Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1969, p. 4

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or ifibrtir Elevation Publllhad by cinnam Nuwapupm Limited 16 Bayfield srmt Barrio ontarlo Walla Publishar McPherson WAY 33 rigk4me22milf William Tolfor General Manager Managing Editor mg PAGE carrying Free Enterprise To Dangerous Lengths The uorld has enough troubles with out the periodic crises that strike one or another of the worlds leading cur rencies Thus it is good news that the leaders of the central banks in the west ern world havegot together to develop plan to control the flow of speculative capital from one coiuitry to another The bankers were told to work out something by hastily summoned meet ing of foreign ministers last November in Bonn This was held vjust after nlsh on the franc had caused major While onlyiihe franc was direct ly under fire fire worlds currencies are interrclaled and so it threatened to cause serious trouble everywhere in the vestem world comments the Sarnia Ob server The strength or weakness of cur rency in the world markets should re flect the state of that countrys interna tional trade If it is buying more abroad than it is selling the supply of its eur rcncy inforeign markets will exceed the demand and the price will go down The country concerned then has choice of accean devaluation of its currency or of putting its own house in order so that it reducos imports and or increases exports This is nomal healthy cor rective process when it ls carried out in an orderly way But speculation is something else DOWN MEMORY LANE 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner February 22 1934 Eighty local hockey fans were stranded for night on Highway 26 between Slay ner and Sunnidale Corners in terrific blimni They were returning from junior playoff game at Collingwood won by Bairle Colts 51 Storm luf suddenly fillinan highway Occupants of 30 cars were stranded until daylight Most took refuge in nearby farmhouses whose fam ilies weremost considerate All trekked to Stayner at daylight and took early morning train from Meafcrd to Allan dale Garageman JoeDaley spent all day towing cars back to Barrie Sunday evenlngawhile members of fam ily were at church next door sneak thief ransacked residence of Rev Long of Collier St United Church and took cash andjewelry to value $125 Grant Knupp sessorat $135 year Reeve John Kielnan Reeve of losrorontio elected WM South Simcoealoyal Orange Lodges At Capitol Katharine Hepburn tn Morning Glory with Douglas Fairbanks Jr and Adolphe Manjou At 120 Spencer Tracy and WHEEIIIMWTC The Power and the Gloryaiso Betty Boop cartoon Coming Maurice Cheval ier in The Way To Love Barrie firemen fought blaze in Aliand apart ment at 25 below zero While firing boiler at Barrie Planing M111 corner Mary and Sophia Sis copropuieior Cleland received painful burns and was given medical attention by Dr Ernest Turnbull Ward Smith ftrstialto sax ophonist in Howard Smarts orchestra left for Hull Quebec to joinOlub Lido band of which one is another Barrie mue ician Bev Rodditt Gilbert Wiley of Barrie now plays it via regularly with to Orillia appointed Vespra Twp as again It tiuives on rumors balffiruth and plain greed If the speculators in one country think the currency may be losing strength they dont allow patrio tic motives to stand in their way They run to buy currendes which they feel will maintain their strength in hope of quick profit The harm they are do ingio their own country bothers them not at alL They go to fantastic lengths to get their currency out of the country despite government restrictions During the last raisin of the franc French cur rency was leaving the country by the trunlcful We will always have the gamblers and spwtlators with us and presumably what they do with theirown money is theiriaflair But in the course of their scramble for quick profit they should not be permitted to tear down the deli cately balanced financial structures be tween nations If an outsider were to attemptto ruin the country by destroy ing the value of its currency he would be branded as saboteur and probably shot But in many countries supposedly loyal citizens are permittedto do it in the interests of freeenterprise That is obviously carrying the princi ples of free enterprise too far and we hope that the bankers have found fool proof way to stop this menace Red Hickeys band at Palais Royalc Sin nyside Happy Emma of lied Wings confined to Detroit hospital with concussion Vfollowing NHL match gainst Ottawa Senators Drillla Garri son won Simcoe County badmintontour ney at Orlllja Armoury BarrieGam son finished thirdin points of nine clubs entered John Moore Sr won dis trict an age championship Town Council purchased new fire truck at $4000 Fred Douglas elected pres ident Barrie lietailMerohants with exec utive of Harry Mcfhillough Murray llama Harry rams Barrie hoc ing experiences coming home from 001 lingwood theyarranged for special train On return they were held up until byfreight train wreck athawkestone Bids for new Barrie Arena close March8 CNR employs 