736539 jdlsrllied vetting mm All other Deparfmcntl mesa rmsirsn equipped with oxygen mnsks treat vldims ot mysterious gas which af fected to office workers in Toronto after The hi Slï¬HllN TltlllL Death day Police and ï¬remen ad ministered oxygen in maker shift hospital set up in nearby dress shop fire de partment spokesman said gas Gun 5ch Traced nos ANGElrlES AP The odyssey of small revolver from its purchase at time of ant strife to the fateful mo meat when it was fired at the need of Senator mom Ken rtedyis unfolding before Jury trying Siriian murder No witnesses told Tuesday of seeing Sirhanat atiriigiirange Jimaft 1968 watching him hhoot furiously at tangetand asking the rabgnmnster for the besthox of shells you haand want some that will not fire Some 12 hours later Kennedy lay on kibuhen floor in the massador Hotel bleeding is fatal head wound The states witness scheduled today included gLVfrs Albert Hertz whose husband bought the ncalibre lver Johnson eightshot revolver in liteslat the time of ï¬rewalls racial riots Mrs Robert Vestlake Hertzs daughterinlaw who was given the vweaponafizi ten lionsabated mwmwnnmmmnmmm Consideration is being given to televisng budget in the Ontario legislature for Premier John llobarts said today presentation of jiie provincial litardt spokesman Stick TDRONTO tori dildo for steel Seeks UN 3m ANN or aside calidd today on the United Nations Qénadiansv Brace 710mm to government monomer gays QueensParkFavors lluralllreas ion0rtiin GP Former iresoirrces Robert Macaulay venom GP prdvinoial cabinet warned Bisiiara Sirhnn for GeorgerErhardt 215 tutor lly friend who received the gun Virorn Mrs Wesflakc in late 1967 The stafein in opening state ment said Erhardt sold the gun for $25 to itlme Sirfrail brother of the defendant The prosecution is attempting to establish case of premedi tation to counter defence claims that Sirlran was confused and intoxicated when he shot Kane dy and tbat thavhilling was not deliberate Pueblo in Officers Of Conduct Béibre Tariure CORONADO Calif UP in long drak room jail they called The Earn the six ofï¬cers ofthe Pueblo broke the US Code of Conduct for prisoners one day after capture during an interrogation without torture two of them testified Tuesday Compulsory The Ontario Electric arbitration in labor as liedropefedric installs mas and hostesses omen for the Ontario Euro 70 in Osaka Japan met ingforontn My the an iatrodiuoory brieï¬ng about their jobs at the slip Tuesday amed QaeensParkof oateringrtogtrjmal Ontario and ignoring the cities harm Organization Will Take Time The Ontario Federation of Agrlwltine presenttng lfkpoliit brief during its annual meetingwltli the today it will take some time to develop single tamr organization in the province The officers violated the code mote Strike Arbitration Associatiori today dimites atfeging Intervention For Expo iii Ontario minister of energyond Ianorlonto TORONTO GP lit least 17 waited into the offices through the air conditioning system The type of gas was not iden tified GPllirmhatol Eutopeaii Unity Plans lire Hart By West Germany lt Bucher and second in com based on thc IDNDON CF In quick reversal of its position West Germany has delivered what British officials suggestmuy be blow to their hopes of using the sevcnreouatry Western Eu ropean Union as stepping storie towards Einopean unity After relecting the French ar gument that Feb 14 WEU council meetinghere on the Middle East was illegal the German government issued fresh statement in Bonn late Tuesday sayln thn meeting widen France coiled was an exception and at the future special council meetings eanbe persons were taken to hospital May after they were over come by unknown fumes at wmputer school on the comer of Bedford Road and 8er Street in midtown Toronto Tricia Tremayno Lloyd Hunt For Mrssrng Nevada Airliner HAWTHORNE Nov flau tersl massive search was scheduled to resume today in Californias Death Valley and the snowmackcd Sierra Nevada rangotfor D04 airliner the Gamblers Special which vane ished Tuesday with 35 perms Vsboani Air force planes and rescue parties on horseback in ieeps and on foot called off their search at dusk Trcsday The search was concentrated about miles south of hertk the last point where the airliner checked in before disappearing and along the flight which crosses the Sierra Ne vada and bleak Death Valley path held only withthe opprovalof all seven cauntn Broke Code by revealing their jobs on the intelligence ship Lieut Timothy Harris and limit Fro in Schumaclter said They included themselves as violators Harris and Schumacher