1QuebecA1bertcl Cntarioi BC seniOIS Undefeated HMHLNN Gi Eon Wright and his Quebec senior curling champions are living proof that the young set has no franchise or the mailing take Wl KIM The Quebec rink livm Hud son using running weight to overcome the trich foe at Hamilton niistle dub Monday defeated Saskatchewan and Minitobl in the ï¬rst No rounds of the Canadian seniors curling championship The ice is swinging so much that you must have the weight and play straight deluislvo game if youre going to win said the osyearold takeout king who pmlers difficult double takeout to draw to tho fourloot circle We just try to get the lump on the other team in the ï¬rst few ends and then go to straight takeout Wright has John Crombia playing third Bill ook second and Jim Sloan lead TIED OR LEAD The double victories Monday tied Qucbec with Alberta dripped by Gordon Walker of Edmonton and the Gordon Moors rink from Victoria All Phillips Sr and his Ontario champions from Tomato also were undefeated after winning an openinground game and drawing bye in tho evening matches Rinks skipped by 19oz cham pion Jim Murphy of Saint John NB Frui Cochran of burns den Sash Ind Stan Brod oi Noraoda reprucnung Northern Ontario were tied or fifth place with victory and loss going into todays third round at no an ass Prlnea Edward Island tipped by Dr Wendell Mao Dooald of marlotteiown drew bye in the opening round and lost the secondround match Dr MacDonald has represented REJ on every occasion since the national tournament was in augurated In 1965 In last place with two losses were rinks skipped by Merrill Banding of liverpool NS Al Fahrner of Charleawood Mann and John MMy of St Johns Nfld Thor third round today matcbed Quebec against PEl British Columbia against Sas ka ton ewa Nowloundland against Nova Scotia New Brunnwidc against Ontario Manitoba against Northern 0n iarlo while Alberta sat out in the fourth round at pln Nova Scotla played Ontario Manitoba took all British Coiumlt bio PEl went against North ern Ontario Quebec played Al berta and Newfoundland took on Saskatchewan while New Bnlnswick had the afternoon free Quebec started the ltrink roundrobin tournament Monday by piling up 121 lead in six of the regulation 10 ends before going on to 17 victory over Saskatchewan and defeating Manitoba in the round Meanwhile Alberta opened with In victory over Manl toba and trounced 715 in nine ends few hours later Tho Edmotcn crew broke the game open early against Mani toba taking load after three so after eight ends PEl tiad its game 22 with single on the fourth end and forced Aberta to take slngle on the sixth alter blanking the filth end in order to retain last Ontario Curling FORT WILLIAM Ont CF The spotlight turned to Albcr la and Ontario after two rounds Monday in the Canadian womens curling championship Despite protournament bet ting on Manitoba and Saskat chewan Pech are starting in talk about Simmonc FLynn of Medicine Hat Alla and June Shaw of Kenora 0nt and how they stayed undefeated alter two games Mrs Flynn who has won the southern Alberta playoffs four times says she picked up lot of her strategy from playing on mixed rinks NEW YORK AP Negotloi tors for major league baseball players and club owners planned to return to the bar gaining table today following marathon Monday night session which failed to produce sctilo ment of their bitter pension dis pute Everybody is just too fatigued to continue said Man vin Miller executive director of the Players Association as he emerged from the ninehour meeting shortly litu am EST Miller reported that progress is being made but we still have some problems lie said he would meet again with John Gaherin the owners representa tive and player representatives tram the 21 major league clubs Miller obviously tired alter the meetings which began at pm broke for dinner at 7pm and rcsumcd at 9pm indicated published report that the dispute had been set tled took the negotiators by sur prise late Monday night Barrie Young Bowlers To Ontario Finals ï¬ve Barrie youths howling out quKempview Bowl will repre sent this zone at the Ontario Youth Bowling Council playoffs at lslington March The winning team in the son for boys event held at Allen court Lanes Richmond Hill re cently was comprised of Dave Butler Paul Pickles Doug Cam eron Robcrl Flower and Brian Childs Karen Cowan who reigned dur lng the Barrie Winter Carnival as teen princess will represent this zone in the provincial YBC queen contest Gohéens Quarter Goheens Hustlers of Barrie de eated Barrie Blues 9582 last night to lead their bcstoIIhree Simcoe Count league to Nicholas