Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1969, p. 13

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ARTS FOR SALE NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD 1b beau oi tins bmdloom Nmnuiis all siren and prices DOAESTIC AND IMPORTED anotmooit 61 Collier St Phone mull mm Ialln HM Ilh gill one mind Ina nation plcklll fun Iaimunolui mu gambit no slurr or aar ma Shut kart marina by ng In To lumumhfii or Barnmm AXOPHILVI lor ll Elinor hrl or In umlrmr condition tuna hm man all Emu WW uIrlzmrl COG Ila lls one atom HEAVY pm Electric Stove no or inda or minor washer Tea Ind rrlb till his snail Nov own in new mva in ask as loan merit sisal Meimn mom sltzr am one FOR SALE suite elillfl med Dinetla Iornzurther inlonoaUun ea co Izmc chcstlrflcld uluem to dcJtlgin er ws er 5193 min uOMI Anti And Odd and ends fin limo Manna mu Sir 0bmi mum Hill 11 noon WALVUI Htfl IRWIN IMHEI with drawer 321 rum salad forks and ram spoons TEHKIIDII DII Am An men alnile Illnlttl alto blankeu not rich mom waairr linlnl net ilo rounds Almat new Wui sell reasonably Tellphom midi menus or nle main lure MW lam lrr mu also mchlna mic uira mun rrlepuonc WILDEIRD SEED ii cents per 1b Select Fina sum kc Ltd as Vupn sL 715091 runesom your sale now linen and plum apartment lire with ma delivered mo Alan re conditioned used plan 14 Blues Sltbet Thornbury Call imam our to pan dlllyjnd roam you on Sandi bumnmo rur rm to to test round Lruu N15 must be dil mantied inn removtd rur furthar internlion niepbonu 5595 irizca CheeksIll table reiri erstnr llrljle continental bed Al lunwlood condition Telephone in shot at home servtcn masts at bolstering dra erlel latest fabrics Barrla Tent aha Awning Hm Rainbow hill tastelexrlu git lslm en arr as in Pharmacy or puuion 72m DOGSdrFETS POODLES DACHSHUNDS ouslliy subplot at compehtivz prim are our business when an tor Diem we hiv V0 in salad when In one in us mind 7min gtHlullyl mun PDDDL Inmrnlnr Proisuionai rooming all breeds nicklap and delivery nsom POINTERS citmar short haired 12 weeks old Hunting and show Hock MIMI suntan or ouieonr ARTICLES WANTED TO SELL 0N CONSIGNMENI Clothing accessories household items small appliances sports equiprnent toys baby iurniture Must be tresth cleaned and in good repair THE WISE OWL 7288461 your china unmar minim unvrr cracks hooks Antidlll cellar 259 Billion mam pour coins wanted any quantity prices paid Touphoae 5fi CEDAR POSTS WANTED to ha too and it hughton elephant 295le juthn Ontario siucacm wanted aoaolum sin also wuou suitair mall children Would preier mm with no nob luua reason able Telephone mom FARMERS MRKT LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HORSES boarded box mus excel lent use Reasonable Urban mam Strand town PERSONALS FASHION snow Helped III Billbo ICI Malum in plane Illvyhbld me DRESSMAKING NOW IN BARRIE Perfect Film Garments Made after the latest Minn from pondhoop laiilori bow us by Elawean skilled ecu ttalere No pattern needed Faradappoiotmontali MM the when to urban about at can lorou blna LOST FOUND undue lost Din nnll on flash whlh with black and mm markings on county road be twoea Antn Mill and Ilasins no salurnsy rlcsn llltphona no my to HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE naer rowing Canadian nn now in rim or sales more nor In nopsmuruu spotu hirern aiilmsroltvl mullpin umrr and out it an and to ml to sand otn amaa moat mmmu mu mailman Awly Canath FEMALE HELP GIRL FRIDAY ilcrkcccretary capable of ac captlrig responsibility Ior gen eral insurance coriipany acmce office opening in Barfie in March Must be competent lyp isi and scanning uiih figures General insurance experience either with oommny or agency helpful but not essential challenging position with In teresting permanent employ ment local working conditions Attractive benefits Write fully stating age experi ence marital status salary desired to RD BOX 