told navy court of inquiry they later falsely confessed tto spying and invading North Korean terrr rial watersbut only after heat ings and death threats Harris returns today for more questioning before five admimls omthercourtpwhich began by in vrstigating the Pueblos capture and conduct of its men as pris oners in North Korea Their skipperL Cnidr Lloyd mand Lieut Edward Mitr phy Jr have said they signed false confessions after mental and physical torture and death threats The Code of Conduct forbids IJSMservicemen to tell their captors anything but naime rank serial number and date of birth Schumacher angl Harris also toldhmvthey plotted an escape from their prison but finally gave up theiidea becausethe chances of success were re Deny Planning Rent control vasomotor New land lordtenant legislation scheduled to bcintrediiced at the current session of the legislation will be bastxi on recommendations of Davin mm fleftt the lawyer representing Sir George Williams University chats with university officials Zprio torthestartof liminary hearing for 90 pro sou koyguneh operator at the school said she and her class mates began to feel dizzy shortly after noon and collapsed on the sidewalk when they left the building The sldr were taken to Town to General and Wellesiey hospi tals spokesmen reported Some were carried in on stretchers while other were able to milk with help All required oxygen and were to be released after treatment thespokesman said inspector Lawrence Gaskin said fumes from refri geration unit may have caused the collapse lle did not say where thcrfumes may have ori ginated fireman at the school for cated on the top floor of two storey comer building said he conide smell fumes when he entered the offices but noticed tangy taste in his mouth The building was evacuated and cordoned off as police in vestigated Meanwhile consumers Gas Co spokesman said inspectors checked the building for gas leaks but found all equipment was operating normally and there were no blocked chimneys or outlets dents and syunpatliizers charge ed in connection with t2 000000 destructive rampage at the universitylastieek Un isat Tare ys Graham Miller wins Wiirt rtutirtttl neon Budget On March TORONTO ftP Premier John Roberts said Tuesday the provincial budget will be pre sented to the Ontario legislature Marchf Titre premier also announced in the legislature thatdebate on the Ontario governments pmpo sition papers for constitutional Smola principalpf theuniversity 0P rWirephoto change will begin in the house sometime next week centre ciaf offho com titer centre and Dr John administrative vice Sludéï¬l Anger Montreal iidge monomer 0P Munici pal court Judge Emmett life Manamy Tiu esday fired an we omeno Law 365mm Com angry broadsideat defencean bail for the accused vi Standing firm on his decision to postpone the hearings until today and to teeny baii Judge McManamy mission spokesman for Pre ye Presenting 9° me 97 gllbf John Robarts said Thres ay The spokesman deniedrepoits that Mic130mm hail said Man day thc government plans to in troduee rént control legislation ltieapokewrtan said the pre mier bad said only that he ope mixing in new legislation commissions rar coounendati The commission report re leasedin January 19Gb suggest ed scrics ofrent reviews which would try to Settle dis putes by negotiation and persua siun instead of setting arbitrary rent controls These controls should be con slderod only if the review pro gram fails The commisdons proposal to establish municipal rentreview offices andboards is understudy by the attoritcy general and municipal affairs departments persons charged in connection with destruction last week at Sir Georgeywilliams University Judge Mohfanainns outburst ame atthe opening of prelimir nary hearingsof 60 men and no women accused of conspiring to commit arson and destroyprop rty in the Feb ll incident which caused anestimateii 000000 damag The Jadge iangry shortly after listening rorgnare than an hour ioplcasbv about defence lawyers wh sought defenqo law og or with bayonetaandcluha After the third name had been called out by the clerk several defeace lawyeisprotcstell say ing there was no need for the formality since all of the ac cused already had heard the judges decision Do you mind letting me operate this court in the best way can asked the judge visibly angered After allthis is the first day of the hearing and We beenopr eratlng under difï¬cult conle Lions Any lawyers who arent sat other the administration isfied mime the court teem Attire start of the bearing Judge McManamy had warned highvspiritedvpersens