Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1969, p. 14

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ran mam m1amvmn mt REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE stunt REAL mun lainran PRU ILLS REALTOR In DUNIDP ST RES MM mmfimmtrufirmma If 1hr will last few storey home an vntg mnanddininzmntplecebathmbllibuerneotbroao Nomi Main flooriisohas office hll today SUMMER MACE Where youll enioy winter weekeott lite bedm cottage hrngatw far annual from two to enjoy treedmt and lime cum In mlenitnce Large tiring room iutdten sun pordi laundry room forced air on furnace Must be seen to be appreuuted ma Iaonr 77am Doug Campbell 7m Paul Penman ml Ron Allan 6663 Qtarlie liead 7282811 Don llarshall 72357 Don Carmel 775MB ftlttnlnltDicklfieu mm Smith SHEESWELL WILLSON BUY NOWWHY WAIT UNTIL SIRLVG $2893 An excellent home in this quiet descent ls hard to find and will be diffimlt to duplicate during the Spring rush on housing In tip top shape many fine features and immediate possession most valuable bomel Oh we urge you not to this Onll Mrs tang 7215761 OLDER TWO STOREY BRICK HOMEWith living room dining morn kitdtelt three nice bEdrMmt full hasunent Asking mm down payment CANINEill lichlasier No W6 Deed Atkinson TASK 7357 Orca Brown 7281265 WM Duff 7251451 Ill5365 Isabel Fisher NONI 7264159 cruel Lambert manor msooo Everett Lougheed Til2130 mam CARSON PHOTO ills REAuKfl WORSLEY SililJEI TELEPHONE Mil NEW BRICK HOME Under $0000 bedrooms living room diniM room kitdten and garage Thisis house nearing completion located on edge of town close to schools 000 will handle Call Russell Carson TIE6161 Norm Synnott mZSZI Russ Carson 7296161 Bill Hamilton 7236325 Rupert Mair3th Elnwale 7391122 tBiilI Lang 7381M HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY Joan Lani ifaclaren Kcith Itinlfastcr Norah Raikcs Gladys Sinclair Jane Young whore taxes are low Immediate possession REAL ESTATE ACHOLKAN mLlDmsRLLNR windmi Galliumm SMYNlIt 500 Gioice piece of am with creek on ope fond ti mile from payed hint way Cal Les iavenwa NEAOM FARM thrill 911M kilns mftlll line of modem CNillmul and four till basanent 5000 doun with Intel temu Let us idiow you around today Call Pator Theresa angina17 MILES Vacant land nest of Barrio Priced II $8103 Phone for more details Brinnr1or Mug INth HOME West end lomdonbeautlfuliy kept two family home onmain thoroughfare lose to hospital medical arts plaza etc Phone Yvonne bone at mam for appoinan ROYAL BLUE BROADIDOM three bedroom bungalow House is unfinished but livable Set on large at acre lot with attached garage and full bmlnent Cali cuss financing mmss LET THE OTHER FELIDW HELP Duplex $16500 Heres dou his home each side with spli cious bedrooms living room and attractive klldten Eadt side renting for 390 Terms are ven flexible on down payment units for the price of one For further particulars call Jo seph Dirracolo 7260561 Mvlvlrn artnu llarxon Newman Allison myne Baker will Lawrence ifrr meta luau Stlwnrt Wanda Edwards Yvonne Raw anhun Tittrruil Ilia Marlin lll Collier SL Barrie 7mm Siellllmu mam Waugh Beam moo bedsnun bridr bungalow with warned mom or in your living room in large Harvoy or John Shift to on Daily mom naveDon alortell 72W MEMBERS BARRIE ORANREVILLE TORONTOIEOAIIDS enorsmron SALE REAL ssrars SL RAWN Real Iktote 11d Ilium JAYme SI 7396i SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTES Midland 525m mMMERCIAL PROPERTY Large Mmertlll lot tat rm Solid brick storagenarahouse with covered loading area and office facilities Approximately ism rquarn reel located at it Colborne Stlet Drillia Will consider any olfa ror iurther information call Graham rtnt tenall mm MIDHUKTI This oldentine bedroom two storey brick veneer home is in excellent condition it Is situa todonalargglotandiaclosa to plum In school Belore you buy now borne nhy not take serious look at this one Call Allison Haynes SHIRLEY AVENI EV Gracious living oilravine lot with walkout to patio trorn de lightiul recreation roornrs bod rmm corruort with fireplace in living room Sce this and many other features by calling Alan