impair mks T0 swarms Yippin Youth International Party leader Jerry Rubin centre hand on lorehead is lunvunded by tollowen and other altar he spoke to more than 2000 University at lb tonic students in loroeto Wed nesday Rubin spoke with Viet Cong ling draped on his hack GP Wirepholo Wishcrrt Denies COIor ETORONN tCP Attorney eneral Arthur Vlshart looking rï¬n and annoyed Thursday denied that factors of race or color exerted any influence in the choosing of Queens Counsel in the province alter Negro member oi the legislature raised the point earlier Lennard Braithwaiic liberal member or Etohicoke end the only Negro in the legislature suggested he had been denied QC because ol his color Spanking during the throne speech debate ltlr Braithwaile said he had to raise sensia live question about the criteria by which QCs are chosen Mr Brnithwaites exact words contained in text released by the liberal party were lreler to the criteria by which Queens Counsel are ap pointed Traditionally the title of QC is recognized by the public as reward or service to protession and community and recognition of skill in the calling Serviceto the community is underlined by the mandate of the electorate when lawyer also holdspuhlic oiilce am proud to have the provincial Meliare at some 50000 consti tuents in my trust fI like to think that serve Heavier Than Usual Snowlall makes life Tough For Deer uy me CANADIAN PRES March is the critical month for deer its been tough win ter and it could get tougher next month Some branches of the Ontario department of lands ondforerts already have appealed for help iood and trails so that deer can survive until the spring th Snow depth tor the province has him heavy this winter Deer cant rcach leading areas Int the Port Arthur district alone the snow is lrom 34 to 40 inches deep it we dont eeta good thaw in March we can expect to lose aboutso per cent or moreotlhe deer in our district said Al Eltoy lish and games super the department in Port northwestem On snewialisuntiilate in Ap mm BIG LOSS Don Simkin game manag mént director the depam meat said in Torou ugh Mdllaster 71 ad mitted in court Tuesday that he drank bottle of beer at break fast Jan 21 the cayal traiiie charged with impaired dri ng Buttha was not the re on Elly hed not at once has of the at as seciition maintained at M359 The case against him We stron theJudge saidbuth¢ waasohone he had create sllgh decrilthere are in the province but we do know that more than 30 per cent of the deer in north western Ontario will die unless by we better weather in March In the am Frances district Dino DAgostini tiahnnd wild life supervisor The larmers have carved out 50 miles oftrails with tractors The jdeerpsaya Mr DAgostini accept the trails readily and are he ping to use them in search for toad grnfluenced QC Choice the people of Etohieoke in my own way and at my own level 1dr Wishnrt was not in the legislature during Mr Braith waitcs remarks roLLowa RULE He commented afterwards in handing out QCs have iollowcd the rule that all mem hers oi the pmiession must have been called to the bar at least 12 years beforehand and he has not been outliz years think this sort oi thing is not called for As to the sugges tion at racial discrimination there is no such thought gave one to Lincoln Alexander and he is Negro Mr Alexander Progressive Conservative represents Hamli lon West intho House oi Cone mans stephen Lewi borough West said Ontario MPPs are humiliated by their inadequate salaries and cliioes their circumscribed roles as committee fitnembers and thy their ineircctiveness in the legis lature Hews continually inter nmtedby anaryshouts rain the Conservative benches hï¬nes MinistenAlian rcnna said Anacondace Can ada Ltd is having difficulty obtaining ï¬nancing ordevelop ment at vastvir northwest of 11mm because at oreign doubts about Can adas future policy iiitaxing mining companies unwadraovnwmt Please send me Information on trauma Savings Plan liarn as carrier has please 11th directly THEEXAMINER CIRCULATION orraaerNr mmmmmmmimmmimu Coiiinieniaior Angers Ollieia 140m APl it Britllh throwing the WWII ï¬mnmwg vtslttolmtaiotlhelattorn MM mmuoh 513 Will ma lean and less parliamen clally stung the prime minis up mm om va mehabmp President Nixon and Prime Minister wam Wanbe Wamï¬dw ï¬g in hm treasury hoard told the Com mon thlt the uncadmants an The BBC broadcaster in line with the roped oi the David Dirnblehy nderred royal commission on overn ltloodny to Nixons face or all seasons Later he meat administration of Wilson hogxlu them 0mm an Oweder hammer nanclai tion Act The 29va Namath torlstbeeouotthllateltich ml Mrnhhhy known or hi discreet and We corn mehllrles on the BBQ Dimbiehy kept up the acid The will about on attack nreedly eliieiency in the ansemmentc ï¬Mmmw ith crisp Clear Colorful lictun arm1 ray IT AT $74905 AquMAnc WaerR IAND DRYER wisurr can 24 OLarge 1d lb capa FiitarFie Washing system Detergeat dispenser Ilhree Wash Cycles Nor mal Seert chle Extru wash OWasha Wearlgtenuanent PIN 0001 Down Wm Water Selection iueo level water eelection Spray and deep activated rimes nitYea 95 ONLY OFhrll wash load capacity and Mopeedï¬ryiux SW em Olime dry and no hoatflufl setting Settlug for pennanent press and washn wear osaleiy restart awltth IPoreeiain enamel clothes basket and Way venting 0N year warranty SGal Caparlty HUMiblFlER r443 Essential for mm tort and health MUIOS stifled in wood grain vinyl with Counter top easy loading Debate Financial ï¬nancial dulinu he aid as the 8am hem debate on the measure which Interval given second rudlu Ind relemd to committee for 2th study Opporition Lender Robert Stanï¬eld nld 15 whooping diiiermcs MamaWIovun insath estimated for the year ending March 21 use dad the actual amount mot showermore 11 needed than Mlledzlor la the hill The dillerrnoa between Fl flFlRESTONEFEBRUARY Free Home TrialOth endlbislrwashers MOBILE MAID Control moon lilinirtar Ednr Bensone estimated amount to the budget and amount Parliament has been asked to we is more than would id on bill would abolish the ol tiee at comptroller oi the tron ury transierrin most oi its responsibilities to the trumry board it also videsloruverst al other cal changes Tar EXAMINER wanr line PHONE 1mm rvs DISHWASHER only $24995 CHECK TIME FEATURE Big enough to hold lull dayl load or dishm lidoocnsuulbuwhr Automatlc detergem diaper 00mm ward interior china ISiiverware hadret tnpfm 12 ma 11995 16 Portable sirevi l5 Color roman 1547995 including stand cousruiarlou vacuum Floats on cushion oi air includes lull let of dentin tools tulle horn and dim posnhle hull Toe opernted letdr HOOVER noon rotlsurk $4495