Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1969, p. 4

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Ivfw Walls Publisher Methon tore lubllehed by ledlln Newspapers Limited 16 Buyileld Strut Birrls Ontlrle tum Wllllnm Teller General Manager Managing Editor ammoiv ittt Paris Cant Allow Rowdy Few To Frustrate Many people are still puzzled by the recent violence and damage at Sir George William University in Montreal What really happened there What are the basic reasons for it Commerus from the two Montreal medmwthescenemod inmost The Montreal Gazette declares that Mint happened at Sir George William University luvs proved beyond any fur ther exciton the need to defend not only univoraty but all univeidties Mm intimidation by the violent Ilie universiliee have to be citadel at free dom But there comes time whenfree dom ibelf can be prewvod only if it can be defended in the history oi Cana universities this time has now ar nv It was evident horn the uproar and destruction that the real lsvue not one between the administration and the stud enids it is on blotoeerlil the unloifreft an acompaie veysma group great mfirfliity of those e3 ng ir cargo ams Waftl to on with their studies Their college ear has been disrupted lihe building so severely damaged that the full tcstoretion of clam may be long de luyed To what extent is the life of glvafliy as whole to be disrupted whoanppenedo the Geor wn go liens has made clear that the line of pemlsible conduct cannot be left vague and undefined There has to be clear statement of the line at which the con duct or any minth goes beyond the right to dissent and comes an uitoler hble violation of the right of the uni versity community as whole Those crossing that line will have to be remov ed horn the university community Dealing with university troubles in more genml way The Montreal Star comments as follows Higher education on this continent is tar nom ideal Young people go to uni yerstty not merely to gain piece of per thatassurea each job and gher line on the moitonne councils an nual sinnodes llhey go we believe to seek answer to many qufitions not Just questions about specific academic mbleots but issues which sfleot their hearingsndaredreseof The Many grey live Ihey want to be to various coughs and interpretations and thereby derive set of values They taun to protection for guidance and some bmes they find it But too oiten either the eeeorlsnottheieorevenltlie is eetudentsdonotgettheanswere megare entiliedtohaveabouttheirown pioeirsortiieizrgersoeiallssueathey oarvy onto the campus Thus in sense the institutions have invited much of the chaos Their lack of ieqmsivenes to honest and often rea wble lgllfeumands has bred ionisation eve ally brings their entire oper ations to virtual bait In the same way however the students have invited the backlash whim now appeere to be devel oping By remsing to pursue and or must normal charmer of test by establishing their own rules confron tation and by refusing to engage in the dialogue they is they en anger dy been made an they hurt those fellow stu dents who are actively trying to effect legitimate change in fad we suspect that what is now emerging on many cannnises is not the more of demoeiaiiz ation but the nibsutution of one tom of control for another There are certain criteria which sop arete the honest confrontations on our mmpusee from the dishonest ones Are the issues themselva valid or are the students slotting for excuses to force battle Acid if issues are valid have the students explored all ways to fair evances or is overt disniptlon their so strategy Nihliism is not substitute for meaningful political or nodal ideology The freedom of areal and movement and assembly whic some students de mand for themselves cannot be denied to others And 50 students or even 200 have no right to deny an education to several thousand others who are caught in litre disruptions Nor have they the night to engage in an irresponsible ia shion inflicting injuries and damage as they are now doing at Sir George Will ilhey invite on themselves the kind of legal processes that could affect not only their academic more but their funnies in the eonnnuriity DOWN MEMORY LANE 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Emanuner Feb 28 1929 Tom Council appears favorable to paving pro gram whichinciudes Bayfield and Col li Harry Ottaan etfectiverieos Exam iner adlels Oneinseriion for 25¢ sold 50 barrels apples he stated Damp Borden lilyere eliminated on OHA inter mediate offat Barrie by Emcebri ge Partridge was best on ice Free Trade won over Protec tion in debate at Midliurst Frank Harn mond and Bob Ooutts spoke forattirm alive Reeve Hol0resvvicke oi Barrie and Moran Dirndl for negative Borden RCAF has requested that Chief Stewart bike numbers of aircrett flying low over Barrie contrary to regulations Brahman Herrell and Fire mun Charles Hill killed when