lawsggmwnmm howssnag aan was min31w 53 ms New wanes Lois WINDMILI PliSCINIlTES IBOY AT MIDHUIIST Although no becoming rarity lcw pioneer Simcoa Alliston Arranges or Flower Session ALLISTON Stall llorticul turnl moieties ill district 16 or the Ontario Horticultural Associ ation will be scndiu delegates to Alliston ior its annual meeting non October Headed by llarry ltliilcr oi Midland the district executive has been busy cooperating with the Allislun host society in look lng plans for the event which is to be held on Wednesday Oct Jean Keith oi Barrie is the district secretary and he aica includes some iii dillercnt orv gonizations Mrs Jean Blackburn ol Cree more and Christine Livingston of Baysville are assistant district district directors and William Ir windmills which were used or power to raise water Small boy stands on top of snowpile win oi Midland is treasurer liaysvllle Powamn AngusI Al There were 109 registered doiclt gates at the last district gather ing held at Slayncr last October PLAN EANQUET Ilaroid Pearson is president oi the host Alliston society Ar rangements have been made to hold the business sessions at St Johns United Church while the banquet will be held at Allistan communily centre auditorium Roscmont Womens Institute will cater Among the larger societies In district in arc Barrie Grillia and Midland Other active organiza tions also include Stayuer Cree more Penetanguishenc Parry Sound Huntsville Gravcnhurst BEAUTIFULUNUSUAL YOU SIMPLY HAVE TO SEE IT Ladies HomeJ not to admire restored windmill at county museum on highway 26 at Midhurst liston lluronia 0m and Vespra Meantime plans are proceed ing here or an active program oi summer activities for the Al liston society which has Mrs Harry lIulInnd as vicepresidut Mrs Harold Collins secretary and Mrs Harry Burns lreasur er SUMMER SHOW The summer show in August is major event ior uhich special trophy is awarded for winning the most points This show is usually held at Allisioa arena Spring lowers shows also are held by the Alliston group Like most others in the area the local at sTAR RALPH NELSON Hut leMURis AliDlHER sunsinianv or Aurmcan EROADCASHNG commune iNC 4m sewest flPMand 92 Pu MUSIC Bl RAVI SHANKA EXECUIIVEPROBUDER SELIGJSEtIGMAN STIRLING SILLIPH hllDHURST Stall Winter visitors to Springwaler Park ap pear to show special lastin aling as they watch the deer and other animals led and iollow the birds In IlilllL The whiletnlled deer penned in large enclosure in which white rabbits hopped about mer rily in the snow attracted par ticular attention mm map of youngsters who visited the park day or two ago Ionryearoid was thrilled when one oilho bolder oi the deer sounlered over to the side of the meshed enclosure inspect ed his cupped hand and then licked his ruddy lace look at the deer look at the deer he shouted gieelully at an accom pany adult Ho came right over to me The deer seampered oil as the lad shouted but the youngster lost none ol his enthusiasm as he watched it track across the snow to join two other more sinuous lrlendn on the other Alliston ALLISNN Stall James illcCague wellknown Allis lon cattle breeder has been el ected vicepresident oi the Hol sleinFrleslan Association oi Can ado President at this weIlknown Canadian organlzalinn or the ensuing year is Marland ltlur ray oi ltlartintown Ontario who has been director or 12 years He and his snnCampbell iarm 550 acres and their Murrayholm Holstein herd numbers 150 head daughter Carolyn was lormer Ontario and Canadian dairy princess FOUR VlCEPRESlDENTS Mr ltlcCague was one of iour Vice presidents just elected others include lrenholm society also sponsors local new er gardens including at the town hall and the Allision arena Ornamental urns placed at downtown corners received par ticular attention during the past SpringWaier Park Visitors Watch Feeding 0i Animals Heads Cattlemen couple oi years ACADEMY AWARD our nrsmlcr NEWS 3mm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY FEB ll 19 white swan usual man aged to gel the most atlenlion among group or swimminc birds mostly docks ol marinas varieties There were numerous ducks including Mandarin and Mallard Redheads and Plnlnlll to mention cw Snow white geese also received lpecial in terest Although snow covered the road through the picturesque Minded park just wth the county museum on highway 25 Were plowed and passable There were varied parking sec lions which wero cleared While it in different during the summer there is no charge ior park visitors during the winter The park superintendent rilJncilson explained the roads have to be kept cleared so the animals can be led and so the public is admitted irom am in pm Snomobilas are allow ed into the llGacr park but drivers are asked to keep them on the regular routes Man at Grand Pre NS Abner l3 Marlin of West lllontrose Ont end Curtls Clark oi Carstalrr Alla hlcCaul oi Napanee was immediate past president while Clemons oi Branllord is the secretarymanager By clear majority the mem bers voted approval lor registra tion of red and while Holstein and also black and white with black on legs or tells that pre viously had