52 Bale Ontarlo itnmnazssan required run time Experienced preterm Salary and commission Taleohans noun or mm evenings axrnmcan lrxil semin rr ouirro for new law ism tarni lrnl DIV and working conditions wnla an aarric axuoincr swan needed Immediately Fatii extra money at home For nirtber tnronnsllon call Launch and Well Inger usmr EMPLOYMENT WANTED mama mltt availabl tor part tiara work after nun and Imit cudr Telephone mam urnanon 1an and Patternal noprn noic service ireson rates 1159759 TUTORING mind up to Grade prrrbrably in Marin in students own hflml teispbons mom trauma mother will baby sit in her can harm Vicinity or and Telemann mom Wm WDK am children tn own home lust onebaa mile gin Food City and Towers Telephone mama SALES HELP 8t AGENTS SALES Representative An all Canadian company re quires an industrial sales rep resentative Ebrperieiica helpful but not essential for the Bar rio Oiillia Owen Sound area Junior Matriculation or better Salary cormniasioo expenses and company car For appointment call MR CAMPBELL Continental Inn 7264834 Aa ONCE itawlclxli Dealer is needed to sell run time in Barrie or la MK rul time in rural am or some or at aeeioo write ilrw iatzii De Aizoaoa 4006 Riche lieu sL iontrnl so no MALE HELP ADVERTISING HOME woflx available melil gt limited loo Victoria strut mam other factorlu Reasonable rates lI LEGAL canta parental care DATED at Barrie thla Nth day ll Fettuary AD 1969 mom Owen Sreet BAHRIB Ontario Solicitora tor the CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE 7282414 nustied advenuamlata sas aoii cu tor tlrm um mun re4 ceived by um day preeldlal publication or noon on Saturdly with tan emotion or Elanllltd airplay admllumnlr wiuoa must in by 1100 noon nmsalos cu nouns on couamoNa All nbon liunrllon orders an accepted as convenlcnu to tho advortinara Tnlrrlon the Clautlled nnyertisin Drusrtrnsni trout all advert to kindly ncbcrir tnrir advertlarmliit immeois ly alter llni insertion in order any error or omission may be norttd boron am in order that arms may as rectlllld tor lha rat lowlal dav publlntloii iha Bar rlo Dimmer la respnnrlbla tor only an incorrectly printed blurb than at any anvrrtlrcmenr and Ihen only in the extent or portion or ad that involves ins mbnrlnt Errors which do not lessen tho nlus at tho inverilsrmrui are not eligibl ror canectlona by maregoons The ltarrll Examiner rcrrryu the right to clusuy raviro or select an want ad PATIERNS 4663 SIZES and WAYS ny ADAMS COVNT all the fascinating versions Shaper basic Mandarin collar Curve col Iar Tab trim Slashedin shoulder Bow trim Printed Pattern 4633 NEW Birth ABOVE Winners in the first modelcrair conlcst hcld sat uiday at tho Wcst End Plaza Woolworth pose with Judges Iira chlcl Dan Kcost and stall sergeant Alex iiicGeLrirlr at tho Eorrio policu belt contra is senior winner Randi Scott and Junior second place win her Russell Hattoii BELOW Acting Mayor for tho week Penny Hamilton will model contest winners at the down town Barrie Woolworth store With trophy in front is junior that place winner Donald Wam bolt behind him is second placerwinncr David Iupling ANNduNcrMENrs Barrie Public Library HOURS TO BE EXTENDED BEGLYNING MONDAY IMHOHM the ADULT DEPARTMENT or the library will open at 1230 PM INSTEAD or rm and remain open until pm Monday timiin Friday siturday hours will be 930 am to pm as usual illedliidrens department hours nliilrrernain undiariged tor the present ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Engagunents Marriages and Deaths Announcemens imaxlmum to words Cards of Thanksizi words additional words 5c per word In Memoriam the verse Verse per count line extra Coming Events DEATHS ENGAGEMENTS Ask Land Price TORONTO CF An opposi tion member of the Ontario leg islature Monday demanded statement lrom tho government on the purchase price of 277 acres of land proposed for Waterloo County towuslte