Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1969, p. 4

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cine ilittttiei Mammary W°iIn1Adriano nnrrpnrnnc no NEWS Believe Nixon Not Displeased Walla Publisher McPherson William Taller OenoratIManIgor Managing Editor FRIDAY mRUARY ll PM ijBarrie Has Direct Interest In County AchieVementS While concerted attempt was made Too hold the tax line Simeon Dainty council found itscll in the tionof having to approve almost incease in the rate to maintain services The increase was largely due to rising costs with no new servicm added The 1069 county tax rate or 133 mills amounted to rdnetenths of null rise over last year To achieve this Warden Arnold Vancise and his colleagues had to make some cutbacks in requests for budget increases Probably the most notable concerned the assement de partment where the budget request mounted to $539775 This represented an increase of nearly $150000 over last years figure The county reduced the amount to $473675 which stall repre sented an increase of some $33000 As the county assessment commission er Stanley Symonds has emphasized this is an important year in the reas sessinent timetable and if the sdiedula of complete reassessing or the munty is be be oomplefid by 10 1agmsieslred it is vital that propos program be carried out It involves reaan of some seven more county municipal ities in addition to undertaking the reg ulnawork While there were other requests the roads department did an exceptional job in going over road needsand selecting the most essential work It reflects to the credit of the department headed by West Reeve Keith Dang ford that such considerable program wascoveredonabaslscalmrlatedtore suit in no increase in road taxes ihere was some understandable disappoint ments such as in Vespra over county road 11 rebuilding around Mldhumt be ing delayed againbut it wasnt finan daily practical to meet all requests The planned reconstruction of 73 miles of county road 10 from Angus south was one of the key projects which should be of great assistance in handling the 70 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Northern Advance Feb 21 1809 Bar rte lbnning Co annual well attended by shareholders President Wickeitt reported dividend would be paid due to another successful year John Sinclair general manager said it would be possible to add sabetantial sum to sinking fund even after several import ant additions were made to plant Bus iness outlook was bright Alex Sinclair reelected to board and lawyer George Eaten appointed treasurer locally owned tanner was described of great benefit to Barrie employing from 2500 men yearnound with extra staff at peak times At West Ward public schodl Prince of Wales promotion certificates merited to 70 pupils by Charles Por clinirmt anBoard offldiéfvntgcn ceen program present by stir ems Arthur Pee Arthur Monkman Guy Mitchell Roy Grant Emiel Waite and Eddie Hanmer Arinualmeeting of 35th Battalion Srmcoe Foresters held at Queens Hotel where banquet speaker was Colonel Ward His aim was to make ant best rural unit in Canadian altwas20belowzezofqr first class in snowshoeing on Sunday Bayioe never better this winter now18 inches thick and solid Apple dealer packed 500 barrels from Simcoe County orchards tor English market Varieties were Spy Russet Canada lied and Ben Davis Barrie fair board Joint miltural Shock any voted div idend first in Grand masquer ade and racingcarnivnl at Barriesflent firm HAPPENA nsatrnmueus Accident am In Ioeo 735 WM 11 AND anemone mailmanmomma Willi mama now1 curlers by Miscampbdl waad8d contracts for acne coureoenmou was unresoen new auraorganise arm ewroegaamaempnmrm flow of traffic in this area It is hoped that work wand Mithnst will be given some maintenance attention and consd oration be given to reconstruction arr other ymr mad needs survey listing priorities is to be undertaken this year The overall levy was calculated to raise $2455462 of the $5170259 coun ty spending tanned for 1069 The re mainder of the financing is counted on from provincial grants fees rents and other revenues including payments from residents of the county homm for the aged at Beoton Penemng and 001 lingwood The budget Incindes for $100000 toward capital outlays $25000 of which is to help finance planned $50000 addition to the county museum at nearby Midlmmt The new home for theaged now under construction at Col lingwood is to be financed without de benturm sormdpolicy which has been Mlowed by the county for