Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1969, p. 16

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PERSONALS 10 HELP WANTEO FEMALE EU ANNOUNCEMENTS BOOKKEEPING meme ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICE OASH RA BEAUTY SALON arrrerun We turmoil Billingaiid posting duties Bith armament tantrums words nwrfrilwm that Emeence Frauma rife ltilrll ursve mw itetirrilliiifiile rian $33 For interview in nemnrnrn no vemr able rnr rurmrr trimunit ulr 23 210 Vern pe cournliaa pantie mun mu Illtr run mu flh ELer sumpmfinfim lad CHRYSLEKCANADA wjolrhmm and salon OUTBOARD LTD BlRTHS COMING EVENTS In that an tr rou am haulage 053 no htrri rsfriinrr ecumeemlflrmn ifluédut nn Burma llORllCUUIURAI an iaifoflaraim thmnfihifiltit scams 11°s€nm°er3rurfi noon law or tenants uroainn mi mhvnm 31 VIWL EL Mm mmpmm mum itrrnera nNAi radirr Aux Wmus mum 19 rpm won mm wing in Wt iiurr moon or mam my mum Mm mu mm on mm rem and seven at in mm films DRESSMAKING nary arena manfimaflifihfll ass mnr rem crrn at Central Wale Auditorium sectarian are moments is Wgpwm NOW IN BARRIE urn xeAxiaur mm Perfect Fitting Gameglsl TRY=EXAMINER WANT ADS ENGAGEMENTS 139 qumi Itlade after the latest PHONE 7282110 MidMemo no can 9m MW from worldknown fashion hcu mentirrnnouneenorsmir mosI do 505 by We 50 lfléuirduifiuirflnbmnrl arm ed th may 53mm AUCTi°N SA is inconsiderate Day it an n15 lame fillgfillfslifiunrgg Adult Met $150 Students 75c AUCTION SALE an ocloel glmilsibgfmimn anytime or llllflnlDDESDNMr and Mn pop init nemrn shepherd rrrrrrir ROBERT PAR nut amp er nun ST DE PAUL Rm mm 7m Sale of his clnss farm mdiia b3r3Trr taidedubiisiklrife ngaday 15 and 79pm answer Io sum Rhianna715 many antiques gt am Is so CARDS 0F THANst 5536mm Jerrys TV ND membersv reporters laws aimed Wednesday night election victory in Nunaimo not at all chasicncd by ion IO HELP WANTED auburn wx and mi urrt ty lendera5baarriveg In 0t PROVINCE OF ONTARIO em unit run to tn mum at surr BARRIE omen DEATH nnTuzsdIy reamr1 is me in CLERCAL Iltl or the iris Andrew ltlnore dear mother nr mu iiiru Jack Grade 12 or equivalent mien tthiehtfiiathii flFizitntttwmmngnin nu dramatically increased Consumer Prices Fumes In Toronto Northern Beer em mm mummy Start snrny Buy and Arthur nr Ortllls with the Exception or Clutlllcd Aprlll1969 nerll Home nunvne ror rurrru bHa or not noon men day ator Charles Gnodeu inep her and January in St John or collapseVmesdnvofstudenlsata Ontarm drinkers who pay vale Cemetery crisper Intumcnt shares or so eentr Ly trends on yer the Dominion Bureau oi night The Liquor Control Bum M5 mus mm $21 ggngggnmebympg med mm mum MP statistics reported Wednesday There was no air getting into been asked review the map Saturda Februa 22 LOST FOUND at will pm only marries amino oiarur wish mi ma fig mount in even smut or hlklh ennui tor 2000 911 irons at teanrr mm $353 with Win mm mm PERSIAN CAT LOST and tum rum is 1969 wcdmday 25 Wu rm mm but Had cnuicrr alter rent1r supin St rrrr howdy mum hemp pm to Slow 11 PM PM Vi or mm VCBOWDS WELCOME TOMMY BACK Terms castha reserve as the wtrn tn thanii ray andsupporters all kinds ready to take his seat in Feb CowiehanTbe Islands hlr ing hlsseat in last Junos elcc JERRY COUGHUN mottoveer 51931 um Ind vlleI wbllt WATCH or mu 1m Tuesday go mull 5mm mm welcome Tommy Douglas par hamentwailerrhis Ijcb 710be liouglns leithaysvlio was tinn GP Wircphoto Fctltmary 18 radio AM or rirrwrrr ieeiri menu In nurses or the intensin HEALTH INSURANCE has hiyaagain Registration Board dillYES moons in the arroowooa FEMALE prime iinrotri rrnrtmruixnrnr TELEPHONE ii e0 aces 1011 um ur ov TYPlsT strum Ind Girdyr Range $8300 $9750 firhfrifn nrnr°er mus WASHINGTON AP With th bl of liel clicrts more than 1000000 flcionnfiiafiififrfiflfmfinp enru iirriiagitchindiairrirfxfifi or iihirniih florvnbondlgn Emil matron soon will starve in an MAW 69 9°5lm lwnom PM Wilton GP £11 MUM me am In mm mm whim Nth mm induce mm or gamide sen