by Development Minister Stanley Randall Now that the land assembly is complete there is no good reason for withholding such formation from the legislatur said Fred YOLIIIE INDY Yorkview during the throne speech debate Why didnt the minister buy the landdireetly from tho farm ers using an agent thus saving considerable amount of the taxpayer moneyI Since he bought Irom land companies which assembled the land how much profit did these companies romp away with COMING EVENTS and beside him Keri Munch who accepted third price on behalt oi brother Bill Exam iner Photos NEWS IiOUNDlIP mammalianu Wm7m¥l claims 31 memorial ram lulu1 Gegdvlnsg my 65 can it on logo dim 1961 tanner rector ct layola coilago Ia Montreal and water at the Unlverit Manitoba TomatoWard Yolin Coa 57 former hockey Player Vida Toronto Maple teats New York American and Emma Stars at the macr league CHMMalaria atoCaiiuln clilra3° pa pr dent oi the Paelch Northwest international cirwladoa Mm gers Association Medical Insurance WAXIf The Medi cal Society oi Nova Scotla said Monday certain aspects of the Nova Scolds governments Media cal Services lnsuranco billdiaa orhninote against the Mir clan hlspatlents and Moan ticularty the lowest trim group In statement released tab lowing weekend annuities Marlon this Boomunber oodcty said every donor realim tb liwlementatlon oi the bill will be extremely costly The soclcty said experience In othu provinces and countries has shown that costs under similar programs escalate whho the quality of services tends to dotulorato because of an over load on medical manpower and facilities both already strained to tha lirmt PM Wont LaslLong LaMaraIi MAX Judy Marsh lormcr state secretary said Monday aho does not be have Prime Minister Trudeau will remain long In ollice In an Interview Miss La iliarsh said Mr mdeau eventu ally will step down as Canadas loader because tho perks of the Job dont make up for the loneliness and the lads at priva cy Miss Lahlarsh also predicted that Public Works Minister Ar thur Lalng and SolicitorGeneral George McIlraitb will leave the Iedcral cabinet soon And in year or two Devel opment Ministert Joan Villar chandwiii goiia doesnt like comrrluting to Quebec Clty and his wife doesnt want to go to Ottawa Medical Imposier NEW YORK CPD yearold Brooklyn man who was born in Canada has been charged with practising medi cine without alicnncolaud hearing has been scheduled for Thursday March 20 William Macheod de scribed by state AttorneyGeo eral Louis leikowitz as new great Imposier was up rested Feb 11 at Brooklyn pharmaceutical plant He was described as havingheen medi cal administrator there for sev eral years and was said also to have served at various times as house physician in at least five hospitals in the eastern United States Leflrowiizs office said Mac tecd served your in jail after 1950 convictionon the same charge Indian Exemption OTTAWA 0P TIhe tederal government is considering the exemption oi Indians from pro visions of an international treaty protecting migratory birds the Commons was in formed Monday Prime Minister Trudeau said in reply to Robert Simpson PC Churchilll that this is one at number etiquestlonolnvolving Mr Groasiriaa referred totbc their earlier this month of eight models that were to be unveiled by his company at the toy ialr and said police and detective agency have come up with rui ilclnnt evidence to prove that thiswasaa insidl io Bertrand 7i QUEBEC UP An inform not say Premier JeanJaequca Bertrand would prefer to it down but will likely be drafted as permanent loader at tho Union Nationale party The informant prominent ugurs in the Union Natidualo III7 oramhy described the persona iaws oi the partys 5on interim leader by saying Moor day Lets say Mr Bertrand ll not overly temptodby the kids up jobs Appeal Rejectedli wasmoron MP ram Puorto Nouns serving hog prison terms for shooting up the