EVERYONE at Angus is talking about the pros and cons oi ineorportlon as town including on people Chairman ol the Angus indus trial committee George Guer gls tcentret answers clues lions oi this group at school girls concerning changes it would make FROM LEFT Bunnie Barkweil Cindy Me George Pat Edwards lur Angus Incorporation Advantages Explained ANGUS Stall improve ments anticipated are sewers and water civic centre lull range spurts area bctlcr roads and sanitation operation said circulntm delivered to rcsi dents ol Angus and area through thnltngus Chamber oi Com merce dealinglwllh the propos als to seek incorporation as towii erhaps the most important advantage will be that we can invite industry into our area which will provide taxes em ployment and higher standards oi llving the chamber circu iar added it went on to ex plain that an audit report by Glendinning Jarrett Gould and Company chartered accountants oi Toronto stated that incorpor ation would not mean Angus would be ahead linnncially but neither would the community lose any its revenues obtain ed through taxes and grants AXIAL EFFORTS The main advaotnge would be local control through an elect ed council directly representing this community You the tax payers through your represents lives can then improve the area and make it into better place to live and bring up your chilr drcn£ the circular to ratepay ers stated petition which has been heav ily signed supports application to the Onlario municipal board for incorporation The area concerned would in clude the present police village and the builtup vi rounding the village more people now living in the immediate vicinity Lhnn in the police village itsell said Peel Dullerin Simcoe it To Visit Angus Saturday ANGUS Stall Member ol the House of Commons ior Peel Duiterln Slmcoe riding Bnlce BeerMP ol Brampton will be visitor in Angus this coming weekend Mi Beer has accepted an in vitation to appear at the Loyal True Blue hall on Saturday evei nlng when he will give report from Parliament with his Com man Supporters who assisLed in ar rangements said all interested in attending the meeting will be welcomed The visit oi Mr Bcer will mark his first public appear ance here since his victory mele bration following his success in winning the riding lor the Tru deau government in the Do minion election last June 25 IBeeton In the last election Mr Beer dcieated Ellwood Madlll Censor vative who iormerly represent ed Simcoe Duilerin riding since 1w and also Dr George Hill at Orangeville NDP Eclore that he represented the former Peel riding in the House of Commons since 1962 The member had served as secretary to several ministers and once headed Canadian delegation to the United Nations Food and Ag ricultural Qrganlzation conic cnce at Paris Hon Earl Rowe ol Newton Robinson lormer governorgen eral oi Ontario represented Sim coeDullerin helate hlr Madill hlr ilowe vacated the seat when appointed governorgeneral He had represented the riding or nearly 25 years Signs Stunt Drivers it BEENN Stall Stunt drivers will be back and also Kihg show and its attractions lor the 1969 Beeton iall air it was announced by Harry Cross secretary and general mana ger it Gross madearraugements for these attractions when at ten ng the Ontario Fall Fairs association convention at the King Edward Sheridan Hotel during the latter part of last week and made the announce ment onhis return Dates lor the 1969 lair will be Tuesday and Wednesday Sept 22 and with sulky horse ratng and leatoclrcom petitions the second day lea lures indoor exhibits and show 4H club activities larm displays and midway attractions will be among the opening day fea tures ii the weather favorable the Hell drivers areexpected to Lon give nightly shows Rain inter ierrcd with one of the shows last year The other perior roance proved to be one oi the top thrills of the fair for many Visitors Horse tans en sultry events Friebug is another feature while consid erable interest also is shown an nuahy in the competition or women drivers Garï¬eld Hall new dent and his executive have been busy witllplanning for this owe day lair which oiten attracts total ol 10000 people tieoumseih councillor Realord ndBnrce MeQuarrie are Vice presidents and Mrs Dor is Gould assistant secretary Tue immediate past president who also is helping with 19$ plans is Elgln Rutledge ltir Rutledge was commen ded recently for his leadership whichplayed role in the sup cesslul loss and 1967 fairs NOW SHOWING Paxton Quislsyisa and completely exhausted MiMiEUX noonqu izsnows PM PM ptisOner of love THUR5 FRI wan spokesman who pointed out these people were not represented on the board ol trustees Angus Chamber of Commerce which has made an extensive study ol the possibilities has in vited questions from interested ratepayern Al Zaba local mer chant is president or the cham her and David Ddlshaw is see retary An early joint meeting is plan ned by the chamber with the board oi trustees and it is ex pectedthls will be opened or general discussion The world erable interest already shown was described as most encourA aging by the chamber spokes man located beside Base Borden Angus is on the northern boun dary oi Essa and part at the nearby builtvtlp area is in Sun nidalc Highway 90 which 91 tends to Barrie is the most im portant thoroughfare in relation to volume ol trailic