prices decline between Decom List on may ave cause mny un er uay or art cm rervice on Thursday Feb 20 It Ntld Halifax and Toronto and computer training school p0lt higher prices tor beer thnnnrn Write P0 Box 53 barrie Ont pun Temporary entomhment an 31 my ms fly remained unchanged in Vancou licespokesman said Wednesday paid in the south Housmm irier Elmvale Cumin use or Examiner arr Number Men mle to thc Atrlcan secessionist state liefiihriltééhi itll oTElrdiy flungExfflwéabmaig MU called for much more active They rose in six other main bulldmg and 1° WW1 What Ontario Prices gt ircatoiivri ro ru mirenon ieiqsrniie LYIERIENCED bookkeeper unable side simply used up nlltho or 1r nrn 151909 sinnoy Thoma re centres and cit on In eramt 70 it we Imgglm ghgléfif°f nemrri the sixth with in 24 wonoairma bum United New in ion 11 rltt Ill humans or mounts on Cussinmnnmrrsiiinchun brinslnsvabout M5013 in Jahnr gommicav OWNER gcn he spakesmnn Hm mm mldm 0mm mm Ell xi Wll Fifteen girls sluriipcduncin Apiy mi Dlwontnte ii in hip nnl Sn oon it NM at vyawwcn flower unfit firmfnlifgrrrrsgtnviceiorir race in iur 5n arnwo inforuer to we mam Nigeria CM m3 pfimnfiqtand 33ng mm Emmy Gwen thin in MoNrirt Westwew nrr ward fares comuuvo in conflict which is al more than oothcrs ran into the MALE FEMALE no1 Muriel Mn Dnlrwn wi 50ch this or word per inser street choking and gasping tar and Vancouver lace int itinr William Thomas tion tulll Six consecutlva ready responsible for well over omen lTELPllle or rernrie 0hc bureau issued its city air when the incident occurred and ill01 Mrs rrnieri Werteu purtinnr gen word per lnser 2000000 dead cannot be In to Le noon dlylmechlome flaw finlflflflvfififg mi flflmul figigtwggggm shrugged off as an internal mat consumer price indexes on its Its the same sort at thing or inn experience rna known orirviiio dur brother or mun min when ntisinetorv results on ter lacking in international eon new base of 1901 prices canal that happens in submarine BafllcfltAlfifilludDlzigmwill Thomas riiiion Ontario in hir out talned In per cent rnainnnri cemnhe 5m mm Emmi ear Complcle Jenice was held chiral not paid within seven in tihauchapelel tar momma r3 rim um ncll EMPLOYMENT WANTED gbmlttarlscrvlnefivednudly eon NY to rt iiso lam rntermentirter All leILlmok man rvriirino ramps sixornuir marten innirni me unr ci nun rno mun zla rtn it WL Atthe novvvrcgvtfiorinlrgofipiirinrr mipdverdtvifir kindllxynnfneflieecl leuoflPalnthz rnd Paperhlng rir on re ry en no ism iris th nurm nrnnu allor rim nirrrtion in order um rials gin 7231375 Rm drurhierpéi the into air nd Mn my error or amlnlnps my be It or amid sister or Mlu Lillian ported belnn am in order tnrt Tutorirm unggyE preferably CIOChet Helmet Brand ornlnntrcuand Berth Mm unis my be rectified or the roi iri Maths in sludcnll own home Cyanide Dumped flOllONTO iCF Fluidcang ling 100 The indexes measure when the oxygen supply is cut hflmzdugnelgdcb wlase acfidcni the change inconstimcr prices all the police oliicer said ii run into ummm 53 gigfigimngggtmifld within enchcity and cannot be They were poisoning them Nickel 00 01 Canada but them on mum mm rived and Mt under bomblng used to compare price levels be solved Math the carbon dioxide Vduw 11 ii 93de into Moose Creek and Vermilion iiiiiiieirirhrréririliréhifer attack by leermn planes my hm Laire nenr Levaek 0nt the leg Advertising urnsrtrnent rcnuiru islature was told Wednesday John Simonelt minister oien cry and resources told the leg Amalgamation FOET WHILIAM CF Mll lslnlure noblegnlaetinn was con hmch Minna WM mun tcmplaied ceausc the dumplngu mm mmfinundnJmtm rir Examiner ts rerponriiiio in firms gialfisglnllsm E205 was accidental and the come Rm in mm mm nnLv onnineorrectty printed lnun cKeaug wt ere ray an sake Triepnona 72am By ALICE BROOKS Hume android street nurin tion at any uvcriisrmentrna then to explain proposed amalgam II iv 5m mm mm auiv tn the extent or portion or an measures marmitonoor two