Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1969, p. 3

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vs WW 4wwrmaIn=WN mills but at that time the 1mm $20 to $30 per day for at endance at council and commit ntroduced his cutback Oro the Coldwater proposal and when the township said Deputy Tax IncréuSe chedée By County Dcsoite cutbacks in various budget requests an overall tax ate at no mills up Almost mill over last year is faced by mcoe County council which pcned its second day budget session at the county building In llarric today This rate recommended by the licence and administration corn tniitee would cover five mills lnr roads and as general The loss rates More We mills and The 1961 genernljrate was younty was financing the justice administration costs totalling Iomc $30000 which are nnw tesmnsibllity oi the provincial government The latter lmkvovcr tome$80000 year registry of tico revenue utth the chooge bvcr liho recommended rond levy Would ralsc $921106 of total hullch oi £070000 Last year with the city oi Orillla contrib uting the iivcmlll levy was made to raise 31010540 GENERAL RATE UP The general levy of mills wouldroisc 51512355 up rotn the $lt95599 figure of lost year despite the loss at Orillia broakdorrl oi the budget secommcndntibas showed the levy for charity and welinrc at mousse social services 5106 zoo assessment 57675 pmvls ion or capital costs $100000 glospital construction grants 21508155 roads $923106 and othcr services $2476 The 1969 road levy totalled $2435462 including government hsslstance III 1968 with Orllin paying $109000 it totalled $2 506139 showing decrease of $30677 with Grillin out Budget for administration and general Jotalled $101592775 homes for the ngcd construction $100000 and charity and welfare $115654480 Assessmcnt for county pur poses for 1969 was 5104621 in comparison to 33101993 last year with Orillia included Total revenue which will be handled through the county durlt ing 1968 was sham at $5170250 This Included $1531356 irorn general levy 3mm road levy $1083500 irom provincial road subsidies $0000 anticipated provincial grants to homes for elderly and $80129 in other revenues The countys share toward malnteoanc of bomcsrior the cldcrtyhincluded 331511 tor Slim toe Manor at melon 519000 tor Georgian Manor at Pcnctang and usmtoward sunset Man or as estimated will be requir ed for its Months in operation during 1960 Sunset Manor now being constructed at Go is expected to be ready or open lng in June DISTRICT weapon Sunny Friday Forecast 1SQYS Sunny skies are prodicted for the Barrie district Friday The Toronto weather olflce says there will be little change to temper ature with light winds It is expected tndrop to is tonight rising Friday to 35 Noon rtemperaturc outside the Barrie Exnminer was 33 Synopsis Fair weatherda en pccted or all regions today but considerable cloudiness will lin ger in parts of southern Ontario during the day Mild settled core ditions should continue Friday Windsor London North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste Marie lake St Clair Latte Erie Luke ilur on Northern Georgian Bay Al goma Tcmagami Cochrnne White liiver Westerns James Bay Sunny with tow clouly periods today and Friday Not 5mm much change in temperature Light winds Hamilton Toronto Western Lake Ontario Niagara South on Georgian Bay llnllburton Cloudy with few sunny inter vals toda Mainly sunny Fri REIECT BIGGER INCREASE Friday Mild wlthligl1t winds day Not much change in tem perature Light winds Ottawa olitr en Cloudy with occasional light snow today Cloudy with lew sunny periods Forecast temperatures Lowfonight high Frfdny Windsor 20 london Kitchener Mmmt Forest Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Pete Khartoum Trenton Ktllaloc Mudtolta aafiaaaasaw3333 Earlton Sault Ste lane Kapuskaslng White River Moosonee fimmlhs Themselves $5ADay recommendation for 50 per cent increase in per dicln allowances was rejected by Sim coc County councillors by vote oi oi to 22 late yesterday af ternoorl in layer at per cent increase The new rate is $25 per day an increase it $5 Goldwater Reeve Ernie Miller moved an amendment alter dis cussion oi