made them inelig ible ior registration These ani mals will be registered in In alternate herd book whlch will be kept separate irom the reg ular herd book Requirements ior the latter will remain unchanged Animals in the alternate herd book will be eligible for all the association program However it was voted or the time being at least alternate animals should moan lSulll It Just isnt cornmon sense to proceed with such plan now said Cowbell onnu lnnislil Putv were discussing pro post that lnnislil townï¬ip build new municipal building He described as lmlbardy suggestion that immediate no lion be taken to get constmotlua stoned it could mean the waste of considerable money he laid muting little pat Icnce was needed We had better ï¬nd out where we are gas log with regional government first so we can understand the 110$ dismay would have rlgnt on be annoyed ii their money was spent an building which didnt meet requirements at the next trv years he maintained TWO HERE blr Campbell sid he had read where lion Darcy lilo Keough minister of municbal attain had suggï¬ted hwo tiers ot regional government onerinlt volvlng hom 150000 to £00000 people and the other from 000 lo 10000 as the minimum requirementlt seems to have been more or less taken for granted in lnnislil that the second tier will be adopted to usIuIlhlnkltmuldbcthe part at wisdom toualt and see before we make large capital expenditure such as proposed he argued looking ï¬t after his recent illness the iornrer rceva said he felt ï¬ne He visited Sim coo County building at Barrie yeflerday to see what he could learn oi regional government plans was advised to come again later he sald briefly Dlstsisslng recent lnnislil council pay hikeslh former progeny be registered in the reg ular book it war speckled MEETS IN JUNE Chairman of the Canadaus pointfcommittee Dr lienA oi oi the University of Guelph inï¬nplilslldedl1il the breed could or use any rlor blood line because oi cm re striations Announcement was made that Lion of America will hold its annual meeting at Los Angela in June Where it will consider the stabllsbment at an altemate herd book as recommended by the joint committee not be eligible for show at iairs Once an animal is registered in tile alternate book it cannot be subsequently be registered in the regular hook nor can its into this Categoryof greats we new have film called Charly deeply moving rather extraordinary picture which prdvrdes Cliff Robertson with his entranceiee to Oscars magic circle 1969 Robertsons Chariy is asingularly great performance tourdeforce marvelous study in acting at its best and entertainment at its most aliésling Nelsonwho directed Lilies of done truly superb job putting his the Field ins starsr through their dramatic paces with faultless stunning precision making each shining gemof brilliant perfection fflolvaood Gingerlaws shutdowns in coilaborationwith ROBERTSON ASSOCIATES presents CLIFF ROBERTSON CLAI 41 SCREENPLAY BV ANT casnwmo RE BLOOM tltIA SKIILA tEON JANNEY RUTH WHITE own on NOVELiLOWERS on ALGERNON ByVDANIEI KEYES nucleus inch WINDS blluard means winds at al least 35 miles an horr math arrow and temperatures oi 20 degrees Fahrenheit or lower DIRECIED AND PRODUCED BY RALPH NELSON ITECHIIICOLORI TECHNISCOPE Postponement Urged For Innisfil Centre dandy run commuted it is rm opinionno are sinneld be in council ior what in in it We do not expect our council mm her to work lor nothing and they should have expenses and something reasonable But it shouldo be made into any ral arled lob flie Iii long county resident who nus born at Nottsoasaga has lived inlnairfll or to years farming most at his tile He served six years as dcpuly rceve the last time in 1966 and also another three yearr on council Thore have been qute cw changes in county council even since was on it he said re ferring to the provincial ogv eminent taking over ndmlnlslm lion justice lhe countys takeover of assessment and wel iare responsibilitieslrom mun idpnlitles and also the new city at orillias separation as some oi the most hr reaching er amplu they tell us there will helm Mr Cambcll recalled the county vote on men changes which removed admin istrallon lrom local municipali ties to the county stating he WM it war held in Now amen1966 voted against it because didnt thok the county was ready for the change at that time he said mange should be made can Iiously with the taxpayers given lull opportunity to pass ludg menl he stressed the best and most elfzclenl administration is that closest to the people be said remarking 1he tarter lrom the more or income the more costly Medonle To Vote On Rink Grant hiOONSNNE Stall hiei donto township ratepayers will be given an opportunity short ly to vote on whwtor thcy wish to approve $10000 grant to ward ï¬nancing oi the Goldwater corrxnunity centre Coldwoler has agreed Io pay its rharo ll hledoale and two other neightobrs Maldicdash and lay tourishfps also will con lrihota The grants would make artificial ice possible at the rink and greatly extend the hockey and skating season STARTING THURSDAY louu inuur JANE FONdA Banbinr to in IA OJ MARCEL law MARCEAU