predation mum pm that tnvolvu thu mlmflnLErrori ion or 91 gulfth my vdwp hmatTH H080 dime 510w Rebekah service will held at ahlchdflgaot lessen the Iviuo learn and parts or Neebing and shims mm moss in this estimable moreva assassinsantenna suntan tmships hehnetmitlen set No mattervhow Blrrle Exnmlner reservrr the right Wm no bookkeepinfl or tenant winds blow chin strap keeps Incomile tor smut business evenings Reasonable Phone no 8760 alter Dan MALE HELP BODY MAN EXPERIENCED Busy flat rate shop company benefits Apply to BOB ALLEN ATKINSON PONTIAC BUICK LTD his Bradford St 72m RR norm rnrn wanted or iocni veno ing company Telephone 7mm PARTTIME licenced body than re quired Apply in person to Deluxe Taxi 9Clappeflan Street was Accountant irrre nuririe nperrtion requires semHull time cost lccnuntznt Must have run ae counting irnnwiedgn rnr costing ln ventory control run monthly trini nnirnier ertie apartment with tree neat hydra and reiepirone avIllnble oersire cantret Letrby irrriraur company Limited Leirov Ontario CANADIAN MOTOR LAMP BRACEBRIDGELV tingently requires MACHINISTS for Tool and Dierepuir work TWO POSITIONS Out as Assistant Foreman$300 hour other positiohopen depending on ability 45 31 lWlll Bargainl Quilt Boolr has 15 helmet nn Crochet curly cozy loopy set at warm worsted Pat tern 7M1 sizes incl FIFTY CENTS Coins or each pattern on stamps please to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ontario residents add sales lax Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Needlecraft catalog over 200 designs to choose tree patterns printed inside Send 50 centsnow New 50 Instant Gifts tabulous fashions toys decorat or accessories Make ittoday give it tomorrow Ideal or all occasions 50 cents 16 Jiffy Hugs to knit mghet weave sew book 60 cents Bookof lz prizeafghan 60c benutitul patterns 50 cents Museum Quilt Book patterns or 12 superb quilts 60 cents ing 15 patterns 60 cents Book to cllssliy revise or reject want ad oairiiiihv anemia neswnu Services were held Feb 10 at steckloy Funeral Home tor Adeline Boswell who died Feb in Royal Victoria Hospital wile oi the late Alired nos wotl of Montreal Mrs Ens well was in her 95th year She was mother of the late Walter Boswell husband Juliette Benoit Boswell of oro Mm Boswell was predeccasr ed by another son Arthur of Montreal and daughter Yvon ne also of Montreal She was grandmnther oi Mrs Howard Grisdale of 97 Gimn St Barrie Fain great gmnddiil drnn and four greatgreatrgrand children also survive Requiem mass was held at St Marys Church Interment was at St Marys Cemetery Services were held Jan 14 nt Jeanette Funeral Home for 85 year old Constance Amy Ferry of Burton Ave Barrie Mrs Ferry was widow of the late Kirtley Ferry She died Jan II at her home Born in London England she came to Barrie in 1912 she was daughter of John Henry Perritan and Caroline Perrnan Mm Ferny attended St Georges Dumb Mamie and was member of the womens aux illiary CONSTqu Amalgamation isscheduled to be complete by January 1970 Civic elections are scheduled for Sept 15 Pakistani tRiots DACCA Reuters Troops and police shot and killed elght persons Wednesday asvantigov ernment demonstrations contin ucd in East Pakistan Five were killed and as report ed injured in Dacca when dem onstrators defied curiew Violence also erupted in other parts of East Pakistan and three persons died and 14 were injured when crowd oi 2000 attacked police stotion at Nogkhali an otticial report Sal PensionSStoelr IORONH OP Public pressure could torce govern ment pension plans to particii pate in the stock market the president at the Toronto Stock Exchange said Wednesday dinn pension conference It might come as quite ashoclr to those who manage government plans to suggest that obey have an obligation to utilize sub stantial portion of the funds under their control to acquire Canadian equity SUDBllRY or The board of directors of proposed halt ivay house or alcoholics has purehased sixunit apartment