mm Walls Publishcr EU ltd111111 Publilhcd by ledltn Niwamadllhnm 16 Hayfield Shut BInlc Ontarlo William Teller Canaral Manager ll Mcthcn Mullglng Editor WAY MIN PADS QTTAWAREPORT Bishops Lifes Casualties Illmar moaolsou OflAWAA in deserving Angus Is HAheCldl In Town Sidtus Idea While the newtrend toward encourag ing target areas of administratioan nogional government may present chsb acles the ambltiom of the growing com munity of Angus to becomean incorpor ated munlclï¬ity in its own right are understanda The neighboring mnununlty which is located almost on the doorstep of Base Borden has the best wishes oi Barrie people in its endeavors Au poultad out at meetings where the pros and cons have been dismissed there are problems to be faced but the Angus District Cham ber of Commerce mode worthy start lozwauds itsgignodl in obtaining naive en eerlng report owing possibilities Most residents who have followed the procedures closely appear to have been impremed of the lbnmbers industrial committee George Gu has been pantinllnrly enthusiastic use he is convinced lncmporution will open the way to more industrial development Angus has had considerable bucinem ex pension during the past two orthree years and there also hasbeen large scale housing projects but industrial interesls have been largely conï¬ned to the lumbering trade Mr Guergls be lieves this will be overcome if local sen vices areprovided and he contends in corporation would help innuensely According to information gathered the chamber the population of theArr gus area which it is proposed to include DOWN Mignon LllNE 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Feb25 1939 Town Council considdred 48 applicants for commed job of sanitary eta meal collectorswitch peid=$10 monthly Attending good loads venticn in Toronto were inecr Jones Seminary Tom Emp son Treasurer Harry Coleman Warden WalterDowney of Mneslng Town Eng ineerOtto Rnweon and AldermanWA Barneyle Mayonï¬elt RFtb Reeve DmlecLmen and Deputy Mur myMillspleosedtoheartbatBoardof Education reduced expenditures to save taxpayerslfrulillslodmaster Thompson Grew announced that extend ed delivery service would hem April requhing ï¬ve exhs men= Bame Colin beat Owener Greys in junior hock some stamwere Bud Palmer Plcard and goalie Dave SilkAllholsesaodcatlflesavedtldu morning when fire destroyed balm own ed by Hon Earl Rowe at Newton Robin son George Heeney credited with sav ingmost of stock Short circuit lnwin ing believed respencdble Manager Tony newnuiz contest tobeglnetltcxyllheatzeAlfred Rayner retired grocer auflgtored arm tyWhom Barrioa elected PreSi geopcmm Hlury vera email contra Bord ct for bi would be around 3000 people It was feltth this justiï¬es an appiimtion for mcmpolatlon es town robber tban Village Mr Guengis pointed out there are two towns nine villages and about eight townships in the county with tewertdlen 3000 people For some years Angus has had police village stews with an elected board of three trustees empowered to look after local impiovemcnta for which special tax is levied Angus people also pay taxesto the Whip of Rain which Supporters of incorporation feel that complete locaicontrol of the administm lion would stimulate moreefforts to ward encoumgingvllocal development It the suggestedlboundaries are followed the proposed new townwoulld have an assessment 01 closeto $2000000 To obtain lnaupmaï¬om Angus has to make application to the Ontario Mun icipal Board backed by the necessary lions Where has been some appcre endon shown because much stroller etfort only fouryears ago that time an application tor tillage slants was re jected Angus Chamber spokesmen have pointed out however there has been greatdealoi development since willdl they feel well warrants new efï¬ort As Luigi neighbor Banjul la hide esbed 303 Wt 55 in that ofvother conummities of the area If Angus 1e generally went their community to me town they have onlytblebest wishcsiromï¬ame irom Delaney otH RAi Palmer MdtorSalesl Shawnmeat former premier of Ontario in Guelph to does College Centre Simone school in epectorlioy