United Statesiiouso of Repro oeniativeo is years ago have lost bid lor freedom Tho us Supreme courtrel fused to hear appeals in that rejected this latest mova Modi day without cvmrneuLThQ three men Ratael Cancelintran ds Aner Figueroa Caldera and Irving Floresltodrigucz were sentenced to to 75 years Now as high as Hall Sizes mu 12 use iris nil2 nova NEW Missera 10 mm it 16 ham Trififissiiigfiiliurru on ilondla ebnix 24 J96Yfiiiacfi Inley ac cr omit £51335 rléasSIl rr each pattern Ontario residents add cent sales tax Print forservtcc on Tuesday pm plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS Iriéimtnl Bmle Unto Cemete arm NUMBER Send order to Anne Adams care of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Outside tndian rights under study try In iijian Affairs Minister Jean Clare on to roar sndlandrsm ma iels vhoilc 456283 PIG wantan warn and overhNot arr iuIi iiim LICENSED BODY MAN EXPERIENCED Busy flat rate shop company benefits Apply to BOB ALLEN ATKINSON PONTIAC BUICK LTD wtmanrssllumlur and run Gear William or 151 Prneunr Stree wish to announce the In gagement their daugttier Shirley Marlene to Mr Kevin ammanual Smith son of irrl and Mrs Earl Smiiir or Barrie iho rumis to nuke place In Collier nlted Church Barrie Saturday March 15 mo at 310 pan lN MEMORIAM lies Bingo Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West $300 JACKEOT 56 NUMBERS ADMISSION We In support of the Barrio Branch Navy League OI Canada to lbs Fermi Toy Espionage MONTREAL OP ihe Ca nadian ioy Manuiacuirers As soniauon was urged Monday to draw up code of emicsvto pre vent espionage within the lotion try Efi hmnman Jersey 55 bud Muir quota bulk Iinlr miilrlns equip man Apply Box 57 Harrie Ear anéner or tumor Elmvalc zoo aouurav CHICKS RENE for uh ona your old on cents each adoptions Wu FEED SEED GRAJN to around muss smw FOR PARTTIME licenced body man LEM ly In person to DEIIIXI hllll Iill IIIIW Ifll IIIO lite bale in barn Telephone can crnwm SW PARTS MAN I7 Milky Ferguson Dulflfillv PERSONALS wnia giving experience and partic trim to Box Barrie Examiner if Perms SPECIAL $60m MON TUES WED ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON Dunlop St West mason Yonrmonsyin atwo three or iourycarVictoriaaadOrey Gumntredlnvrstmmtcmificato willbriiigynutbe exkemelyhigig interest rate oiseveitand three quarter per cent One yrar Crrtrfi campain and five year Certificate 71A mums royal Victorl Passed awuv at the Toronto General rm pits in Sunday February 19m Phyllis rriur beloved wife of Wilbur Harris and dcar mother DI Amt llurr Victor Bustard at Onto ville limes Harris of Coboux also aunlved by threa Miran il ttu mirrorsle gr urlnlalInTVlorI or ERNIE and warty all cs on lennett Funeral Home 152 igradmrd st viirm ror funeral lorry lnvlnl memory or our wif mother and mndmnth cr Mu Ila Jory ho died mL we llttle knew when we win thitmorn The narrow the day would bring To call lwll sudden to shock seven To but with one Alwayl snail Alw Grcssman oi Toronto president oi Reliable ioy Co Md told news copierenca at the opening of the Canadian toy lair that form of policing should he agreed to and ear forced by the association Meanwhile toyrnakera must tighten up security measures and do better job of screening employees ore qflldfi sew styles in ourNew FallWinter onl gtsant to the Toronto in Raniratory tea kthe noyai vio son Monday sisi Hodge Iuperlrlten Tmmu 01 public 5th Illd 549 31rd I0 dill IIIEEK mod Telephone motile in LYDUNHIVIO flnklnx III wan one 7258914 or no Boxnfl Baliin nook naw or banquets weddin diuncn uncured ANAF Ladiu titiary itsoval or motto iNCuiia tax returns prepared or arm hullncly or individual Kid 25 DI I0 WE d3 VI Elsi no sipulirmgpioiiiat pay Exiuuvacwmnios PHONE nilrut Low Low PREGULAR DRY CLEANING rulers Plain Drama Skirta Plain Pants trLa cs locks Mens Suits

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