Spring Cleanéllp Time Remember Nothing Clamsup Like Want Ad FRANK NELLEé WHAT MAKES muntmm cram SALI REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR sALc HAROLDLEORSTER REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE 113 mm nArrlnnolnm WWW monmcnthnowhciurcccind hmmmmalmmwm mmmwmmWWit unlcdlntbcumddmmlrhdm madnnoflï¬m WMALARGEFMMJY mum Wlblvlllflflll mmloï¬imhrmnodhcraqauwhlnacmnnmtdou nmmm lawman IIIIIIIIIIIIII PNVESTMENT Yes with home so skilfully built by master crafts men in location of fine homes your eqully will increase as you enjoy the comfort of modern living THESE ELEGANT HOMES are available with Ill2 first mortgage Down payments starting from $5140 Wo offer you all he advantagesol well planned us Idenï¬cl area of fine homes but only blocks away mm tho most modern up schools including separate and how plhlic canola also shopping area level split Attale garage Oman Iinidlcd decorating including Thriller Donnie closet space in large master bedroom dining area in kitchen ii cuslom built cupboards and exhaust fan Bill basallam bedrooms Iamily room Ask any of mi ma salesmen to show you the innumerable am that mamas homes the best buy on Mindanao And inoinre about our guaranteed Inadein plan CHOLKAN CO LTD lIllS REALTOR lo Collier St Barrie 7284401 Angus WI fllclbume 92345440 Vasaga Beadl 4296640 Collingwnod 5am IDOKING FOR FARM We have lust what you are look Ing for Call Bob or Dee Han son loosen WEEK AND WINTER SPORTS FARM 35 acres with 10 acres bush rolling hills chalet with large banquet hall fireplaces ideal place for skidons country club etc Will sell outright or con sider cash partner dust miles from No Highway close to Metro Toronto Call Cec or Mildred Patterson Tottenham 9364273 for appointment EXIXIUTWE HOME Have you ever had yen for luxury hornetI Try this one hlarshall Street bedrooms baths or inspection please contact WandaEdwards 72820111 THE BUY or THE WAR home to be proud of at an unbelievableprlce Three bah ronms wall to wall broadlomn modern kitchen many extras Drapes room dividers GE wa Eller and dryer By appointment only Call George Livingston 4296640 or am wizsaga LARGE mm Consider this now down pay ml for an older tour bedroom rhomeLcloaefltn sdloolsand hus piï¬l NI price only $16600 Gall le Marlon 7W4 AW Not mm acres bud property Wring nice stream villamam Hall down Payment Dovegrove 43161112 011 Midland FULL PRICE $3000 100 acre lamp with attractive bedroom home and woodshed in Simcoe County Productive trout stream runs through pro perty Call Alan Wardle 725 3464 DUPLEX In exoellenl condition situach in good area convenient to hospital and medical arts New ly decorated inside and out In come approximately $2000 year ly For further details call Ham nah Pentland mm FULL PRJOE $3500 Newly decorated throughout All good size rooms Situated on large wooded lot Also has stream on property Gall lllarg xirian Wakeï¬eld 4215466 or ML NnAa LAKE caution This new bedroomlmngalow is situalcd on acres near Lake Simona on 9th Comessiou of Drn Features brick front and electric heat Easy terms are available 1111 home is to he fiddled with IIre mohasnrt choice of colors Haynes meson 501ml or BAllmn Charming bedroom home with garage in lovely area very near the lake on lovely large lot with Ines Askingilsï¬m Call Pat Carter no toll charge BARGAIN PROPERTY This three storey Irridr con structed building wanna ballroom