vM assw yam4 Members of the cast or Okla liong being presented this week by the Central Collegiate rinkmail CUNNINGHAM gets the last tuck of hair put iniy place by Marion Shaw be Glce Club are seen during Mondays dress rehearsal The musical comedy is being pro duced by Nancy Smith Dra ifoie going on stage In play Aunt Ellar in the Central Collegiate Glee Club produc nlatic director is Gary Earle music director Mary Vase and choreographer irenc Micknw tied at Oklahoma to be per iormedat the Central Audi torium Thursday and Friday at 830 pm Examiner Photo Would Boost Membership In RVH lCOipOlCttiQn Tile Royal Victoria Hnspitai board of directors would be de lighted if every citizen who tour ed the hospital at its opening last November decided to lie fbme member of the corpora lon Dogs Beware Alvd Scluve Dogson the loose beware Aid Philip Sauve is on you tail The Humane Society picked up 17 dogs last month in their daily patrols of city streets Aid Sauve doesnt think this is en ough Seventeen Thats only half do every 11 hours awarding tn the patrol schedule they are soosed to follow Aid Sauve said also understand that the patrol are starting at rzloet ttieTmcrning Thats Lets lace it he said All the dogs are put out at am and brought back in before the kids go to school The damage is done beioreihe Humane Soc iety gets there he said that hesfelt council should double check the job the society was doing and asked Aid Parker councils represen tative there what the figures were for dogs collected before ti the society took over the op aration from the city Aid Parkersaid she didnt have the figures at her finger tips but would check She bnnir exception to remarlrs made by Add Les loiliile at an earlier meeting of council Aid Jollllln hair suggested that if you have problem with dogs call me Theres no in calling me its the job of the society she said She Les Cooke chairman of the board said this morning he hop ed the publil would decide to take an interest in the affairs of the hospital membership drive is currently under way to increase the number oi people fines and penalties to max mum of $300 for infraction of city bylaws bylawytp define the duties and responsibilities of the city administrator Gerry Tamblyn was appoint cd ad strator in Novem her The bylaw is the re sult of job re evaluation conducted by Dr Donald Brown rental was eetat $55 with charge of $3 for each foot nver Lb feet Launching ramp fees ware set at $1 per day and the seasonal fee at $10 while commercial boats must pay too Whitest slilriln sum gt Heautliully Laundercd desk who will be qualified to vote or the now slate oi olticers in March Membership in the Royal Vic toriaflospitai Corporation is $1 said Mr Cooke We feel this is big business now that our building is worth more than $8 million Mr Cooke said he feels the public school be involved in the decistnnas to who sits on the board iweive members of the zuman board are eléded to the office The remainder are ap pointed The city of Barrie county of Simeoe townships of Essa Vespra and innisfil each appoi one member The hospital medi cal cornmltteelias member on the board as well as the Womens Auinlliary MrCoohe aslrs anyonewho interested in becoming mem ber of the hospital corporation to contact board director or go to the hospital and apply for membeiship at the iniormation All applications have Membership in the corporation has fluctuated over the years This years board hopes td es tablish figure that they can maintai regular part of our insurance programming vantages of modern ance technology rue hind xannran TUESDAY BRUARY 25 ll Hydro Workers ilre Outjllgain in Barrie Vitrea The majority of the 900 Canad ian Union of Public Employees out on strike today against 01 tario Hydro are in the Georgian Bay Region six hundred men failed to show up for work this morning Management and sup enisory personnel in the region have moved Into poser transfer stations In an In hydro spokesman said this morning power transmission was not expected to be alftctcd by the walkout unless there are ad verse weather conditions or if aim is major equipment breakdown in the region The walkout in lhe Georgian Bay region today is part oi continuing efforton the part of CUPE local 1000 to harass ily dro management pattern appears to have es tabllsbed itself in the walkout llydrn spokesman point out Ihat walkouts take place in an area tor the day but in the past only portion at the men have re turned to their jobs By the end the week said the spokesman they havealmost sixty per ccntof their men all the Ian Itamgcmcnt andsupcrvlsory staff are putting in 12hour shllts to replace the men who have walked out LOCAL GENERAL REPORT ARREST Barrie police reported the ar rest yesterday of Torrance Aub rcy hinlnick on charge pl bleak enter and lheit Malnick has been charged with breaking into Lakeview Dairy on Feb 16 and stealing radio CAMERA STOLEN John icrvelund reported the theft of camera from his car which was parked on Gunn Street yesterday Mr Jervclund said his arms parked on the street and incited Thecamerais val ued at $200 EMERGENCY NUMBERS City Police OPP Fire Dept Hospital 728$ 7254484 71 means Begins Duties The new rector of St Giles Anglican Church Rev Herbert Bull cnmcslo the post alter four year interval of post graduate study in the United States and work with the Chil drenshid Society in Barrie Mr Bull who was earlier rec tor ni Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Kitchener takes over ofï¬cially at St Giles March 16 He replaces ilev John Roney who is now at All Saints Church Whitby Mr Bull was bornand rais ceived his bachelor of arts de ontnhnd bachelor