years There was some understandable dis mnnent at the neighboring dty of over decision to rtscind airy law providing for $600000 ingiantsfor the new Simeon College at $60000 year for 10 years But it should not be overlooked that the door has not been closed on assistance to this undertaking in the future The city of Barrie has close interest in the adndnistration which has its head quarters in this centre long known as the hub of the county substantial number of some 300 employees are res idents of Barrie or vicinity This city also has direct ties with the county ad ministration in the operation of the Sim weBaruie district board of health Chil drens Aid Society Emergency Measures Orgardoation and liuronia Tourist Amoc iaiion The city also shares in gmnb to numerous publiocpialted organizations on which the county contributes As an interested party Barrie has good rea son to feel mtisiaction in the county achievements DOWN MEMORY LANE millth between St and Maple Ave sbutdrof Roadway William Break DIE Barrie brickyard St Vincent St north of Grove awarded contract to supply material for large addition to Omeraotory Newrnarket John McPhee elected captain Barrie volun teer fire brigade Very Rev Dean Egan gave very Vigorous sermon in St Marys Church on The Sins of the Tongue Young people of Congreg ation Ohumhgon Ooliier St presented new modem type of program Sunday evening in basement teaming card playing singing music refreshments Pardhesi and crolrinole were pertiuilarly enjoyed This may be forerunner in more freedom for youth in religiousdr cles Handsome silver trophy pre sented for competition amonlgmohurdiill Ilhomas Foster 92 Barries oldest clit izen died at home of soninlraw John Partridge McDonald St He was born in London England and was said to have started habit of public Gmistmas carnlling in this conununity Several ratepayers have complained that teach ing of music is nadequalte in load schools Public meeting in Barrie Town Hall discussed plans for llrent Vel leyOami to link Lake Ontario and St Innaonce with Georgian Bay Rev McLeod of St Andrews Church elected chairman of board Royal Vio oona Hospital untyOouncil supplying aBameYborncless beef 6c lb boneless WT fiflilillll urtEmmu midll iiilllil lll Illlliltll ll It With Canadas Move 011 China do il would Ar lbs Wuhlalztnn Post put it be silly for Washing ton to be more worried and more milituymluded about in dial security than New Delhi Nixon when he was only presidential candidate last tall talked oi Ciilna being drawn into Hie family of nations but at course be set condition the atlll seem in removed from reality SETBACK TEMPORARY Pekingu surprise announce meat Tuesday that it would not then the Americans have do problem ol factauto since they had no role In the drama Although live other NAN IL lies have arouaed the us by recognizing China in the last 10 years it la the timing of the Ca nadian decision that perhaps makes the Nixon admlanuIilon more amenable to it Aa new administration it can adopt pain at openmind dnus particularly in its Int law months In offlcd that la de rated icnglerm administration tied in past policy SEE MDDERATIDN Also the shock elitct the ad announcement on American public opinion was liaveyon an opening iofan éiipéiiéndédliilingual pint OTTAWA REPORT Herridge Has Gone Bulls Not Forgotten By rarities IvrcnoIsoN OTTAWA111a Puckrhnagono lrorri summit Hilipbut he is not forgotten Now Squire lier ridge of the Kootensya he looks out over the Upper Arrow Lake lrom his improved settlers cabin near Nelrusp instead of smiling across the Commons lrorn his frontAbench seat as the New Demodat MJP ior Koo bonny West But his smiles still come by mail Many veterans will be interest ed to hear0 photograpr have in received 1mm him It Examined The Sweetheart of Canada guarded two of the Figh ti ng 54th and them flanking Nancy Greene wearing what appear to be her two Olympic gold medals la Sgt Herrldge president of the 54th Battalion association hnd Steve Temple of Vernon 80 Next week Bert Herridge will celebrate his 74th birthday in what he describe as this somewhat isolated place Sacreholme He filmed past years to veiling Hmrscot Comm nodmaldng award and wise contrilmlim be tween his Jokes Before that he sat in IheIBC legislature for four years Apologistng for liv ing five miles from his nearest neighbor he explains My la that when choosing roperty some 62 years ago wanted place where he could go outside the back dnor Iwhen nature celled without being overlooked by neigh Now