Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1969, p. 4

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311 Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited wub Publisher McPherson Managing Editor 16 Hayfield Street Barflan rle wuinmtrolm General Mulqu HERBAL mammal III PM Hellyerlsl Report Notices Imply Clash QiiIdeologies the full texthot the rainy 133k fume report on oustng av and carefully studied advance informa tion implies the etrugae between two ideologies capitalism and socialism Capitalism inasmuch as the atavliic histtnct of man drives him to own the home in which he proposm to bring up his family gt Socialisfic or it we dare use the word conununistic inasmuch as the obvious alternative to home owning is commun ity living in high rise opartmenk owned by compania and rented to individual groups or sold on plan It is fairly obvious that with high cost of land its servicing and high ratesot interest on mortgages scan ownerslup of home will be beyond tire reach of all but the highest earning individuals in the community Even with control of land owls through various punitive measures against the speculators the abolition of taxes on building materials and other measures that would as Paul llellyer suggested lop off 15 to 25 per cent of the cost of homes the agglomeration of factors is overrfhelming and puts homeowning out of reach for the majodty of the M261 of Canada Forty year mortgages also are snare and deIUsion Just imagine what the ultimate cost of home will be with high first cost tapped by staggering rate of mterest plus the cost of main tenance and upkeep for such lengthy to YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie number sub 20 1949 Five Kings Plate winners were bred in hard owned by William Wright which was destroyed by fire last week in west end oiBarrte now die of Mansfield and InipbrialEastman It was 75 years old Fortunately no race horseswere lost in blaze due to alertness of stablallands and fire brigade After running at Queens Plate here in 1873 barn was constructed by Nathaniel Dyment Grandstand at track was tom provide lumber for harm first winner was Thwsalonf in 1903 then Sapper in 1904 Nathanieis sons Albert and Simonfoperated Brookdaie Farm alter his death They won plate in 1912 with Heresy and in 1921 with Haendesy bun of Heresy Mr Wright bought harm in 1924 from Dyment Estate and vdon Kings Plate in 1939 with Amh worth sold by him to George Mc Ouilagli pulilisher of Toronto Globe Mail King George and Queen Elizabeth attended this race at Old Woodbine on Queen St William Craig installed as president Barrie Veterans Club Ontario will pay 31 cost operadon pub llc schools this year Education Minister Hon Dana Porter announced In keeping with growth of community Bar rie Examiner began publishingtwo edi lions each week Barrue Collegiate Band directed by to Hamiltonfur weekend certs at Delta Collegiate an In in con lliyltgOlrse Techpiwlfichool to demonstrate music vahre Keith McRuerwcceeded and usual representative for South Simme lions Club donated $2000jior autoclav Royal damn tal rle Community Hall Township resi dentsrcised $1600 for Mr and Mrs Robert Bezzan who lost all possewions the condominium gaiust ownership by the many 119W doen to them Richard Drury his ronage or site Alien Fishrn went atAlijston as agricultural twm can duration How may families have lived in onehome for that number oi yearn Very few indeed neppearsthatthistask orer strugv sling to maintain state of attain which has served its and from now on becomes antiquated and anadrronisdc There is an ohm factor in these principles which seem to damn the idea of home matrip emirely Consider the down payment on home even reduced one add to this the legal costs the estate agents fee plus few years of equity through cap viiai and interest payments andallthe incidental costs of running home How could the average homeowner hope to recover all he has mnkin his home from the average person likely to want to buy his house matproblem dusts how anyone who has tried to sell house can vouch for it and the conditions will worsen consid erablyon account of tire enormous in terest rate verging on 10 per cent now demanded by the muztgagors Whichever way you look at it the task force scents intent on patching an old pair of jeans knowing full well that PlEllEl concur sown we material 011de the patch Wdiutmmmumzatnommv ammumaurrm will wear and rip Some genius is wanted to wipe the slate clean and start entirely anew with prindples new ideas that will en able every Canadian to be entitled to clean warm shelter as matter of basic human rights The words iii quotes are Paul Hellyers own The thought is perfect the methods to apply it are faulty and out of date DOWN MEMORY LANE in fire Which dwhroyed their home on Hewitt Hill north of Barrie John LWestman of Tolieudal told Rotary Ilub about mink ranchlng in address at weekly luncheon in Community House First of Oanadianartists concert series in Barrie featured Leooldine Pil cher minialum soprano Ernest Adams Vancouver baritone Kay Irwin pianist Antoni Janusz violinist Among those who entertained for Dorothy McKnight Reg prior to her marriage in Collier St United