Lemma alter the 0mm Gcrhart vice chairman at ministeroi educationL Géorgo opening of Georgian College the board of governors liou ll hchague chairman oi the are ironr leit Dr William William Davis Ontario board of governors and non to DURING THE unveiling of the plaqtieet the opening cere monies lion William Davis minister of education left declares the first per manent college building Ofï¬ce ialiy open Standing with Mr Davis from leit are George hchague chairman of the board of governors Alan Campbell president at the it Educï¬titin Minister StresSésa Investment In Education ert Crawford president of the College imminer Phi students administrative come all and Robert Crawford president of Georgian College Examiner Photo Magor Calls Special Council Meeting On Zoning Bylaw lllayor Robert Bentley will callra special meeting of council Monday night to discuss new ï¬comprchcnsivevninghyhr the city The new bylaw has received planning board approval and is expected to go to the people vln public hearing within matter of weeks Representatives of the plan ing board the industrial and bus iness development commitee the urban renewal study committee and each of the city departments willattend the meeting Monday All have received copies of tho bylaw for study purposes in the past week The procedure is similar to one adopted to gain approval for the citys new oiticial plan approv ed in principle by council last November Both the plan and lhe bylaw whl be viewed at the flame public hearings this month amour PLAN The oilicial plan outlines genA Al planning policies for the city for the next Live years The zan ing hylawsets the zoning on each individual property in the city The new zoning regulations would completely revamp zon ing in the citytr central district Areas which were formerly commercially zoned as far north as Worsley Street ll be ad justed 101 high dens high rise apartments and for prestige of as From MeDonald Street south to the south side of Worslcy Street in be zoned for high rise apartments The north and south side of Collier Street will be designed largely for ofï¬ce commercial space while most oi downtown Dunlop Street will reuin its character as high density com mercial accomodatio Gets ThreeeYear Term For Robbery With Violence WOODSTOCK CF lohn Hewitt one at four Paris Ont youths charged with robbery with violence Thursday was sentenced to three years in penitentiary Hewitt MichaelLunam no and Norman Douglas ftirigon 21 all pleaded guilty to the Feb attack of 74yearold John Holder at his nearby Driimbo Ont home fourth youth Mar Pfoil pleaded not guilty and will appear for trial at later date imsrciutv SPEAKING one Should Become Centre For The Arts By amoral mam Barrie because of its natural beauty and because of its dis tance and also proximity to largehietropolilan area should become centre for the fine arts Everything points in this direction There is considerable interest from Toronto in grow ing art centre here Some prominent artists live in Barrie and men and women in this field have been drawn here for many years One has only to look at the natural sur routidings to understand why Writers come here because of the distance from the hectic rush and noise of th IS beenya great dca ot apadd workdone string program has been established hr theelemen vary schools Barrie Collegiate hand is nationally lemons Easts view Collegiate seems to be dev eloping line choral program Yel throughout the entire school system in Barrie there is scar cer piano that rrrigbt be termed excellntf Tbey range from mediocre to fair and poor There is big budget set aside annually forsupervisers of musicI and for instructors in music and this is the way in which good speci ist can be kept But frequently the school children must sing with pianos badly out of tune ihe causethe pianos cannot keep the pitch inother words many drildren and youths in Barrie have never had theexperience or listening to beautiful piano to appreciatethe diflercnce in equality of tone that mixes line instrument many only those who ave attended an imported concert whcn the piano has been brought in at the cost of silo have heard the soundoi ï¬rst ratarpiano Completely revised apartment standards allow or three den ies of rtmcnts in the city in order in number of apartment units and where they are located The bylaw does however create 499 legal nan conform ing uses in the city The legal non conforming use label is applied where property does notcoincida With the general zoning in an area PRESENT USE The propertys presen use not affected but if its use changes it must revert to the zoning of the district in which it is located Clerk Ben stranghan said yes terday he had received numcr ous calls regarding the question of legal non coniurmlng uses lMany people have tell that ii theyeold their property its use would have to change to comply with the zoning inuthe area This is simply not true he said He said the only time the pro perty would revert to the zoning in its area would be when its use changed However he added that ii the owner wished toicx pand buildings located on such property he would have to apply to the committee at ad We have no civic auditorium or small ball that might be used for an intimate recital Our pub lic library should have had small auditorium built into the additnn that was added acfew years ago Therefore any con cert or recital must be held at an elementary school or colleg iate Tlhe school boards should lookto improve lmont for permission before building permit coul be and at leasl5l home occupations such as insurance offices eugin coring real estate and photo graphic businesses There will be 47 industrial and commercial uses which are non coniorming in residential woes and 231 residential uses in in dustrial areas RllTEPllYiIRS Plan Vespra ratepayers who say the Ontario Municipal Board has ap plied zoning treeze to land in their towaship are banding to gether to bring protest to Queens Park Eight Vespra residents met at the home of Mrs Vivian Garner