GNR freight derailed near Huntsville Engin eer Mclnnis of Barrie seriously in jureddledlaterinhospliall Eatonooofllorontoplanstoopenstore in Barrie having taken lease on Ottons Hatdmre Dimlop St Council de curred take action ainst sale of eigurettes Mrs Robert Lewis of God rington St and Gordon Littlejolm 12 saved two small children from fire which destroyed Joseph Littlejohns house on Guinn St George Whlton at great dan ger to himself brought out casket hear ing body of Mrs Lituejolm who had died in hospital previous mm At time than broke out Mr Iiitilejohn was down town making funeral arrangements Sam Swilzers cottage in Allandale Main St destroyed by fine Postinaster Thompson Grew paid thousands of val mineswentthroughineilthlsyear President Oliitfick said plans well advanced for Barries second annual Midh Show Erraniiner turned out spe ual edition Among dealers listed were livingstcn Bros Ree Flying Cloud and cod Wagon George McLeaniStud ker OOWMBrthomesd Collier Chevrolet and Oakland Norman Marshall Whippet Fred VanPatter De Soto Buchanan Gvimble Grainm Plaige Chittick and Woodman in Motors Ford Bryson Morley Hudson and Fmex diallenger Elian Grace itfulialighlinBuick and Pontiac 11 Al Palmer Nash 400 Harold Hill Dur ant Collier St United Dmmatic Clubrdirected by Mr and Mrs Hume Wilson presented fine production of Peg My Heart colouring louse Hurlburt Mrs Victor Hm Douglas Smith1 Hildreth Lennon Oliffiorvl Gra Oiitfiord Eliick Frank heig hipils of Edmund Hardy who gained honors at Toronto Conservatory exams sponsored de and His Oomhuslrers from Toron to radio sinilion ems in dance at IOOF Iemple BernioDimilrig rink won two major evonts at Ontario Bon spiel in Toronto sully Merediths rink of Doc Simon Oliver Cameron Bill wonKNoclh Trophy er em Charlie Beeliby Kaiin Hooigdzlnd On ton Scythes won Seiberltng Cup gcwligiiliontinne purchased rge one owned Front Camilla on migbygth St near Georg Gounul voted 355000 for adulatliyon in Barrie blieyate Barrie little the atre Guild sponsored costume ball with first prises won by Mrs Leighton Clarke Vle iady and Oockbum Spanish gentleman ninth EDITORSNIEWS EVERYONE l5 TALKING WHOS LISTEENfit GuelphD ezoiry The relationslups of life are import amt to all oi us but we often have trou fiwith tlie biddng iificoifiter hlvn respect at prices 090 Abraham Keplen decries our geneiulin ability to properhv listento one another He points out that 50 much of the time we only half listen to th other We remain pouterso that we can reply and hear our owrithcughls expressed iheproiessor has coined word for this He calls it duologues Thiavia when ev he talks and nobody no teni Ale suites hlsrineanlngty luring two telemlon sets tuned in and facing each other But one cannot really talk the pro fessor truism unless one is listening He lays greet stress upon the need of empathy and uppreciaiion the person kin to the newer mdvloe verse Ka there inhouung lone lier than two urnams involved in com logue and nothing more marvelimm then two genuinely engaged listeneis Itistruethatinnurdauyuveswe pass one another too much without ac uni1y meenh It is amazing the var ied Walla We evise or to uhieliweiail Kiley that avoid true human encounter personal relations are tentny unborn ant and Whether in the horn busiit community entire world weeliad glyeuflderstandi to 66 otter To do Kaplan at we must fiist loam to listen my letter livq and the society in which rr am 56 Brine one as wcur nuswn mnmmumaon or ournus PARK Parental Buckles mourn int WORLD Generals Continue Vietnam Slaughter 25 11 Amaran email pect their government will mm pure sooner or later firebably this you 11 chine indium 0M been to prevent communist takeover iii South Vietnam The errrail naturally do not wth let the will oi ihtlr but ole forts go down thedrsln by hav ing communist adnunliirstlons spring up in villages and mail towns around $ouih Vietnam the day allel peace is signed To this end iho American military an supporting the South Vietnamese government in drive to Ieeurtimin DischMlNFlTED HGAINET am outshone May Be Deve10pirtg By YOUNG ihis report will be ol interest to attention Minister William Davis his critics in the midrib legislatureM Reid lor the Liberals and Walter Pltrniin for the NDPand hopefully all readers iiicliahng even mm bore of the legislature iLseif At areoent soues attended by variety of people in varying sge groups there was the usual talk it concerned the teething lmbiems oi babies and how to go about getting reliable woman to clean the house once week lhe convsutloual chltelist was brolren up by couple of men and three women One of the men prominent political organizer was asked by the other how he was dealing with the problem of the family car with two teenage boys No problem at all he said the hm time the use of the ear came up tried to explain it would be much prcie ble it got and pain their own ins Ante because that at