District isssraosrwtn WEATHER Gunny Friday with little chinc lntemperature law tonight is higblrfday For detail please turn to page three EXAMINER rsLeronss Grculahon mono Classiï¬ed Advertising rzmu til Other Department lotthan No 49 Hope To Save Son Of Expo From The Axe MONTREAL GP two point plan to enable Montreal to reopen its lion and ills World exhibition this year was an nuunced Wednesday by Lucien Saulnlcr chairman of liloutc rculs executive committee Mr Suulrrier told news con ference the plan might involve financial risk to the city of about $3000000 it would be presented to city council for rat lfrcaflcn Friday with recom mendation from the executive committee that it be accepted Under the proposal the prov lnce would assume up to 500000 of the operating dcfi ti ofthe exhibition and the federal government would defer an equal amount from the monthly payments Quebec is making on its share of the Expo 67 deficit The second point in the propos al would spread repayment of Montreals share of the Expo deficit over an eightyear pe riod The agreement was an nounced at the news conference here shortly after Prime Minis ter Trudeau made similar an nouncement in the Commons RISK IS LIMITED Mr Sauluicr said that on the basis of current estimates of ex hibition revenues and expendi tures the citys ï¬nancial risk would be limited to approx imalety $1000000 provided ex hibition employees accept the working conditions which have been proposed to them The deï¬cit for the 19 opera tion of the fair could be as high as $8500000of which the prov incc would cover $5500000but the deficit could be much lower if public response to the exhibi tion was good The deficit was more than $5000000 in the first season of operation last year Opening and closing dates for this season as well as admission prices were to be announced Friday Mr Ssuinier announced Jan 29 that Man and His World would have to shut down for ll nanclal reasons Montreal Robbery May Net Thieves Up To $500000 MONTREAL UP Six masked armed men stole mail that police say could be worth up in $50000 in iimtnlnstast raid on the aims downtown Central Station Wednesday No shots were fired and no one was injured Police said the men escaped in 1960 black Buick with 12 mail bags including one full of regis tored mail that could amount to between 350000 and $500000 Also stolen were four large envelopes and if small parcels JeanJacques hiho on chief investigator for the Mont real post officesafd contents of the bags apart from cash had not been determined Local banks were checked to find out how mirth money they were expecting in the shipment from Levis Qnei after report that some money in the bags were destined for them Prosecution giset Watkins Trial srooKmri Calif for The prosecution said Wednes day it may call rs witnesses in an effort to prove to white jury that two Negro brothers were responstble for liquor store robbery Clifton lf Watkins 24 an in vestigator for the 05 Public Health Service is being tried on charge of armed robbery His brother Ted who had played for Hamilton Tiger Cats of the Canadian Football league was shot to death by the store manager The young brother was wound ed by clerk inthe June shooting jury of six men and six women was selected Thurs day Thc trial was recessed until next Wednesday pending completion of studies by Uni vertslty of California criminolo grs $43 CAPSULE The defence attempted unsuc cessfully to have the trial moved from Stodrion Tour Deaths Led Toj GM hecall DETROIT AP The deaths of four persons by asphyxiation in their cars led to General Motors recall oi 1400000 vehi clespart of the largest recall in auto industry historya cor poration spokesman said Wednesday Owners were asked to return the cars for correction of faults which could lead to seepage of exhaust fumes into passenger space At the same time anoth er 2590000 GM cars and trucks were recalled forthe checking of possible carburetor defecth ilsk GranisToilidhow nconresGroup MEN OF lily airmail voted Wednaday to ask the federal government for grants to enable lowinane families to buy rent mrrenovate homes Rent Review Board TORONTO it use voted 16 00 10 0i plain Squelched cream private bills committee today to squelch hall that would have permitted the ioestablrdr areutalrovlcw hoard thattha claims is necessaryth ltsaiaooimmon Erisrs Police Seize Marijuana ill llirporiv may as lwo youths from Grosso Pointe Mich were arrested Wednesday and charged with illegally importing narooiilts after police luggage died at Toronto uncovered 20 pounds of marijuana dininst International Airport llromas Grads Gollirs and David August Datttoff Charged are both 20 Man Shot To Death lnywallaceburg WALLACEBURG Out to Juneerlmer Bel pfWaliacLbrrrgï¬ld early today from ammme in home north of here into Nslody following the Provincial drooling police said man was taken leudeni Protest Repel Michener PORT OF SPAIN GP GovernorGeneral Roland Micbeuer was turned away from the Trinidad campus of the University oi the West indies here Wednesday racial