tinaoce committee report which suggested ralsc ee meetings The total paid last ear was said to havolamolmted between $60000 and $70000 HALFDAY RATES Collingwood Reeve Me Mr Kean proposed holiday pay for short meetings as means 01 economy but this idea was drop Fed when the Coldwater reeve Reeve Ken Gilchrist supported vote was asked it carried by glee slim margin of two Innlsfil eveJ Cochrnne refrained trorn voting at first but when told rules required him to do so he favored the smaller raise Former Montcalm Maurice of Tiny criticized the idea of members not having the courage to ask sutiicient allow nnccs at the local level and then trying to make it up at the county didnt run for office for the money was or service to Reeve Harry Cross of Tecum set Medanto Reeve Ingram Amos said he tell it would be unfair to the taxpayers at his township or him to vote for the larger increase Convention expenses at $35 per day were passed and the War dens honorarium increased tram 500 to NW Tho warden also receives the per dicrn allowance The county council usually meets about 10 days per year Committee meet ngs flle morehumerous where the same rate prevails for at tendancc plus travelling at l2 cents per mile both ways The warden is member oi all com mittees The council allowance also ispaid tor other meetings attended on county business Earlier the report recommend ing the raise from 320 to $30 was tabled by the finance com mittee headed by Bradford Reeve Bruce Stewart Travelling expensos at 12 cents per mile both ways was lctt unchanged but special $60 per year allowance for chairmen of standing committees to cover telephone and postagerwas rec ommeudod For ordinary mem bers an amount of $23 was pro posed Members receive the same rate or attending committee meetings and it day and evening meetings are attended the member qualities tor twp pay ments An increase of $2500 in the wardens honorarium also was recommended As member of NOON TIME MON rill SW MAM ole1N Smorgasborci All youcan oai $l90 or from our regular frcrn 50c gso yarn all melt Incl sundgy sArlNG AT lrs assr THE DINING ROOM Evenings Monday Saturday Featuring for your listening and dancing pleasure 112st lows all committees the warden qual ifies for the per diem rates for each meeting attended He also has to attend numerous special functions as headoi thecounty government While no overall figures were so0UTs retinas 1w BANQUET Gary Clark and two sons Tom tlelt and lciiright re lax alter Scout father and Cook has been elected man of the Simcoc district vino fCountyCduncillorstoto Raise immediately released the pro used 50 per cent increase on porcnily would make the now total aggregate bctwncn $00000 and $100000 The change to $25 lsexpccted to cut this hack to between $7000and $30000 supper held at St Giles Angliccin Church last night More than to lathors brought tot Hedwiginnit engage their salts tothc event and its tcnod to an illustrated talk on the Holy land Examiner Phi Comes Uncles Scrutiny Bradford Deputy llccycF board of health which reccilm its main revenues irom tllo plo govern county council was advised yesterday The county budget rccnnlmcmi cd tor approval amountmi to $103422 rupilom lislhd Sad 901 but shaved somewhat tile 512152 asked iueheallh unit asked total budget at $017627 or whichitlxc countys shore would amount to Orilll $111195 for six month and province 65 We recommend reducion of $0500 ill the total budget said the finance committees re port This decrease would IL duco the totaLta 55991137 of which the countys share would be $112422 lcss $5000 surplus on hand The balance at $103412 would be old in 12 quilt in stnlméntsl SWISS MAlD BAKERY Yes wcbake the best by rho old fashioned hand method to bring to you the closest to homemade usihg QualityCheckd Dairy Pro bake goods youve ever tasted ducts incur Bakery THIS WEEKS SPECIAL HOT CROSS BUN page no 59e Now rnloAyVnNosarunoav oath iAKEVlEW it 185 DUNLOP ST AT atsoar Esreullllul s7285l5l2 of rlNevlsw VARIETY srolls ovounas lea loony purcuslls onocsnv soon clly Auguslca woreeeTHAMfs RED Wilrre 1o Aoolss connectlancer CHRISTIESIGA oywusoasneo WHI Anon Brlnch We use quallty chokd dairy products