County road to due ior reconstruction soon also is particularly busy Eh Study Rink Grant In Maichedash NORTH RIVER Stall Matchedash township council will consider request from Goldwater that it submlt the question at $20000 grant to ward the Goldwater community centre to the ratepayers or de crsion The next regular meeting of the council which isheaded by Reeve Russell crcightoo is slat ed to be held on Monday March 10 at pm and it is anticl pated it will he discussed then It Medonte Tay and Matche dasb willeach contribute $20 Goldwater will contribute allke amount and artiï¬cial lce Will he installed at the centre and other improvements made Following the lead or other municipalities the council has adjusted allowances to include 520 per meeting for the reeve plus $300 honorarium $15 per meeting and $200 lor the deputy reeve and $100 each to the councillors plus $15 per meet ing Travelling expenses were set at 10 cents per mile Reeve Russell Creigth and Councillor leooa Sllk voted in galnst the raises with Deputy Reeve Arthur Silk and Council lors ARowe and Burton Taylor voting in favor An increase at 23 cents per hour for roads department fares men was approved ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Hum mm ram lllllllllll lfllllllllllllll illitlttltllm Ionismfcmna Gucrgis Terry Gucrgis Boo nlo Duckworth Judy Shuttle worth and Lauraine teblane Examiner Photo DISTRICTBRIEIS LEARNING PROBLEMS WAYNE Stall New members are soughl tor the Hranch oi the Canadian AssocL SIROUD Stall Following the suceeu oi the weekend event plans for another lnnlslil Win larama iolm already are be inï¬dlscussed Details will be on anater but Nnrdderable early enthusiasm has been shown An attendance at nearly 1500 enioyul the 19$ races and competitions and the sponsoring innistilraiambcr olCommerca was given much credit tor the arrangements lnnlsiu Councillor William Glhblns has been receiving the congratulations ot friends for winning the snowmobile race tor councillors Councillor Elmer Gross was second Helen Halket oi Barrie RE won one at the powder pull ev entsndth Holland oi Lelroy secondWhlle liailandol 1b recenlly organized Georgian Bay ntion for Children with Learning Disabilities ltlrs Villlrlm Wal son is in charge of signing mem bers in the Stayncr area and Mrs Ken Griesbach at Culling wood lVATERllORKS SEMINAR COLUNGWOOD Stall 001 iingwood public utilities commis sion has dcclded to send dep utution to the waterworks semi lnar in Toronto Tuesday April is when lire protection storage and standby power re quirements will he discussed lllllston Meeting To Discuss Tax ALLISION Stall Estate taxes and succession duties and their client on the lulure oi larrnsnnd business Willbe dis cusscdnt seminar planned for Banting Memorial High School on Wednesday evening March The Alllslon branch of the Uni ted Cooperatives Association will sponsor the meeting The announcumcnt sai will be an inlormation meeting about the proposed bill to change federal estate taxes The meeting villbe held in the west gymnasium which is reach ed by the Lorne strcet entrance tntbe school rm axarnm warrr Apr PHONE 7232414 FEMBASSY HALL so BLAKE sr BARRIE ONT ANQUEIS WEDDINGS commas KENTALS Banquet Permit 31 For Information 7268957 Nowsnowmo pm 910 pm ohmmean illlfllllllillllllltlfllilllll Mute hum MMWWW an troy won the other with Helen Haiku second The lecture rare oi the pro gram an open event to Fox islandwas taken by Rick thanks of Barrie with another Barrie snowmobile enthnslan Bruce Hatterlny second The Fox island race tor no 500 cc engines was vmn by Bob Mackie oi Stroud with Wilson Forbes ol Lelroy second Wilson Forbes ol lclroy won the soo tot cc class with Lenard ot Richmond lilil second while the 301675 cc class was taken by Harry Hunt ol Barrie RR with Guy Brooks oi Stroud RE scc and Mortimer oi Leiroy won the clasr for smaller en gines with Alex Lawson oi arad lord RR second Stock event winners wereJ Forbes or leiroy um and Bo sniplh nla Easter oi hire second in hellm cc engine class Schatiinuber and Graham both ot Schombcrz in the sol 373 class and llalaet ol Barrie and Wilson Forbes ol kimy in the 37m cc race Stoullville entry Len Pow ell won the 300400 to modiï¬ed class with Halket oi Barrio RR second The open class was non by Glen Arcry oi Sloull ville with Ytsrn lorbzs Second Alex Lawson nl ilradlnrd won the childrens snowmobile race tor engines up to with Williams oi liwrin till second Brian Nation at Barrie on first and ill liolland ol le lruy second in the sol375 cc class The rnewrmlser race was non by Varcoa RR Cooks town with Ivan Paticndcn aradiord second lion liacKic ot Stroud won the open broomhall race with llonalc Webb ot Thorn ton second The mixed novelty race was won by Sherry Trombley of Bell Burt and Al inorncr ot Lelroy second DISTRICT NEWS ma aannm EXAMINER rnunsmv raa tr ms youve got of the corner and urge At last the purest most convenient and economical quart mllk package svera ble to Canad The new 100hvgienlc polybag cqnceptvltoln ideal Dal and DuPont of Canada Keeps milk fresh tonger Eliminates washing storing andJetumlnglugs Its disposablel Soyaasy to unease heal Getaquainted with this thy let your family new packaging concept Askfor and enjoyPltcher Fair to your door or at vourstere Lakeviewz was MILK DAlRY LTD BAtlltlE The on the Georg Dairy authorize lQuatityï¬h