McVattic commended Barrie Public Ilibraryior invaluable help to smdents Ménulce Park of school staï¬ suffered lmee injury while skiing on Ailandcle golf coluse warmtended byprNeuIamleCedlMNmis Myriammed treasurer Collier Stjllnitei Church week Ed Brysonstee room teattires cream puff sundaes at 15c Jack sausage as special for 16c lb All seats at Barrie Arena reserved for game when Colts meet Native Sons Manager mid Ilatold Gottonformerly up In challenge curling between Sar Jeant static oilBamie and Oldidia Walter SantosWu Barrie team beat Stanleysdr jeantsOnillians Albert Bowenle youngest of famous hockeyplayingng gt ens of Aliandnle is coming star He scored live goals Saturday while playing threegalmes in church league echpcl lleagueandcolmty bantam leegue Albert Demon Barri 1936 junior hockey Amerlmnir dence Reds glaayers will huday art Bard nlt trllll Aqmury in exhibi Dyck had Oopaco pork Leafs iscoauhof Tonontoteam 125 UnivcrrlfltaAveuueyioron has Toronto GramteClub gt Ipd pltllulcuulltln tn lllta bItilc Ill maimed through our nilre net Mostly the vlc tllnr oivunurual buiolrairucl me they ind no appr 1pm on the redtIpc arm of tha wallarc rule Ind no nltvInt Wei bind extmded to Oh IM thrilled it in list weir mutual be worthy care who can be helped in hil DinacUooary RM acid the llev Reed Bilbop oi Ottawr lie on Iddrculng the mug meeting at nadezvotll ln Quebec ol ThoBIIbopl the group nearly loo Angllwu bl hlI dim Every community bu its own group dedlutId to good work in Icleclod ileldr But becluac the largest city in tho dioccle nl mm happen Ilse to be ou nItlooIl capital to Ws Mm otlIwI tcmprlu ecu simmer tinny whom In their plflic hie Ire prominent llgum to serum oi lhclrccun Among them can be seen prvy councillors and judges ol the Suprcrnd Court Idlnlnlr and mandarin ol the government establishment Ilr aces and leading prlvnic cit belts Tbclr task Bishop Reed ex plained is like that oi the knights of old to supm 1° lord Blabo in Ill blI activiilu Sc compre enslva is the mom heraldp that among them an be lound the metal Muriel Ind partlcullr urviceI able to II list him so Why contributing alarm but lnsllfldem had hr each year Then mcnlu4be blIbop ii bio to lcy out mont lesr ol the regulatch at Church or State Ind without my It mating to their Iutbctlty Tbmntor thcp Wllkilucc Irplalned the nice oi melt dlIcrcllenIry mud their Bo eIupc at thI be bun Iver day the blimp all me may Imnll but vIluIblI indi vidual Mllbb lifts ll be Ind IvrllIblc llde which did not need dlouunumoval in their disbursement lbI diocese ol OtlIwI covm 10000Iquuc mllu cl Ontlrlo Ind Web rushing beyond obll commit to the contrast Ind Familka to the mat Yet In INVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR new Examiner llvltea cclé tribune II in Lotion the editor column on the II ltorirl page Wlm panick lflknlbouldbcfllhlclcdb to Imdl Ind lilo IhouldbcllnILWflknme ullrlel pen name ll they do llRoUND THE WORLD FundHelps which The rum and do not yIt Include nprergntltlvu cl than Importantammunition out from another dispel cation It thlI Ilium ecumenical gathering this Ir was 1le dlnlnndlbcd nlicd Church Language Training Vavcv rounc man Hon Mitcqu Slurp Foc Ill Minister rupcct envy blubo Mr Smaloid tbc userrde Ehn plat or ran it handily II mlnlrtIr Im alien respectfully clllcd Your Excellency outIldc Omit Bu here even by tor mer cabinet colleagues Im treated with lac respect in mhhulï¬oflrlnuudlï¬m un Imec Iry up aboutmzfr be clipped IllIll gun ruleronce to bird in liked nu which brought an oule down Last you dcurlbodln ibi tolumn 1mm abbopr ltlcn illInpinlbcwcliarcnct till diocuut mtdrv mun Irce written and but he was been Interested by what had pleased that thin column Ip pearlng in many newspapers in Ill partI ol Canada had brought him Inquiries mm mm distant dioceses with new that they are planning to emulate the diocese of Ottawa in letting up thclr own groups BlsbopI Men ls lovorcd IbcId cl all other el Building Ghettos Should Be Avoided PHILIP DEAN lordn AiiIIrI Aulylt The lut it uld man cl the Church thIt twetblrdl ol