Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1969, p. 3

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nunmqu For Bilingual Tho Simcoe County Separate M001 Board hat called or survey oi the need tor bilingual Qchoois in the area The board agreed to make an 31km citort to introduce hilln milsm at the kindergarten and Erode levels it need is in diluted Tnstee Gabriel and mid there had been out tor peach Instruction lrom Jo par sehis in htidland concerning about pupils Superintendent Juocoonaio had said earlier am study showed only two pupils 37ut oi 60 in Midland could speak french and that to establish jcluss thcro would be Waste of time and money ZWants Iliedical Schools Open For 12 Months OTTAWA SpecialiDr Ii Rynurd iPCSimcoc North ques tioned the government Wednes day about operation ot medical schools during the summer months The Orillia doctor has sug gcstcd on several occasions that the medical schools at Canadian universities should operate on 12month basis in order to pro since greater number at trnin ed medical personnel He has WltlnEd that there is scrious shortage ol medical manpower in Canada and that the possible advent oi Medicare program vthroughout Canada would only intcnsiiy this situation Wednesday he asked Health and Vcllurc Minister Joint Mun ro it he had held any meetings ith provincial health ministers discuss the feasibility ol keep ing the schools open in the sum mer Mr Munro replied that is led cral provincial task three is going into the whole question at medical manpower and costs This task force was composed iedcral and provincial olfie als and the Ontario Government vwas participating iuliy in this study SUBMIT IDEIIS in Sincor coonrr Risk For Survey0i Need In Schools dont dim that students be transported said Mr Mor chand except that dont think it will utbly the parents ot these children You will only have two ortbree taking the bill We should not be fluid to allow anotherlangunge into our system said Mr lttnrdund we aim promote it More we can There had been parent pe tition submitted to the board earlier in the year by parents oi Midland separate school stu dents asking or hitlngunlln struction htr htnrchand said he lured situation developing In Barrie such as developed in Wellpd where the separateschoots lag tied behind in thaestabllshment at French classes motion byltirs James Kel ly that French speaking pup ils lrom lilidiund be transport ed to Pcririnsfield and English speoklng Perkinslield students be taken to Midland was set aside tor consideration at later meeting To Open Tenders For New Separate School In Colgan committee of the Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board will meet in St Johns School Barrie March no to open tenders tor construc tion project in Colgan The committee composed at John Bergln Vincent Engan and William Huddins will read the tenders and bring recommen dation to the honrd Assistant superintendent Wil liam tinlgcr told the board last night that the cost at the livc room addition to the Colgsn school hadbcen estimated at $181000 Tenderswill be received at the board oillccs until March 20 They will be opened in the school at 730 erI The recommendations will be brought to the board at Its next regular meeting March 26 Would Involve Community In SettingEdncation Goals Education Week an annual je at throughout Ontario will hopelully see more parent and involvement in the establishing of educational goals Jack Ram director ot edu ucatipn for the Simon county inboard ol education asked the board or approval to invite par ti cats students teachers service clubsaud churches to submit riefa on what they would like to see done in the county school system Mr Ramsay sai In using heir ideas we will probably be orking in thchcst intcrcsts The board will advertise in 1every newspaper in the county ng the public to put their casin writing Many people DISTRICT walnut1n vForecast Cal in the county have talked about their ideas said Mr Ramsay Now is thei chance to do somothing constructive lhelrna Cockhttrn Barrie tantee said she thought the idea was commendable wonder it any thought has been given to holding public meetings in the schools and inviting par ents to amend talk about their ideas asked Mas Codr7 burn Tho longterm objectives of the county school board have been on the minds ot trustees ior some time Now that we are over the ord part or or ganizing the new system said board diaimoan John Miskit tough think we on begin to involve the public in deciding just what we want to do in the schools we are operating The tour Boy Scouts kneeling took top honors trom group of 23 who qualified ior marks manship awards in meet held Feb in The meet was The Township ot Tuy lormal tyjobloctcd to salaries paid the administrative stalt oi the Sim coe County Board ol Education in motion road to tlievboard members last night The motion asked that letter of criticism be sent to the Min ister oi Education with regard to the salaries being paid to ol liciuls on the board stall This council is oi the opinv sponsored in cooperation with the Barrie Revolver Club and was based on six week course From LEFT TD RlGllT are Dave For north place Joe Atkinson 13 lirst place ion read the motion that these salaries are not only un realistic in comparison to other mlarics paid tar comparable work but are causing problems or all employers including councils in the area and will further