70 men on ice harvest at Allandale Scott Bres have field laid out in centre of bay and expect to begin cutting next week Enue Ryan district manager returned from week in New York as guest of Metropolitan life He attended Toronto game in Madison Square Garden and had pleasure of rene ng acquaint ance with Red Homer King Clancy Har old Cotton Vand others He 01m popular Vailoe toir on barrie Hockey Club exon erated on charge that Maurice Stranslt man was over age Danton Masse tied York Bible Class in Barrie for ciai youth service which filled Collier United He was introduced by old friend Leighton Clarke vicepresi dentClarke fr Clarke Tannery Bame curlers beat Toronto Strathconas inan nuai Black trophy competition OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DIRECT BENEFITS STlLLUNKN°WN Montreal Gazette ems inseam xriom ne excitesythe imagination of th world iiu direct benefltsare distant and largely unknown There is ythngterest ran an NI FIRST reasons JEWISH mm Email an CROWNING ecumnn Gl as ouecu RF Tuna SPRING monk iIME CADNIUAL E$KIM05 All Frobisher Bay moose LUCKY MAN To Be MllTDDNIK 7N5 soMos set5v 7147 mm MM WM720 AIDaw some 4114150 4M woman 4m comm rtet nvlIvvdflmwrwmwfllwms and gr ng activity in the further ex ploration of mans ourn planet earth with th Lthewast areas infer the oceans may hold the solu tions to many problems such as the growing needsfdr more food and more fuel and more metals Double double toil and trouble Fire burn and coldron bubble rgicgssamcsamsimlaxzax Irtczrjxer=umha OTTAWA REPORT TO EDITOR PRIVATE L013 Dear Sir would like to know why owner of properly dont have to muk it clearly Plu VATE PROPERTY There is certain privafaparklnx lot right next to the matured lot behind the Collier Si post office NI par This lot la ll be way marked as private and up until ibl date and nine Dec 15th 1968 it never bu been ur inform ed and lm aura other people are ubder the impression that flair we free municipal lot have parked in this lot nearly every day lieu Dec 15m lose and have never need alga or been otherwise warned that this was private lot When went to pick up my cu lblsevcnlng it an gone and after some careful check leg found the lot belaan to llr Leach who informed me that my car had been towed away was lafonned that could get my car back by pay ing the towingcbarges to ur age who were instructed to low Back In Commons ny PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA The Performing Seals are back on Parliament Hill Remember how in the Pipe line Years of the legrel gov ernment in the 59 every Liber al buckbcnch MP did exactly as he was told He always oted to suppnrr govcmmcnz bills even against his own principles and his constituents interests he never probed embarrassing sub facts in the Question Period he moved out ainickcl alt spendlng estimates kitten he dared not even consume time by making apeecb in fact he never did anything that twobit rubber stamp could at have done equa well Liberal backbcnch MP5 were called The Performing Scals Thcncamc defeat by the lulu rlcted electors and afew years in the wilderness Consumed by their hunger for office Liberals wore ibelr sackcloth andashcs and posed as reformed charac terr gt But now they have been stark ly revealed asbeing not just unreconrtructed but as even worse than Performing Seals of the 5iis Now they are more predictable than Pavlovx do they are meekcr than pussycats They might be calle fiTrudeaus Tabbies BTlLL WATERS non This has Justbacn aired in the House nfCommons byglbc Con servative House Leader the gentle and iise Ged Baldwin whose eonsfituency is apprn printely named Peace River But the spirit of quiet watérs he came an angry rapid as be read out extract from letter which an angry young Liberal back bencher lirom Toronto Steve Otto badmailcd to his support ers in York East in that letter Otto described his satisfaction that tllenew rules arevnuw in fiffect and the mom wrll at longilestprn lvvith some efficiency tbéra have been some disap ripolntmcnls be con ued mostly the compo power of the committees WJIXWWfldfiZWmflE wage of 145 BRITlSll To ARRIVE 1qu since 1945 uncle 91 Mia45 4a tiff4sz ran49m 30041155 4v 4mm row Moe parmom IMAmurvm Eb Tunl2 Examiner lnBayfield Ire Barrie Ontario Authorized as second clasa mail by the Post Office De parliaentg0tiewa and for payment postage in cash Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscrlptlun rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $1500 yearly Single copies too By mall Onla 1500 year motor throw off 513 year Out sida Ontario 320 year Out alda Canada British posses alo 525 year USA and cign $32 year National Advertising mile 425 University Avenue Torom ta6fo Cathcart SL Mont lEa Pressaud Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is axe elusiver entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in his paper cred ited to it or The Assnclale Press or Routers and also be local neus published therein lacflvcly any other and Barrie 42600 yearly Member of the Canadian he My Liberal backbench MP5 th conslltlc majority on every committee