VInctefasedMedical Services For Indians ilnd Eskimbs momtcrAaaem IVVHM Will to in nreuemdicai services tor Medium Ontario lindianr and Eskim has started udng Unis malty oi Toronto pimiolans The doctor11m are nailing awhedhoepiialatSlouxlmk out Ooh miles mnhwut oi the Lakchead cover large area north to Hudsons Bay west to the Manitoba border and out to Mumford The hospital is responsible lol the clre oi 8000 indium who live north oi the Canadian Na tional Railways main line The area lacks mods and the only communication for ï¬ve nursing stations is by radiotelephone and chartered nircrait Dr Harry Brio chiei oi pediatrics at Torontos Hospital tor sick Children and head oi the University oi Torontos pe dillliu departmurt originated the idea rtaiiing the Sioux Lookout hospital GREENE LEAVES HOSPITAL nergy MinisterJlJGrcene pltal in Toronto Monday attack lr Greene saldho algoking won but smiling cheer Hiy leaves St Michaels line where he had been taken on Jan as following nmiid heart was on his way to Ottawa tor months convalescence CF Virephoio an Ask Tough Regulations To Hall Glue Sniffing 011nm up Tough reg nlatioos to prevent gluespilling were urged Monday as the Com rmons gave second reading to he governments hazardous products bill Opposition spokesmen gave rm welcome to the legisla although some complained it was long overdue But Sieve Pnproski Conserva étive member for Edmonton Cen tip and former linermn with the Edmonton Eskimos called on Cunsumcr Mioirs Minister lion Basiord to take advantage or the legislation to put an outright on toxic glue say to the minister get iuii oif the market and the nor the better he said is only one oi many con products that may be or regulated under the ore and the government does not yet said what it plans to do about it Jilr Easiord has explored the ty oi deveioping sale iibslituiesrior the model glue that has been blamed or purriberof deaths DEM WARNING He has also been considering uiations requiring warning ï¬lial or register of purchasa in or possibly ordering store keeperstn keep it behind the thter no children cantvstcai Mr Bostords bill has two lists of products the ï¬rst or those that will be banned comv pietely and the second of prod ucts that the government may regulate The first includes such things as poisonous jeouirity beans paints with high 1lead content used in childrens oys or furni ture and highly volatile paints ï¬lhe second list or schedule would give the government proad power to set regulations oi the importation advertising and sale of items as diverse as ï¬ltration cl oaiiunnv PURNELL WILSON CARR ith the death of Pilrnell Vikon Carr on Jan 20 at Hoy ai Victoria Hospital alter brief illness the community at Thorn totr iostu wedlmown resided llamas horn on march 201 oi the late Benjamin rr and the iormer Margaret one Wilsonpio Essa Township 11 is survived by his wife the former itlta Catharine Spmule oilUtopia whom he marri on éc 29 1924 and one sister Sterling Angus Campbell Thornton was member oi Thornton ty United Church and some as Clerk at the Session since i965 Mr Carr was also treasur eï¬hi Thornton Cemetery Board aeharter member otiheCoolrs Renewal Fellowship member oi the Manitoba Mason Lodge ZidA and olqookstown and until his health tailed member of the Barrie qirisiian Business Mens Com mittee we attended Cookstown don tinuation School He starlediarm gain at Egbert and in bought his fathers iarm aouthvoi Thornton where he re niained unhilvis when he mov red to Tiromtomond took up hilow carpentry business received many floral trib ulna Strvices and commit vg tilothiclr Funcfal Home Berrio on Jan 22 liev MIhoy and the Rev Robert son officiated interment was at St Pauls Cemetery lnnisi tiirr Paproski wondered why model giue had been placed under the second rather than the iirst schedule and sug gested this would open the way to permissivencss under the regulations it this happens and ii deli nite action is not taken in spite Mail the pressures that may be broughtand we know there is pressureI worn the minister he will not have the coniidenee oi the Canadian people No one can tell me it is not possdzlc or chemical compa nies who are always boasting about their research stairs tr iin sifbslitule The