increase taxation be yond all reason The motion put lonward by Entee Tinney and seconded by Jack Crookc both members of SCOUTS TAKE MARKSMANSHIP IIWlIllDS Steven Knapp It third place and Mark Yashcr 13 second place Standing behind the boys are men who volunteered to act as counsellors during the shooting match LEFT To Top Lodges Protest Over School Officials Salaries the Tay township council had little ettect on the members or the board at education Earlier in the meeting they approved 626 percent salary increase tor thosc board employees who were not included in the salary schedule ior secretarial personel approved earlier in the month in letter accompanying the resolution Tay township clerk anter Lumsdcn said Our The Simcoc County board oi educationlast night approved in prindplethe establishment of county for six weeks commenc ing July The program would be similar to the one conduct ed in Barrie tor the last tour years The board has asked DirecA tor of Education Jack Ramsay to find out how many centres in the county can provide the number or students neces sary to set up summer school The board discussed the pos sibility ot setting up single sumoer school in Barrie and Sunny Skiers FIidClY change in temperature the Tor onto weather oiiice pro The temperature will dip to 15 tonight rising Friday to 35 Noon temperature outside the Barrie Examiner wasaa vary irva sunny today with much more sunshine iv than the last couple or days On Friday the surmy skies whisk ihave been covering the north will move into the southern re gions Windsor tondon Hamilton Toronto Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara LLakc Ontario Southern Geor xgian Bay llaiiburton Variable as Wednesday winds northerly 15 today light Friday Sault Ste Marie North Bay Northern Georgian Bay Timagami Cochrane Algolt ma White River We to it James Bay Sunny today and Friday Temperatures much the same as Wodn sduy Winds northeasterlyxlo 15today Light Friday Montreal Ottawa Hazardou driving waming continued tor today or country roads Cloudy with sunny intervalsand scat tered snowilurries then clearing this evening Drifting rnow today on country=roads Not much change in temperature Friday Winds northeustlSwitn gusts to do becoming northeast erly 10 tolS tonight orecast temperatures Low tonight high Friday Windsor 25 Mndon Kitchener Owen Sound Trenton Killaioe Muskoka NerthBay Sudbury 15 Earlton it Sault Ste Marie 15 tltapuslraslng Whito River 10 Moosoneo 10 Timinlns 15 THE chains COUNTRY CLUB invites applicationsjlor the position SECRVETARYMANAGER unis noun senior administrative position in the organization and will appeal to the permanent and creative person seeking challenging career The SecretaryManager will for the management oi nil Guntry dub operations with respect to diningroom lounges clubhouse maintenance accounting and secretarial administration 51 53 take over hell of the present new and bercsponsibie her i969 country club all those who Apply in writing to president po Box Wm IOntIllo The position is to be titled on or about May whoand the SecretaryManager will underconstructton and it will be open Octo ccrtain and dynamic luture of Barrie The erratumargon management responsibilities dub expanded dith is presently This new dub with true enviroiunont will appeal to are truly interested in the summer schools throughout the busing in students who wished to attend Dr George Church at Orillia said he was opposed to that idca know at number oi students who take summer courses to make up year in the lorean and than work in the afternoon These students will not be able to work in the ailernoons if they have to tra vel back and to Barrie The board learned that Orillia has had summer school and iound it successtul However the summer school set up in Midland operated or just one summer There wasnt suliicient inter est tu make continuing the school worthwhile MEANS SAVTNG Mr Ramsay yield the board that many students manage to make up year by attending summer school The result is quite saving to the board and to the student because he may be out of school year earlier said Mr Ramsay Summer schools were brought to Barrie alter years of urging by Dr John Anders as said last night It took me live years to conv gray old board to es tabllsha summer school bittrl can see this board is going to accept the idea right away Mrs Rita Phelps oiorillia said she would like to see sum mer schools set up yin Barrie Orillia and Midland Angus McKay superintendent ol academic aliairs told the board the reason or suggesting thatjust onssummerschoolbe operated was that it would be possible to otter greater var icty of courses in the one centre rlrom Lakcvie If we have to run schools Approve countyewide Summer SchoolPlan throughout the county we just wont be able to utter do many courses Mr Ramsay maintained it was all problem of tinanccs It would be best to have summer school in each area but this board just cant allord it Mr Ramsay is to conduct survey throuin tho guidance teachers in the 112 schoolslin the county as to how many stu dents Iwould be interested in tale in summer school courses One at the problems in taking survey is that many students wont know it they have to take summer course until after ex amlnations on To sen Stolen Radio Terrance Aubry Ililalnick l7 all Poylttz Sb pleaded guilty to possessing stolen $40 transs istor radio and trying to sell it Feb 15 the radio was