Wardle NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA Centrally located It bathown bungalow with possibilitin Good condition and large lot Terms can be arranged Phone now for an appointment 71 8892 MariouNeumun gt snrAnArl man For lthltf AND This home is under construe tion Its design otters an op portunity for builtln private apartment or senior members at the family Located on bus route near churclieascliools and stores For further panic wars on that separate apart ment for Mom and bad call an Rawn slnon Beckhuizen our Draper mm palm 4mm ITQRPEY Real at proier SliANTY BAY mil CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers Dtmiop St Phone mill tit and rod mortgazennrrannd on low monthly payments We buy your present Lit and and mortgages uAnla MARSHALL mun GREIA zlprAltA laugh H111 lssmii Mums Altman mm AND GO OWEN ST MOSES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo ltlISRoaltor EVENINGS GORDON hf COUiiS M7275 SANDY 000115 793423 WALTER COUItS mZfilll MLS Realtor loo BAyIield st 31231071 Appraisals Listings Invited ELVA MILLS mom JOHN WHITE mm Gibson maltmm arolv Ed linrllyn lznnisrr Alin vnrdte Pater ilrntnn tr and am Svl CI Cd Imo ark HUGE are non Inn or in to In PAliERNS 4637 REAL isms TRAVEL TRAILERS an hellu Klu of tho hon1 mud on with mhnua ulnaa dds it or vlnur nus side door Inhnllry into gag airplay tn south of Midland num than c551 M11 FARMS FOR SALE nlv hlnih sans anonht main ni Burl RENTALS msw are lut unions Etna APARTMENTS TO assDtmlop Most centrally located bdm maisonette for rent Upstairs downstairs utter par Balconies or Patios Divided wastier Over mo sq of Electric healing lilo per month Phone 728441 er SIZES The ultimate in living modation Slam It 3165 Call for appointment We THE KEMPENFELT Luxury nu building belldo in tin only in Mt rid rruna bath aim stree Telephone AVAILABLE Maren narn ton low All ilances ru ted irePt Illth rnciltstigr only Phone mam AVAILAIIIJ Much two halted Istlflmenl stave crater Implied Me plugdn laundry Item cm monthly lelwhnne bedroom plllllcu chiral wrck din mom iltohen pnthroo lane refrigerator and ltnv nhla Hunit st Lease TWO Itoie rtorrre locier dry rncluuu bedroom rm pirlr ANGUSA bedroom hut nlnrs THE WlLLOWS Sim fridge washer dryer ms nAYriELD APARTMENTS Canter of Bayfield and Grove all else in nu Ill our no bedroom spart ment with talcmy In east end whittled mung utth EXECUTIVE SUITES NW luxury lughad Onamfl SW en among bath Suit adults TQIMODI nnoApLOOMnn mrnmnt new bedroom living mic Adultr Telephone mom heated loutmcnt and reffllerator ruppued am my Emu Ililwirud ta mon va 7284111 rnrnt unfurnished Available limam monthly Telephone usirnu £10 ammrifni indcufih wn rnne an on Included Telephone mankin RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT 00 hail0 real locum iauu sueet Avriirnl mm Wflll GOG MIDI Nil TIL blll TEIIPHOM MWM IIIle town house Available immediately rnr runner lnlorrnr urn telephone 72am betweenii and pm ween dua only LAICII mm Mam house an an ifinéii phone 7187965 lt manor house for new Latin mutt of New mwrll All convenienrer Arrurbt alumni slob monthly towel BEDROOM house Nmplulsly r9 decorated full oaunrrni Au run violence On ht hwny main of Barrie Goon all lol Reference required Available now run phone ROOMS TO LET Milan hant front bedroom one block from downtown Suit one or lenilmeu twin beds Telephone ROOM ANp BOARD Hiram opinionhie room with board homo cool lunar Ench ed if needed free par Ing filmm 13 noon ho bl in Fwnulll c3llltrirn Al lgrzfflutnlamlunn Tele OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT omit mice to rent approximate ly no sound mt Heated Illd ulth washroom lartllttrr in SIIlner munitinll building Telephone as saw durtn office hours AUTOMOTIVE STARDUST GAS BAR Highway 26 north miles east of Mintsing OPEN DAYS WEEK SAVE ON GAS AND OIL CARS FOR SALE KITCHEN AND SON lto ESSA no meant WWG Atl bark of tooscllev mist for unknowntic nlttn Al condltlnn Teltphone mason ah Afl mn RENT mu accom arm Anulu bedroom hn relrtr aut end mull that Avllllt required laun spar cd iri itch BEDROOM nprrtment private cn