Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1969, p. 2

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41W news BMW MWRMY hunch in tilted to ask cl com 000 cto start dynamo Imouxu mime gleam mended we truertlen nut meeting held eeries of Idrertismm in an Mu lcrit tibial Tab My panels and the distribu onto to It the execuure were my mm gmorary run over or something runner Georg HQ gm Dd Here are some other items on do Md chairman for the 53m ylge year 11 am Canadian Md wild vicechslrman The firm lady New Le woman driver ever to ep melm was dnrg executive negligence and zfmoiansm lined um but which to flaming viceWes go to woman meiniured idm it lutmulonal liar dents lwas given thathllu Rich mm namilton Donald ll en utilised down crucial Wed president nnd Street and 5m around the Wrdmum nun Loni Wrner of eennarrouiy miss led Mango log nut cart and street ART GtFFErt left presi chats after the locust meet defender Toronto 11 and then chased Mr and nt of tho Slmcoe County ing with Jim Jsdtltnprerldent 131 vitcprcsidenl rm Mn Wehh to the cumm Ind trailed of Agriculture of the Bruce county Fodersb onm gr meme it WW1ng the lady we 33351 mg of teens revenue near rations Toronto Tran 31003 MI MW 23 John ll Bran public relations autos and Mos motde In Cape tan motorist flank of Ontario laud Northdilfe adder the Comm Redmond ex ecutivne liceprtsident ell Canadian Club on wa Canada ltd mlu Am spurgeon publisher Fred lllis is general rnsn nger of the in charge of an Enllland touring Noni America for the ptuposo of all tins Offices are lees ted tile ling St Toronto ion of Agricultilre Examiner photo Eng show where top of host tree will be ellt off to let scion grow up as the tree Baker Photot Inlet Farm Orgdlliaatiorl roposed By Speaker wantt the minister of agriculture to chnduct producer vote to FDR KENNETH Eng left and technician Douglas Baird at the depart ment of lands and forest sta tion at Angus show how scion twigs from superior spruce trees arn grafted onto con man spruce tres sccdlings Mr Superior Trees Planned Farmers are not getting their suggested thrillers should pay tr share from the nations ec mailinlz mental notes of civic fee based on the income ofthelr and economic matters waa ln jBy Forestry Department By BRIAN BAKER very interesting program being carried out at the Ontario Department of Lands and For MLs seed plant nt Angus is the propagation of superior trees by grafting twigs or crime onto common seedling trees so that trees of outstanding growth qualifies may rcslllt in dltltnd red or more trees nf ldenticat growth characteristics The re sulting trees are being planted into special seed orchards for the sole purpose of producing seeds that will mull in trees of superior growth potential FOR INDUSTRY fWhlle the same principles are not involved as in the pro duction of hybrid corn says forester Kenneth Dig the pro gram will do forlhe forestry lstry something the same as brid com has done for re At present we are With black and white hich species are very as pulpwood and tim rcesf the first place explains ician Douglas Baird for locate cry of the very Mack or white spruce trees It gbod areas Ttley search for trees that are straighter taller andh than average outstand in all growth qualities Then it the winter they come back with rifles and with careful aim shoot off some anties ant They are then ship ped to us under refrigeration to Keep them dormant Branches from each differ ent tree unassigned code num bets Those we are grafting this afternoon are coded 681 All the seedling trees graft over to scicns of this tree will be identified by number 681 Then when they are planted out in the seed orchard they will not be planted together but be inicmlixed with other numbers and sufficiently isolatodJrom their own number In prevent un desirable uosspollinatinn be tween these 631 trees GMFTING PROCESS To propagate the scions from file plus rated trees they are grafted onto threeyearbld com mon spruce seedling trees which have no genetic value in than eeives but provide ready made stem and root system Using Very sharp knife Mr Baird cuts long sloping Vec down into the stem of the host seedling one third front the top then cuts the stem of the scion tldn wedge shaped to con respond to the graft notch and then carefully inserts the sdnn into His notrh so that the cam become biltm or growing rings of both scion and host tree make con tact so that they will grow to gethcr Then he binds the graft around with rubber grafting band and paints it over with melted wax to pre vent exposure of graft to drying air and fungus VThgsg graftedtre in peatpots ar cool basement of the mom house forsix weeks where the host tree begins to grow and ailew Barrie Route To Serve The On March 17 Barrie will have new bus route to service the citys east end The new route will leave the five Points and proceed along Collier street Blake Street Downsview Drive Adam Street Johnson street Steel Street Nul son Street to Eastview Colleg late on some trips Strabane Avenue lCnok Street Coiling unotl Street Rodney Street Blake Street Dunlop Street East and return to the Five Points the route is four miles in engtb There will also be chair gee in two existing routes limit the north and the west routes will now arrive at the East End Five VPolnts at mo am in steadof 330am to enable psscngcrs bound for work at 880 to arrive on time The west bus route will also be changed to include Letitia Wesley Shirley and Anne Streets The new hlsrollteswillbenn threeqnnnth trial basisifpas sengcr load is sufficient to make die operation