Church to Jack Gritfith of Gflrnsby wereMrsKenneth Mc Kenne Mrs Peter Sinclair Mr and Mrs led lnwon Mrand MrsflJack Oates and her eldest sister Marie Mrs John Doran Toronto To bowlers at Barrie Academy were Am Rivett Bob Mhllion George Greenside Gordon Rain Patrick Garrity Ab Demarco former Barrie junior hockey star joined Buffalo Bisons of American Lea Sheriff that Drury recalled uni Judge James Gowan one Barbies famous early native sons had appointed 50 magistrates in Simone County among grandfather Ovenderi College girls had splendid pat ging of Operetta Pa tience at Trinity Parish Hall It Was directed by Miss Florence Biltcllfle John Ransom elected president Kemp enfelt Credit Union with Har old Oooper George Cadogan neg Gar rett Fin McGibbon Charles Wharton Edward Smith John DougheedHamld Brandon Mel ltletcalfe Keith Marshall arrvaurd 9t Nfichaeis College led by defianceman Tim Horton beat Bar neriTyersa FlredW gt Grant donated money clock in tower of renovated handsome young male deerfirolicldng on mamisbeet it bully took off when frightened and made way out of town to north last seen on Rose St OTHER ruinsvirus EGYPT SUFFERS MOST OwerrSmmdsuolim major sidelight of the uing Arablsredli conflict and obeylatch ad or on per cent phobia the 1905 Egypt barman be or tauinure loss Suez business nu by us presentin Shoppers surprised to see QUEENS PARK MUN CAINW Dulbrougrsub tli med urn your newspaper should the to pres my Ippredatlon tor en crumble time at the Hutu carnival Eveth this ynr yu beautifully omnlxedand could well be described as winter Hm when we went there were activities unlike nth er yurr when there were dull parses in cold wellhrr to endure To the organism ny well Done SincereLv the brush in the rails al the great Delhi magline To tom plats dolghty trio at Grund ano mum nun II by hi valor nved Bflmwli dlm from capture by cannibal la the Andaman lilandr Canada has her own aeolian in my book with details or Candill Expeditionary Force atria sentry and their emul nie recordr several Curd iln Wk are not yet complete should be very glad to hear him milks mm and any at your readers who can pass on helpful information about any KAYELIBEMYVC RR Barrie VC WHOS W80 DearSir For some men yum have been compiling VCs Whos Who tobc entitled Man of he Brave with short bio raphics oi the 1346 men who have been decorated hour the Crimea in ll to Vietnam in 1956 lhe malority VC are unknown forgotten outside Tory limited circle How many Canadians know what happened oi HieLirhtBriridet Hedi olgunnotuwndrln Abysfl to Cut Dunn Canadas first VC and the only oiiiter to be decor bled or relcr during the Charge Canadas second VC wn Sur gaan Reade oi Indian Mutlny Iumc Irritated by snipers whilst attending to wounded in street in Delhi he seized sword and led his walking wounded in charge that cleared the area the enemy Later this adventur nui doctor outrun everybody to Nixon ot Talking About Tidy LaMarsh By or young lta inconceivable Ilia Outer lor Liberals would attempt to throw Judy LaMursh into the ring against their leader Rob art Nixon at the partys provin cial leadership convention in Hamilton March 2329 But thats cxarlly the action considered aha rucelled closed meeting attended by oliicials of provincial and federal rid ingr all of them iii the Toronto area It says worlds or closed mettings that full details of this uric wereavallabie trom avirl ety oi sources at Queens Park around THE and elsewhere the very next morning Jlhu meeting was held to dis cussand opposethe Libcrul partys decision locnlcr muulcl pal poliilcg us party Mr Nixonsupports thu move and the meeting accordingly pro grlzsscil to an examination of his leadership The general opinion rccmcd to be that Mr Nixon would make very fine minister at educa lion but that as leader he can nut win the vulcs to upset man with anulluhal image like Premier John Robnrls This was precisely the same one some MuslAdmiiTheY Are ConseIVati By Pam crane Foreign Altair Analyst Women have thc changes litesomemen discover they must admit they are conserva tive even though they have thoughtch themselves as spas ties or change all their lives it is terrible shock and though these columns are generally im personal ieci must retell my Read to Damascus experience to keep readch inlurmed what prejudices and assump tions shape my thinking on world aiiairs The admission to myself at my conservatism could not have been more traumatic It hap pened publicly on coast to coast television with group of aca demiu some of whom would not confessa ielt they should that they were as conservative IsI Consequently lelt dimin iahcdin my small liberal Issurrrptious about myself And the ground on which was painlully yanked trom my illusions could not have been the Barrir itan 716 5Bayrield Street V68 more embarrassing toImd mysell in the position of appear ing to hurry 01lllle about piece of property uranabout human ieeliugr was shocked and an gered by the destruction of the computer at Sir George Wil items could nut see that de stmying the computer is better than making alum bombst kept telling myself that destroyv ing the computer and pursuing the arms race ware equally bad activities morallyl tuund