SEEPAGE THREE WEATHER EXAMINER TELEPHONES 59mm PM mama Circulation 1266539 wrth light Winds and no change Advertisingu 7mm vln temperature Low tonight as 165th Year No 47 PRESIDENT RlClLtltll hl Nixon right is met by Queen NEW YORK AP Hun dreds of mentally ill Americans have been subjected to involun tary sterilization in recent years in six states whose laws on the subject may be affected by US Supreme Court review Indiana one of the six steri lized 706 moles and 870 females from 1936 to 1962 The Supreme Court agreed Monday to grant hearing to Nebraska woman who chal lengcd the right of state ofï¬ cials to have her sterilized She was Gloria Cavltt 37 of Grand Islands who has had eight chil dren in 11 years Nebraska law which applies only to patients at the Beatrice State Home for the FeebleJiIind ed provides that sterilization may be imposed by bnard of examiners as condition for pa role or discharge hfrs Cavitt is patient at the home In 1961 1965 and 1966 Nebras ha sterilized 11 males and lo fe males In California the medical di rector ol state hospital can order the sterilization of any mentally retarded or mentally ill patient subject to the objec tinns of relatives or friends The objections may however be ov erruled by court Iiwdluntary Sterilization issdeomed tobeflintho best in Elizabeth tI and her husband Prince Philip as he arrived to department of mental health Monday ordered the steriliza tlnn of two women mental pa tienbthe ï¬rst such orders in 21 months Indiana law provides for sterllt limtion alter open hearings of the feebleminded epileptle and hereditary insane it the action teresls of the patient and of so erety In Maine subject in stale Institution may be sterilized by consent of guardian or rela tives or by court order The state has had one such case in the last five years Wrote Threats Man Found Dead THOMASVIHE NC AP 52yearold Negro charged last week with sending threaten ng letters to two persons active in George Wallaces thirdparty campaign in lastyunrs US presidential Election was found shot to death Monday The body of William Lee Payne was found byhis son in wooded area He had been shot twice in the head and authori Dr William Sheeley com missinner of flu Indiana state CAPSULENEWE Trudeau Uses Civilian Plates Prime Minister Trudeau has switched from licence plates for his olrautleaurvdriven lim OTTAWA dietary to civilian ouslne ties said he appeared to have been murdered TODAY Ann Lancers7 City News23 Cranmerre 12 lunch with Itirem at Bucking ham Palace today The Saved From Death mer president Eisenhower is convalescing very smoothly from abdominal surgery that him from certth death The doctors atWaler Read General Hospitalsald however that the 78yearold general will have to be watchedcspe clally careful during the next two weeks or any lica lions They added thatonly time will tell how much strain Sun days emergency surgery put on heart that has weathered seven major attacks The Examiner Comicslo DeathsL3 District5 Editorial4 Sports8 Theatre5 rv Listing10 Weather2 Womensd rimsm SAIGON CE Saigon po lice today clalmed they smashed Viet Cong plot to take over part of Saigon follow ing their new rocket offensive WAsmNGaoN AP For his doctors say probably saved Expect Announcement On Medicare TORONTO OP The Star says Treasurer harles hm Naughton is expected to announce in his budget speedi next Tuesday that Ontario will join the federal mediail care plan within yearn Kennedy Deiinitelyï¬hotFromBehind NEW ORIEANS member of the team which per formed the autopsy on President Kennedy after he was as sassinated in Dallas said Monday that medical evidence estabi Mined positer that Kennedy wasshot twice from behind CBCTVWill Cover Budget llddress lfll Ihe Gillsmrtnriotelelnlsion networkwill provode live coverage of Provincial Treasurer Girarles McNaugh ton hanging down the new budget in the Ontario legislature Tues March from 230 pm to about pm EST Plan Belief llirstrip For Bialra TORONTO QPv 2d0dmnegwu0jtmvtl Biafra mititary eadcr hastartatively accepted Canadian organizationsoffer to help build an airstrip to beused for the exclusive purpose of airliiting relief supplies inoo Bistro Find Gun Before Nixon Vrsrt IIINDON Marsh Police Morriss guiriri hotel robin overlooking Heathmw Airport just horns before American Presi dent Nixon arrived there Monday police said Announce TwoDay Truce lnBialra LAM Reuters fhevNigelan federal government an eowlcol stander mm in us waLMIthajrealrawax mtooffllafratlrmarkthembslem rellgrmilestlviloi ldTElAICEEirr Ilhe truce was to begin at midnight tonight pm me South Vietnamese forces re ducing the weekend At the same time US and pelled guerrilla waves less than 10 miles from the capitalthe sf penetration in two months of Snigons heavily manned tnple defence rings The Viet Cohgs three dayold offensive spread north today with Zn USJ marines reported killed in two attacks just below the demilitarized zone The US command reported more than 2000 enemy troops killed in the three days of fight mg Senior police officersitold news conference they seized 43 guerrillasguns and explosives Berlin Ready To