trancns rcptcc runpmh also monthly lncliidel heat and utilities Telephone Magnets SMALL rurnlrlred apartment rooms private bath pnvnu Ht trance Suit two persons 0n out rlrlrir narrte Telephone no we alter no will YOUNG remnle wants younr mile to share downtown rurnlshed Inert rncnt Telephone 7W Min Gum between run and pnr CLOSE TO Downtown one bedroom furnished Italflaunt available March Isl For lurth lnlorrnnllnn klwhwnl nlonEnN one bedroom upper apart merit in plea heat hydro ltghLi refrigerator Ind yr included Good location In Aunndale Partr lng One child minutiae wiper month Avalllblo now mam uNrUitNlaHsn bedroom or duplex heat and hydro lnclu on parking Available April Tele phone 53375 1963 Dawn ltlotua Carvnlr month old new intles excellent condition Telcphone 71ers toss Pooh 52 eng made tone fId cnt condition but of er Telephon moist KEAme HOME iotvtiir young executive on his way up bedrooms bathrooms family room fireplace attached garage electrically heated Over 2000 feet of living space Prime location in the citynf Barrie This home is brand new and is priced at 345000 Dell 1m Geode lnondt to inspect Otis property BLACK SPLIT BEDROOM Large ldtdlen with dinette excellent living room full basement sanidctadted design inthe medias Road area This Is an excel lent family home and will be located near new school and melltmt moppingfaoilltles Fur our personalised service please all three Hay StROUDA start for young family ill storey insttl brick home Living room dining room good sized kitchen plus bedrooms close to shopping and transportation Full basement new furnace Gall ItIary Morrison FLIIWLEIISS rrlr Plimo nus REALTOR ny ANNE ADAMS RC APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS All Rose Res malls Bill ltlaclutesr Res mom Dier Hartley mm Russell Smith Res 7289996 ownersr Ltd iii Realtor 19A Owen Si 7284241 Flawless lit and loan lines that descend in slimming ver Licnlnre the perfect combina tion to flatter larger sizes Sew for any season Printed Pattern 4637 NEW Womens Sizes 36 38 40 41 44 46 SIZE 36 bust 40 takes 31 yards 35inch isss PLvMotml Eeliederc if for salt door hardtop automatic ggnder Prlvlio ellplmna 728 Lé wllilvcntngs rry Do de Prank Jardlne 7234670 Lloyd Lilly 7236665 Miller 7261an COOKSTOWN INESON 7284294 MLS REALTOR lot in root living room specious Catherine MilanHoopla entrance with winding ruin lar panelled dining room iltchen wt sine mesonmat Helen Hopidnhmlssi Torn Fosterméfli maria 196 lllElCUltY ftlontcialrs lnpor automatic excellent condition Telephone vrosztr evenings or weekend PONTIAC rpr ante mochln At Needs body nurk mo Tater phone moon 1951 Form zoonr tor £102 wondrobullltl i95gfiinn goo can run mum g¥r ion nurcn usabro rnr sale door hardtopvautomatlc ra new some work not Telephone morals irkr pm DUNE BUGGIES Pihreginabodltl to fit Volkswrrenr Amned to ours Handy Pro Hard wm Strand homo DIRTY CAR TRUCK interior rhanrpna mntorn cleaned painted wax iobs rcasonablo rites HOUSES WANTED queenrlhr service men H4 sllALL hull wanted to rent In or findslnliillfmgflthi CLASSLFI ED ADVERTISING wodnwotiznéraéutive flnuirel TELEPHONE or bedroom house to rent 12824ij stxrvrivn CENTS ccntsl in coins no stamps plparelior each pattern Ontario residents add crntr mu trx Print plainly SIZE NAh ADDRESS cupboards to mm large bed rooms piece tlied bath unluc uan braadlooni throughout car High Attached tr anerlrrom apartment with rental value or star monthly sepznte rurnrrrs but up trr tanks inn iiiurn Compictclv rc modelled Appmxlmrtrty 41an down Outnet Cooksiown tspvile Emma Wmlaw Send order to Anne Adams Umace hot water herttnp In Barrie rm The Bame Examm Write an Barrie Exlmlner Pattern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ontario 21 fififlgqjggmm Short on time More quick tct 7251701 1455 easy sew styles in our New ms 72 ltialiWinter Pattern Catalog lus free pattern coupon soc PR°PERTY WANTED New Instant sewing Book wrNrnnizim cottage wintrd to SAVE hours WI III 50W mml buy bedrooms modem rrn emexpzut way Over 500 pic7 vrlenccs Vrlte Bax arrrtr Examiner giving particulars onlyn nAvn Customer interested