my sell more concerned with im proving but conserving the pre veiling order of the North American society than with the feeling at the black students at Slr George Williamsnvlm con sidered themselves victims of racial discrimination ZBUIINING BRIDGES Around myself interested not at all in discussing worldwide patterns oi such leelings and much more interested in taking small concrete steps are at time but as many steps as pos sible to redress the wrongs that might generate such reel lngs found mysel revolted by the suggestion that because of past mistakes we should burn existing bridge beloreywc build uewunes found that felt comfortable attitude that same NDPcrs Look in their leadership convention at Kitchcncr last November when deputy lcadcr James llenwrck opposedand gut wall and truly clobbcrcd byparty lcudcr Don ald MacDonald The rank and tile dill not lor gcl that Mr hlaclienuld had managed to improve his partys pnsillon in the legislature by 11 seats in thc clccliun of October l967 And personally believe that musl Liberals will recall that their past nkus improved bysix seals in ihé same clea tion that Mr Nixon has been leader now iur only two years endthat he at least deserves the chunceto lace ale once more the cleclofi lts undeniably the case that Miss Lallarsh has national image but vhclher that image is motive or negative is debuta ble In view oi in nature or her recentlypublished book and the television appearances she madc in connection with it Some critics might associate so much whistleblowing with la mentable lack of judgment There is good reason every two years for parties in opposi tion to Examine their leader ship ltir Nixon himself is top grout extcni responsible for doing so in the provincial Lihcr ai party lie vuwcd at the time he was elected to accounttor his stewardship and caucus poll cy at each provincial convention and hehas always agreed with the proposition of leadership contest every two years it anyl body is able and willing to make the challenge Its too curly totcll how Miss It would iare against Mr Nixon if shedecides to run womanuari leader might nut excite enough people to makelhe contest even close As matter oi tact one woman who attended the closed mcet ring said about Miss Lahlarsh Im not Said yet in the press gallery at Queens Park the reaction to reports that Miss LaMarslr might be persuaded to run was greeted either by Snickers or the prolonged horse laugh be first up the glacls and into OTTAWA REPORT Pearson On an bluntly moansr ram as Heatherdcn West HoreIey Surrey ABOUT THE MAYOR Dear Sir Mailing Mayor Bob Bentley wholeheartedly agree with Mr Siollrrs aiatcrncnt that many dlecus had doubts about llr Eentleys dictatorial powers for one regret giving him my vo Regarding lhosc illegal per mllr him my suninlaw had such permit and know In olhrr party who should never been issued permit their pause and property was built below up required measurements It wan withigreat disappoint ment to have Aid Garner drop pad It appears Mr Bentleys tub hls gone to his head he acts like young boy tryiim to do mans ibb and tailing badly Trial lit Conierence lly PATRICK ICEOLSON OlIAlVATbe federalprawn cial conierence was public town meeting of the nation In rctrospectjwe sEdlhntritrdevela npéd into atrial it which the loderal government was convict ed by the Jury of provincial pre ruler on the main count oi wau ion meddling in their affairs The person on trial was in el icct tonnbr prime rniistcr Pearson for it was his govern ed merit between that and 1058 which perpetrated the offences against our constitution and against the taxpayers or Can ada Ottawa Report has shown time and again how Ottawa liar trospassed into fields provin cial raspuusibility The usual path by which it treapassed was the ca lled costsharing programs or Joint iedbrulprovil attain lilwuld be regulated min Quebec Oily rather than irernh Ottawa lhir was widely mtsin terpreted us demand for site eiai status not euloyrgl by any other province N0 SPECIAL STATUE discuued this point with Mr Johnson lie lndlmtcd clearly that he was merely demanding that Quebec should be permitted to exercise those powers allocab to every provincial govern ment by our constitution In this he lollowcd his predeces sors Duplessia battle against The ccntralizers at Ottawa am not asking ihatQucbcc should be given any special rights or status which could not and should not be restored also to every other province it they Widr them Mr Johnson told me 01 course am only ask ing or these powers or Quebec iuclal programs notably in such 17 fields as education and medical care The usual pattern war that Ottawa would devise pro gram lay down its own basic principle without consultation with the provinces then present the plan to meeting of repre sentetivea of all provinual rov crnmenu raylngll you wish to Juin in this promam we will pay ball the cost PROVINCES KNOW am There are four valid objections in Ottawas typical course of ac tion First it involved tres pass into the fields of respon sibility granted by oin coustiluv tion to provincial governments second the provinces were not inviled to participate in the plan ning stage thirdtlusprocessi in eiiecl blackmailed