Talk To East VBEIRLIN Reuters Mayor Klaus Schuetzsaid today he sent letter to Easthrman Premier Willie Stoph declaring West herlins readiness to begin immediate negotiations on an agreementrlor mor movement in Berlf Sciuetz speaking to reporters after city Senate meeting said the letter was sent to East Berlin by messenger today In statement Schuetz said he had been informed by West Glrman Chancellor Kurt GeorgeltiesingerthatiEesFGch man authorities were ready to moswmmtwn reach an agreement of this kind reeord Barrie Ontario Ch ads NIonpROMISES Pluto POLICE cordon demonstrators BELFAST CF Prime Minister Terence ONeill blocked in his attemptto gain unchallenged control of his badly split Unionist party said today he is not seriously consid ering resignation as Ulsters leader The leadership question is up to the party ONeill said at news conference as Mondays election results indicated that Ulster faces new political cri sis Results from most of the 52 ridiugs showed that the govern Scrigon Police Crush Gong Plot Police said militant Budv dilist leader Thich Thien Minh was held for questioning Hut nu charges so far were filed against him Documents were captured in Buddhist quarter of Saigon where number of young draft dodgers Were found hiding in bathrooms Police said the Viet Cong hoped to take over the Phu Lam district in western Saigon alter rocket attachs SundayVJJy nail log the people out into the streets to demonstrate and step ping up sabotage attacks and assassinations IIODLYWOOD for Katha rine Hepburn has seoredan other action trirunph by winning be llth Oscar nomination movie academy an nuts The wvyearold twnstime win ncrin Moming Glory in 1932 and Guess Whos Coming to Dinner last yearis up for Tire Lion in Winter iunnominaï¬ons anubuncedltlondaytor the flit annual awards Miss Hepburn was nominated for her performance as Eleanor of Aquaitalne wife of Peter OTooles King Henry II The Lion in Winter received seven nominations in categories includingbcst pic ture Others listed for best film with the West Berlin Senate of 1968 were Olivorl which led with ll nominations Rinny most of the Catholics did not Tu danyobruary 25 l9 epcls Jidges Ilotelherelast night dieloraPce dent Nixon arriv lurned but included were most ofthe dissidents who oppose ONeilts moderate racial poli eies would not want to stay on in this job unless can carry on with my policy of moderation and reform ONeill said ONeill had called the snap election in the hope ofiouting opponents within his Unionist party which in the last lltstcr House of Commons held 37 of the 52 seats Hejlad based hls strategy unappealing to the mi norityscatholie vote to help him in the struggle against right wing Protestant extremists But rally to him SCORES NARROW VICTORY In his riding of Banuside where he had been unchallenged for 23 years ONeill found that his rightwing rival Rev Ian Paisley had won such heavy support that ONeill was re turned by only narrow mar gin ONeill estimatedvat the news conference that his party would have seats and that the dissi dents among the Unionists will have 12 sitting members was on Iralei divorcee to lrlen So told him if he doesnt limindieï¬aiitcrine Hephum For Her llih Oscar iiward make his alimony payments promptly Ill repossess Girl which received eight Romeo and Julietfeur and Ra chel Rachel four Asunprisato forecasters was the lack ofa nomination for Paul Newman for directing ills wife Joanne Woodward in Ra chel Rachel Miss Woodwards performance was nominated for best actress NuurawrnrvnnerarmartW Nominees for the statuettes which the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will award April It in televised cere monies include cht perfermancc by an actor in stoning rol Alan Arkin in TheHehrtJa AlliiIHites The Fix ed at the hotelfrom Chequers AP Wircphoto ONeillWinS°fEleotion Withindly Split Pony Though dozen members had signed the petitiondemanding ONeiUs resignationa move that led to the electionONeill said he actually had 14 oppo nents inthe party and that those returned represented drop of two Political commentators gener ally have concluded that ONeill has suffered moral defeat in the vote lsraéli siianes jun enemas Two lsraeli warplanes skimmed low across the Jordan Rivertoday to attack guer rilla pocket inside dordan which the Israelis Said fired on an army patrol The attack came only 24 hours after Israeli fighters bombed guerrilla bases in Syria taugledwith Syrian Air Force jets and claimed they shot down two Sovietbuilt MiG 175 An Israeli Army spokesman said the guerrillas in Jordan raked the petrol with machine Reuters gun and bazooka fire but there ganlzatlon and Europeanneon Than British Hlxh Wednesday st Pnga lite Capy up Entry Into European Common Market DNDON AP President Nixon pledgedanew to Britain today that the United States backslhe concept of an en largcd Common Market includ ing Britain within unified Eu rope His position was made known by his spokesman Itonald Ziegler at news conference following the presidents two hour and 46minute meeting with Prime Minister Wilson this morning In diseussiou col European integration