WITH EXTRA And glorious that of him firstsYeull love this apringsnew look and youll find it at Tewml CRtMPKNITIJRESSES iii ens Janina Price Prime Minister Trudeau heiday Darlene representing each Weve dazzling collection of three beautiful helps 13 year old Darlene Clarke oi Ottaw into his chair in prime ministers 400 crippled children in the area sold the prime minister some Easter seals to promote the Easter Seal Campaign in styles in lovely assortment of pastel shades Crimpirnit is doubleknit of 100 polyester is crush resistant machine washable dry cleanable and will resist eaggingt Misses sizes 10 to 18 Parliament Hill ottlce Wed Cttawat CF Wittphoto Painter Abuse Methane Says 19 ngmï¬ an gigsw 3A4 The Fashion Trees for 59 Womens CITY PANT SlillS you The lively new loolrl Wear as twopieoe set or wear the dress separately mo styles Sleeveless shitt with Elephant pants to match and Double breasted top with contrasting Elephant pants Both suits oi bonded nylon intalzes to la in lilac and Comtoriabls Elolant SLINpGBACKS Low chunky Broad toes wtih heel with not block beets enl look uppers hardware mm and large vamp Brown leather bow Sizes to sizes to at Latest SquareToe SHOES W1 our High Style Nay Nront PUMPS Smart black lean tlier with high rise vamp and groovy metal bow Sizes to it ismooih or Patent PUMPS derizing heelst Sizes to pair See Our Spring Collection of assesses7+ Grained and patentlook vlnyls inithe latest spring colors Choose from varietyof irarne flap and co new outiiti Tvn sual stylesperiod to go with your 17 each V4 511 gt Great Fashion Valuel Washable m7 SPRING DRESSES ST Womens Smartly Styled and Practical All WEATHER COATS Rain or shine youll look your best in one at our Rag lan sleeved styled all weath er coats Theyre water rcv pollent of 100 memorized cotton and teature slash pockets and button fly front Gioose trom ever popular navyuor beige in sizes lo to 16 Towers Pi Capture the spirit spring in any at these our smart styles Lincn weaVe rrayon blends mist creoses are oily washablel Choose windoupane check fashions in basic shades or solid colors of spring pastels Sizesliz to 20 and to is HWiam27 senate oarnwonanv ioSdittttDthlaAt tuvn onion sonivo iCP Sam into the stabbing oi Amy Tip iii miles east at here listen with an empty truck drivv appointment is eitaelive July Ernest Stahlcr as professor at institute ior Studies in Educa OiiAlVA Solicltor ment the tiouse tomorrow on General George hicilrnith told the Commons Wednesday there is no evidence to indicate abuse at diplomatic privileges by Canadian public servant whose wile is involved in civil case in California The public servant was not named in the House question andenswor exrhangc the minister was replying to the lollowlng question put Mon day by Gordon Falrweathcr PC Fundylioyall in view of assertions made publicly by hir Paul Ahehurst of Ca Contemporary News concerning depositions in civil case in Calitornla ln dleattng possible abuses of diplo matic privileges by Canadians abroad including possible connection with narcotics ot iences in Mexico will the mini tar consider making state WORLD BRIEFS this serious issue liir Mcilralth said Wednesday he had examined the matter coreiullyt The iacta are that the has band of the person involved in the citilcase now beiore th courts in California is public scrvant who had been posted abroad prior to i951 but who has not been posted abroad since that time Nothing in the tiles involved him in any ques tlonable activity and there were no abuses of diplomatic privi leges by him Allegations of abuses of lip lnmatic privileges were brought to the governments attention many years ago and were inves tigated at that time These allegations only directly con cerned him and did not directly or indirectly involve anyone else in the Canadian diplomatle servrce Man On Trial VMecifoId uel Chestnut 52 Tomato was committed or trial at preliminary hearing Wednesday pen oz allowing an argument Fab at her home in ileaicrd N0 NEGLIGENCE CHAPLEAU Ont CPI coroners jury ruled Wednesday there was no negligently in the death ot truck driver Dnnat Turcatte 51 at Tlmmlns iol lowing an accident Nov it tour miles north at nearby itamsayo Onto nircottcs tnick was in col on by Charles Dorie of nearby GETS NEW POST TORONTO CF Drl David McQueen director of the Eco nomic Council of Granada has been appointed chairman oi the economicsdepartment at York Universitys Glendon Collage it was announced Wednesdaytrihe MINISTER RETURNS TORONTO CF isracli Labor MinisterJuseph Almogl tatt for home early Wednesday other being told at the death at Prime Minister Levi Eshkol spokesman for the taraell consu late said in an interview Mr Almogi on tour at Canada and the United states in support or the United Jewish Appeal had been scheduled tolspcak gednesday night in Windsor izlslt GOING 196thLeearetvasremandcdln TORONTO CF Torontos building and development corn mittce is planning to gradually tilimlnnla list at zoning viola tors who are protected from rosecuilon Controller itretiar ek Beavis said Wednesday Last pecember Mr Justice Edson Haincs reiuacd to grant the cit an injunction to stop the operat on of roomlng hnuse on iirouittla their other zoning vlole tera were not being prosecuted NAMED COLLEGE DEAN LONDON int vDr education at Torontos Ontario tion has been named to succeed Dr St Turner as dean ot Alt house College oi Educationhere native oi Stratlord But Dr Sablar received hisbachelor of arts degrea irom Queens Uni varsity EVAN VETS RATES OiiAWA CF billia remove the ilveparcent tlxed rate interest on loans to war veterans under the Veterans Land Act was approved Wednesday by the Senate com mittee on health wcltaro and net and would he more in line with thoie prevailing in the market NATDJiqvnzgusrLL DTMWA CPlf The capital cost at Canadianrtlnaneed NAN bases at Melz and Mar villein France was 1014000 Deience Minister Leo Cadionx reported Wednesday in writ tan Commons reply to Kennelh Robinson IrToronto shorehc also reported that the cost to Canada or relocating its forces irom these basnaio West Gurmenywaa 55000000 FUNDS nusvsaa QUEBEC CF Jacques Le gare 37 ot suburban Sillary pleaded not guilty Wednesday to $213650 fraud charge involv ing congregation of Roman Catholic nuns in Chicoutimi Quouiha Crown charged that Legare mlsusedthc money ori ginallylntended tor the pur chase at shows in seminary during sixmonllt period in custody pending preliminary hearing March it PLAN FRENCH EDITION gt MONTREAL CPI The Mouth Daily the unlversit student newspaper will publ sh 100000 copies in French next week it was learned Wednes day EditorinChici Mark Sta rowicz said in an interview the French version will appear next Thursday The role at McGiil in Quebec societywill be the thome my EXAMINER wane aos PHONE meat