Ligworldldpczpl arc nulliï¬ed poorn Inng ng bodoahcutitl lblswasévll tied up with discussion ol riot at Sir George WilllIannlvclslty It Montreal There is no questlon that we must do someiblng Ibcut it We are our brothera keeperr and cannot or leer ol losing our lcringr of outlellcw mIn Here in Canada we can allold to give our Eskimos Indium and Negroes extra advantIch to ccmpenutethcmlor the dip Idvanldges they have Iullered It in matter of upgrading 300000 People at mo Ind we up do itlt ll rlght It there lhouIdbe lndlgnInt but nonvi olent protestiualnu our contin crumbs STORY re lied lndillerchcc toerdI leilcw citizens We muIt xiv them mltcne Ind educatlennl advancements Io that they can commml and retain superiur jobs Tblswlll not only be good lor our colored minorities it will aim help dlh pelll only pIrtlyuc deep rooted Hemp oi the whltc ntInwlln in hLI heart ol hearts believes the colored man to be interior human being and comehuw lnprIblc oi dolng things the white man door tumultb dual hiking the nutr out of their ii and Into job as street That would only confirm tho prejudice of no many whiter Ind those thereby continue the aura of per lltc condmenslon in which the colored man lives The same Ippller to colored immigrants Underdevelcped countries complain our pram tiring brain drIln whenwa 1Champlain Founded Order Of Good non rowwuv dillnelzl Ha mail delightful at ex on In history Ibcutchamplatns exparienccr at PortRoyal now Annapolis Royal NS Dining the winter of WW7 lamIndhlr colleagues founded the Order ol the Good Time which was the ï¬rst l0 cial club tnNcrtb America The is menther took turn being the Grand Master cdthc Day and one the dutlco WI to provide dinner at night They tried to outdo cldi other in serving gala banquets and their tables were laden with Nuts moose caribou door buyer burfund rabbit They also hadwlldducktxcmwcdm trldgc mmlwar Ilro unload mindingcalmed mt Ina ban Ind cod The Indlana led by Gill mm It Hayfield Street statement Authorized eI cecoud elm mull blyétbcmgcrt Ollie ille partme we an or Paymmt of postage in cash Return portan Mamet Ddily Sunduya and Statutory Holldayc excepted amnqu rates dauy by oarrlcr 50c weekly $1600 ygnlly Single copies 10c By mall Barrie 52600yearly Ontario $15wyéar motor throw ell $l8ycul Out Ildc Ontario 370 Year Outu side Canada Eritirh possesl rlont 515 your USA and foreign to year National Advertising Officer can to to St Mcntlt real IMcmbcr of the Ccnadlan and cuilllonI Audit Bureau at Times Hangmanwere hierdly and helped the club member obtain the load In rm the Minor ln eludingth Iquctwc Ind cblL drcn crcudred in the comp of the dinlng room and watched tbe proceedings They wen given blamit Ind brca Mind by Father Lalllcdle on Fcb 29 30 3th Champlain had loll Now to Quebec allefihlembenm ognlddoycd fly as tbeclfldgir Prayerigrutlmlrt on in one an lie would not say Give ul this day our doth In intimated on Give It tblI dry our more meIt or whatever producticl crest at that bqucled It that moonlit occult nvcnrs lullDuke of Monhnoruncy nude governor of cum IKECmbt untorive gvvemrol Aca villiRoyllnedict eatohlllthcdr duties ofexportxand imports die illsParliament cl UppIr canada opened and prohibited tale of liquor to Indiana Mauritian and St Law rcncc Railway was homo ramitbovllret railway legisla tion in Canada tauPerllument met at Toronto andlint protective tar iflr were introduced liloNew Brunswick lctlclr ture was destroyed by lire INSCity 20 St Bonhlca Man was incorporated lllMamegle Foundation gave anecdote McGlll Uni vercity twine minister Dlefen bakerwar made Ermn of communal BIBLE flllouclll The Canadian Press in ex cluIlvely entitled to the use quouaoliallmm ea in this pcrcred cwï¬mu local new publllbcd the FEW More than Imblni alu the world north to look away from drcumrtlncu Ind get look Quilt lake than oi your ritlzenr who IlreIdy have Ikllls or those you plan to train From those you wlll be rising but trainxand tahe those an underdeveloped hill take only their Iklllad people But MlIt il we dld the con verrel What we took the non kllhdlnd