in our bakery EE QUR FINE DISPLAYOE wew DINGMATERIAl AT ii the city of Oriliia lsrc uufred to pay its portion of the grant an drcct basis the com tys shore would be reduced to 392551 However Grillia is cor lrihuiing to county taxes tcr six months under its separation agreement oum members at the hcrllth unithuard include Frank Hersey vicechairman Donald Brown iinnoce committcc chairman Joseph Cochranc property choir man Fred Marlinypubliclty Tom loslin Oiillin representa tive chairman of managmcnti Russell Crcig on oi lifatchcdash Pretlnlshed Toasted Mahogany PANELLING at Durnoout bakedon nish random Vagraoved select ed Paeilic Mahogany ply wood panels ling 35 BEAVERS LOW PRICE Per Ponol Permanent Beauty with Genuine weeowtjbp PANEtLING AlmondyPrcfinislled larchS esseo gt now use CITYlusty ran annals mvnsoav runumv in onion City StatusiCould MeaniLoss OtCountyGrantForcollege Ornltas widohawal lmrn Sirre coc County Isa new city may mean aiubla loss in grants or Simcoeflqllege It was indi cated at county council yester dey county couhcil agreed threeycm ago to contribute 004m toward the college at 5000000 pctyenr startle when construction begins with Orilllas withdrawal the reserve college lands which mounted to overtmmo up to this year were used to help Winlerama Set sunday InlInnisiil innlsfils Winterama to take place at thelnnisiil Park At cona Beach this Sunday will lea turn it different racingeyents iheleeturo of the day will be race to For island Five classes of snowmobiles are being entered including an Wen class 300 400 cc modi fied 375500 including 39 mt excluding SS and 250 300ccrtock It race between council mem bers several powder pull and childrens races ball battles and mixed novelty races will all bepart of the one day event sponsored bytlie lnnle lit Chamber at Commerce FARM PRICES mm co Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighed prices quoted by the departtnentoiiagllculturensot Wednesda lnrgadsyh mc mummme tholcsalc prices Ens vuntry stations tincusses qtiot ed by committee of wholesale egg denlerszextm large as 40 large Nils mediumss small 23 35 Butter prtoeo 1Canadtan Dairy fknlunisslon tenderable callots buying so unrest buy ing to score selling Stnrdust Wit cslthG rles 13 Each Micro past summer preformed wrote easy in apply wceada gt allocate Masonry WALLPAINT or moisture protec uon and colorVon base imont walls 200 Bil coverage per sale finance the new county home for the elderly now being construct ed It Gollingwood li fWe are not closing the door on Orflia said leading county spokesman but they will have to negotiate for new deal under the changed circum stances Oriltla no longer is in the county tor adtninlszratlra puma Site of the proposed new col lege iaHlnXhtrdflrillia townshlllp just across ay 11 from ie city at Orlllln The county councils finance committee recommended that no provision be made in the 1039 btnlgct for setting asideth tor college grant hittheh more it recommended bylaw to ancel this obligation be no ranted l1 the college construe is proceeded with in the tutors new application for grant could be submitted to county council for consideration it was suggested in report of the in ant committee headed by Bradford Reeve Bruce Stewart Other mendoera include Sunni dale Reeve Lloyd Prldham Fins Reeve Frank Coughlln Essa Reeve George Davis Cooksth Reeve Louis llioalrrnnn Mid land Deputy Recvc Tom Mc Qlllollxh Colllngwood Reeve Mci McKean and Warden lirn olo Vanclpe Youth injured When Knocked Prom Motorcycle collision between motor cycle and car at the inter sectlon ol Mary and Ross Streets yesterday afternoon sent chain hoSpital caused $125 dam age to both vehicles Jumps Pullbrook 17 at tits TBurton Avenue has knockcdto the ground by car while trar veiling east onRou Street Driver of the car Joan Bar bara Carrow 20 of 05 Bayview was proceeding with on Mary gt Mr Pullbmok was treated at floya Victoria Regatta for all and bruises and released Velvetcx White cslthG Tlts Each Beavarn rm em in misohavmfibeauuauy coat white ouahty Dom tar tile bongueand We ed tattoos arcticme Paton 12 per loot clinic Wall srnarPlNG

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