would be ideal for lar ger families or person inter ested in an investment For lur Lher details please call Jim Martin 7366003 TWO ACRES Good building lot in Angus for $6010 Cal Brian or nlarg Wakefield 4245455 moan Cali Alton YOU AT OUR Wild AT THE OONIINENIAL lNN TIRE WALL SHOWER ON MARCH 12 1969 mm alumna mam Mm Mumr LEMBEJRS HARRIS 72min ORANGEVILIE TORONTO BOARDS mam 1mm SO DIFFERENT THE SETTING THE LOCATION ALLANDALE ACRES THE HOMES THE BUILDERWGEORGE DAVIES DISTINCTIVE PLANS Designed for Todays Young ExecutiveFamilies MORTGAGE BUNGALOW Designs of Tomorrow include The Spanish enlrance STORIES ever beautiful ï¬replaceinFamilyRoom4Bedrooms Broadloom in living Room Dining Room Master Bedroom piece bath piece powder room piece en cute car garage ALL SENIOR UNDERGROUND OMEMDDEWANDREAR In Fact living without AIL SERVICES PAID Every effort has been made to make each hand mrpletn Ind raaw for modaltable THE NEW HOME COST FOR EXTRAS EXCLUSIVE Adams HAROLD EORSTER AND 98 BAYFIELD 1115 REALTORS CO umllou mas MANN MARTEL CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS unom romp mil zoo axes mp grade land Nn storey brick house with large ultramodernhitdlen Very large horn In excellent condition and two large machine sheds One of the best farms in this area Full line of potato machinery may also be plndlased Dennis Him mew OMX $50 DOWN Older storey bnlt house has bedrooms and piece halhmnm Large car attadled garage Indlupcd slimcom Du large corner lot This will carry for less than rent Dennis lliggott 7268347 BIG BAY POINT ROAD Tho bedroom bungalow on 155 deep lnL Well kept home in quiet area No need Ior cottage as this home is close to lake pncc mono Hiamld Davis mm 12 MILE NORTH EARRIE Beautiful blinding site 20 am slight1y rolling land with malure cedars Flanking properly on west side Buy now and be ready to build on you onn cmmry estate this spring Dennis Hixgotl HAROLD DAV Head Office ll 7W7 149k YONGE ST TORONTO Telephone 923221 CARSON PHUIO MIG REALTOR SE WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE WI 172 0011111311 91 This beautiml home with approximately 1300 square not too stone ï¬replaces large kitdien with an abundance oluipbnards twotilcd bathrooms large pannilad reacahm room double gar ageandmanycnrvas Gallernsynnottmï¬sl SPRING BARGAIN AILANDALE AREA See this older storey brick home with bedrodms largo kitchen recently decorated hardwood floors throughout garage and nice size lot for only $19 Cali Elli Lang mild Norm Synaotl mm Russ Carson 736161 Bill Hamilton 7m Rupert Month Emale mm Hill Lang mom CAMPBELL PHOTO 11145 REALTOR 134 DUNLOP ST RES 77389 FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Ibis rastlui tree dladcd home will be you zencat out in the country large living mom has ï¬replace kitchen two bed room large wirltcrizcdsim porch room must to see MODS OWNER PLUS EIMPIY 110le EQUALS OPPORTUNITY Finally that is it stop watching for the one in million hangain This Owner wants adion and has slashed the price In get it Three bedroom bungalow with living room dining area piece hath attndled garage Oall now md Taylor Tatum mm Paul Perumu mom mg ca mm cradle ma mm 5543 7W Don Marshall 72t7357 Smith Campbell 7297339 Ridaard Dick Bccr Him SHELSWELL WILLSON 119 DUNIDP 51 my DONT ME IN WANT HOLE WITH WIS OF LAND We have several among them is this two bedroom bungalow sit uated on three ems in Ora with