Owen scored 25 points to pace the Hustlers who led was at half time High scorer for the losers was Bob Scruton with 26points Dave Harris netted to for the Hustlers while Dave Henshaw added 17 Bill Malice 15Bob Skrypnychuk 14 and Tovar cold Brian Murray hit for 24 points for the Blues John Bean follow ed with 16 Bob Hopprnan scored Baseball Dispute Not Settled After Session The New York Daily News re ported that settlement had been reached in story from Fort Lauderdale Fla SEE SOME PROGRESS There was some positive progress Gaherln said Nei ther he nor Miller would clabo rate The players who have asked association members to boyth spring training vmnt increased pensionheneï¬is disablth ben eï¬ts retirement at the age of as improved widows benefits health care boncflLs changes in life insurance coverage and sev erance pay This package originally was estimated to cost 56500300 year Last Friday the players offered compromise that would cost $5900000 but it was rejected by the owners The ownors who paid 54 100000 year into the pension plan in the past originally of HOCKEY Bacon By THE CANADIAN PRESS National Dengue Eastern Division Montreal Bbslorl Detroit New York Chicago Tomato Western Division St Louis 33 17 12 174 12273 OaHand It 165 It 55 bus Aug 21 32 147 I97 49 Minnesota Hi 34 10 151 42 Phila L3 33 is l27 190 41 Pitts 13 36 14 203 35 Mutt Monday Minnesota Los Angelcs Games Wednesday Detroit at Montreal St Louis at Toronto Chicago at New York Boston at Los Angeies Minnesota at Oakland Lead Finals Wdlie Carly got and Dave Kingston netted three Next game in the series will be played at Ease Borden Thurs day night Hustlers along with llï¬dland and Cairna Cagers of Orlllia were tied for first place at the end of the regular schedule with wins and losses each The toss of coin put Midland first Cairns second and the Hustlers in third place in the other quarter final scr Vies Cairns play Alliston wII Midland plays Stout of llia in semi final series with bye intothe finals Banting WrestlersWin Fourth Consecutive GBSSIlIl Title Banting Memorial High School at Alliston has won the Geor gian Bay Secondary School Ath letic Association wrestling diam pionship for the fourth consecu tive year The Alliston high school team 111 points compared with Parry Sounds 10d and third pla riltln Dist nsh ms Banting also had four ual champions ScottHunIcr lo the solo class Henry Smits in theJlslbuclass Bill Nosad in the lotlb class and John Hainas in the heavyweight divlhlon Sixteen schools competed in the tournament lheld last week end at Port Perry Banting ha won twnrycar This years finals take place Northyzay March and weekend amngrlplaï¬at Jack Symea fared an additional $1000000 for an annual total of $6100000 When this was rejected by the players the owners increased the offer to $3300000 This also was turned down by the play ers Soccer Bulls Moot Tonight Ill Prince Of Wales Persons interested in minor and senior soccer in Barrie and district are invited to attend an organisational meeting at Prince of Wales Public School Brad ford street at tonight Elections ol executives for the minor and senior arganizatlons will take place at the meeting Discussions will be held on the setup of soccer in Barrie for the coming season Barrie Novice Bs Lose litPenelang Barries Ellis Construction No Vice Bs went down to defeat uvice in the Penelang Winter ama hockey tournament on the Brian Pilons first period goal stood up for the rest of the game Friday when Pcnetang Novices defeated Barrie 10 Saturday Joey Hays goal ear Iy in the second period tied the score for Barrie hut Midland struck for another goal in the second and added an insurance marker in the third period to Win 31 Gerry Lalonde John Beau champ and Tim Merkley scored for Penetang BOWLING mAS BOWLING Mens Major 10 Pin League Magus Standing Benos Shell Service 419 Harveys El 411 imperialEastman 405 Walker 35 Beaver lumber 333 Irvine Decorating Centre 325 Emco 316 UE 314 ï¬lrysler Crew B08 Hayters Restaurant 25 11s 752 Barrie Plumbing 211 High Averages Jack Symon 7101 Russ McGivsrn 11 Rusty Drinkwater High Single Flat Russ Mc Givarn 223 COLORED BY GAS The Bladl Sea is black he causo of high concentration or lvdrogen sulphide CAMPING INTERESTED Mail the answers learn about all the new prod nets and how to haildl the old ones Safety biota placesto and mom to go wi Come to the YMCA ends and increasing It to lh shot But Dr MacDonald read the lee incorrectly on his iinal shot of the seventh cod and missed draw to banking The error gave the Alberta foursome three and 62 load and they stole single on the eighth end