Ncws ROUNDUP Woo Emigrants Back NOW MIMIaccli odornalaiaofleringloansa airtlctetatohdpeitinns fled abroad lie the Warsaw padimaaioniastyurtoeoma bum Qadsoeiovak rtelea and commie abroad have been an thariud to tell minMather netting barring their retina meybadhairtlok et and any loan in WWI ha Gauchosiovah who still went more time to make in their minds can also get loam to pre vent them beingstranded abroad the Prague daily Svo bode Soto said The paper said many were confined because firms in some countriesit referred to Austra lia Switzerland and Canada regard ed Mslovaks as sources of cheap but highly qualiï¬ed labor Reï¬t Destroyers OTTAWA in Tour de stroyers are to be converted under the same contracting sys lrm used for the relit ol the air trail carrier Bonaventure do fence oilxciela said Tuesday However they told the Oom mona public accounts commit icc that prototype conversion nill gise lhem better idea of the scope oi the work and the cost than they had for the Bona cnlurei The Bonaventure refit origi nniiy estimated at ssmmo cost aboui $110003 when completed after to months in Lamon Que shipyard Airline Security PAltlS AP ltedoubled selt curity precautions were in of test for all planes imm Greece Israel and Arab nations at Orly Airport today following the at tack on an El plane in Zurich alimony night Planes lrom those nations were parked on distance from the airport terminal and well away irorn anv point that could be approached by the public stringent identity checks were being made on all passengers Freight and baggage was thorv ougth inspected before being put aboard the planes Hunt Bombers aroma co 1nn hunt for the perpetrators of The Barrie Examiner than eVersbefole in October 1953i 14month no of bomb inch dents intensiï¬ed Tuesday al city police put into elfecl top lsvel order to search all persona seen carrying auspicious pac agesi Meanwhile government and polil authorities from munici pal provincial and federal lev lln are taking steps to revamp explosives legislation in an ab tempt to prevent terrorists lrom obtaining the necessary mata riais for compiling bombs Persona entering several downtown buildings including Ihe Dorchester oiï¬ces oi the CBC were required to open their lunch bags and shopping parceh for inspection Drama Festival TORONTO CF Dates and adiadlcators for regional competitions leading to the Do minion Drama Festival at Kelowna BO May 1024 were announced Tuesday Marigold Charlesworth Toron to actress director and drama te will Judge Ontario competition Eastern Ontario competition will be at Kingston March 46 Quebeehnrthem Ontario iQuontal at Sault Ste Marie March 1115 western 0n lario at Burlington March 1022 and central Ontario at Oshawa lilarch 1425 Food Io Merger DNDON Reuters The British goienlmeni has ap proved merger between the General Foods Corp of New York and the British conlection ery firm of ltowntroes Approval was given Tuesday by the board of llIde which said it decided not to refer the proposed merger lo the monopo lies commission Violate Secrets noise Ari The tonne head of the liaiian secret serv ice niesday charged 11 liaiian generals including iormer commander at North Atianilc Treaty Organiration forces in southern Europe with violating state secrets and misusing ofliv 0131 documents it is up to an examining mag istrate now to decide to bring the 12 in trial along with eight others named in the accusation The list of generals included General Pietro de Martino lor mor NATO commendaclor Southern Europe rnz Mann EXAMINER mamayma Driving Charge PWROUGH CF Clement Rllltl 56 charged with dangerous driving afler two teenage girls were killed when his school bus collided with train Nov 26 was commuted for trial in preliminary hear ing Nesdly Thirtyseven students from Crestwood Secondary School were aboard tha bus when the collision occurred at level crossing on laiy Lake lioad live miles northwest of here Evidence al the preliminary hearing established that the road surface at the crossing was icy Charged In Death NAKlNli Ont Hector lathe hieshake 17 has been charged with the noncapital murder of his fatherhpolice re ported Tuesday Police said Cashmir hieshalre 37 was found dead in his house lie apparently died of beating Saturday The family lived in Aroland nearthis community 160 miles northeast ot the lakchcad Family Thefts TORONTO OP Judge Glories Opper called $5ycnr old Tomato wiriow the ma dame oi Faginvbpe opera tion belore sentencing her Nesday for shoplifting with her three children and possession of stolen goods Judge Opper sentenced Jean Graves to seven days in Jail and 3275 fine for an Incident last Nov in department store in which she her daughter Heather is and toro younger sons and McCall Ziletwalr 50 at Toronto were involved Discredit