in Midhurst this week to dis cirss what they believe may be policy of the board to prevent them dividing and selling land they own in the township They say the departmern of municipal altairs has appealed all applications for severance in the township since late in Dec ember but has given norindica lion when an official appeal hear ing will be held Money has been sent for law yers sdrveyora and application fees Mrs Garnersaid Sale agreemEnls have gone past closing at losses to Vendoi5rtho cannot aiford mach losses with no warning in advance to ex pect such delays in answer to repeated letters the ONE said it is rfprecluded by law trom considering any ra presentation nnt made at hear4 ing but gave no indication of when hearing might be held she said SHOP AT HOME SERVICEONLYI Featuring full range of carpet including Nylon noon wool irilan Acrylan Fortrel Prnpylon GEORGIAN DAY cancer euorvn rzaazu aroma Outdoor CARPET lnstalled or only Indoor 25 Nylon Carpet SERVICE 100 DIEM lusts rib underpudding 51 ahop At Home Service0ur representative will call at your home and show you full range oi samples to suit your lustu Lion Marys Roman Catholic Clnrrch years and virtually all have la the high cost of education moral zmdtox to Hon William Davis Ontario mints ter of carnation its the most and valid lnvement dCanadian dtiuna are making to IV Mr Davis made this observa tion as guest speaker at the ol tlclol opening of Georgian Coi legew yesterday are utterdog an in dtrslrhliud and ï¬t the young people within the may Mr Davis said we should or lent the education system to take into account the natural abili ties at these young people be cause they are the most impor tant natural resource in Canada today THINGS NANGE when the country was found ed mining and industry were our most important resources but things have changed said Mr Davis and today its the talent of the people You can buy things in dustry makes but you can buy talent he observed Talent must be drawn from our youth and it must be seeded by educa Today the academic world is changing too said llir Davis When went to school all our work was according to all course of study the department at education laid down and our goal was not to team but to pass the yearly examination which wu graded 25 miles awnyj This is not what is happen ing in education today said Mr Davis The teachers are now re lating to the individual student and sparking their minds to think imaginatively and mat llsk Support For Separate High Schools Charles liftNellie Pat Grenier and Gary Saunders Grade 11 students at St Josephs lligh School will speak during masses Mday at St Vianncy and St es They will urge all Roman Cath olics to write to their local Jim and Education Minister GDavla to voice their sup port for the provinces re Oath olic high schools The move is part oi similar provin at wide campaign con ducted in connection with Calh olle Education Week March through March The purpose of the week is to inform the public Catholic and non Catholic of the necesaty of attending government support to Catholic High Schools to Grade in Seven my schools have shut down in the past three seJher doors to over 31000 pupi rising costs are not met in the near future it is slated At present the senior gradetuitian ices often exceed $300 in various high schools throughout the pro vince iholic Education Week was ted by the Ontario Catholic Students Federation at their Oct ober convention in Toronto Protests Squeeze The group received letter from the department of munici pal affairs that statesit appeaL ed severaan there to re strain the spread of any resi dential development in rural areas remote lrorn any commun ity Mrs Garner said several of the applications were for lots on Sunnidale Road St Vincent Street and in Midhlirst None of these areas seem very re mote sheaaid this issue is of importance to anyone considering buying in the area because it limits choice of lots to the $6000 Barrie suhdl visioh variety which is or con siderable advantage to the big developer but not to the ordin ary family willing to live larlhei out to enjoy the advantages of larger lots and lower prices and the privacy of the country Apparently is policy not law but it seems people do not have the rightxto dioose not to live inbsub he said She said the group is urpng other citizens in Vespra who have similar complaints to write to MPP Arthur Evans none In Plrslla ivaly evey day in the aim room Hanover said hlr Davis its not only tba teachers who have responsibility to students must also carry the responsibility of participatingin the education at experience And it is also the responsibility of the student to live leadership to hircommun lty whenlromduates WORDS OF SERVICE hlr Davis concluded by gi in Robert Crawford Geor glen ollege president few words of advice The college doesnt exist for the faculty or the administra Lawano cooperates lion hlr Davis said but it exists for the students Mr Davis told Ilr Millard To be creative to experiment to involve blnuelf with students and to do his own thing beganpith pro nestled of the faculty board at governors distinguished platiorm nests president Honorable William Davis and chair manrol the board at governors The prayer or invocations given by the Right Rev he of the Gturchvof the Guard ian Angela Grilling George it llcCagua chairman of the board of governors dlicially welcomed the guests Dr warm it Gerhart are ehalrman of the board at gow eroors introduced Mr Davis At thlspoint in the proceed lnï¬ Mr lime invited llr DavLt to unveil the plaque and declare the ï¬rst permbent cat loge building open Rev David Proctor presi dent oi the Barrie and District Ministerial Association made the dedication The inauguration oi the pre sident followed with Clgue administering or cities to Robert wiord Then come the robing ceié many Students Advised Iiy SGT RALPH BERRY Barrie Police Department For long time now cone plainta have been received from many diflerent motorists who must drive in the Eastviaw Col legiate