches ed and oppressed group has introduced course in European witchcratt But hes having trouble in convinc ing anyone else and is advertis ing for students in the univer sity newspaper UNUSUAL some Non NEW YORK AP head teller who embezzled $108M tram his bank gambled it all away and now supports his tam lty as construction worker waasentcnced Thursday to so weekends in jail Judge Jacob Mishier said he handed out the unusual sentence so that Walter Meadows 34 could continue to support his wits and two chil ten son oN wan Camboda shares saonIiis border with warring Vietnam RCAI Assoc 441 more BINGO Every Monday at 800 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT 29 NUMBERS FOR $290 SHARE THE WEALTH Admission 50a 14 HIGH ST Above NuServies Cleaners Sennteis adjourned until pm Tuesday March YOU directly To CONTACT THE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 7266539 036am to 530Mon to FrI and up to 100 pm Sat BARle EXAMINER Donnelly Circulation Manager call during the 196070 decal year over last year About mm0w would be made up by the boomlm provin cial economy while the remain would come trom lncreawd es The story lays the two provinlt cIal taxes most likely to be in ucased are those on retail sales and corporations McGill Lecturer MONTREAL OP Princi tlrfel Dr Bocke of cGill Untvnrnlty ey Gray politicél science lecturer Friday torrnally agreed on arbi trern alter daylong discus lion in their dispute Dr Robertson and Mr Gray signed the agreementon the question as to whether or not Mr Gray should be dis missed mm call or othcn wise disciplined tor disturbing the Lndvcrsitys operation the lectLua was charged Feb 18 with partldpniiru in and encouraging Whit ot Algonquin League me jolnedlnlbattletoletï¬loo sing companies out of Alan nuin Provincial Park league di mutterL Walter Gray mid Iridu Fiscal Separahsm moonIo or the Dutch to zovemmnt Is engaging in ï¬scal separatism with its 60 mod to retain all tax may collected or medical care incur ance in the province the parlin mantary assistant to Flomet Friday when the premier says In money paid is this province mould stay in is province he is in eltect saying there should be no Canada Herbert Greg told the Upper York Mib inclal Liberal Association ï¬scal separatism is as bad varimu meetings at MRI as any other kind separa board at govmrs tlsm DINEO IMifliï¬ï¬‚Mfl dhtt GASllTE WHITE TOWER MOTEL I19 DONALD 5T TAKEOUT AND CATERING 723470 DINING ROOM hUSINESS MENS LUNCHEONS tr Polynesian Dishes CHINESE Combination Plum ass Roll Beet Vex Almondl Fried Rte Chicken ch Almonds Mirlé Sweet Sour Wanton Ind Fried Rice $165 RUth Also Canadian Dishes POLYNESIAN SmGooBeetPan $23 SInGooGuy Ram 33 STARTS suNnAY mu am PM on COLOR Dalm mommamm om LAST TIME TONIGHTI THE BROTHERHOOD Starring Kirk Douglas Paxton Quinleys crime was passionand his punishmenlfitsexantlyl Hes the exhausted captive ofthree young ladies with unique idea of revenge AMERI INTERNATIONALuiM Wcre iMiEtk liIEGRSbW3J0NES ATrIC 5w memuwm nune Ianm nusram qm PtIflNE nitdost SUNDAY 130 EM WECIAL ClllLDflENS PROGRAM lN COLOR THE TIME TRAVELLER VAWEDHTURS mmV SHOWS EM EM 500 700 900 EM It muons IIAI mum A139 STEVE REEVES HIE AVENGEN