In nmhasthxn or hedmnm home NEWSiAPfiRPAGE EVENINGS CALL moans mum up man noises mates NANNB Little Ave just south of Barriespotlessly clean split level home nicely decorated bedrooms living room and dining room and well planned kitchen Basement has been painted throughout and includes well finished recreation room new IEXZI foot garage taxes are only sloollo yearly An ideal home for the retired iroolin 7mm momnitAN Boom LOU demuron 7284565 GNANT MacAlLTirun 72mm MK Kmostahtuh GLORIA KOSSATZ may FORBES LORNE hI HAY lter SCANuRm sms Nourish ONE bedroom lplnmeuf ltm and refrigerator lull older couple widow nr warilnr courts Good locality near Genera fluid4 Avallaole Mam Telephone no 1555 REALTOR INCOME PROPERTY Butcher shop room brick and Airan dwelling and garage in village Good business on busy highway Shop is suitable Ior any type of business with stor age roomand molcrrNtzii il furnace all conveniences in home town water $7500 down payment to easy first mortgage Contact ANNE SPENOEE Thornton Mil stnrrAaLEroR DUPLEX Tun storey bridr home and garage in village House has all mnveniences and is in immatu late condition with hairdressing room and washroom floocCouldensily be Let us make an appoin it for you to View this neck Contact trirdnrI near Rania Ilr you age gin rng re petite ca Goodman representative Keith MATS rstnir Broker Tele Triplex in nice central location grossing $35000 monthly 512000 down to one mortgage This is terrific investment EVENINGS CALL mmst Attire Magus mma Bub Sutcr viai207 Rollie Gntllpriu EMORYWNILLER Marshall Real phone mm LOTS FOR SALE would ureter litre yard Early Classified ndvertlrcmentr possession ulred Please tele phone in o3hruu tatnu pun confer these Dallas mull 94 select Mn day Drlcldllfl Lies hours Stair Hammond publication or rmnn uraniumy Frank Wainwri Leo Cavanaugh Frank erlrr sun in Illleal or unlu ror Anfliq at earlier 4154915 thicken poops rtttrr will etc rrteripm road Insulator tunr 15e mu truerturn rrévlnrtri tax Apptv 5m MN ntr April nora tminefl outed Bmh EK EK Thipnrini mm after when new on mu 716666 UAREIE ironlo Acre lots Ilsongllwiy 21 am zit7m Torontn at ACRES in miles north at scirte close to highway 21 Apply nor as panic Damer or telephone Elm vale zooML WINTERIZED cottage wanted to rent for yur round occupllwy or mull country noun nerr Barrie wttn the exception or Classified Display advertisements winch must be in by 1290 noon ureredlna river H900 up 72688 REALTOR 67DUNLOPSTVW BEST BUY IN BARRIE ff bedroom 2stotay brick home on Bradlord Street Needs redemrating but well worth the price of $133 Caution Miller CHOICE Lor 100x190 inithe village of hfidhurst very trich woodod Would quality for Jail Peter Gu tviUt bedrooms living room dining room and piece itth for yourself on the main floor Call Sammy Beulan Sci DOWN for this Ii acre lot north of Barrie Elli priceV31 Telephone John Cole nonuni anwalnlilNG Goal smash Nbtll loml COLE HARVEY wsbm man ctlnnma Pmcv IonD ED DONNELY stumw hirLLm DISTINCTIVE HOMES ln TheDistinctive BARRIEVIEW SUBDIVISION Higherobi Road So th end of Barrie 10 DIFFERENT PLANS All electric Underground Wiring Eli and aim IIIIA Mortgages BETTER BUILT HOMES BY have DOUG HOMER mdm mam BIDWELL 7mm Chasm shawu avermvos CALL though dungeons masts mom 12551 morals loam 4360315 ALEX ISBRANDT masts MES Realtor 33 COLLIER SI DIDWELL ivAN nlnwm VI Flslim NANCY momma ROGER snap spam design texture then Join to create popular rais 1134 square 9V ins Ontario residentswadec sales The family will love this wanrn alghan with its unusual color use Knit squares on needles ed lea motif Ideal for den vaoation home travel Patten FIFTY CENTS 0011157 for each pattern no stamps please to Alice Brooks care olThp Barrie Examiner Needlecth Dept 60 Front St Toronto tax Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Needlecraft catalog over 200 designs to choose5 free pattern printed inslde Send 50 cents now Newt 50 Instant Gills fabulous fashions toys decorao or accessories Malta lt today give ittomorrow1ldeal for all occasions to cents to Jiffy Vliuga to knit crochet weave new bankroll