area concerning students from that school who insist upon standing on the roadway Some students smoke Students are not permitted to smoke on school property There are no sidewalks in this location There are no level or graded should err Grove St is bordered by deep ditches Students who smoke stand on the roadway and are there joined suppose by many who do not smoke but keep company with those who do Some groups of roadway stand ers have become so large that they ottcn take up most of the travelled portion litany motor ist would still think twice be lore they strike pedestrian oven teenagar Neither do they wish to splash them or to sub iect themselves to teenage vituperation for even daring to drive by One woman herself teacher told how she was forced to stop her car and wait for some time until few of the more brazen and thoughtless got good and ready to let her by The problems in situation like this are suppose complex andl certainly do not wlsh to become embroiled in argument about whether high sohoolers should be permitted to smoke on school property or whether sidewalks should be constnrcied or whether students have right to stand on the roadway but would suggest that serious situation does exist here and nn lesslit la remedied someone is going in get hurt hurt by car whose driver loses control when confronted with crowd oi push ing moving youngsters hurt by school buswhosa driverls not allowed enough room to turn into the schooldriveway or hurt by the driver of car who becomes incensed at the stupid ity of kid who would stand on the road and dare him to strike him It seems there is only one big reason why these fellows and girls stand in groups on the street because they cannot stand any other place while smoking SOLUTiONS All students should stop srnokingvand return to the comparative safety of the school parking lot sidewalk Tells Oi= College Link With Barrie in his inaugural address at the opening of Georgian Cdlege President Crawford said the most important incident in the life of Georgian College is the opening of the first building We want to achieve an equal education and good education for every studentin GeorgianACob it Mr Crawlo the employment field and the available jobs in this area and train and teach our students ac cordingly We must also consider our essen element and tolallink the community There crease of thirst for know ledge in our fast chaogi soc iety its the esponsi ty of Colic to fulfill this thirs Mr Crawford also stated that the college must work closely with tile dominant forces in ed ucation community state and industry The community and state are interested in education accord ing to Mr Crawford because higher level of education mong the community usually meansa higher economic level Not only does education pro vide well trained people or community but also it promotes cultural acti ties within the community he said Industry IS interested in ad ucation said Mr Crawford because colleges and univera man Forces venom GP Wholesale in retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted bytlre department of agriculture as of Friday large 496 medium 447 small 385 Egg wholesale prices to country stations fibre cases quot ed by committee of wholesale egg dealers extra large 53 44 large Mir medium 34 35 small 29 $33 Butler prices Canadla Dairy CommisSion tenderable carlnls buying 39 score 64 buy ing to score 65 selling LEADS Photonsiron Canada loads world in the production of make asbestos pla ran and platian metals Fast EasyEiitcrent Can be custom ordered tomeet shape or message re quiremEnt PERMLSTAMP will reproduce colors fine lines small type faces logos typeseven photosin true accurate detail nrvraioiv BARRlE EXAMINER ties prowda good source of employees Mr handout stated thatwe must not overloo the irrgror tant contributions that industry and the community make to ad ucation They mpport education by making available grants bur crs said Mr Crawford Mr Crawford said the sdtool will now be involved with estab lishing traditions which area part of every college and uni versity We hope to adhere to our motto Wisely improve the prescn said Mr Crawford And make Georgian College line and proudcollege Alter Mr Crawfords address Horace Pratt board of gov ernors Dee Cameron dean Alan Campbell president of the students arhrrinistrative council and the Venerable Allan Read Archdeacon oi Simone gresanted greetings to tha presi ent might help the students as pcciails tires who advpcslellre lowering oi the voting age might begin to police themselves in these problem areas 0r might even sugth one more obvious way to get thoSe kids all the streets and out of the hair oi property owners in other high school districts llut dare not make that suggestion as it borders on policy making and that is out of policemanl province But until things are changed would call on the right think ing students oi Eastvlow to act sensible in this matter and to give ihe motorist the considera tion he is entitled to Policd action should always be mcae sure taken when common sense has failed us think your sin dent Council wbould agree DEATHS rum William CameronAt the nomvlcioria Romainerue on so ay lurch teat Cameron urdiu beloved husband ct linby Ouulsan and our tattier 01 Gordon of Palanve and loan Mrs Whltfl mrni of Moose Jaw srsic brother or hlaudu or petroi lmlrig manna lather or mode drm Ind Fulcrumchildnn he at till Jmnctt inneri Home Brad ford St name For Irvin on Monday Izso pm tutumenu Andrus Union When Isroauseonras Antorkthnt II when the stark departs tlmolortlioWelflcmaWa on Hostess to arrive with for baby and helpful Inter motion lorthl new moths But slncatha ntorkl out number the Hostess Wol corna Wagon needs spotter list out stor apottarin nelghbfloflhood 0an asses help and sgliulll them mothers To report atork ï¬ctionswail Alakeview RESTAURANT tas Dunlap ARE Moriarty 15 iii unsoirv oaiitso WING LSTEAK with Mushroom Sauce or BREADED MEALCUTLETS with Spanish Sadce yPIntDridk of liege lth purchased Docket can one