stolen ba longed to an employee Jack St Clair Gordon 9h Poyntz Sh confiscated the radio alter Mal nick oilered to sell it to him or $10 Mr Gordon is also an employee at Lakeview Bak cry and recognized the radio Malnick said he had bought the radiodmvntow didnt know at that tune it was stolen Judge ll Fostervasked tor pro sentence report Norics IANNUAL MEETING 1969 or THE HosrirAL ooARo TUESDAY APRIL PM ATV on HOSPtTAL carsrrniA for the purpose oi receiving various reports the election oi directors amendments at bylaws and suchother busi lich us may come belnre the meeting Bylaw tct states any person who pays to the corpora tion 30 or more days beiore the annual meeting in any year the sum oi one dollar corporation tor that your shit be member or lilll PERSONS DESIRING TO VOTE AT THIS MEETl ING MUST THEREFORE HAVE PAIDONE DOL LAR TO THE SECRETARY ON OR BEFORE MARCH IST I969 cAMsRoN Secretary Bonrdnl Directors that the activities at any mun township council letter invit rat serum inhuman munsnAY in metro Frank Horgrehves John Robinson Ted Scott and Matt Savino Filth Boy Scouts lender Not shown are Dave Hancock and Martin Van Der Krnbbcn Examiner Photo council was more than little concerned with rcecntly announ ced salaries to be paid or the nthiinitratlon oi the They seem to icel continu cd htrlumsdeu that the men tioned salaries were far in ex cess at anything now being paid to municipal olticials at either the local or county level and ab so they were getting complaints troin other employers who were immediately being pressed tor higher salaries on the school board basis litr Lumsdcnnddcd because oi the increased taxes that must at necessity rcsulteouncil ielt icipalily would have to be cur tailedrin order to mee the to ercased school costs The Tay township council also lelt that these salaries advcr scly altect any negotiations that your own board would have in regard to the salaries inr teach ers which would soon be under discussion The Simcoe county board at education is currently holding talks with secondarysehool teachers on tuture contract Board chairman John McCul lough said it was interesting touch that the Tay townmip council comments on possible tax increase when the board it self doesnt know what its bud get lorthc year is going to be The board decided to time the ing them to send delegation to board meeting to discuss the salaries being paid ol the property but it the pm party is sold its use must res There should be anfassoii Set April For Hearing In New Zoning Regulation bylaw which will turn hun dreds at homes and businesses in thede into legal non cons taming uses will be given public hearing at city hall April gt The hearing was lormcrly scheduled for February 27 The time change was announced yes my The meeting willhe held at it am in city hall council chambers Bylaw 68 Jo remotes spec ial zoning designations from numerous properties The new legal non opulorming designa tion docs not attect current use turn to the generalhzoning in its area Application or ppro would also haveto he madeto Want Senior Civil Servant For RC Schools at deputy minister at cducn tion tor the separate school sys tem Slmcoa county separate school trustees decided last nlght They passed motion that the Ontario Separate School Trustees Association consider urging the minister at education to appoint such art otncinl There is no separate school appointce above the position oi superintendent in the depart ment said assistant boardsup orlntcndent Viilinm Bolger Only one of to regional super intendnnts is rum the separate school system The recommendation was sent to the OSSlIt for their consid eration lilr Bnlgcr said that 30 per cent at all elementary school students in Ontarioieamo under the Roman Catholic Separate School system CORRECTION thecommitiee attlusimeot it buildings on the property were to be expanded All property owners within 100 tect ot the proposed tolling changes have been notified at the hearing by mail They Borrow tip To $200000 Simcoe bu separate school trustees last night auth orized their executive council to borrow up to $200000 to pay tor notes outstanding on building pro lccts across the county Assistant superintendent Wil linm Eoigor told the trustees who met at St Johns school last night that money was and to pay $60000 bill outstanding on construction in Orillia $60000 or construction bill oh the snmn project and several thous and dollars on other smaller projects The motion that any two ot lictals be allowed to borrow an amount not to exceed 3700000 was passed May Keep Teachers Beyond Normal Retirement ilge The Simcoe County board at education lastniyit adopted two policies that will permit the ad ministrative council to keep both teachers and nomenclng stall employed past the retiring age or 65 Teachers can be kept on tor one year terms renewable each year at the discretion of the administrative earned when they have passed the normal re iirement age of 65 similar policy also npptiu ior nanteaching and nonnea dcmic personnel Both policies go into ctleet in M0 BUVEltlJERS hovsnriersNr In WEDNESDAY RED BREAST COHOE SALMON FEB 26 ISSUE forgot 42 should have read We or 896 in bownrowu annals 9th BELIEVE GillieDuttltttWiii in lb Hamburg or lb Pork Liver ori5i Loaves ofBread Sove47c or lb Bologna suve35c or sow ieners 333 Business Barrio snmn Save 479 ltSnveliibc 57286771

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