cents Book of 12 prize alglishs We Bargain Quilt Book 1hss to beautiful patterns 60 cents Museum Quilt Hook patterns ANNE SPENCER Thornton A5892 mm 111 REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Eabcoelt Barrie mam Colbourne Strand Spencer Thornton Snail strand reen Barrie Betty Newton Havvtrestqna Lillian Roberts MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOME FARMS AND FonlERCLiLIRGPfitTIES or VALUATIONS If You Need Milney in consolidate debts mam prv off extatlngmortgigza CALL US FIRST We are skilled In oUrServlce and will give you tompLAiteniion CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE 7260827 runortnges earning due Home lmorovtmml Anv worthwhile rrnsr Write or Phone 72609I31 Mortgage Funding aver SlmpsonsASears 129 DUNIDP ST Member Ontario ilonrare Brokershssvclliion no You OWN iron ago Read cash rumors to nuripur urn We will rvrn lend you money on your mortr nan In Fundinc slogans llarguarite Moore and Fitzsinunins Churchill 4562620 Torry Stevens Elrnvale 177W Ernest Watts Barrie 7mm 81 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 PLANNING ON BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVERLUMBER l2 Eradford St 7236541 Fan end brick bumslow be ovmst1lnlng roam ent nrcu see orfllia ul Nwtviflfmfihdd nintml Tamuounnckbunrrlnw itv US Cl RTUNITY lnrmm dlnlnlroom kitchen nrtn room run basement Nice rlirtrlct RESTAURANT GENEEAL restaurant for rent In aim to mania and our Telephone 7mm Insr 910 Midland seating cnglclty lanai Good rtuntty elepnonn 52t jMOBILE HOMES TRAILERS sins new RUSSELL CHURCH MobilewHomes Generlil Glendale Northlander Parts and Service SALE RENT cull on behalf or client Immed fate Cnrnmltincnll Frank Nelle Realtors 7254405 WE BUY sxxlrtlnp rgifiagtiéfrrizfll till pail cuatsnraorae small sEnvlcn III Inn or service rtntlpn snack bar wu ted tn rent Paulina opllanlo perchrel anrrta vicinity vrlte Box no Battle Examiner INSURANCE MOVINGI Dont forget totransferyour INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind seo for superb quilts so cents Ing in patterns 60 boats Cash or Termsup to to Years STEVENSONS ll Hwy BurtonAve moose It DUNIIOP ST 7261801 ancoNn mortgage purchrrca tor oltlges homes Itoru fro tr IlE N0 10h loo Iii mail it rtlmr 7260081 Garage floors patios TSUBONE PAVING CO Telephone collect 79345645 LATHE WORK mason or production lathe wnrlr liespurny priced am after pm RENOVATIONS Rennvatlonl rec rooml on Lnlrm orrtln WIN PAVING Manterl Pavmg Italian Export Co at Barrio lrea Estiman Work guaranteed 134 ESSA RD ASPHALT soox Now for early spring paving Driveways parking lots barn Yards FREE mums Also on cement work hf nrn rrrnodemn mm more out AI M7 nr mom PAINTING European expert 114 Rose Street Inn Vent map Painswlclr cut an as Setfrstorlng windows shutters patio doors Windowa mauikcd with modern sliders CLOWESI PRICE interior dc flooring Ed stIde nuo CLEANING snvlcos CARPET CLINIC Professional carpet and uphol stery cleaning IN YOUR HOME or in our IlIODERNPLANIL 252 HURONIA RD PHONE 7234761 PAINTING Sr DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Also sign painting VAN NOOETWYK PAINTING Ind dccnrntlng aitlmltes Telephone like mlm House Palnttnr Interior and extra ble rm altimeter ALUMINUM SERVICE oner QUALITY iiiIEE ESTIMATES ALUMINUM IRONING memo per halket wublpr and trnntngSMOBQJZ hurts Pickup Ind deliver mn CARPETING HEUGATILE CARPET for commercial and residential Best carpeting in the worlds Free information and demonstration BLOMS CLEANING SERVICE zoo Napier St 7mm SIGNS COMMERCIAL Truck Lettering Prompt rervioe luster craftsman so yerrr oxucrionre liaison SNOWPLOUGHING 72mm INOWILDWING driveways Ind lou Allaniialo Ind dlstflnt mr anytime or lilevenloat leULATlON aLuwnuO Msrnan mutation Fred crunrntcr Gnnnntrrrt worn Telephone Scott Muir via1157 PLASTERING Liming and now work ul Free ullliorlu repair and IIIQTDIIOEI 7284543 rintorIrpr repIra fusion or outsidil ghmlnntle Ill work Telephone TRUCKING LocAL mutt An mru Conlrllclls lnvtlrrinbrrlueritimla owns mam doors siding replaced

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