Plan mammo CPL New Democratic Party backbencher Tuesday accused Ihe govern ment of spending more than $16000 in public relations fees to discredit his treatment pro gram for emotionally disturbed children John Brown MOPBenches Woodbine said that despite this harassment his camps or such children had been more suc cessiul Lhan anerovincially mn scheme And did it with the govern ment down my back with the mininer spending 516500wlllt Public Relations Services in dis credit my program be told the legislature Maison Earnings TORONTO Cll Maison in dustries laid had net earnings CAPTUBED YACHTSMAN Simeon Baldwin native ol Los Angcles is pictured board his auxiliary yawl Mor asurn in the harbor in Hung Kong haldwin is one nlia group of 15 persons including six Americans who disappear edto beheldlnnpo III oi 1081000 or £101 share tor lhe nine months ended Dec it compared with transom or ii share in the comparable rssr period gt The company said four waeir hreuery strflre in Ontario contribuied to the decrease al though lilolsons share of the Canadian bear market has in creased the ed when Communist Chinese captured them on Sunday Sources in Macao wnh Communlsl contacts said to day ihc yachismen are reports north at Macao AP Wire phaio averagedjakiiy net IVl Stays Estate Tax Changes aWill Doom Family Farm OTTAWA 40 Striall busi oeaaea and iamiiy tam an rammed to extinction under governments proposed ea tata tax changes Conserva tive hi told the Commons hleaday William Scott VittoriaHall burtonl made iho statement il the once again dwelt on the gloomy lopics oi death and taxes The burden of lhe Conserva iire argument again was that the governments planned changes would make it dilfloult to pass on family farm or small businesses But freshman Liberal cut against the theme with the ar gument that the individual should stand on his own not de pendent on the support of the last generation Said Gordon Blair Grenville Carletonl We live In society where mosl people like to behave that men is Judged by what he is fol who he is or whooo son he in lilr Blair also ended how ever that the nature of tho changes have been exaggeth and nuaropresenied and lhat it issimply not true that they pose threat to the family farm DEBATE mlimlON Much of the debate dealt with basic exemption from Mar ai death duties set at $60000 under Finance Minister Edgar Bensons proposed legislation The pmscnt limit is 0000 and Mr Benson originally had planned in cut ii to $00000 He revised it to 560000 alter signs of unhappiness within and out slde the Liberal party But Mr Scott said Tuesday the revislon really changed nothing Estates oi more than 50000 would be taxed on every thing above 020000 and Mr licnson had been guilty of de vious conduct in trying to con vince Canadianahe had done them favor with the change lilr Benson had set out to do stray any accumulation of pri sannls rSlGHT AND SOUND IS MOVING T0 Io loss 51 aid circulation was Eximlnor dreulaiiontï¬gum era rublael to and confirmed audit by in Audit Buruu of camisoles vata who um and tilted la ill the ulnar he did was than the load the urder upon ie be said state tax would to up to 36000 irorn $6100 and the PmVlMJal tax would be $7910 On 50000 the fedaral amount would go up to $3150 fromvfloflm and the Ontario tax would be fll960 lilr Blair said most city dwellers in his constituency la vored lba lax change and farm era had been inordinately alarmed by ataiementa about it in in newspapers Many Ontario farmers are on are of their present lax lia bility he said An unintended benoflttd the ch32 was that HIV armors sioesomen tor the first time wen cumin iifnhow to reorganize their al to lower the tax burden Buy British NAPANIE Ont It noun or users in team and Addingion hmiy have ordered it traders ruin British tarm eratahomhaittilecmtotainu lar madiinea tor aala locally lioyliogen pruident of the county federation of iyiculiurp said Thede farm machinery dealers in the area have offered to service the imported tractors FINANCING FOR BUSINESS HMr Wistoot of the industrial Development Bank will or =lanorma Motel lllghwa 27 and 12 Midland Ontario Thousands You are invited representative on Huradayerhruary 20th 1060 of Canadian enterprises have obtained loans from ink to acquire land buildings supplement working capital or machinery to or to start new business in discuss termtioancing with the m3 An appointment foran interview can be arranged by telephoning ruDLAND storm warin advance byrwritlngio MinnowAl nrvrwmrlr BANK lilidLOntaiio Branch gt zï¬oï¬llniversiiy Avenue Toronto Ontario record foriftheExaminer and cerialniproof to fadverytis Tn Mms srusrro ADVERTISE lN THEMEDIUM WHICH GUARANTEES DEtiVEltY orYous MESSAGI hooverwidening audience died It ers that their messages are reaching