block Dink Neutield temporary chairman said Wednesday The house will the under charter oi the Conference not United Mon nonite Churches Ontario unnss mnmmo GUELPH Vn coroners jury Wednesday recnmrriended compulsory training inr operav tors oi inrkliit trunks The jury wasinquiring intn the death Jan 21 of George Robinson 47 or nearby Acton who was pinned between torklitt truck and his own two PLANNING coNrEnEivca lOlIOlillO The Great Lakes institute of the University of Toronto is planning conier ence next tail to discuss prolr lems associatedwith use at the Great Lakes steering com mitteemei Thursday to lay the groundwoflr tor ttieconlerenre CBC CR lClZED UiMWiA OP Conservas Live Robert Simpson Churchill said in the Commons Wednes day that UBCproducers went tar out of their way to show In hens in as bad light as possi ble in Feb Public Eye tele To Aid Alcoholics vision program He asked that the secretary of states depart ment look into the matter Rob ert Stanhury parliamentary secretary to state Secretary Gerard Pelletter said the ques tion will be considered URGES SALARY RANGE TORONTO OP The Ontar io Institute or Studies in Edu cation says in report that mathematics and science teach ers should be paid more than teachers of other subjects The report has not yet been published 1000 PLEDGE INCOME IDNDON Reuters More than 1000 Oxford University un dergraduates have pledged tixed part of their income or the rest of their lives to aid de veloping countries it was an nounced Wednesdat APPROVE WALKWAY STUDY WASHINGTON AP $000000 federal grant for studyvmi installing elevated moving sidewalks inrdnwntown Boston was announced Wedncse day by United States Transpor tation Secretary John Volpe His office said the elevated side walks would move people be invecn transportation terminals and businesses in the South Sta tion and Summer Street urban renawalarens Charge Lecturer MONTREAL CPl lhel McGill University senate 9i Wednesday backed Principal Itocko Robertsons decision to press charges at against political science lectu er Stanley Gray 14 lNDPToronto Bros view asked Transport Minister Paul Hellyer in the Commons Wednesday whether he will sup port ludy Iialllarsh for leaile ship of the liberal party in tariu Mr Hellyer did notreply Miss Lahlarsh tanner state secretary supported Mr Hell yer for the Liberal leadershipg last year rnronln International Airport AIRPORT TRANSEORTATION SERVICE Daily Service MALTON PHONE E5510 13 me ADAMS She was married June ion Mitionr day sday week look slimmer and sleeker at in Allaridale patio parties on vacation in this Mrs Ferry had tour sons and Attractive Fringe Benefits 100 company Paid trio designed expressly to flat daughters Walter de tcrlnrzerh Side slit tunic fiBégfilhéirfllll me basdartsaping enry APPLYTro and Mrs Davis Amok hwy PtedPtt 4720W CANADA MANPOWER CENTREV median it initiate BARRIEBRACEBRIDGEMDIAND DRILLIA 44 iiis 36 was tunic yards 30inch slacks cfigdghrfizsrsp$aflsgidgg CA LIMITED that it SIXTYFWECENTstoscenta WNW ma in coins no stamps please for mm Henna each pattern Ontario residents Mam POPE Wales Mrs Bena add cents sales tax Print WW hndflnEfisflndi Ms plalnly 5le NAME nbmuass Phyllis Trowsdale London king for plant equipment maintenance and repair The than required STYLE NUMBER Jan LIV Edithflmaves mini PM several years empowerednoradrenalineinns Sentl vorilertnrnnne Adams mmtvidmmmtms Eatcl 11tirurrnnnofsuperv cars of The Barrie Examiner Pawnr England 9093 Pattern Dept on Front St She also had nine srandddl eAAltorEintoFOntadoa that mm an Sort ontlmcrrltlers uic GVr 99mm ml 55 Vmw styles in nuquew church Ivy conducted services FallWinter Pattern Cotniog lnterrnent is atSt Paul Ans Plusgtreo pattern coupon 50c 00er Hillim Pal1 Newl instant sewing Book bearers were Robert Ferry Save hourscut tit sew morn Henry Ferry Davis Arnold orgidfizviiunmntr Look iorthe one that looks like awinner Ad HARTLEN ton

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