economical they will he continued beyond the tilreeononth period Exact schedules for the new food routes are now being prepared and will be releasadhefore lllarrh 11 Squirrels Damage rNearVlCoidwaterL the scion grout makes growth contact Then they are brought into the top of the greenhouse where warmth makes the scion begin to sprout IN TWO YEARS Within two years we lliil have pruned away all the bran ches of the host tree lnnvinl only the rapidly growing scion says Mr Baird Then they are planted in permanent seed or chard where because the scions come from the top of ma ture tree as they do and re tain the same conebearing pro parties they soon start bearing seed cones One little tree that had been grafted only five years before and stood only twenty nlne inches high last year grew ninety cones Thus from these seed orch ards planted with trees vegeta tiver propagated from superior for the eelcr it zflélfiepgfifimffig £0 trict ac riding to the oiflclnt Maple Tree Because black squirrels have sweet tooth immature maple trees in the Goldwater area have hard time surviving The squirrels have been biting into these candy canes for al most seven years and this winter have spread their activities from Tiny Township into neighboring Toy and Medorde some parts or OroTown edof listch and the To renehrthc svreet inner hark if wk spiel at which the squirrels relish as food the outer bark on trees up to six inches in diameter and forty feet in height is stripped led at any one point it will die observers believe the fondness for this food is passed from the adult squirrel in its offspring and as the squirrel population increases and travels farther field into new areas tree dam age becomes more widespread Also some of the normal squirrel are scarce This includes last Seasons crop of beech nuts and the poor condition ot insect infested acorns telviewed at the Queens Hotel about theatrical censorship He also said The phenomenal growth of Toronto looms up in striking fashion to the visitor doubt if there is another city of the same population that is making such rapid strides survey was completed on the need to widen Yonze St north to no feet nro according to Jim fatkiln tullure held in the ltiineslng only They need general rm organization that will bar hin with government nndln stry to insure them fair re lllr Jacklln president of the cs County Federation of Ag lculture was the guest speaker the annual meeting of Sim County Federation of Ayi community centre last night ever will dig to cool is during weathcri upecled over Ontario during th weekend with temper atures in ct the same as those prevailin tle last few days Toronto Huron Baskey off if tree is completely gird geldi in Barrie dis est is already becoming avail rem nbie to help make as it were the growing of two trees possi hie when only one grew before reality at time when world demand for lorns tr products is nuLstripping sup empera to re how he night Wlndsnt landon Hamilton ll St Clair Lake LaketDnt 7N iLar llslibugtuuL Parry Sound rink commie annus Consumers Gas Eon Elm this week The ri pped by Grace so included Myrtle la Morris and Belvn urd Muriel ollnes Eimvsla rink draw with Trews Sudhu Bay DlS lCT WEATHER nny Skies In Prospect some as Friday Winds no easterly lo to is today Sunday Snult Sit hiaril North Northern Gear goma Tsmagaml ranetlhits River Mainly ny and continuing mild ty and Sunday Winds llfilt Western James Bay Sy and continuing mild today ly cloudy with few light flurriea Sunday Winds hg day southwesterly 15 Sund Mount Forest Wingbam Hamilton St Cath Toronto Peterborough Kingston Owen Sound Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudblrry Earlton Sault Ste Marla Kapuskaslng White River Moosonee draw their support until the pol hi paid by Rt tor Bro Jan According to no Jadrlin fthcre arc two basic principles which should be part of gen ieral farm organization It GPO should improve the fnrmels in coma and speak for farmers to governgnt and industry FARMERS ATTITUDE llir Jnchlln stated that volun tary Membership would mean most fnrmcrs would probably not loin because they wouldnt get around to paying their dues or maybe if one of the policew of the Gto were not exactly to their liking they might with lcy were changed Mr Jacklin location nncu nmsomc mm This leItllufllClll visits will if Hcslip of Crccmorc Dcputy Grand Master for Georgian Ms nnic Dlstrl to the following lodges Orllllnho March Earl Kitchener lrodge No 535 be Spry MdgeEectoh March Minerva Lodges stroud ltiarcll la CORINTHIAN LODGE Regular meeting of Corinthian Lodge No no will be held in Barrie Masonic Temple Thursv day March General business balloting and int ationswill he on agenda War Brat hay Irat imer of Angus Will will pre side The lodgesis planning ladies night in neerfuture with Bro Gary Alex junior wraden heading the committee EARN KIWANIS CLUB Harvey Mitchell of Toronto moor Club lleuténant gover nor for Division No Ontario Quebec Maritime District of arm the uuestlnn was naked from the floor What is farmer llfr Jacklln said according to ndelinitlon of the committee trying to organiro the G170 farmer is any producer of one or more agricultural products He said he wants one farm or ganization instead of the two which now exist Farmers Un ion and Federation of Agricul turn The voting structure should be based on the number of farm ers in given area production and the potential agriculture pro duction The only Iegislttinn Mr Jack lin would like to see not through would insure the GR the same bargaining power as other fed erations and unions have in