cedar hedge and many mature E725 To inspect nhis home call chucklambcrt moonl No in wouuo you once noun in THE oourrmv We have two bedroom lmck umth with large kitchenr 7mm DUPLEX This Sallidelimited duplex is located on opposlta park Each side has room dining three and four piece balfL Full Imam mm per month Gall Mrs 1mg 72138161 laundry room and hirnacc COUTTS AND CO OWEN ST 7282155 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo 11115 Renllnr Highland Park Village Go south on Highway 11 to city limits or CNR tracks Ium lell oil 3rd road alter railroad Little Ave and our model homes are on the first road 10 the cht 10 HOUSES TO CHOOSE FROM Price Range $19995 to $21500 Features low Iaxgskaluminum storms and screens and finish cdcrlltspacl ca For further information call Gordon Coutts EXCELLENT BUNGAIDW bedroom bungalow withmaryy extra features builtin china cabinet In dining room illum inated valance fireplace spec ial humidifier attached garage For inspection call Walter Coutts GRACIOUS LIVING bedroom hrick bungalow mo square leer on well tread lot Lshaped living and dining hulltin valance bmadloom Hollywood kitchen with break fast area Hoiece bath with vanity angel stone fireplace in recreation room Mince wastr room in basement garage For inspection call Sandy butts EVENINGS GORDON OOUIIS 7257275 SANDY COUTIS 7234281 WALTER COUTTS 72112 Gibson Willoughby Ltd MLS Realtor 29A Owen St 7281241 BEDROOM BRICK 0n Jolmson street with large kitdneu dinette living room and piece bath nil heat alu minum storms and screens SI1 mortgage carries for $111 per month principalinternal taxes Reasonably priced SMILEY HOME ON LAY STREET large bedrooms kitchen liv ing room and dinette Iourpiece bath upstairs and piece bath on main floor finished recrea tion room electric heat EIr mortgage carries for sun per month principalrinterest taxes Olily years old Priced to se 101 FOR SAIE Antcn Mills area 100 It road frontage ind dqath no It COMPANY Rallrlsitï¬ihfoh wmauosammm II on magmhmymflm NWNM wvamtawnoocnmam Gymkï¬uhnltcamhnldm Separate fixing NM We 15 HHS affluentnu Maynntuvemc yum lemon KEITH REALTOR II lama urn moron AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bnhcock Ecrrlo mm Oolbouma Strond 4361381 Spencer Thornton Show Stmld blll Ed Green Burris 7341 Betty Newton Hawkertonc mom Lillian Robert Marguerite Moor 71215 and Fitrsirunxlna DISTINCTIVE In The Distinctive BARRIEVIEW SUBDIVISION wwwmmmolsamc IO DIFFERENT PLANS electric Underqu av and we mu Mortgages BEITER BUILT HOMES BY conn srnmo nouc nmam Anax ISBRANVI BIDWEL Mortgage funds available 33 COLLIER SI TELEPHONE Tao4430 RVIHLIDYD WWANBIDWEIL mcm WILMA BIDWHL mm NAN BIDWEIL m1 V1 mum WNANCY Mm rascals 1115 Realtor OGERS CONNELL Photo Reallor DUNLOP EAST At the Five Point Phone EVENINGS CALL FRED EPLEIT 7289197 CHAS ROGERS mom PHOTO 1115 REALTOR SE APPRAISALS InORlGAGES RENTALS All Rose Res 7183116 Bill lgackncsr Rea W726 It or Russo Smith Res mm 7m Frank Jarthnc mam EMORY MILLER 726188 REALTOR 67 DUNLOP ST noumr FLEWElLING Pm GUBBES Goun srmcm CY rollD KENle MILLER MY annual JOHN COLE noraan HARVEY wan nuonv mum Moscow mam um mac mm mTnco ALCAN HOMES $16900 $5500 DOWN some VLA LOTS available Builtin extras included In full price WALLTOWAIL BROAD 1100M OPEOFFSSIIONAL DECORAT ING EIC See our model home at st Vincent and Rose St 0PM DAILY 10 AM TO PM TELEPHONE 7286421 TORPEY Real Estate