brought them over to leer not only color prejudice howcvcr politer veiled but also inability to compete in locil Iystem which make ietiIh cl Iucccss We would do velap ghetto cl underprivileged coloured people Ind why should we want to catch such an lnlec tionwhcn we do not have it We should tell Barbados lor instance We are not going to cannot allord to train during their llletlme we shall select the tralnable Ind dcthetraln ing at our expense and then lairc them to Cnnada unless they wInt to stay home It abould be kept in mind that In underdevelopedcoun can Ilucrb only trained people We shuilld not Illa item that number which country cannot absorb And this should be so plannedtllat they come with advantageu greater than tllosa white inunigrants have guarantced jobs lor in aturncc Third discintimation in reverse but wejowclt to them And we owe it to ourselves to avoid building black belies oi underprivileged citircns who will turn inevitably to violence Reed maul21mm mited num er cl Dld Lbll statement prounite Franck to be the Illfl hmlgc the Allwa is IbIolutely not The pron rclcuc returned to ccnlelencc Ilmdy held It Tomctoa Rycmn Polytechnicd limiting that erl Iitgoded by more an 1000 sec era Ind cdrcatom produce dThl war the third annual Iym rm creme mounted by Mr WelcbI department Ed ucatlon Mlanter William DIvis dcpalhneut Ind Icveral Ichool bonds lrbucnxconzeren rcfilcded the me no nI re contempo rary Canadian Ioclciy When English is rulerred to sec ond lIngnga in terms all conference or tcacherrol it ln nude Moon the mother tongue wlil be ltIllan Gar men that cl The Netherlands Polish or Ukralnian it can also be oecdsionully Sandma vlnn mother tongue or one iden tified with Mmiltemenuu country Ontario he been averaging about 1600 new arrivals each week sincc 1963 This is about hall the national bout Ind ob vloualy means that the province thcr by the but that relatives areVIlmady here or the grape vine tells them that lobonpor iunltler and living standard Ire in advance in Ontario chiller ï¬ght mmhvila um Ic mom mid hangings training lor non English speaking newcomers become major concern of sum war lj pm 919 pm Illplmfllhc VTopspllIn Ontario mmerr early Icqusltlon at the lIngngc of ill adopted land Ird hi mill and economic Id Simon to the Canadian wa of tile We thc tacit obliga tion to help with language and other problems rlncc Ill level of government In laud carport promm nt hmt 3mm RATE DOWN ThlI recruitment progrlm may be In urgent necessity in the years to come Recent edu Il Itltlrtlu ray that lit the dec Idc clues 1955 the Cauadlln birth rate has declined by In per cent Muchdthl declinels in QM bec which once had birth rate well Ibovc the national average but todly bar birth rate below lhc mienl Ivenge gulch chair among several people who should knoy indlg enter that Ontario in doiu more than any province in tbcmaitcr cl immtnlnlcg of immi my log nullom to ledlrllqucs developed in dudlng ltlma and variety cl teaching materials have been adapted for use in other prov inces in natlcm ilre Australia and South Africa even in the United States Much of the lurtrucllon takes Iccount psychnhglcal and third actor ol the now comcr cooperative effort like his involving two government de partment and revela1 school boards mg to the public that ipcverlrment by those elected and those appointedlrnct al way most cause Scmdmly somewhere to molly doing sometblnldn in Tia Enlidlmlwod sTAnnmo KIRK DOUGLAS LAsrrer repays Cliff Robertson CHARlYlt Adult Entertainment cum Bloom LikI furl Enjoy Eating like Duncingh COMBINEFUN and ico in the Somltcrmal NTRIBUTIO SAVEJHEJARK DANCE BuFEEI Admlrrion $1000Por Couple Mcior DeonPrlu YOUR SATlSFACTION VJInnholplngioward theprcre Illon or eaauluulsmiou talk for earn null in Rout AT HOLIDAY INN 930 Bolt HunterIOrdlteatra BIIko Fhotog rIph by Favere or PhcnIJ 80397Vcr7 66Mrpla Ave arcane lI Flewcrend Garden Centre Dunlap 5h Allcndalc HardwcrefEsso Rd Towers Hwy and 27arrloty Bill HawkinsVocelisl and MC Tlcltoto IVIllablo II Baum Jacksoni Grill Domlnlon Store AidoisllnrrllSavothaFarkFun