least would tench them little about sire what this life is all about When that didnt register and there came the night when the elder boy was insistent about the use oi the car let the air out of two tires so that not even the spare would help him When he discovered the two lists he wanted to know what was going to do about the situation My reply was quite obvious He badthe money he wanted the car let him look after it it cost me New bucks to get service call dirty trirk BIBLE THOUGHT Consider the ravens for they neither snw nor redpx which neither have storehoule nor barn Ind God leedeth them how niuclr more are ye better than the lowll Luke 1214 What strain we put oursliia was under when we purpose to handle our oilinprobleuul Let lite intrte Examiner is aayileid Street as 50n lo Authorited as second class mail by the Post Office DI pertinent Ottawa and or payment at postage in cash Return postage guartinteed sunda and Stu uioryho days excepted Subscription rates rial by carrier toe weukly the yearly single copies lite By mail Barrie $2600 yearly Ontario 31500 year motor throw it year out side Ontario to year out side Canada rituii polaes lions Rhythm USA And foreign 532 year National Advertising Oiliceai he Uhitclslly Avenue Toron to 340 outrun AL Mont real Member of the Canadian press and Audit Bttléau Di circulations the Cunadlén Press is ex clusively enuud to the use or republication oi all new statutes luthlt paper erod ten to it in The Assoolaiuli Pleas or Reuters and also the local news publiititd therein WW maybe butu nu to my wits nobody ever handed me cu for casual use and it was several yam alter the war be fore could get one last oi all afford one The three women were even tougher than this man One at them said to me Youre at Queens their all the time Youre in touch with govern ment Tut them what parents are really thinking lily reply had to be sort ol incoherent muttering but it did not ducoursge the women One said that when she read INVITE Limits TO THE EDITOR Therfixsminer invites con lrihnilnnl to ill Leich to the editor column on the ad itorial page When possible letters should be mlrlcled to about the deitrucuen of the not our centre at Sir George Will Ims Univsrilty in More real the was almost compelled to take an axe to her turn aMl record player and tape moiden She Ilse said that site And her husband had spent about slouch record players typewriters and tape recorders and that most ol this equipment had ended up in the garbage as the result oi neglect and careless handling None of it Wits individually ouL rageously expensive but each item could have had far longer lifetime Another wontsn said her youngsters had destroyed three in as many years and that finally she hadbought army surplus beds and new kind oi sleeping bag thats peddled by the department stores to save the wear and ear olLsheeis The third woman almost liter ally broke up the party in gales oi linglnughter vgien the my children giving to find me sittingiii in bout of the refrigemtor and it they want me moved theyll have to call the cops THE LIGHT touch Things Colurn Finds InjHis Mail sy rm nouns NEW YORK AP wings columnist might never know if he didnt open his mail Do you suffer from sea sick nasal Well so did Lord Nel son Britains famous sailor It annoyed him all his career As matter of get seasick Ever wonder why the floors of building are called ato reyat it is because early Eu ropean builders used to paint picture stories on the sides or their home one for each level It pays all statistically ior woman to water her health Research figures indicate that if woman ceases to smoke excessively her risk of lung cancer it reduced by to per cent And it she takes Pap test regularly bet risk from cervical ealieer it cut tram lei out of 100000 down to it you want to live for iong term time itmi in help not to till your life Mi dead lines you feel you have to met recent medical sure vey diocth that heart at tacks are three times as prev alent among harddriving go gettermen on among those more passive shoot the chairs of this world Llletoday is filled with things nude or plastics An automobile tor example cont taint about 02 pounds of pine tics But do you know how the plastic age was laundiedi It began just 100 years ego with the lnimduction or 50 called ivory billiard hall What itd trim in eminent utysloligitt once gave this definition An juxtaposliuu of orls made in state of con trpellaii Doesnt that thrill you Tonight provokmi Then im some on nist ls an African grasshopper only four inches long tlist preys on mice The earth lights the moon by earlhslilne just as the moon lights the wifli moonshine VISIT POSTPONED AP The Turk ish government raid Thursday visit uciri moulh of v5 Navy art Fleetaiupr to 11ml has been postponed move seen as result oi the violent demon strations on the floats last visit such Mllll ccmntunlit take overs as much territt pot