the prov inces to join because their resi dents wulud be taxed to pay the cheral share to participating provinces whether or not their own province joined and math Ottawa thus coerced every prov ince to allocate its funds to these ends which Ottawa chose in priority to other ends which previuciul government might Judge to be of more urgent im porlanee to ilsvresidents ltre tirstprovince to protest loudlywas Quebec Its spokes man the late Daniel Johnson in sisted that Quebecs provincial mmwmmmemwr IT HAPPENED Ill CANliDlly rights but would expect their own prendera to make that re quest Quebecs new premier Jean Jacques Bertrand endorsed thl position in Ottawa last week gt have not come to water down much less to contradict Que becl attitnde to this vital prob lem as expressed by my prede cesur and good friend the lam Daniel Johnson he said Tim res nl tederul government at thinks it can meddle CleiX Where in educational broad casting in higher education in eulturalunatters in urban lairr in university research in pollution in highway transpor tation in community develop ment and even in civil law through succession dutiesf Quebec 01 course now stands alone as being the only province which has successfully loug any of there joint programs it won the battlegto operate it own pension plan Why should not other province for instance Ordaro rimilarly be permitted tocontract out of payments10F and participation in medicare and operate its own medical care plan But the Ottawa coulerenre made clear in nutshell that Quebec is not alone in insisting un provincial autonomy We 0m in this North Amepicauivorldohl ours and could not see in whic h$l°3fi nayits dismaatIeTnent would Vernalyafiect5 both people probably for all time to come is the tutureot vivaIRMAF¢Vmes3cuumohmvfln£ the Suez Canal The Israeli determined to hold the east bank of the canal until the Arab liete lsraelr withdrawal But the 1g question now is just how important is the Suez canal except to Araband Israeli shipping itself There was iiine closing it would have been severe blow to the West Now though thewestzern mdmwmd like to see the canal reopened it is for diplomatic rpliherr than business reasons The Suez tonntdable weaponfor ism longer Na 11 page thelilfil warmade woman out the anal might belclored at any ate the Mesa has 3511 is flowmg into Europe irom labya cumvenced the Suez receiving only 25 per centbythat route in 1966 as agairm quite VI apparently are intelli de made archer 4r homily gypt seld showsj much gence in its leadeuelu av Arbhur NEWSC Probably never before have the ash Nehemeoamdous to take pantiin government acti es Wiuch Wwiujnup mj shape their future lives but in too many cases they become discoun aged and irustrated when therind the party organization 113353 yiuui1itue grmip otpmv faithfuls with pipeline to ovum llhey find little opportunity of exprecdng opinionsor making pointgand they even find difficulty in obtaining an insight intohow politiml partyrworks Out of this could easily come the otlben exprede suggestion atLthereai 7difterence7befire the two olderpamties All ofthis could be corrected but and Algeria Even Britain now has dr fr esh approach to youth and assurances that politics offer muchmure than an opportunity political handout partrnent Ottawa and iur payment cl postage ducash Daily Suudays and Statutory Holidayr Subscfiptierirazes aiiyby carrier 50c weekly$2600 marl Burrie mm yearly Ontariu 3500 yedf inptur thruw nth518 year Out ride Ontario slosyear Out rrfdc Capada British passes lens 325 year US aud rarelgu $32yedr Natloual Advertising Offices 425 University Avenue Toron to Molathcart St Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau bi circulations AThgCanadian cluslvely en filed to the use for republication of all new dispatcher hulhialpapcr cred ited to lb or The Associated Pres local news publ lied therein or Reuters and also the all help those who have been ex ploited by our world tounri lleturn postage guaranteed myself desperately hoping that the racial troubles of the great republic to the south would pass us by Some Canadian youn sters say lheyare their butt crs keepers and that we must 10c 13 sulier as the 115 does because young nary smug cop es we have benefited the US has inund mysell out of who pathy with these yuungstcrs suspecting them ot being Vimlta tive ini the sake of making tilesccne fur the sake of being as trip as the next dear kids ire that rejecteth me and re celyath not my words lith one 555 chXuruuadru hlmithcwvrd4ha havespoken the name shall Judge hlmln the brat dny lolu Tana Ivead theWord oi Godcare irc Judged bywlat you lid with BIBLE THOUGlll because some day you Will 1° tLEDeLiNG Warranty Bisuop ouz Guru WoiinAlZi FLYINGACEWASA YEAll oLD BOY AT HOME Id Owensdundmnt HE étdDEED PICTURESeF EARLVAll PLANEsmo DECIDED To BUILDANE oF ins bum mm FillJIM ammo mars swamp fill5 Icer mam£21 aw remainmum 77 mm msmomaflMp mom arcsma MIMIMum my suffercm M11c5r woes occumu OVER CANADA BLIT are New just an MADDEMING 5WARMINEuh vuasawuas lam 71 Macrame Mervm we mm My din714 71 M1154 owlmm warmmm may Rik that A80 OIL COMPANY awzaesewpsmzc 4W aM

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