of learned theologyirum Trinity College at of After leaving his Kitchener parish four years ago Mr Bull studied in the United States and is currently working toward masters degree in psychol ogy More recently he has been social workerwilh the Childrens Aid Society Mr Bull is married with three children agedliu to Zi Horticulturists Arrange For llour The Barrie Horticiiitural Sox ciety has planned atour to the Toronto Garden Club Flower Showtemorrnw Feb 26 The bus leaves at am the fare is $275 The society has also made plans ior learnt to be guest speakerat the nextropen meeting tobe held Marclrs nithe bra hall at Bégiri New Rector lit St Giles ed in New Brunemck lie re grec ram the University at Tor afternoon iUHlVérSitYyy Until ï¬ty council wont be asking Planning Board member Jack stellar to resign at least not until Mayor Robert Bentley has talked in Municipal Allairs Min ister Darcy Mdtcough general government commit tee rccnmrncndatlon asking for Mr Stnllars resignation was struck from the record last night and the issue was miened back to the general government com mittee as Mayor Bentley told council split vote on the Stal lar issue would not help his de putation to the minister He said two aldcnnen lied ex pressed the opinion before last nights meeting that they would not support the general governlt mcnt committee recommenda tinn believe that it diminishes the stature and attitude of this coun clI to have split vote on Mr Stellar The report that will present to the minister oimuni cipal aflairs would have been aided by unanimous request but not by lactloncd vote he said The motion to refer the mat ter hack to general government was debated ior an hour last night ascach Alderman had his say on the issue Mayor hentley left the chair to bring the motion before coun eiL Planning Board member Jadr Stolinr appeared before city council last night to present three written legal opinions that the city had acted improperly in issuimhuilding permits ior the Rucben Corporation subdi vision on Cunrdm Road Minimum requirement for the floor area oi residence In an R2 area is 1100 square feet it building permit has been issued or building measur ing from lhe outside of the out side walls to calculate thearca and the area measuring from the inside oi the outside walls is less than 1100 square icet there would appear to be an ill iraction of the zoning bylaw and Marchlti REV llEILBERT BULL Name New Meinbei To iiillliF Executive Jack ilaskett has beenelect ed in the executive otthe Army Navy Aifloree Ill Also Gil Fairchild was appointed par ade marshal at the clubs last meeting 0n day Feb 28 atiiprn the club is sponsoring aveuchre night with all the proceeds going to the Welfare club in addition the club lipids Weekly bingo games Wednesday evenings and intercity darts every Saturday The Ladies Auxiliary arepliilb hing their next monthly Satur day night tan in addition to Tbisislbsthirdllmolhava loll the chair to speak on an issue he said ln each can it has nvoived tinprinelple the responnbllity of government under the mayan position it mm mm but Am defending myself he said De fending myself because ob ilxation under section 111 the municipal ct statesit is the duty of the head of council to hevlgllanl And active in csub his the laws tor tbs government of the municipality to be duly executed and obeyed Tlierelr no choice hen no option no dictatorial powers that give me Ibo right toebose to net or decide not to There is no option to poll the people or alderman test tho wind of public opinion There is duty singular duty for no other member of council is re compelled by the Municipal Act duty toseethe lrwref the city are adherred to Time can he no respect for municipal government it tho people believe brine led to believe that Ihaclty disregards its own law andthat it it the realdssue thatrius arisen PRIVATE DISCUSSION could have called the man in for private discussion we could have chatted he might this would bestbe cured by an Ipplication to the committee of adjustment forsonsent to Ini nor vnrlance said Gilrles Wii son of Wilson and Graham jln my considered opinion the phrase floor am iridearly de iined as the total area can tained within the outside wall of building said Living stun oi Livingston Myers and Cockburn its me would clearly indicate an inside floor area of the minimum square footage therein indicated he said building pelunit issued for onetamlly detached dwelling Barrie Student Gerry Rbbnson oi Barrie has been selected as one of three bmoon players to participate in the National Youth Omh ior 1969 gt Vi Robinson along with in other successful candidates wasdios en ior membership inthe or chcstra after extensive auditions were held across Canada Now in its tenth season the orchestra will inundrita 1969 tour at the Stratford Festival on Aug II proceeding then to Toronto Halifax Saint John New Bninswick Charlottetown and St Johns Newfoundland concluding with concert at the NatiflflfliAï¬J Centre Ottawa on August 14 President Bailey Bi has al so revealed the ï¬rst step of plans for programof expan sion The National Youth 0r chestruboard headed by Mr Bird has decided to accept an additional 34 youngmusicians for training this summer Due to thesize iimitalions ill 5W phony orchestra not all the de serving oppiicanlis could be sea canted into the ï¬rst orchestra hence the decision tofomi chamber group gt The as will be taken to Tor noto in July for the fourdweelr training period to take place this yearat the Edmrd John son Building University of Tor onto Flawity of Music The spe ciai trainees will form cham ber ordiestraand with the Iuth fledged National Youth