sllilt The South Velnamue government hardly runs Any of ths country outside the larger olilti and need to extend its way And it could be argued that it eventually the late oi the coinnry il in be decided by election the communlatl should not be allowed to fare oloreilie reiult by lalrlng the 1country over do inch it not de un CANADAS STORY od to give South Unlertuni in nuuiuii fights the cans and the have stun been uteri villam mpoeud of butterin View In Mind branod or internu to if in South Vietnamese overb inert 0n the other hand can the Americans beupetted sim ply to leave without making one last all mums anticommunist Vietnamese government better bold as the wintry Illinotencuxhtouyliut it this allott my be defeating Rixrpou alternative kill Benin ii the Amor lean elicrt moods it will not to the liret time that brutal force has tailored political re lultvln estttrn for in stance where the tree but been applied by Russia Prtcliely because force does succeed and tth know it tho communists feel compelled to demonstrate once more the re verse aide oi this coin to the rAmericans that iiii use ol 0ch menus in on lighting many eeiulltlel lots at face he opus moglitilfi fill Drividl ran up morean Gollslhplli the thin that the Amvrlun public list shown it seli to dialke intensely to the point oi loroln mil retire mrnt from polite and allowiu the sensational perionnance Eugene McCarthy in insider So the Ylelcnn step ii ilih bitchery of elvilans the Americans do too Canadas capture Almost Achieved By i103 BOWMAN The most important us ob ieetive iii the War oi lollwas to capture Canada and by May tare it had almost been achieved The Americans had defeated the Royal Nsyy on Lake Erie and forced the army to withdraw tram Detroit to Burlington on Lake Ontario The nitimtohalprepsithsltmari cam ems nvnme the pri tilChamplain sailed from Fame on till voyage to Can rutairmplain was appoint ed tlie first governor of Canals intGovernor ilhidimsnd entire Canadian side of the NI bee agnra peninsula had been cap tured British general John Vin cent at Burlington had about 1350 regular troops to oppose nearly 6000 Americans the outlook was grim lhen came the turn of the tide with the battles oi Stacey Creek and Beaver Dam and by the end of the year the Ameri can had been driven tom the Niagara Peninsula One oi the contributing actors oi the tire matic reversal via the arrival proposed while library for Que iaisimp Bl lawer Canada were disbanded liteRebels under Dr Rob art Nelson surrende our tome in Vermont libsFather Fourmand iuged Roman Catholics not to support Louis Riel tutCI issued three eent stem luteParcel post was es tsblished between Canada and the v5 leesrim intercoionlni traili he with New Brunswick tron egmzen inst beiofiiliebatila Stoney Creek In those days troop move ments were not secret and there was consternation in the New Brunswick legislature when it was announced that the regi ment was to go to the delence at Upper Canada meant winter march tram Fredericton to Quebec through very rough country as it is even today By March the 1600 men were on their way almough it was the mldestwinter in years with the temperature dropping as low as 17 degrees below zero The regiment marched in detachmeulsol about 200 men Actually they travelled on to bogged in single file with some oiiicera and men going ahead on snowshoes to make the trail they had to camp outdoors and eat biscuits and salt pork which they cooked on long sticks held over the fires Despite the hardships thereg mient arrived at Quebec about the middle of March without losing one of in 1600 men it was those hardy Canadian 5ch oi United Empire loyalists who arrived at Niagara in the nick Privy Councii 1P swardel Labrador to Newfound lend Black Power Sociologisl Fired SAN FRANCISCO Negro sociologist Nathan Hare Black Power advocate and central figure in four months at turmoil at San Francisco State College has been fired eiieciiveV June 30 college oiilelals eon iirmed Friday reuelvednletter from br Hayskawa sayingler John Summerskill former co iege president appointed me only for the issues school yuan that the year would be over June 30 and that would no rehired Hare said The Vancouverborn Kayak we had placed Hare on do da suspension ior lumping onto stage and interrupting Hayalrawa speech He said then Dr Hare no longer has my booking to head the blank stud lea department WWWM It HAPPENED IN CANADA custom little KNOWN TD MAME FANS MARIE tv to or denim BETTER WWW AWIPMIW Tillith ituVEoi intuitivtntone iv Ntwvonviua resusvtvmltmttt Qu NEWEMeiA EEDEMPIIELDYALISTSFROM amt as NOTADPEAR tuna SIXgigguflealflJAWMLMJIMWN Mimi TltlE tutti rowutitw N5 To siett Itl two runs llltit AME BED JEttEcigi me tintml iii tidlllllit film lldllitélidé Eli NDMES $510M Egg Autumnrm is it Wl ii Benign at Eb Mitts writs iuoDilT iugfilfifi DECIHNO Wirllkif

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