Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1969, p. 8

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DREATIT or synthetic spring was being fashioned by the ladies enrolled in Jean Hoppcrs Paper Flower Mak MOMMY ISNT THE ONLY one who was having fun yes terday at the Baby Sil ting is provided for children of flowerymaking students and ANN inroads ADVISES in Course at the YSLYWCA yesterday Joan Garner Pot Watt and Amelia Wilson were among the night who at little Pam wiltJana Wendy Jeanliopper on the right were enjoying cath oLhcrs companionship while their mommies were in class The PreMed Student His TeSt Dear Ann Lenders am premed student who would like to straighten you out refer to your answer to the distraught college kid who wrote to you all uptight about taking is be cause he had heard it might cause his unborn children to be deformed Since you reached for Nobel Prize winner Dr Joshua Leder berg to help you answerone would think you got the straight goods but between the two of you you gooied simple inexpensive chro mosometest can be performed by blood sample in the genetic counseling department of any large hospital =prelerably teachingmedical center gross test one which will reveal any breakage or mutants can he done almost anywhere highpowered microscope is available Tell it like it is Ann PREi1ED STUDENT DcarPreMed= turned your letter over to DrJobn Mar rill associate proiessor ol Har vard Medical School He re pli The premcd student is wrong The chromosome test re quires something more than highpowered ilticmscope The cells taken from blood sample must be grown in culture usual ly stimulated to divide so one can see the chromosomes break up Under these circumstances one might be able to tell some thing about the eifects of LSD of course other drugs ch could produce this eifect but in any case some thing more is required than simply looking at cells under mllclrloscope pass on your app ogies DrLederbcrg son KINDNESS Drnr Ann Lenders Since al most everyone reads your col umn know of no better way to get the word to countless incoh siderate selfish scheming sons and daughters who leave their aged parents to the mercy of LADY HUG ItEJEClED OKLAHOAM CITY Okla IAP Aresolution was passed bythe H95€flltfl centre the enata making the collard lizard or mountain boomer the official ptile ousa mernhersfhnwever rejected on ampndment that would have designated the ladybug as the official state insect would have prohibited tho lizard from eating the insect Facts neighbors am so sick of shoul deriog responsibilities that are not mine couldscream when Papa dies Mama is urged to sell the big hpuse and move into an apartment But the kids make sure the apart ment is as far from them as possible They insist she wants to be dependent The truth is they dont want to be both ered with sorMamaboth ers the neighbors landed the lirst session inter ested persons may still regis tcr this week for the tender and course Examiner Pholrt course is ann to both mem bers and nonmembers of the hutYWCA and is held from 130 to 330 on Wednesday aitcrnoons Has In Error work downtown and come home at night exhausted Before sit down to supper the phone rings ml run over to the drugstore and get some medi cine The delivery boy is sick and she hates to call her son Jake because he lives on the other side of town Ten minutes later another can Would mind getting get well card and curtain rod during my gt lunch hour At midnight get another call from Mr age lid He fell in the bathroom and thinks hebmke something He cant remember his doctors telephone number Will call mine He doesnt want to call his daughter because he doesnt want to bother her Its all right to bother me however its hard to say no to these old people but resent being in this spot Any suggestionsiw somr Dcal Mrs It has been said that Servic is the rent we pay for our place on earth Consid er these small kindnesses rep and kwitcherbeeiin FURS SAVE SAVE SAVE runs WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERSHSALE eMcKENDRICK FUR MFG CO Two GENERATIONS One ofvloronios Leading Manufacturers in Now Selling Direct to the Customer some ExamB lesof Values in this Sal Autumn Haze lliinlk Jackets Reg 51150 585 Tourmaline Mink Coats Reg $2450 $1415 brown Persian lamb coals of MinkrIrimReg $850950 485550 White Mink Stoles Reg $ioso 625 Black Diamond Mink Jackets Reg $1350 550 vAuiOiis cruiseruns All REDUCED ACCORDINGLY fONEJOFéALKINDLMOIJELS 6970 STYLES Tins Sat 106 Jur0wnWriltroom STREET WEST at Beverley TORONTO 46707 EMPIRE Stretch Food Dellcirs SHOPPERS GUIDE With Advertised Specials sanctumintier rinaunnvu on Couple Observe Silver Wedding Open both on Saturday and Sunday marked the nth wed giog annlvmary firm Mn some Audionas Thom son at Duokworth St The brl blur tom sauna am daughter of Mrs Peter Brown and the late Mr Brown of Ban field Ont Tho bridegroom is the son of the late Mr and Mrs George Thompson of broca bridge The colebnnta were used In lloronio on Feb to mt and their first home was in New Tor onto No years later they mov ed to Gown llill They have IF sided in Barrie for the pm to years One son Don resides with his parents the other non William resides with his wile and daughter Tommy Ito Jii in Midland The