Ziegler said the president indicated as he has done before support for Brit ains entry into the Conunon Market Nixon also affirmed the com mitment of tilt United Statu to the North Atlantic Treaty 01 nty Trevor Lloyd Itughes the britlehspokesmnn reported Wilson expressed pleasure at Nixons afï¬rmation of nroport for the NATO alliance This appeared to place the US administration in opposi tion to the policies attributed to President rte Gaulle for recast ing the institutions of allied Eu rope But the French presidents planet with Wilsons rov emurent was not directly dig cussed British andrU35spokes men said It the Joint news con terence The presidents crowded is hour day was dominated by two working sessions at 10 Downing Street exanrining major world problems fromvPeking to Paris Alsovon Nixons crowded schedule was luncheon given by the Queen and Prince PhiUp former prime minister Harold Macmillan another Conserva livezlandlriberst party chief Jeremy Thorpe Among the chief topics Nixon and Wilson were tackling were EIstWest relations toclud in the presidents he es lo ne gotiate soon with Soviet Union Tile future of the North Al lmtic Alliance including Presi dent de Gauller attempts to do away with it Ttre ArabIsraeli conflict and the prospects of an Ameri canSovlct agreement to pro mote peace Ibe Asian scene with the locus on thalvietnam war Tho factor of nuclear power both in the civil and mu WWI SPEAKS OF TRUST The president on his arrival Mir ï¬ning Moadayicnlght spoke of tho special relation lhtpLin language law ideals and democratic traditionshe tween Britain and the 1mm States and then said Vfrish Teachers llceept Pay Offer Irelandltleulufl malority it 30 teachers abomtadVaznwpay offer and ended strilre Saturday which Shad all high schools lor than three weeks The schools will reopenka fly is still no end in But there sight for nationwide strum at Buckingham Palace and meetingswlth Conservative party leader Edward Heath CAPE KENNEDY Manon An unmanned Mariner seemseye sip cec raft streaked today toward Mam on ï¬vemonth mimomMniIe iourney to probe secrets of the mysterious Red Planet The 901p mceeraft hurled intospace from an Atlas Centaur rockerMonday nl warthe first of twowhhah United states is sending to ex plore hlars this year Mariner cast glow visible for miles as it rocketed from Cape Kennedy Fla Scientists tracked it for hours then locked in navigation Equipment ontwo guide points the sun and Canopusthe brightest star in the southern hemisphere Controllers at the Jet Propul were no casualties WM ï¬mvm SANTA PAULA Calif AP Thousands of Califominhs fled floods and now earthslldes as record rain continued today Highway washouts cut off reseiresof the stranded =An estimated 6000 persons were evacuated throughout the night in the six counties from Fresnosouth Ralns from the threeday storm pushed totals to new highs for the first two months of tharye For examplcfnbouttt inches in San Lula Qbispoand about inches in Los Angeles Blizzards closed roads and isolated the eastern approaches tothe lligh Sierrafwhere weeklong search has been under Moody Olivert Peter OTooler The Lion in Winter Cliff Rob ertson Charly four adult lenders from Baker and accommodations southern CnUforuia aherrffnï¬iurldrngs passe brought an boy scouts and and other yrst additional slant Laboratory in Pasadena 66000 field out otr snowbouud Camp Condor The biggest evacuation was in Santa Paula Ventura County communiw of 8000 about 60 lelesinorthwest of Los hngeles and only few miles west of Sespe Creek where January rains swept nine persons to thelt deaths Police evirouatod 4000 per sons os swollen Santa Paula Creek flooded theeast end 90 town Aftor drenching weekend rains three inches 9Lnaw rain fell Monday and anotherthreo inches was predicted 1A floodtwo feet dep rolled through town inundation stores Ah H000 Irv v58 groups provided food harmm rice for morethanoso weeks and which is costing Ireland $2600000 day in lost smarts Jets TowdrdlVIars plan to fi hfarinerl course in about our days We dont expect to deter mine uhether life exists on Mars we may be able to es tablish whether it could exist or possibly even whetlier it did saidDr Robert Leighton of the California Institute of Technolo gy Kesehiefsdentist for the tel mu our Leeann At theworsl we should be able to kill lot of old legends such as theones that say the dark lines seen by some astron omers Vlrc really canals oar rying waterme polar ice caps to cases ml the desert or the ones thatsay the vast regions that change color every spring are vegetation 5About to miles of Santh Paula an esflmatedjso to 00 residents evacuated the Fril more area in the face of high floodwater from two rivers and creek Oiai Vatleyto fir northeast 603 persons spent the night in schools to cscnpe foot deepiloodlng infiro Camp Berl lcttpandIRancho Sean arena from Sanhntonlo Creek and the ï¬stree at Fresno in cen tral Callfornla were flooded andsundbifgs were usedto hold back water from stores and homes There were evacuations in lowlying roughout San BE rdino Dra 3e and Santxrlrohlspoco tlesdn which has paralysed zoo facts