Can ROLE OF BOARD He said he would like to see the rule of the marketing boards continue to perform their func tion of marketing Fin Mr Jackhn said he GENERAL Kiwanis International will pay his official fish to the Kiwan ls Club of Barrie on Monday 615 pm at hiirsmhr Gardens Past President Roy if Mark lvrn will be chairman Monthly directors meeting follows dint th President Ernie dirl Crew Escapes Runaway Locomotive HOPE EC CPI Two crew members rode plunging locomotive into the Fraser RivenFriday and then scram bled out on to the river ice and walked ashore The diesel unit crunched through the ice and landed up right in shallow water after hlt lug rockslide on the ONE mainline near this Fraser Can yon centre 100 miles Vancouver east of second diesel unit and hair ltlr who addressed ciate like them and they like seven hoxcsrs of the Mcar eastbound freight train also were derailed The wreckage strewn down about 50 feet of river bank caught fire and burned for several hours Engineer Alfrnd Pngg ll of Port Coqultlam rainman Paul Lawrenc of give every farmer the right to vote if he wants GPO Up to now the minister has not said whether or not he will conduct such vote hlt Jackllnuald short med ium and long range poilcies concerning fsrlnlng should be made by the farmers not by the government in this my farm ers can build their terms into rllbstaotlel businesses He told the federation mem bers they could save $2000 to $3000 by importing large trac tors from Great brltain The biggest savings from buy ing the imported tractors from Great Britain are on the larger machines At presenthGrcy and Simon County farmers are awaiting the arrival of about 27 tractors from Great Britain in another month thefarmcls hope to import an even gger load to distribute to the farmers in Ontar lngtaddition to Mr Jacklins talk the Simcoe County Federa tion of Agriculture alsoelcctnd their 1969 directors lnhn gun West Gwillimhur Watson Mink rd 553 Stewart Donn lnnisfll Robert McDerm tswasaga nm Arnol nldale lton Coutts Vespr Dan Bell Flos Tyson Lan man Orb Archie McPhnc 0r illia TchVasey Madame Ce cil Blow Tiny David Jones Tat Jun Borrow Mamedem and hanrthur Tossoron The Barrie Examiner never knowingly publishes blll Idverflllnl All Id verttsements are accepted for publication on the premise that the product the service or the offer is properly Ind honestly do scribedund is not word ed or designed to mislead the readers in any re spect Advertising accepted for publication must not colr tails false or exaggerated claims or exaggerated comparative prices and if any render encounters anything less than faithful compliance with condi tions as described in any advertisement we would appreciateknowing of It Just write or call Bnrrle Examiner or the Chamber of Commerce of which this newspaper is an IIlt live member Advertisers who detlher the Rota Hub of Barrie Thurs day today denied that he had said com Barrie girls hooked on drugr were selling their bodies topacquire money Mr Srnith community youth worker with thelnter School Ctuistiaanellowship told that lifts hevwnsr attelrlntlng to challengclathera to take lead ing raisin bridging the gen eration gap by glvrng of them selves tothclr children He also urged fathers to avoid the bad and even the good and aim for the best in life activities and male for atlon and to listen to their unren rroman early age to adulthood in order that lines of communicatlm 5° Foeona calls fertility km while the other call achieva Yetthelartlcla that appured ment skill or pr ability in Friday Examiner MI Yes the letter on talent Smitli rs mlssed the main ma knmv how emphases and further misquoted Ind misinterpreted other com ments in my address gt QUESTION PERIOD During the question and swan period was asked whore teennggrs got money to buy drugs to whithlreplied dont know at work giietflel said some of them ically that Barrie tu ll to mat the article would he lleve In response to the ounce of dnrg usage in Ba deer ly stated that di how widespread its me at least they did before Fridays article appeared Aside from genuine frlendi ship my approach to Hippies or any other teenagar hls been to show by life and by word but the letter by invitation only that one can meet anynnd all the irritations and hang ups at life tree of any crutches And that the irritations that come can be character building if one adjusts tolsame as he will meet similar does all through life Vancouver suffered duly shaking up as they rode the front diesel into the river other crew members were in the caboose which remeltledon ately violate these stand nrds will not be permitted to use our advertising pager the tracks lment they knew it left the in relative prominence tarianr to decide Furthermore have ever told es to make society ws one id make society you And there is bi ersncc Eltperienced the small owners to the large indus lpver iety that have hereis real talent and From home gt trial complex years of experience are yours The la ter or rt contact the trained people cle claims Ir rel plea as the noth are now which from myspeech Db the girls become prostl considered them otherlvse dcolor spend no have met 13 mizht be rlescrib whom have gun some oi them said gt 11 actual fact to not guest speaker and Ted Brent lure the meeting gramme know of sifgll case here in president shake hands he photo pan3 in an girl has re sorted to oyutuuon to Pmm Fresh Simeon Whltettrh available to ink Dobomd free of charge Al HOPPER secretary of the Barrie Rotary Club leltt watches as hernia Smith J1

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