Another dimension was added last night to the debate between planning board runner Jack Stollar and the city over alleged building permiil as city solid Mr Run in written brie maintalned the permits were not wrong or unlawful The brief was received by tho mayor yesterday and prcsented to the citys general government committee last night The committee recommended that council ask Mr Stoilar to resign had no knowledge that the solicitor opinion was coming the mayor said The city ad strator requested it TIE ddaate stems tram DIR lished statements by hiru Stollar at Jan to meeting of tie Bar rie Builders Association thal the city was involved in illegal ao tions liir Stollar is president of the association The general government corn mittee requedad that ha put in writing those accusations and hfr Stotlar repliedylo say that he would appear as deputation hefore council to explain the duress lle merged a1 council Sets 10 that the city had issued build ing permits for the loo home Ruehen Corporation ciadivisicn on madles Roadthat did not oornply with soaiog regulations FLOOR since The bleaw requres 1an square feet otfloorspaoe for single family dwellingsln the area hlr Stollar maintained that ths 1100 square feet should be measured from the inside Inlls of the building but in the case or he fluoben subdivision the measure ments were taken from the out side The city rolicilors brie last night reads in part flt would appear that igtvansmrang or unlawful to interpret floor area Cor NétInErrcrg SoilicitorDec1areS as includiangl the areas of floors measured mm the outside of the exteriorwalls of the build log being the least restrictive interpretation Tharsolldlor maintains that the body or law regarding restrictive legislation such as rosin hylawrusnaliy comes out in favor or the person upon whom the in hrlposed There is considermla contro versy over the floor space re outremcnts in the citys two major zoning bylaws nle merbrlhelwnoï¬ï¬ which applies to Ills 01ndch Road Ireaxwhcra tha Rueben Corporation Subdivision is lo cated and was given approval by tba 0M8 except for one small section in July of 1965 slatca that the required 1100 squaro feet of floor space is de fined as the total area contain ed within the outside walls Another section of the same bylaw deï¬nes mac floor area as the total arch of all floors in holding above or below rods mcaniredjronr theout side at the exteriorwalls Under the older analog bylaw mo which applies to much of the ï¬st of the city only loso squln feet of floor area are rc quired audit in defined as the maximulnhabltablc area within the outside nulls Consulloo practice iathe city has been to measure the floor area under Illll bylaw by the outside dim casinos of the building ASK RESIGNATION The general gnvcmment com mittee last night recommended that council ask for Mr Stol lars resignation from the plan ning board The mnendatlon was in nmport of an announcement last Friday hythe mayor that he on DONALD nnowu ilcft front and city administrator Gcrry lanlhlyn consier new wouldrecomnd through pro Per channels that Mr Stollar resign from the planning hoard The rnerrbers of the commit tee suggested that it air Stol toh evaluation scale prepared for city employees as Mayor oftllowoek Penny Hamilton hlayor Robert Bentley Aid 11 Jolliflc and Nd Gerry Roberts nut to right rear look on The jalr evaluation was prepared hyDr Brown for the do one on past In months II lar did not proter his resigaa tion the mayor should take the case in the lillnlsler of Munich pal Affairs Darcy hchcough 72 ruz itARIUE nxnlltvaarllllusnav manually so ms CollegiatéBond Adds Io Listj 10f Honor5 fha Barrie District Collegiate band walked away with more than its usual share of the hon ors handed out at the Kiwanis lilusic Festival in Toronto this week The hand placed firm in 11 of the categories it entered The studcnlswho participated in en semble competitions consistently placed first Ensembles consist of five to twelve players ï¬sher director of the hand whopionecred ensemble Tn Iturned out in totco last night cannuemossnaau More than 150 angry innlslil lralepayers attended township uncil meeting at Slroud Com snunlty Hall last night todemand rcversaf of regulations setting tmperlot administration lee ttor divisions oi land The council voted last July to apply the ec onany new plan lot subdiv on where sewer ance had the effect of creating Ha vacantJol the same time lt was ureod to wash out plans of sub lVlSiOll over eight years old older planswould be consid red one lot requiring that they subdividedagain with the Warlot fee to apply Igéstiokesmen tor the ratepayers in council last night that the gulationcreatea hardship on people wishing to develop land nhoy now own playing at Central the bands headquarters said he regards the approach as comparable to seminars in academic subjects The ensemble approach to music instruction will be offered in re gularly scheduled classes next year at Central Band members will travel to the Canadian Music Educators Convention in Regina this April where they will perform Dvor aks Serenade Opus 44 Nelve players including cel mums anagram protest over $600 fee in divigioasgot land Leading the as the township council heard delegation were left to right Innisiil Ratequ One of the spokesmen Bud Martin said the fee elevates the cost of lots to sud an extent that it ovill seriously restrict sale Gianl Andrade another spokes mantold council that property ownera were not treated fairly Those owning two or more lots that are abutting must pay the lee whereas others wning as many lots which arent abutting dont paya centhe said Former councillor George Burr ton declared capital expendi tures such as the cast of municipal office should be low led against the entire township not just selected few Reeve Joseph Cochran aaid however that the fee was in the best interests of the taxpayers He said only to per cent of the funds collected in that way could he spent without the con Al OEMING preSenlsl if GALAPVAGOS Spectacular lnlcrnallonhl Award Winning Film Full ngih in color sound and original mould rilll=rll 21 AT couriw COLLEGIATE also squash sloo lo string and base will this work Before leaving for Regina the