Broker SHANTY BAY 7760715 TRY EXAMINER VANI ADS PHONE 7252414 CORBY and Appraisers Dunlap 51 Phone 7282419 Lat and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present lat and 7nd mortgages MABEL linuth Taoml nhrzrA zlErIllul mam merry SMITH mom mums KERR Altman usuld Brannon mercy While brick attached mm Grave strut Euf area our year no 1115 hours Reasonable priced Tzltphonl pm BEDROOM illlair and mm bun glow large uvlnlrmonl dlrllnl room kitchen recrclliop room ra TIxui210 edge at ry nabnuaniï¬lbrtck pkggle lg mom in mom cc room nrll alumni Nlce dimld close wanna ma bun remnan mm mam moon Churchill Loom Torry Stcvcmr Elmvalc 177W Ernest Walt Bunions7109 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 109 Bayfleldl st 728407 Appralrrl mum lirle ELVA MILLS 728574 JOHN WHITE mono RAwN Real Estate 14d Brokar BAYFIELD 51 77396 SPEUALIZING RURAL PROPERTIES Ev Bill Rann Elmon ncekhuizen VDicIr Draper 21 APARTMENTS for are our runnrr InlormlIIOII Iyfllliphcno 51701 muse or BEAUTIFUL bedroom hrth hom lnr trachea Milly mun 3m In imA17uly good buy pim in in mm Gm bcn nails I118 end brick bungalow bad room dining room can at all bonds bucment llnlan 1m White Ilultcr mm MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Lid General Glendale Northlander Parts and Service SALE RENT Cash or Teims up to In Years 11 Roy Burton Ave WEISS BUS OPPORTUNITY umpmunds no In opmuon an mare pllnncd vaen mien mm In or your menal naval or outdoor recru Ion Excillent rlatum Icr an ac nvusm Imp round America Box mo Ethic Morl tuna 591m amvlcc Int cationw write acx Fl LOTS FOR SALE Minna arealo am no rIvIr lrn Hunwa 27 area $2600 2114M Tuxcilia WT COTTAGE PROPERTY wmtni In any With or without cottage Approximately Ion root llkclmnl rantn witnln ion mill rldiul ol hmlc Mth rem nblv priced Write an no Blllll hamincr hr ervlca mu mu WOULD exchange mall modeln 110ml electric hull rzxu mo Suitable or Iwn peonla rm mull home In Earrle ertc Box nill1 mimInEI rampage mom orgnun In ry mm In em con vc fencer write an ranm Elva Milll mnhn White Renlar agile 7144116 am p711 Exlnllnrr llvlnl Nrflclllln CALL US FIRST Prompt Aflenlion CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE TRUCKING LocAleulln An on In or rmu Conflicts tnvtlcd remind mIoaz PAINTING RUG CLEANING SIMCOE CARPET CLINIC Professional carpet and uphnl stery cléaning lN YOUR HOME or in our MODERN PLANT 252 HURONIA RD PHONE 72114781 PAINTING dz DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Also sign painting European exports VAN NOORTWYK 114 Rose Street mom PAVING Manieri Paving n1th Export Co of Barrie Free Estimate Work guaranteed 7260081 134 ESSA RD gamma and ducalcum Fm utlmltu Telenhunrrak norm noun Pllnllnl lntrrlcr and um Inr varv rcmnlhlc run umtn Call Erin 72547211 ALUMINUM SERVICE Selfstoring wlndnws doors ASPHALT shallow Vpalio doors siding WI qaulked rcpluccd BOOK NOW for early spring paving yards We are skilled in our Service and will give you IRONING 130ml Ir bllkct wall and lronlngsgflnfl It ultra Hells Ind druvn mow CARPETING HEUGATILE CARPET for commercial and residential Best carpeting in the world Free Inlolrnalion and demonstration BLOMS CLEANING SERVICE 206 Napier St 7237138 SIGNS EEMTIIIEIICIAIL ngk Litigation cum vmuc or an Vlarrlgxhrulfiencn £2537 39 SNOWFLOUGHINQ ENDWPLOWINuvdcE4 loll Allandllo anuddlslrtllf ion mum at min Driveways parking lawman MLS Realtor