Mac 5w SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS one srltrrou tau WWRD Om Stitch in 4H club held its third meeting at the lips Madden Feta owith elm members discussion on har mony in the wardrobe was held new press secretary Suzanna Maud was eletted tumors mass The Community Centre In filled with men women in chlh dun Feb ltto the Bell Telephone films er Mr Sun and Communication the area Iector was run by Andrew hlao Grexor and the movies were en Md Rotdnxstzooodeelni Antbul pop were aold and the remain ll be at tho comnmnlty centre baby dim lot MW Douglas mun inlant eon Mr and Mn Doll Lankln val held at the hall About 15 it dies attended and till included IIth chllr playpen baby out and many other articles mar am Rezlatratlon or the St John anon course in ï¬rst aid lililSlON Mu Aloe that at Roaster NY lormerly ot Allistnn ls vis ithz lrlends in Alliston and on to orb for avaoa tionhlra Phyllis Anderson en lenained bridge eluh Monday SAVE SAVE SAVE mums surrox and Mrs hoax wash xuest Sympathy is extended to lllrs Milton Sutton and daughters Diane and Patricia in the and den death oi husband and lather This highly moected family moved hm iron the harrie area MRO CRAIG The town was saddened to learn or the sudden death of Mn Carrie Craig on her hind birthday in Stevenson Memorial Hospital She is survived by her husband nan aadone non Gary service was held in Thomas Ptmeill llama and bur iaI took place at Remington Prince Edward lsland an and Airs George Meringue were in Pill for Man Qatga ltan an and Rita malt Bladr Toronto lslied Mr Blacks va Lu llirs Robert Patton in iiston Nursing Home andrulled on who relatives Feb 11 DoWllldInKELLAR The wedding took place in Johns Church Feb 15 at Ban island nla mKeilar daughleri oi hir and am Andrew Mdtcllar and Wayne Dewitt ol Prince Edward Related and reception was held in the church parlors The couple de vrlllle me their home in Dunn SHOWER Mrs Doug Euthverl was has less for shower or recent bride Bonnie ltchellar About to people attended and the bride received many heaulllul and uselul gills Revlon Shillnn ol taught all man CLIP THIS COUPON AND CLAIM YOUR speaker Irotra the Alberh Game Farm was at Banting hlc mortal irldh School recently tie cheetah and gave an interesting talk to the stat hirs iiao Realty and Alisa Gladys McLean are in Steven son Memorial linsp lag lrom surznry Ital remov EitCPwYNENT mot Oanadian municipalities am ploy more than 20000 polite FREE ROLLAWAY FT uorltma To PURCNASE N0 ORUGATIOH WHAISOEVEIL JUST BRING THIS COMPLETED coupon to voun uranrsr nnumtotl t4 nit IFCEWE nus ii in donations on CANADIAN MAID IRONING BOARD Strong steel construction and attractive modam dnsign in whila and avacado Adjustabln Ie twnlvn eonvoniant heights with nonsslip plastic leoL Regular $885 SALE PRICE STEP0N CAN Heres the narieet garbago unit or kitchen usuJuststop on pnddl and lid gï¬ggisï¬u opens in gleaming mm white with eanyto might xa clean aluminum lin 18 high II wide Regular $699 SALEPRICE rd Inr who Rogular 32 SALE 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