legislation uld give the government the rrght to add new products to either schedule as needarose The Senate which has al rendy passed the bill inserted clause requiring the govern ment to obtain Parliaments an proval within two years after adding product But David Anderson tin4E nulmaltSaanich served notion that he will move an amends ment to extend the period to perhaps eight years it such change is not made in commits ice Grace Moelnnis lNDPVan couver Kingaway agreed say ing the Senate has added dangerous piece or red tape lovihobili lioday the House returns to Justice Minister John Turners big Criminal Code bill which has had tive days of second teading debate Robarls Urges Cautious Approach Toward constitutional Changes MDNIRIEAIL Amy change in the Canadian consti tution Mist be realistic enough to provide for better liie and not merely substitution otwords on paper Premier John Roberts of Ontario said Monday night thiie changes must be dealt with very carefully he said We cannot take iorever to do if in solution or shortterm Optario yilgain Eyes Snowmobiles TORONTO CF Tne prov incial government hopes to enact legislation governing the use of snowmobiles aiter study ing the situation the director of legal services for the Ontario transport department said Mon day David uncan speaking at munic al counciliors semi nor during heannuoi meeting of the OntarioGood Roads Asso eiatio described motorized snow cles as irightening new maLs and invited mu nicipaii as to offer suggestions on legislation Harry lapyer and to roar mayorrotSaolrsieflieri 0nt said municipal oiiiciais particularly in Northern 0n tarloo have been leit with many problems in controliingsnow mobilesbeeause of government acti 2w if problems could heheneiicial to any remaking oi the constitu lDll Mr Roharts made the re marks at ceremonies wherefhe and Premier JeanJacquesiien rrand oi Quebec were recipients of the Temple EmanuEirEhothi echoed Citation of Merit The Rabbi Dragstern Awardr named alterihe templesspiritu al ieaderDr Harry lSiern was presented to the musical Brott iamin of Montreal They are Dr Alexander Brett his wire and two sonsBoris and Denis The premiers and the Brett iamin were honored ior their contributions to greater uhdar standing and fellowship among people Mr Robaris reiterate theme he expressed at the con stitutional eonierence in Ottawa this month when he lied or functi he led BAitRlE SiGHT AND SOUND IS novno vDECLARATioNL ilNDEPENDENCE iiyyour are good at selling and managing sales of intangibles we would like to tail to you about franchise arrangement There would be no investment reoui otyoo Whatwedo expect apartfrom your sales ability is common posibie sense of financialresponslhliity You would be reprcscnting highly repulable national organization withita iieadpitlce in Toronto and ahenvlaVie reputat throughout the coun BEGAN MAY 1968 Dr Rain wproarhed the led out govermmt in May ism with the idea at helping indian and Ealdmo children Dr Allan Hnadysldcr and Dr Ovlsk Poor irom mo mm the tirst trip dime Boone bolholvthe Sick Childrens Hospital norm at Sioux lookout and two other will loin them but week Thaiederel government will sponsor University oi Toronto program to send two doctors to Sioux lookout for two yearn Dr Robert Maeklin and Dr David kgge both completing internship at Toronto Western Hospital have been selected to Dr Rain says hehopea the program will expand to include dentists and nurrea Paul st Jacques oi Sault Ste Moria Out former teacher among iodiona in Northern On tario said Monday he is pre pared to cooperate with the University at Toronto pronm YOUTH mammal CHATHAM OP Police Monday identiï¬ed youth killed Sunday night when struck by Toronioto Windsor passenger train as Robert Wayneiiorniek i7 oi Gratham The youth was struck by the ï¬lm Tempo as he was walking across railway brid the cit sPECIALi sewn cough Syrup as Hour Rsllif SPECIALI ounces IS crouoro Fermi EconomyDeteridrdtés TORONTO The new nomie postiipnroi the Canadian tanner has deteriorated during 0n wheatlhe revhm fly the me crop pushed total rup pliesdio record womooo thalasttwoyearrandtheoot bush look is clouded by some long term problems the Bank at Nova Seotia say in its regular monthly business review