proximity of barrio to Lake Simcoe has led to the couple becoming ardent boating and fishing enthusiasts The couple are Ibo squar dancers associated with the Wednesday night group of the Hoyloft Assisting Mr and Mrs Thump son attire weekend rt were Mr and Mrs Jack Hoppieston ley Malice Miss Cora halvert RM Wilton Riéhud Hepplutnn and the boots son Don Vs mm THEME Carrying through the silver thum the lace covered Mo table was adorned with silver roo bowl tilled with crimson carnation Ind flanked by silver tOpera in crystal holders The tocll point was threetiered wedding cake baked by Mrs Percy Sutton and decorated by MrsJunc Walt both of harsir Among the more than 75 friends and rclctivu attending the celebration were the follow ing outotcity guests airs Feb er Brown oi Haley Station mother of the bride Mr and Mrs Fred Lee Mr and Mrs Claran Word Mr and Mrs Raymond Lea and Mrs Ken Sahel of Bracchrldge Mr and Mrs Glen Lee of Utteison Mr and Mn Norval Pollack niid Mr and Mrs Ircd Hagerman at Toronto Mr and MrsGeorc inluernan and Mr and Mrs Reginald Brown of Sudbury Mr and Mrs Cecil Brown of Deep him Mr and Mrs liorrlcks Campbell of Forrester lallsnnd Misses Elaine Linda and Skin Mr and Mrs Thin McLarcn at North Bay by Andrey Coulun Spiratling food costs are tom log thnhomemaker to become cherry plcker on unoomplh menlnry term used by food pun rayors to describe times who shop tmm store to store pick Iog up the specials only So whether we like the cbcriy pickcr name or not it be hoovcs the wise homemaker to shop around for tho best food buys and specials The budget minded shopper carries list prepared in ad raocc and preferme based on weeks menus if you have food freezer so much the better The foodbudgetcnn be operat ed to take care of meat buys on saln Mighty handy later on when you wont to use littla grocery money for some other necessity or when you are call ed upon to extend the family fun to take care oi company for dinner Eargain specials ad vertised include hind quarters oi beet for cents per lb and fronts 49 cents Meat is the one big item that seems to shrink the lood dol lar but you can find good beet bargains this week in short rrb masts at 59 Centsvpcr lb an ideal cut for an oven roost or braised with vegetables vJust romemherlf you over roast this cut keep the oven tam pcratnre low 323 degrees it you pot roast this cut you can use heaiy covered pot on top at the stove or light filt SPEAKING 01 PEOPLE AND PLACES ADULT SKATES The limit Adult Skating Club played host to the Stnyntr Club last evening at the regular weekiy skating session held in Guthrie Arena Prcsldont Mrs Elwood Beavia welcomed ap proximately ioo skaters ltigh lighting this evening were lucky spotvipriacx and refreshments served at intermission The stayner Club have ox tended an invitation to the Bar rie group to Join them at their St Patridts skating party to he held in Stayner Arena on March 18 EVENING CW Plans were discuIaId for coffee party to be held March at the February meeting of the Eyening Circle of St Andrlwl Presbyterian Chmh bald Mon day evening futino oi the session was talk by Mrt Joyce Richardson sitting volun leer project White Cross CONFERENCE The National Builders Confer cute in Vancouver was attended by three Barrie mules last week They were Mr And Mrs Ernie Alernndur Mr and Mrs Gordon Pratt and Mr and Mrs Glenn Gordon FOLK DANCING Cccille Ratnoy of Toronto will again be off hand to introduce the folk dances of many lands to hiterestcd 6mm lids Sot urday night at St Glorgcl Church Hall on innerMed adults are invited to attend and participate in the evenings let ivitles which will begin at pm Beginners are welcome GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs Cecil Rant Elmvale will mark their golden wedding anniversary atin open Social Ioch are intended to cover the generalsoclnt lilo ot the city District weddings urn travellers and visitor In all items of interest to readers of this pa Your help in supplying is now will be really appreciated Picnic phone The Barrie Ex aminer 7266517 Ind ask for Andrey Cenllon ethyl bciil at thi Womens Depart ment house reception to be hctdnt the Pbclprton home of their son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs JaekClllesple on Satur atternoon and ing Fronds and neighbors will be rcclivcdirom until oclock in the afternoon and from to oclock tnuhe eyeing Honor GRAPE ow The publicis invited to attend tbaBarrio and District Wolf Cub Hobby Craft Show on Saturday The show will he afternoon held at Eurton Avenue United Church hall from until oclock BUILDERS AUXILIARY Mrs Ernest Wollenden newly installed president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Builders Aiioctation will be fed AbRtDETQBE in Tris roomy Weddings are paws and we are anxious to give yours the best coverage possible Contact thewe menl editor at an early date and arrange for your Vweddin story to up paarvihen takes place lng covered roasting pan in the following directors Mrs Tolio Mrs Gordon Spring and Mrs Elson Appointed as telephone couvéners were Mrs Dykstra hirs Jones Mrs Perry and Mrs Madge Mrs Dykstra will convene social ncLivitics and Mrs Er nest Alexander waspntd pro gram canvoner Mrs Green willrconvenc sick and visitatioos Installations