discrimination in Canada liarrs University in Montreal by group of shouflng placard waving students The sttldenis said they were protesting against particularly at Sir George Wil four Die in Moniréal Blizzard MONTREAL or Four men were dead and massive rescue operallanwas under way in separate parts at the province tr 1y as cars and from were stranded in the wake of blinding czm Wednesday and cc ous high winds overnight ROGER CARNEAU left telisipaliceuhat happened AgiPastAOfficeAhinuLmnm at whed rive maskedand armed men robbed five or six maii Ann cuurv bags from his buggy in tbs Central Stirtion in Montreal Wednesday Police estimate tbe lake in be mam Not Mm rs rot Par Copy is sign RT POWER oooanoï¬oooooxt tonne photo Seek To Ban Cigcrrette Ads WAth iCP The Cana dian Medical Association called today for federal legislation to ban all advertising of cigarettes and to require packages to carry health hazard warning In briui to the Commons smoking inquiry the organiza tion said there is no longer any doubt that cigarette smoking is direct threat to the users health The professional association representing about 20000 physi cians reinforced its atand with these disease data The more severe debilitat ing lungcrippling cases of chronic bronchitis and amphyse ma are invariably found among smokers lbeproba death from lung cancer and the dc gree of smoking exposure are dcfinitelyrelated The earlier one begins smoking the more onesmukcs the more one in halcs and the longer one smokespthe greater the risk Direct exposure to smoke increases the risk of death from cancer of the mouth and throat by 500 per cent Mortaiity rates from heart disease between ages 35 and 54 are five to 10 times greater for smokers than nonsmokers 6mokiug increasestbe risk of dying from heart disease by 200 per cent for those with high blood pressure Thc overall probability of deatbcaused by heart disease is increased by 70 per cent in ciga relte smokers Srnukcrs are more likely to get sinusitis peptic andgastnc ulcers and strokes Smoklug women run 100 pcrccnt greater risk of gi ng and the ï¬tr oieswil ba mailer ihannnn The cost of lost productive life and premature death the unnecessary expenditures re quired to provide hospital and medicalcare are staggering to the imagination1 ilsrael Horrors Dead Premier JERUSALEM Reuters The body of fsraeli Premier Levi Eshkoi resting in simple wooden cuffin draped with prayershawl and national flag lay in state today in Far liament Square procession to thesquare began lust before dawn from the suburban home whére the 73yearold Jewish leader died Wednesday of heart attack TheIExaminer TODAY Aurrgt Lumiere7 City Newst Classified14 15 re Comics11 Deaths16 District5 drainers Sports1011 Theatre6 rv Listingl7 Weatin WomcuH Paris Mental Group Calls Prose171th systém Rididuloué OTTAWA CPD commit tee of the Canadian Mental Healdr Association says judges should be empowered to dis charge the guilty in certain cases As avrcsult person who punched someone in the nose while addied by beesling or dentists painkiller wouldnt wind up with criminal record The recommendation is amurrg23 in report released Wednesday on the present judf clal and correctional approach to mental disorder The report finds the current system disquieting paradoxical and ridiculous it singles out lieutenantgown nors warraan for particular criticism The warrants may be used to send man who is neither in suite nor guilty but unfit to stand trial off to hospital for in definite periods These acquitted by reason of insanity ulsornay be locked up under warrant with inadequate provision for review of their caseeven alter recovery URGE PROTECTION The report says the defence should be able to raise the issue of fitness at preliminary hear ing to nrotect the mentally til it also says the issue of fit Dominican OiiiCials Complain Tactics In Montreal Trial nromnm woolcomm complaints were laid Wednes day against dprosecuting law yerJar Sirv GerirgélWilianis University by government offi cials of the West Indian island ofDomfuica The government representa tives complained through Montreal lawyer that tran script was made by police of conversation they had with Roosevelt Douglas 27 of Domi nlcal one of 87 persons charged in connection with $2000000 damage spree at the university two weeks ago Pierre Lacaiile the lawyer defending Douglas told Juuc Emmett McManamy of Mn nicipal Court that university prosecutor Armand liS Condemns Viel Cong Raids Mars in The United States said today indis eriminate Viet Cong attacks against populated centres in Stlrlh Vietnam complicated the task of the peace negotiators in The chief US negotiator lienry Cabot lodge told the Hanoi andert Cong delegation atvtbe sixth formal session of the peace talks Such attacks bring you no military advan tage they bring down upon you universal condemnation and disappoint th ld hopes for wees But nowhere in the prepared statements of Lodge and Saigon delegate Pham Dang Lam who spoke after him was there threat to resume the bombing of North Vietnam