The Prairie wheat lumer is being hit by sharp decline la exports and chlngu in the pat tern oi world wheat trade it says World supplies at teed grains Ind oilseed are luge and prices have weakened Although this has iavorable implication or the livestock in durtry which with strong domestic demand is one of the more buoyant sectors the over all picture ior Canadian agricul turn has clearly become more mixed The review says the agricul tural industry needs more so mlsflcated term Klimt better marhelin organizations and broader cred iaciiitiea EASE ADJliSlitï¬iNll it is essential that the op propriaie longrange policies he found to ease the process oi ad justment and encourage beni uitural industry one 20 25 Unionunalely the market outlook is not too encouraging World exports have drop nearly is per cent irom their niobium inrgercale purchases by Communist countries hava be come less important and more generally the spread oi im proved technology has been having signiiicant impact on yields and production trend which is likely to persist Canadian exportswhich had heneillted particularly born the heavyrdemonds irom Column nist countriu through the ï¬rst hall at the 1960s have borne much of the iolloii in purchases in the last two years or so The review says domestic de Fm AIRCRAFT lheiustest aircrait oi the Canadian Armed Forces is the CFlol Stariighior This Mach Jet serves with NATOasslxncd Air Division in the iedarai Rc puhiie oi Germany ilmblyri Saictyn inand tor ieed mid he been increasing but onlygradually Expert marketabave how ever become more limited with increased output oi barley in Western Dirope and strong to peel teroauonai Lo petition irom lowpriced hi gy teed grain especially United State mm CarilruCk RENTAlS ECONOMICAL DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY 723374 $5335 SFECINl ASA Tablets 59 Mild and Genlio To The Skin Tambiyn sarcnu the anlqcic Capsules ulh Bsf SPECIAL 59 sPECIALI 81 rm nun nomhudarhu pain aw Aspirin Tablets lesmy Hoe Syria IIL in on Airline DCORATEDTHROW Bound Im Squaw MediatedGremlmsklncmm Fordry or nurmll akin Niven Creme For dry normal or oily inn Breclr Shumpogit gcusnioas sascvnr 109 SPECIALI FADORN IIAIR sonar cant SPECIAL um Alberto shumpoe Hllrcoior Win were HoldAthena VOS llurr Spray No Her No Hing Slay Synm Fire or mu on Iiurhed so in lorllrnnefles Only SPECIALl 139 Vacuum sprcuu Shelf Peppercornauras srscuiLg tremors Douche L799 DuBnrry lARGE SIZE SAlE Llo surname casein Mann no ransrmmo awash in no SKIN FRESHENER on corn some In 205 new ROYAL mooring mo my MOISWRE PETALS or 35 rouuomon LOTION No FIRMING LOTION no vmraucs my VELVETVDATHmaimu 395 or spny or Giant Rollon SPECiALl SetrefDeoeloranl 99 MIdiiImVJar Lnilon or LarytTIibIShlmpoe SPEClALI Ileacl drislroulders 92y Winissuance 239 sbsciAli 99 Antiamp Ania srréuu 99 Regular or Hard to Hold and too srscw am Purl Aluminum cite srscinr Percolation m2 Pun aluminum soa Pelthmuirr srrcuu Egg Poacher 259 leeliar Firhnflilpx fried Chicken SPECIAL Pee wn miner arriick gt serum lousyOn Slureh 59 Fltea synbumfflmar and hwy SPEciALl Folir colours Phnle sealed SPEEIALl Eating snlnolny threading in one SPECIAL Gritern Bowl 88¢ smanormnr courter WITH ELASTIC mME Flliii OFFER LlavryvovoIxraottorrrm BLACK WiilTE Iroqpurmdzr KODACOLOR Vsozoiaviarusorxp will rmatvu liliiO OI AND IRENE FRET run run or one run run cx ms uin III as your mom KonAcom from negative or slide r5x5 or 5xlf Reg 129 BLACK WHITE Froinnegotive sarcasm 30 rdqu Winterirerh or Repvly lointa potionin and emu Micrin Oral Antisepik 65 nonrcnxlipellng antacid Maulox Suspension if 99 Newborn Mrdlum Toddler Dirporahia unpar FlushAByes ih 191 Regular or Salt Form Frrninlne Napkins Modes $644 assign iï¬ï¬‚diéléiéidiflflifliï¬Ã©iflfl Browser +113 35 88 Facial lissues shades iwfled ails Cardin Purely Hose Taker rh avshl our ni other on aim Ben Guy Banned 88 in Cold Cream Soon Save when Tunblyn worn Vitamin Mineral Supplement repulse 188 an 359 krlrrruihrlinnlldhvnupailmch AlliASElTZEit 575 érscuu 93 uer so or as SPECIAL SPECIALi SPECIAL SPECIAL 51 149 ï¬ll ii an Mdlhnhalauxedu momma mammary Mkymumeditso MAX FACIOR rrr silagisieisitiéitisisiéitisislsrldlï¬sisisi ephedrine1mm errant whr21l gt SiECIALI 121 SPECIAL erosion