and double on the ninth without last shot to new up victory British Cohnrdiia got off to pair of bad starts but defeated New Brunswidr 107 with air on the final end and Nova 5cm til 65 with finalshot draw to the eighttoot circle Ontario had little We dis posing of Newfoundland it tn the opening round while North on Ontario was mndng Nova Scott 154 Saskatchewan evened its no ord with an no vlctory over Northern Ontario in the second round while New Brunswick downed NewfoundlandM with three on the loll end The diamplooship sdnedulcd towiod IpFrlday lsformen of 55 years and over who play 10 end games Insth of the swu lation ends Leads Womens Championships Evcrytlung lva learned strategywise has been from men she said after her sac ondround 105 win over Saskat chewan in the think roundrob in event Bunchcd in third place areslx provincial championsJoyce McKee of SaakutoonSask Vi Pike of Grand Falls Nfld Mary Toolc of Charlottetown Phyllis Chapman of Monoton NB Mae Show of Kimberley 50 and Pat Brunsdon of Win nlpog NS QUE m1 Holding down last spot with two losses arelary Naddof of North Sydney MS and Loena MacKImmIe of Lachute Que The thilvl round at 9130 am Orillia Rink Edged In Out Finals TORONTOv OP Betty Fowler oi Welland scored the most lopsided win in the open ing draw of the southern On tario womens curling charm pionsbips Monday trouuclng Margaret Johnstone of Toronto 157 to other action Helen Jewctt of Unionville edged Mhrg San derson of OrilIia 98 and Helen Burton of Exelcr defeated Fern Reynolds of Lindsay 64 Ruby Whltos Moafordirlnk defeated Iris Wallace of Port Carling and Erma Holland of Oshawa defeated Audrey Packard or KitchenerWaterloo NJ EST today had Newfoundland going against Saskatchewan British Columbia against Ontar lo Nova Scotla against Now Brunswick Manitoba against Quebec and PEl against Alber ta in second round play New Brunswick dcieatcd Quebec 11 Manitoba beat REJ 136 Al hcrta downed Saskatchewan 10 edged Newfoundland SJ and Ontario dispon of Nova Scotla Alberta built up so lead over Saskatchewan alter two rounds and never looked back as Miss McKee had trouble with her draw weight on what some skips called heavy ice Such was not the casendth Mrs Flynn love the ice hare she sad Its kecn and true and once you have lead it it stays that way HAD Eaar TIME Ontario skip Mrs Shawhad an easy time handling Nova Scotla although Miss Nadoff took 10 lead after tho first end Mrs Shaw got the single back in tho second then proceeded to steal points in the next five ends lne Ontario skip needed traata meut Sunday when squ neck threatened to hamper her game it wasiust sore muscle but its all right now she said Mrs Srunson ruins Maili toba rink came back in the sec ond round with much11114 proved game in defeating REM 136 wasnt too happy with the IEE amongst5 67 TORONTO ST auraearn Check ourfeatures Com our prices Then your Inglis auto malicwashergasdryeror portable dishwasher from Consumers Gas You Can take up to ï¬ve years to pay with easy payments on your gas bill Ingls band It hm Washer Model LFO 5300 WSR Foaturin cams cycles specie cooldown are for permanent mesminï¬nita rater levelselcchon full time inn flhgvdispenser and suds SalB MOSCOW Selects mm MY FEBRUARY is VS Nata Tonight Mtr game against Canadas Semvedwmndnfm notional tau prenieot oi the Canadian Am alter scam plane trip and 1h 11min hinder mm was tour Hockey Association tense lmediatety dcmandsd Ice time Posted to Monday ah moments lemon and the delay in their arrival gave Gordon Judas ALL NEWThis time see your child In exciting BLACK AND WHITE plus breathtaking LlVING COLOR taken with our EXCLUSIVE Piggy Back CameraWl lllllllws MIITHERS Tues to Sat Feb 25 to Mar ls get beautiful II picture of your child énv 79 aim AND waif oriur momma All hmlly groups too 5x7 only ï¬t sad like singly or 5x7 Group only $00 plr child Youll the cullsr axonsrlona and prniuslonel pom caplurcd by our friendly lady photographer Select from ï¬nishd pictures NOT PROOFS Extr tlnlrlnd 8x10 5x71 and wallet slu will be shown ht unbelievably low prim for your apprml Example Wallal size loss than 65¢ each in groups old some posa WE GUARANTEE INDIVIDUAL SATISFACTION BRING FRIEND Hours Tues through Friday 10 to 530 Friday night till 730 Sat flll 500 Lunch hour hill to 100 RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 0I0DIOI0IIOIOIOOOICIIa them all And if youd like to shop for your new lngiisapplianoa in the comfort of your homecalloursales man licll be gladto visit llheralanat i551 7200 Mill programme drying lpecial coplde ï¬res permanan ss grass command lnï¬niia moms oordrol ltrnscrom