Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1969, p. 10

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By GEORGE MN hill Dear Dr node friend of mine had cell bladder open ation Before the operation cer tain foods In him trotble Now 95 same toads still both er Several years ago my uncle had gall bladder operation lit that time the doctor told him he would bava to be careful about what he ate because witlwut tha gall bladder hahnd nothinx to throw off the poisons in his tyslt tem Of course this maids tilt odd to me but wanted your opinion ls there any kind at medication to prevent these cer tain foods from hurtinz my friend MB it mightmight sayhelp if you had told mo what foods bother your friend As to your uncles case the facts somehow got sadly tangled up The gall bladder has nothing to do with throwing of mo son it is merely rcsenoir for bile which is one of the im portant digestive juices and comb originally from the liver Bile is particularly important in digestion ot fats so if your friends trouble is with fried foods flrh pastries or other items hidl in fat you have good clue This doesnt mean ha has to give up fats entirely be cause own without his gall bladder he still is getting bile from the liver Without the re scnoir however he no ionizer has exlroamounts stored for eating times The answcr is to eat smaller meals or at any rate to avoid very much fat at any one sitting it is possible that he may also have trouble with onions or cab bage or certain raw fruits lurlhor possibility is this He may have an allergy or sen sitivity to certain foods in which event he had beat learn to avoid them In such caso there would be no particular connection with his gait Eadder operation Its easy to omrlook the fact that person may have tun things Mung with him and 10 soon uniirn Diet Restriction r9 Gall Bladder pitfalls of health careforget ting that all alone ills may not come from single cause Dear Dr fheatesoa have recently been told that have an eye disorder knono as pain gumla They say it quite oflan coma their and impairs ion Hou serious is itThln 53 Fingueeola is 3va spot appearing to older people on Ilia donor or outer side of the eye ball It is related to wind and dust exposure it does not inter fere with visions You may be confusinn it with ntongium which is fold of tissue usually extending out from the inner side at the eye boil it can extend far enough to interfere with visionhut can be removed before it extends that far Dear Dr lhostosoo Some months ago had what my doc tor called arllarthulin cyst told several friends and you should have seen the looks got They insistEd that it was caused by the same enn that causes xonorrheat good example of how some folks can be led astray by lit tie knowledge It is true that the gonorrhea perm is one cause at creatin cyst in hartholin gland but cysts can term from plenty of other causes includiot entirely diiferent organisms KNOCK Eight tables of players were at the auchrc Monday night Next cuehra will be March 830 prn DRAW F0 QUILT The Community Club met ch nesday in the Ccnlre Mrs Bowman was hostess and 1a members were present lllc af ternoon was spent quilting and as the quilt was opt finished the ladiesara askedto come to the centre March to finish it and roll bandages All ticket stubs and money or unsold tickets or the quilt draw are to he turned correcting one wont necessarily correct the outer its one of tho TELEVISION BUFFALO BARRIE 12 PETER 1Dlallnxvfor Bltamoar noon zcnneentn no ll izsmo Druz Helen anuum nuns 7illanlonos ounvin Mad About Mrnl 7oo Zlfzzel 4Perrv an Mike Dbuxlii 344511Seach for to momw rrunny You should Au SFllntslonts llLueilla Elli Lovl Luc llLuellla all Frontiersinns lPlerra Berton ilv Llna 141 riu Bunuv zanygm 11M l7hliIV Canon izilml Huey Bishop Impossible IrMom Contmuence £1 runtsionc 97 HM lxiuovx 1115 iLcood Gun 41ml switch 11min autos neon Wfifiifi sum w=sa thtan data of the draw thRNlNG VIEWING hléNDAY T0 FRIDAY arlzrricndn Ollfeta Schools oamm nuiounu llNewl iTUEGDVAY FEBRUARY 25 EVENING too snucn For The run son 2um Griffin 7Nlllaht no moon izGnuoptor 9Hrwitrhed JTnnv Martin Gourmet llPlerre Berton Minn Camnhell o4 Lo bury mo llUnder Attack Tau ONewl 7Nzws 79 9stllkili Walther 125 In Aqu 114mm Quiz 12113 Vtrltnlan snrothenrnLaw sTutn or vTnats Lila llHurk and ion coaseoucncex PAvcnuers soo smv it La llMurv Grlfila anlister ewe arlylns Nun shockct lIohln Hood iinly Son FDMMW 1fLochuey xivlatith Ill Hem kw 12 inocmm Loam Pyle usuc néwr 2wnur My sum time snsoau and mg cum 111 Mod squad 38 Cam 00 eona 11315 Elm litRed anus Hoav nun2n Consequence It $ll7lrlE oneiskenan izhiimcrmm £53 wmm 7It rm it rout tTheScraoa Goat szuo DBewltched izuuvin 44 uNeu uNYPD run TnHonl hand wnoNEsDA FEBRUARY 2a armmoou 1m ifk thr sMovo ewi to 335 Mine om anon 4m The snuur 6Lunclreon om 735 gun 7Bawltchrd 64mm iloe ora DWamens world bMovlo oGuldfnz leh llBtnlo it Hum km my Hornnation 5L 1Joan River le PM 11min llPerrv Mason izzn Ln cm IllCalnndar 34W 12Movte mo Aoponlment With LAMLM 1225 Shadow 13 to The World 11 or Our Lives ctavu litany Splendor rain izxvmez Sex 1mwiywed Gama WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 26 balen minnow mam annoy No nsguatiésinnimdi in by March 17 as this is the raccoons BUFFALD 77R0NT0 BUFFAU TORONTO 1i HAMILWN BOROUGH 74 CM attendedallhe monthly draw fa an snow Cards IUncis Bobby too lion in no souammonia Striker scum Mo 3m Tm dcaotdtmnroo srngo hrclrgggwo Oliver Pettlt has returned frnmf 3333 15 Ann 4Anov Griffith hospital following surgery on ngxflmu Kevin and Mrs Keogh and no family moved during the week bninrolnx mini 47Laggttfi tail Au end in their nowhomo iotha fiimufiwfljnm lZPlck or Wetk Subdmsmn thtOQflCOM lClrloou pissonus 1m RE zllollvwood Soure 4Dlsk Van nvke rants Saunders llBeiora Noon llSS tlois Giant toast no dNEWS Magazine 460 Minutes loan XZTake no Hccrct 5mm 7CEnEral llasotlal sreopiednmmuet aao 2vau Dont Sly andso of Nlrnt 7Cnmmnndar rnni 9Doctors mm 11 Law The Girls Evnnimo mo lllublle ruew Griffin 2+7DNews samxiey illllhilltoo 11minute 11 coatmanners Parana Show lZAvcnkm ye ucy isresuvai Hw mo 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diamonds orif East hasvil that you tun force him to make friendly diamond lead Inlo dummys AQ Accordingly after takingrthe ace of clubs you lead low trump to the ten whidt East wins with the lack East re turns club which youruft and now you play atrump to the ace Wesl following low as East produces the queen Your prospects hayeimproipd considerably since there is turrrnnnu By inns js men The Chamber of Cominerce held their monthly meeting in the town hall catered for by the Womens Institute The chamber plans to hold series at ouchrcs in the hall lllrf Lor lrin reported on youlhvactivitlal The building which it wasplao nod to use as centre is no longer available but the pro ject hasnot been abandoned OPP Constable Mlson ad dressed the meeting and show Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Murray Graham who Cele brnted their 25th wedding annlg versary Feb isjat the home in Mr and Mrrl Cllt Abrams The Firemans Associatiohheld dance in the legion Hall anl it was well Monday morning fire damag opnmcr Rimes in sscxln mood return thatpmduces trlti tell or mmyou are aome what ludw to make the hand by findingm with exactly three trunu hut ma so you are entitledita sortie credit for havinx washed out way to avoid losing diamond finesse By MR5 MONT Mr and Mrs Fred Stayenson Toronto soeot tbeweekand nl Fob is with mo latterfa uncla and sunfishand Mrs Alex 33me TJanthalpennyaod her class mutas Pamela Hamilton flick Shaw Sarah Hunter Cnral Hill man Doomwapman Don Tal mctier Georgehfolfnight and Susan Handy who all attend York University spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Halpbnrwv and atteodrd Banlo Carnival Mrs Elsiecameron helped the Senior Citilens tT gather Club Barrie entertain Stroud Senior Citizens by singinir solos arld Mrs Leah and Kitchen spent the wedrend with her rents Mr and ittrs llallinson Friends and relatives attend edsdouble birthdayhparty lor Mrs Misbelfiltiyes and her brother William McFadden oi Elmvale at the ho oflllr and Mrs ll Hayes Mrs Winter Thornton spenl IIew days last week with her dauzhter Mrs VL Gallaot HOMICULIURAL Vespra Horticultural Society held their meeting Tuesday in reiorestry lunch room The schedula for 1969 was read by sceretmyM11 Shela Pto talks groan by Mrs llfonlelth on tuberous bggoolas ses wethericlr gladioliMrs ll loy ston geranium showing how to startlrom seeds and from slips Premium thisyearwitlumm bershtp is sgonia or geranA ium Ii classin which to show them iwillbeprovided in the Augustshmv Next meeting will bevMarch 18 ihere was an very goodv turn out to Imeetlng of interested rarenta Association Tuesday eveninzu Speaker was Mrs Coddnsrn Barrie telling the role fpanentscan play in eduoa tionioftheirchildrem He Loony and daughters of og and partitions rmhava donorscnosswono aumsa Atrium ivsr if Apostolic 10 Sharp Thewholl amount 1L5plladlel forwhgsfa 1681agleunlt 16Ex¢ept 15 Exclaim Nona nun 13MPll center ELIname 24ludera growth 25Fauittly 29Fioor worker 3060lhifllu ELFrtlly 3251am atFoimol Margaret 18 916mg rl 11 Armjotnta 17qu vuo Ell hotel manaurca AIJTozethar Wadlnx bird 453fobalna modest god river 41 Elmo or DOWN EATO AW 315121 mfloafi in zip t3 twilififiline iativo Vddtbéwnodi wannihgfdnaaur 551m4i0htntnedn nanniauauk allanalail gnnnlal I4 fllllflfl HBHIIIW agt Mrs Coutta aurprisedher with Wednesday afternoon H112 ill gramfortheieven gveonslstedoi GRAN DMA Not heavy LDuteh 40 armsh Menu tear 42 Girls name BUZZ sAwYEk houses SKEETER BILONDIE to wines DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT rascava moosefl LEI WHAT DOES THIS MEAN Hl BEAUTIFUL COOKIE MAKER SEE TRAY BOY BEI mo nub yous MINDHELL SAY SOMETHING NOT REALLYWALL KIDG Am MY HOUSE Hum EACH WBII room ACTION sou MAVLEAVE CORNER NOW Jim MYCARS our or 5A5 LErs USE YOUR DADS isY rok NOW IM GolblG our wrm lFYoulz Nol HOME WHEN may ENGINE OPEQATDQ TRIES YOUP EAR NUM no NE massin LLv EAT mm HE STOMPS 0N THEWH urns YEAH ROCKY Immowmsrr NEW Iimww BEAlilP sov rubs nusocnsmo MR fOll WANl gt Msxwaaamr mo you asrou ma armor no

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