were held at the dinner meeting on Tuesday eve nlog at the Gaslight Cale White TowersMotcl The auxiliary is social club with 32 members SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs William Stod dnrt of till Stroud will cele bran the 25th anniversary at their wedding day on Saturday An informal reception for friends and neighbors will take place Saturday evening at Stroud Com munlty llall beginning at pm The celebranta are former resi dents oilhornlon HDRTICULTURAL SOCIETY An evening of tilms has been arranged by the Barrie Horti cultural Society to take place at Central Collegiate Auditorium on March beginning at 530 pm Jack Ruddell will present seven iiims entitled The Settlers Yellowstone Park Prelude to Spring Butchart Gardens Watch On Calgary Stampede and Childrens Day at the ONE fic kets can be secured from Norm an Synnott Sunnidale Rdor no degree oven For deliciour pot roast try tomato inlet or canned tomatoes mixed with package of dried onion loop mix in place of water amount of Juice Ind coup mix can be altered if little gravy to re united Simmer the roost in this mixture and add carrots and potatoes the last hour of cooking Green been In nice addition other heat spedLs include cbudt steak at SS cents mian chudf 89 cents the latter per feet for an economical meat lost without too much loss in fat Grated carrots added to the usual meet this ingredients produce iuicy loaf full of flavor not to mention the added vitamins Pork la good buy in one store shoulder cuts to cook both 59 cents spare ribs nts and tenderloin 99 cents latter seems expensive but it is all moat no bonehand can be atuied and tied ready to be roasted in the oven Eresb ham roasts are 68 cents lb import ed lamb is olfered at 49 cenu per lb for leg cuts Lamb in the basket at cunts gives the cook three mcnl In roast chops to broil or try and stew ing meat the perfect hose for lamb curry Vegetables to go along with the meat begin with potatoes with one store uttering 25 lb for 69 cents and the same price Tor to lb bag of onions ftin olpo are buy atrn cents lb carrots lb for Is cents and cabbage tor cents Brand names of the various chains ofp fer the best bargains in cloned vegetables juices and liuit in the dairy case several chains are offering butter at 55 cents and in most sotres the bread to go with it is 19 cents this week Eggs large tile can be tound at Streak dos During the Lenten season fish is weekend special Sole lil lets are as low as 53 cents can nod salmon 45 cents or salmon by the piece so cents lb For the diet conscious theres mimit at to for 38 cents and oranges 59 cents Bannnns are 12 cents to Salad fixings include green onions at bunches for 13 cenb celery for cents ogssnnr ITEMS Bakery specialsindude free loaf ot potato bread with the purchase of farm style rollsat 35 cents pkg ielly rolls for so cents and peach pics at as cents ice cream to tooth pic Is as cents per is gaL carton and entire is ascents lb Cystic Fibrosis Strikes Children NEONN iCPl Having your back sides and chest puma meted for minutes three times day or the rest oi your life doesnt sound appendag hut its vital to child with cystic iibrosls Without the thricedaily pounding and other treatment child suffering from this disease is doomed to die quickly One child in every thousand may have cystic fibrosis aud mnny oi them arcnot identified by diagnosis Those who are diagnosed have an excellent chance of living relatively normal life Not long ago the CF child was confined to the home where special dnigs and equip mant were within easy reach Now because Toronto couple decided to treat their child at their summer cottage with portable equipment whole new world of outdoor vacations opens up for CF children it seemed grim to think that kids with cystic fibrosis couldnt have summer fun at the cot tage so we decided to try it says Jane Klely It worked and the kids had marvellous me Jane and her husband Mark have anadopted daughter Lorna CF child who now is eight Mrs Kisly registered lay nurse once supervised therapy at the Ontario Cnppled Mr Gable Wellington St HIRE TELLS FIVE MADELMUA tAP Five persons including 4o yearold wmnan who plunged to her death were killed Wednes day in fire that raced through threestorey row house in North Philadelphia marinara som RIVERSARY All our bakery products are prepared fresh daily iii our modern bake shops according to ourlaboratory tested recipes Only the finest quality ingredients are used MACAROQNSC In in pnn Child ran Centre and was asked to lake Diana Seven yeand CF child to their cot tagc for the summnr REGIME IS TOUGH Heres how Lorna and Diana are kept alive and active Three times day they stretch out on posture board inclined with head towards the floor and legs booked at the knees over the topand undergo brick slaps ff pin g3 itsgaaiiaanva minutes each on the chest two sides and back This loosens mucusln the lungsand it can he expelled normally with the breath Enzyme capnueo are taken daily Lorna takes 40 day but same children need no dayto provide the necessary juices normallysup lied by the pan creos to aid gestion BARRIE SIGHT AND souno IS MOVING T0 to Ross 51 to arr omitswon sin ntRoaehf ENS Suop 22 DUNLOP

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