have he wrote been lnslruclcd to make no changcs to the hills coming be fore lbc committee and to vote exactly as they are told by the govcrnmcnl God Baldwin commented upon lhclr consenucnt ineffectiveness by quoting Pierre Trudeau who years ago in the days when he supported the New Democrat Party criticized the antivdcmocraflc reflexes of the aplncless Liberal herd Reflexesthere are the dogs of Pavlnv ngain The sleepy Conservative 0r poslllan picked this only from letter lnmidFc runry But if fhcyhad been attentive and in the House of Commons Ihey would have heardSteve Otto actually speak those senii mania in the House on Dec 12 indeed he went further then be said of the liberal backbench MP The minute he opposes any part of bill the party whip will take himoff that earn mittca and put in somebody elsepresumably somebody more do Trudeau Er BllliRlE LlBRllRY Tabby in fact The MP has no recourse at ell Otto deplored in fact he believes two such of fenders have already been so disciplined POWER FOR EVIL MEN The frank and fearless Sieve Otto spoke to me about this ll the role of backbcncber means anything at all it gives him the right to scrut which must mean to change Discipline in the House uscd to depend upon the pcrsonalily oblige leader and upon dialogué between members and minlsleis but new discipline is the power of the whip to take rncmbcrs off any cornmlltcc Ldu not sugcesiitliat our present leaders would use this power wrongly dont believe they would Otto added But it make available an evil dicta tnrlel power which evil men could use in the future and this is dangerous You have been warned Just another link in the strong chain of powers which any cablnet could use to shackle your MP and hence to destroy democracy in our parliament The Biological Time Bomb Among Latest Library Books Current Reading at the laurf rie Public Library THE BIOLOGICAL TIME porn by Gordon Rattray Tay or Scientific research is progres sing at rate faster than at time in history Where this research is leading in the field of biology is the topic of this controversial book m7rbe latestidiscoveriesand search in such areas as com lruceptlon and genetic control organ transplantation mind manipulation and retardation of the aging process vare consider ed in the light of the legal eth ical and religious problems that they present Mr Taylors the sis is that uncontrolled research in these areas may leadio dls estrous gltuatipnsreihc rui progresi Consider he Power of those who can control human mlnds or lnfluence gene tic dcvelopmenl This is thought althou ealing with scientific topics itll easy enough for the layman to understand FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON CHABLY by Denial Keyec mentally retarded adult withflue of six year uld has an operation which gives bimthcmcntnlcapacity of gcniu How the change occurs and how it affects Cbarly the recipient of the operation la the central issue of this novel BlBlE manner For God en loved the world begotten Son that who ever beflevcth In him should perlsll but have everlasting llf John 318 Our life and future after death depend an what we do with Jesus Christ before death He that bellcveth on the Son bath leilllg life he that believ not the ST shall not sea life It the Math led abidcib on him thangnoint Although science fiction in na ture the book has much to say about the way retarded people are treated by their families by associatesand by son The reader is left with gre er understanding ofand com passion for the plight of such epople and besldes that Flow ers for Algernon has analog sorhing and stimulating story to tell HEART TROUBLES by Ste 2th Birmingham This collectionof abort storlel ls connectedby com on theme lave problems book is divided into three parts1 The Young in Heart The Parily Joined and The Part ly Ported Each story tells of ove rclatlonshin either at Lregeneratio edegeni eralln The characters are familiar and veryrcal are the problems young couple tries in repair brokcn mar another couple finds that their marriage is held together by routine and fcar nl lonell ncss and wnman finds that her marriage bond is much stronger than she suspected Each story aptly liluslrafea the mystery and complexity of the marriage rclalionsbip HOWTO BEAilAltTY GIRL by Pat Montandun Dont let the title dissuade you framtrying this bank about girl whose career is party planning Mlss Montandon wrltcs in brisk conversa tional manner about party dos and dont Full of practical advlccabnut party giving the book also relales how she chang ed from poor Oklahoma farm girl to one nfSen Franciscos most popular snclely figurcs Besides the biographical and party pla ning lnfnrmallon Mira Montandon also devotes chapter in personal develop meal and grooming This book will in milva renders vow to make forgettable evcnt DDNNA FDltD it away mo wouldnt have minded pay ing the charger for thli had realized was in the wrong but there wasnt so much one lit in visible sight to mark this lot private When talking to the owner and asklng why he hadnt it marked be laid he QUEENS Pille had better Ihtnu