Sheppard had described before the courtVthc conversations quest by Dougia to have countrymenorganize cnnrmr toes of agitutl Douglas faces charges ofcon splrncy to commit arson and damage property after peace ful twoweek occupation of the university computer centre be carne violent Feb 11 for ness should be raised in the late stages of atrial so an accused will not be incarcerated under warrant before he has presented defence And it says unlilness to stand trial should not neccs sarily mean detention it recommends iminal Code amendment to pro do for boards in each province to re view regulariy the cases of those held under warrant The committee says Judges should be empowered to grant cbsolu to or conditions dis charges ln boosting cases cases where person has been upset to such degree that temporarily he is not respoush ble for his acunus Where thcpsychiatric disturb ance was continuing and public protection was necessary judge might send an accused to mental hospital For the chronically danger ous provision would be made for indefinite confinement The report recommends that the CriminalCodc sections that prov indeterminate sentences habitual criminals or dangerous sexual offenders be repealed Only dangerous offenders would he liable id amindctermi note sentence under the or Posed system Apollo Launch rserelayed CAPE KENNEDY Fia AP The United States space agen cy today postponed the Apollo El launching three days from his day until Monday because of colds suffered by the three as tronauts who are to fly the 10 day earth orbit mission Launch time will be 11am 1W1 Monday Tire decision was made after doctors examined the three as tronauts James McDivitl David Scott and Russell Schweickart The trio came down with sore throats and stuffy noses Wednesday The astronauts tnuk medicine drank plenty of liquids and rest ed 12 hours Wednesday night EXAMINED 45 MINUTES Tney awokoiu goed sprrris today and underwent timirr ute medical examination The doctors pronounced the pilots improved butfelt it wise to delay the flight The countde on the giant Saturn rocket and spacecraft which had progressed on sched ule was to continue down to nine hours before theorlginnl planned liftoff and then he held until Monday it was the first time after 10 US man in space flights that la ng had been iiines been posipnuodiby technical and mechanical problems Exhaustion as much as the colds was factor Dr Charles Berry cbief nslronnut physician reported that MeDivlti Scott and Schweiclart were physically ex hausted from the training for the flight termed the most com piex manned mission ever at tempted Berrysafdha wants them in be physically and mentally ready for the journey in which they arcto test the lunar mod ule the buglike vehicle de signed to lend two men on the moon Schwcickart plans two hnur space walk VExultant BeflmCronrds Mob Nixon Duringilisit DERMN GP President erbn left Berlin today after fourhour visit in which he got heros welcome from West Ecr lincrsand haldoutyhapuï¬orran eventual end to the division of this ci Nixon gazed grimly across the Berlin Wall declared anew US support for Berlin and said the courage of the city might event ually lead to reconciliations that would end the division of Berlin Germany and Europe Nixon took off for Rome after being mobbed lime and again by cxultant crowds as he drove through thecity Nixon told workers and their families at the Siemeuaelectri cal factory that Western resolve to protect tho city could not be shakenby any form of pressure llui he added that your fortitude you have created con dlilons which may in time per rabout 2t persons determination that through negotiation among governments and recon ciliation among mcn bring an end to the division olrtlrls city this nation and this continent Nixons trip through the city closely guarded by cm 7000 Berlin policernenywsa almost triumphant march but group of students added sour note as the procession passed the bombedcut Kaiser Wilhelm Mo morini Church new mourn ment to peace The students shouted few Slag Hells and other uncomnlh mentarytrcmarks as the pres dent passed pelad policemen wrth naihflllcd snowballs and throw some point into the street But it was weak effort by 200 or sun students other if sculflcd wilir the youths and police urraslcd frendnm Later it wasreported that the presidents car was struck by several snowballs but the stu dents got hostile reception from others iuthe crowd Thérc were number of scufflcs and when the nts shouted America out of Vietnam other Berliners shouted back illusions out of East Berl leon hopped in andout of his heavily guarded limousine to shake hands with Berliners pat youthful heads and exchange smiles Thousands of the citys citizens lined the streets of the routa From the moment he landed at Tempolhoi Airport he cm phasizcd again and again that his administration is dedicated to the old American pledge that the people of the Unilcd Slates stand with you in the defence of ON THE second day of hi vlsltio Germany and flcrlin US President Ric Nixon today vis