ensemble will perform an infur mal recital at Eastview Secon dary school on data will be announced Mr she said he consider ed this years bond in quality and in depth the best of them all He added lily comments will he amusing to graduates of the band who know me well perform Peter Randall Clegg Grant Andrade George Bur too Bud Maring Eric Ella To Protest1Seveqn¢efree sent of tits municipal affairs minister He hoped the minister would approve such projects as municipal building and imple ment shed and improved police and fire protection The rech noted that at least 10 new homes in the township are built by outsiders for every one built by an lnnlsiil resident Services required in new sult nivislonswould skyrocket the tax rate if other sources of revenue were not found he said it is my opinion that the city has not committed an illegal act and it is the city Iolicitora opinion Regardless of how you look at It have to say that think the city would be better off without Mr Stollar on the planning board Aid Rot erta raid lust night Mr Stollar has felt there is nothing wrong with starting to make personal references that are not at allrelated to the maf or Lune These are not the kinds of actions that lead to good reputation for this city can see no other rolrtelnlt that Mr Stollar resign Mayor Robert Bentley said TAKEN FROM CRASH SCENE TORONTO Milli DIES LATER liletrn Torontu Coronor Boyd said lhla morning there will be noinqncst into to death of Andrew Sentinels ol Newmarkct who died In home on Barony crescent in Weston after being involv ed in thIr collision near the Highway ii turn off on mgnwuy loo last nlghi Scrabelt was irlvolvcd in colllslon with car driven by Gerlld Sudcyko 22 of Gonn worth and James Benson Es amine photo know from lirndlurd wcra Simcoe County council at its sessions this morning confirm ed 1969 tax figures passed in committee providing for nine tenths of mill increase in county levy The ncccssary bylaws were passed covcring mills for roads and 83 for gcllcrnl purposes with Warden Arnold Voncisoprcsidi ing ROAD WORK Leighton Clark county engin eer said county road it around Midhurat would be given main lcnancc work this year llccanv slruction includes 73 miles from Angus toa point south of tho Baxter turnon countyrond 10 17A Simpson ot Glcpdinning Jarrett Gould and 02 county auditors reviewed the auditors statement for the past your pointing out there wcrc surplus es in both the roads and general accounts Mn Simpsonsairl the separat ors Turn Ont 9300 would get it back through n1 Who should pay for lhese ices the new people or local residents the rech asked Heanid those who paid lllc tax savings over term or years However Mr Burton warned that with the inability of small developers to pay the $600 per lot larger tirma would move in building up to noohomes in year and destroying the Jslow steady growth pattern city of Orillia had equities in both surpluses 347 aArrlELo FAST TAKE callcd lo the mac lo investi late It passing motorist was as not been idcntlllull plcltld til lilr Scrabck and upplnally took him to the Saxony street home Dr ll Wheler of Tpron to pronounced lur Berlins dead In the boillIL Oll constants Paul licnd rich was the investigating of flccr Staff Salaries City councils general govern meal commillcelast night met to discuss complete lob rc evaluation for oath city em ployee that has bccn prepared by management consultant Dr Don ald Brown The evaluation puts each em ployce in grade level from one to 21according to the demands and responsibilities of his lob hislcngth of service education and pthor factors Each employee was assessed on point scoro to determine his grade level and there are nine salarystops within each grade Poicntinl salaries for Lolly 7cm ployccs Would range from low Tho separation adjustment of $300000 to Orlllin payale at $50000 per year for five years it also did not include the citys interest in county administrai tion of justicehuildings and any rents or sales rovcnue would have to be adjusted accordingly hfr Simpson advised Barrie also has an equity in those builds ings he reported Orfllia has on 1816 pcr ccnl equity in the $50000 per year re scrvc set aside for the past three years towards Simcoe College iitvas pointed out with Orillia separated as city the annual amount could he adjusted to $46 000 to raise the same annual total erhopc to see thccuunty come through with its shard said Orillia township recvo John Paterson The site chosen is lo cntcd in the township not far fromthc citys border Orlllia township deputy recvc lion Stanton also stated he an ticloatcd the county council 7280941 11 SERVICE Open Dallytill midnigbthrldny and Saturday ill tan de Rates COnfirmecl By County Council would make rcasonahle adv lustmcnl Thorn willho stu cnts attending from all around the district he remarked TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS mom mom at grade one of $3090 to high at grade 21 of $2015775 The details of the new salary and wages scales will be dis cusscd with city employees and union roprcscntntlvcs in the next weds the new system of pay advancements will ho brought to council next Monday night The setup establishes co lcrslon factor for determining the salary cacb employee ought to get lho conversion factor mul tipllcd by the number of points the employee scored in the eval uation dona hyDrJBrowo would determine the salary he will get The factor in determined by assessing the general wages corned by the molar companies in the city and the cost of liv ing in the area The iactorywopld be adjusted cnch ycar to accommodate chan gas in the cost of living Mayor llohcrt Bentley prnised Dr Browns roport strongly think this is tremendous progressive step for Barrio ho said cant think of more difficult area than the nonoh Jcctive salary standards we had llltllls city MNKS FIFTH ln totalwlumc of world trade Canntlanormally ranksfiith in the United States the Unitcd Kingdom West Germany Van Franco RE ADvERrlseMENr IN WEDNESDAY FEB ma ISSUE No PEl POTATOES 10 should have been No ital Polllun 255179 SEETHE clans WHITE STORE JNEAREST YOU Hicamwalkerrs Special OldCanaclianhislcy wins ortaStewins on snlobthness Make yours Special Old Youcémtlose winsioh popularity