Orchw tra murbers will receive pri vate sectional and ordiestral tuition from the faculty mom herslhe 84 will study Ind per fnnn onlymthin the fmnaworir of the Julytniping session dis banding It its conclusi theirr regulariFridayTnight dances TRYEXAMW Selected Fer National lloath have assumed that ltkwunt thatmlnus it was minor var iation or silghily worn inter pretatinn but we wont worry bout It suggest to you council members that being little il legal is no diiierent tram being little pregnant EEmm that type of gentle niean agreement or closed door discussion corner nothing but un certainty rumor and doubt in the mind ol Ihe people aslo the integrity or the city public charge am the city of Barrie is acting illegally is not petty alfalr Publicly charged we as city publicly asked ior substantiation at this charge he said BUILDER AND BOARD several Aldermen who spoke last night were concerned ihat the city had builder on the pimping board if formerly had twoGcorgc Dnvies term ended In January am against having bulfli ers on the planning boards havsibcen opposed to it as long ulhavebccnamemberoi council Aid lea Jolliffe said bavenothlng particular gslnst Mr stellar but do think ilhero are other smart people la the city who could he on the board The most Impor tant issue hen though is that Three LegalOpinions Salt Cit InErlfle located in an R2 gone under zoning bylaw 6767 where the floor am as measured mm the inside of the exterior walls is less than 1100 square feet is an illegal permit as it contravenes section LS 22 and 71 of zoning bylaw 6767 Sage of louder Sim bod Eigelow am Blgelow planning board member is also mem ber of one of these firms Nut have shown the city did at it legally when they issued those permits hope he doesnt sui ia because oi this Mr Stol lar quippcd as he presented the hriols orchestra GERRY ROBINSON Io VQuit we cannot condone rIatemcnIi that the city is doing snmeihlng illegal especially when they come from member at one of our own boards Fourteen months ago bltteri ly opposed the appointment of hlr Stolinr tn the planning board Now it is the duty of Ihl mayor ln correct bad Impres sions created by Mr Stellari And think it is the duty at cuunriI to support the mayor said Aid Frank Hersey Alder Al Macmillan Dorian Parker Jack Garner and lack hlacLaren took issue with the mayors position think we have wasted rnlt nugh time said Aid Garner We are passing the buck in re ler this again to committee We should decide this thing IonlghI ll Ilt dont believe the accusa tions to be tnie then we should take action it they are true wl should solve the situation Aid Macmillan said he Ielt hir SIoilars acunna as builder had no bearing on his ability as planning board member Mr Stolinr onstraled certain qnulitieswhich we ieit made him good choice tor the board These qualities have not changed He might very welI be rascalbut if so he was one when he joined the planning board he said Last nights decision to take no immediate action on the Stol lar issue was the most recent round in continuing struggle between Mr Stolinr and the city that resulted from acclisatlon by the planning board member at January 16 mccting of the Bar rie Builders Association that the city was Involved in illegal ac tions Mr Stellar is president of the Association 1hc general government com mittee requested that he put in writing those accusations and Mr Stolinr replied with de putation to city council charging that the city had issued building permits lor the 100 home Rue hen Corporation Subdivision on Cuddles Road that did not com ply with city zoning regulations noon SPACE He said the zoning bylaw re quires 1100 square feet of floor space for single family dwellings in Ihat area This 1100 square ieet should be measured from the inside walls of the building but in the case of the flueben subdivisinn the measurements were taken from the outside he said The mayor later called for Mr stallars resignation accus ing him of threatening the city building inspector with loss pl his lab The threats he said were the result of report done by inspector Chris Spanis on home built by Mr Stolinr week ago legal opinion has obtained from the city soi citor stating that in his opinion the permits issued were not il legal He maintained that where there is ambiguity in the inter pretation of restrictive legisla tion it comes out in favor of the person upon whom the legisla tion is imposed lnsidelob You Want rennin Then See Allandala if you are planning an inside in be it remodelling your Rec room Den extra room or kitchen we have all you need to make the job come off NICHOLSON BUILDING COMPONENTS MUMBIA meSWEle00D PANELLING ANT PHONE mini lliinlt minlinemen hApriL Forfurther Meditation ask for Spring Glade 13 studentslou cansialt your University cjareer this Spring with the University of Guelphs unique Spring Admission Program Mmissien Brochure iron your mhqqlsï¬nidenceofï¬ceidr wniethefleglstran University accelerate your studies in cerium of Guelph Guelph Ontario gpwgnims ltencoulagesclosag studentfacultyrelationshipand guarantees tincampus residence Join the increasing number of Glade 13 students beginning Univarsitv in April at Quelph akTadvantage of the Semester Sysie which pwvidosmaxirnum flexibility in course selection You can hegln yourstudias in Arts SclanceJtouaehold Science 01 Agricultural Science in April insteadofSepiemher There are oihar advantage esp Admisslon it otters Three Sémester flexibility and the option to suglested that perhaps the city ad stnatnr had further infor mation on the number of dogs Call the trained people 27 Collier at hair ii lillllilul illill do 51 Siphon this