we have been able to Allard bath room run va ma PILL Bert came from England now from Scutland comes this tithit Romantic novelist Barbara Cortland hasdescribed new ill claimed to put love back nto marriages which have gone state Thomson newspaper in Scotland quotes Miss Cart land as saying that the new pill will bring back the magic of emaldng to disappointed couples It is made lrmntliatmaeical source of hormone the human Eh flame Emitter WERE necounriaes couunzv Doctors wua WERE AL 7255 sermons vatrm Molt loanremand rimr 04mm mums film MrrMsamleel 16 Bayiield street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second clasa mail by the Post Office De partment Ottawa and or payment o1 postage in cash Return postage guaranteed DailyrSundays and tatuioryilnilduya Subscription rates daily by Friar 50c yearly Single copies me By mail IBarrie fiasco yearly Ontario $1500 yuan motor throw off $18 year on aide Ontario 510 year Out side Canada British posses atom $75 year USA and foreign 832 your National Advertising Officer 425 Universit Avenue Town to Cat cart StuMont real Maniac the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau oi circulations The qanadlan1mkirie clualveiyenlltled to the use ior republication of all new dispatches in this paper or lied to it or The Associated Pram or Reuters and also the local newapublished therein Weekly $2800 placenta mixed with secret chemical base Accordingitotlia wayeuroldrrduclorinyenturhe had to one himself to stop tnk lug his ownmCdicine My hand was titled with thoughts that dare not be entertained by man in my profession he ad mitted rear oven saucer Not long ago tlreicp 20 pops no doubt included PetulnClark singing nbouthow The other mans grass is always greener This brings to mind not pill but emigration Labor Miniate Pepin fold Parliament that more than oneinslx of Cann dinna moving to 1heUS are men and women with prolession n1 or technical skills while one intiva are people with manage rial cralt oroperallnnnl skills The average of all emigrants to the US is 25 years At the same time the vimchief of Canadas defence stall Gen Reyna says our air lorces aridotlyer military tormetlons are losing skilled radar and electronic technicians to the 05 men Whose training repre sents an average of $75000 each in costs to the taxpayers Buttiaereisasilvetliningto the black cloud at this loss which we cannot alford The CANADAS slow non contain One oi Canadas most snow cesslul governorsgeneral was the Britishjsauthor John Buchan who was given the title lord moorland at his up pointment was the result of an unusual political agrgem In 195 Home was prime minister and the Conserv atives were in power Mackenzie King who had been defeated by Bennett in 1000 was leader of the Opposition and seemed threw to winthe next election to be held later inlths year Normally the British gov ernment consulted only prime minister of Canada forerippolnting new gov noragenerul but Ma ken io Klngmade it clear that he ex pected to be consulted this time He told LordBessburough the gretiring GovernorGeneral that he would not Approve an ap pointment made before the gen eral 1electionpunless he were ugh RB Bennett and Mackenzie King had been strong rivals slnco192l when Bennett becamealender ol the Conservative party an rangement was made for con sultaiian on Feb 21 1936 and tllelr choice was John Buchun lthe Liberalswon the general election lnDctober and Macken zie King became prime minister eguln was famous for his adventure stories ludlng ThirtyvN Steps and Greenmantleiancn he came to Canada as Lord Tweedsmulr he tiavelled Ia greut deal and tried to express the spirit at the country in more serious works Sick Heart River is ubonl the Canadian Lnnrth wblil 01 Long Traverse Tweedsmnir Success As GovernorGeneral the be John NB an author John Buchuni USimposed in July use cefllns 01120000 gr Whlch it would Western Hemb sphere countries This has caused drop not over 30 per cent in emigration to that coun try from an average of 4077 each yearduring 196065 to an average Iiiuses in the next two years Meanwhile we are also losing about 10000 year to Britain large portion perhaps over hull of those moving to the us on nonworkers expedally wives and children or well retier people FIVE PROVINCE51 That Jolly Green Giant BCs premier Ben nett has set Ottawa talking and thinking with his proposal that Canada should be redivlded into five provinces to improve ad4 ministration and reduce costs lie tells good story New loundlarads Premiu Joey