to do with his time lban to mark his lot or warn cm lie also informed me that If people were stupid ougn to park there that was their tough luck think people who own such proper and plan In use it lot should be forced by law to mark lbeae as being private in plain view of any one who shon happen to think of parking there lrn aura this common com plalat but do think people dc serve to be warned before curb drastic steps are taken Sincerely Mrs Olirlen Borden Ontario THANK EXAMINER Dear Sir The Barrie Branch of lhe Ontario Humane society would like to express sincere Jhaulu to your newspaper for your coop eration during 1960 Anytime picture of dog for adoption appeared in flha hammer telephone calls were soon received and the an imal adopted We look forward in your con firmed support In this commun lly service in 69 Thank you Yours truly Wyman Jacques acting secretary IPoliiicians Woo By CY YOUNG The speaker during arecent private members hour in the Ontario legislature was Liberal Bernard Newman of Windsor Walkcrville llr Newmans text was titled Lowering lhe Vot ing Age to iii Teonagecan Mean Responsibility lf VeTako Youth Seriously Now In recent pronounce ments politicians all over the nanu have been pandering to youth because they and their partics would want the support of youth at the polls should the voting age be lowered at least to 19 if not in 1a The Lflicralahave been at it aince daycarold bachelor by the namc of Trudeau caught the fancy of the young people Prcmier John Hobarls who Is only three years older than ulr Trudeau and robably twice the man political is lending his support In swlnging ap proachby Ontario Tories And in this bar has the support of Allan Eagleson Mr Eaglosan was elected president of the One tarln Conservative Association atrisconventlnn last autumn He is also the man who advises the Natlonal Hockey League Pleyera Association Then at Its Kitchener convert tion1ast November the NDP really gave youth the hard sell find enough said about that considering the apparent quality of the youth the NDP attracted But lllr Newman lo the pri van memberi hour went over bnard to the point that he exas perated many members of the pres gallery who in represent ing lbe public do not at the same time have to consider voles Illfr Ntwman said for exam Lets get rid of the myth that we are paying for our yuungslersfleducntlon All we are really doing is paying off debts previously contracted The debenture debt on the new schools and universities will in large measure bou tax charge againstrlhosc using them new The out way that this inequity can be essened is for these peo ple in hive some say in how the money is speak POLlnCLANS DESPERATE Thls kind of woolly thinking ill lustrates how desperate some politicians Irefotry to sth potential vote among the la nr mo 11 Mr Newman doesnt apparent ly understand that todays ge neration with which be sympa thize so much will unquestiona bly aeddlc ilk owh children with debenture debts Does Mr New man reallze that his generation ls still paying ln countless ways for theiSccond World War VhruilrNe in 1158 People over to cannot continue to mortgage the future without expecting tbe young to raise their voices even press gal lery members in their to who are in thestaxpaylng group of citizens had to throw up their hands with the comment that Mr Newman is somewhere nut in left held One day politician is golng in be heard from who will ho nestly declare that the franchise age should not be lowered it party an um Youth 0f Nation should be ralsed fo the age of 15 um best soldiers are over because they domnre lhlnklng they dont take silly chances they have more consideration for their comrades Has the United States evcr trained an astronaut under 25 even under all Most of them are over S5 Youth is fine time of life time to live and learn and the politicians do it no service at all topandor to it polenllal block of votes Parliament fit it Glance By CANADIAN PRESS WEDNESDAY Feb ID 1959 The Commons gave second reading by role of 153 to st to government bill amend ingvibe Criminal Code SolicitorGeneral Mcllrullb promised to make Icercfully wurded statement soon on RCMP investigations of recent bombings External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp said he has been informed there is no evi dence to support report that all ablebndicd Blafran males in Nigerian prison are to be executed Sen ator Allister Grosart suggested the Senate lay down guldullncs for prime minis ters on senatorial appoint meals THURSDAY Feb 27 Tile Commons sits at pm EST to begin debate on the governments reorganization bill The Senate meets at pm WANTED STUHK SPlllTERS Sean one latalyf stark that is when the stark departs Its tlmafarithcleomewagan Hostess to arrive with gift toy baby and helpful inter mailon for the new mother but since the stark out numbarfhalfoiteaiuM on needs rpottm to help out Be limit lpaffef In your neighborhood Our Hon ersal will appraclala your help and so will the new molharr To rannvf stark lightinga call wwimwml

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