Smallwood asked What do get out of it Well let you have Ealiin Island Wheres thataakcd Joey But he will find out quickly and have his prospectors in them by tomor row morning said Mr Barnett relerrlng in Baths mooted mineral riches published as Lake of Gold is intended to create interest in the early history of Canada Lord Tweedsmulr also wrote his autobiography Memory HoldtheDoor while he was GovernorGeneral He died in lice in Montreal in mound his bookaabout Canada were published the ollowing year Oflmfl EVENTS loinParliament of Lower Canada met to vote money for war with US InsUniversity or New Brunswick then Kings Col legal conferred its first dene An lycnrold boy in Sa was banged for on sterling 25mins tubGreat speedup in news from Europe as steamer Eu ropadrapped mail in Halifax it was rushed to Saint John by courier and then sent to New York by telegraph iBlbCommerclal Association of Cane at Montreal twoNewfoundland commis sion government approved Con federation torma luluCanada and us agreed oniGreat Lakes safety meas ures BIBLE THOUGHT To whom God wnuni make knownwhut firth glory of thia mystery among the Gentilea which ta Christ In you the hoppoi qlory Coluaslnus Travellers Christ is the only hope oi the country and the church He is our only hope of peace and pow er lie is your only hope of par don Will mber softened somewhat by the cure tier indication by the ltallan lovomment Ihat it also might grant recognition to China And Prime hilnlsier Gandhi oflndia country which in the past has been directly manhood by China raid recently that she could detect some signs oi possible mndcntlon in Peking THE LIGHT TOUCH By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK ULPL 11le columnist might neverlmow it he didnt open his mail Elephants have longer eye lsahoa than eventhe mltriest Hollywood stars They range tram our Io five inchea in length Whether you are lefthanded or righthanded the chances are that your left loot is slight ly larger than your right Chronic aspirin addicta may be risking death Based on ex periments with rats Cana dian medical study esllmsted thatover period of time the daily consumption of between 25 and loo fivegraln aspirin tabletr could prove lethal to humans King George oi England was ruler who never let the duties of monarchy sweep him of his feet Hanover even took the trouble to learn the English language Greek Socrates mod the scheduled meelin or us and Chinese nmbnssngon in Warsaw Thursdaythe only polKim of clonlactWns seen as ppointng but tem rar Ietback The immediate us concern regarding Cunadna recognition of China is that it would lead to nrplure of relations between Ottawa and Nationalist China despite Prime Mnlirirr Tru draus statement that he would like to maintain relation with both Chlnns it is the prospect of incroan big diplomatic isolation tor Tal wan that displcaaes Washingtons which has spent billion at dollt tors in propping up the Chiung Kafahck regime Newsweek magazine suggests however that Io some extent the state departments public disapproval of the Canadian lion was simply for the The magazine adds fhough he has given scant sign of ii publicly President Nixon is in not interested in exploring any avenues that might case relations between Washington and Peking record Things Columnist Finds In His Mail oiled called the wlsest man who ever lived ioresaw dang ger iniryingo legislate equality of the sexes Once mado equal to man he warned womnn become his superinr AITRACIS MALES anmelling fortune awaits any man who can bib velop for girls 11 perlume as irresistible us that produced by the female gypsy moth us than hundredmillionth of an ounce of attractant scent released by one of these feminine fluiterers will bring scores of bull moths stamped ing to her from up to half mile distant iehitl has one oi the worlds simplest building codes No building shall be higher than twothirds the height of co conut tree Worth pasting In your hair Lucky parents who have fins children usually have lucky children who have in par ecu NE OlilzfiIfalvwMfl Polynesian Dishes CHINESE GASlllE wnns TOWERMOTEL ll9 DONALD sr rnksour ANn CATERING mam DINING ROOM Business MENS LUNCHEONS CHIN ESE Combination Pin POLYNESIAN gt gt Goo Beer Pan Eu Roll Beef Vex Almonds mad nice $135 Chitin VcAlariohda Sweet Son Wanton and Friea Ric shamlo Alli Canadian Dishes mm LASTZ AYS stiman 7p and 910 pln ADULT ENTERYAlNMENl bushland gt 01 mwnns nmmfimw nspuvm mou CLIFF ROBERTSON Cit61W

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