among the accirsod who applailded and shouted when their lawyersen tcrcd the courtroom that he would postpone theheariog un less orderwasrnaintnined Theseven juveniles charged ivere toyuppear today in social welfare court The occupiers piled furniture down stalrwelis elevatar shafts and escalators and blocked doorways to police called in by Then they threw business equipment computer tape and punch cards down nine storeys to the street destroyed 31 000000 worth of computer qulom en with fire axes caused another $1000000 in damageb thmingonf gscs and smas ng lnterlarlfittings They ended by settingfiro to the computer Sceptre before riot were lniufed in Army charges rests police broke in andrnude ar if representation on dc WEATHER Cloudy with my interval to day and Thursday continua mild Mw calm ll Kid Thursday Sea details No More Than lo Par Copy 14 Pages and hiterSecondiiiriinerShotUpf TELLAVW NP Another Arab KHErrlllaallaclron sn ls raeil airliner brought threat ioda from Transport Minister titles Carmel of retaliation against Arab airlines Following the machinegum ning of an El Al airliner in Zur ich Switzerland mesday night Carmel told the Tel Aviv news paper Maariv The Arab governments who are concerned with preserving the international airlinks of their countries would do well to take immediate steps to hold back the saboiaurs and thus hvoid the deterioration and de struction of the airways of the Middle East Carmel was the first lsraeil official to blame Lebanon for the guerrilla attack in Decem er on an lsraell airliner in Ath ens Fortyeight haurs later ls raell commandos raided Beirut alrporhand destroyedlkplanes of Lebanons Middle East Afr incst The us state department and UN SecretaryGeneral Thant condemned the Arab ab lack in Zurich and Thant ex pressed hope therc would be no reprisal But loading lsraell newspapers promised retali ation lhe semiofficial newspaper Lemerhav declared fThe sa botage of airways cannot be onesided TheIsraeli security authorities must reach the prop conclusions with regard to this extension of Arab terror llpyom published by the wing Gahal party said is Students WlNDSOR Ont OP Stil dents occupying section of the University of Windsor adminisr Irative black met Ihrcsday night with university President Dr Francis lcddy on the eve of student referendum The closeddoor meeting was the last round of negotiations between Dr Loddy and the stu dents who have been barrir ended in the theology and elas sic departmentsand part of the psychology department for eight days Dr Teddy walked out of the meeting after stu dents asked that special com mittee be set up to consider their demands Thestadenis are as ing bodies open pn meet rael must reaei because her neighbora understand no other anguage The guerrillas three men and woman opened up on the El Al Boeing 710 from behind snowbank Tuesday night as it laxied down ranway at Zur iehs Kloten airport to take of for Tel Aviv Six of the 27 per sons aboard most of them is raeils were wounded The most severely injured wastralnee pilot Yoran Peer hit in the abdomen by three bul lets lie was reported out of danger following an emergency operation at the Zurich cantonal hospital Zurich police said an Israeli security agent jumped from the plane through an emergency hatch after the firstvbursts of fire and killed one of the attack era with shot through the head from his automatic pistol swlss firemen raced tel thd scene and arrested the other three Arabs They said they had to overpower the smell agent otherwise he would have killed the others as well HERES ONE young man called one even ing on rich old farmer to leam his story of how to mom rich its long story said the old mangfand while Im tell tag it we might as will save the candle And he blewlt out You neednt go on said the youth understand Meet sensor president logs the reinstatement of Dr William Kellytheology lec turer whose dismissal sparked the occupationif he so wishes and an amnesty for the demon strators gt At the referendum today stu dents will be asked if they sup port the demands second question asks the students will back strike if the occupa tlon tail to bring about changes in the university structure ADENFAILEGATIDNSÂ¥ Tuesday twothirdsof the uni versitys theology faculty repu diated statements by col league about the dismissal of Dr William Kelly but stopped short of taking sides on the dis missal itself Unipanlidrgefs er Leekqut memo tept Union offi cials charged today that Ontario Hydro has locked out yvorkersin some parts of the province in retaliation toa series of rotat ing strikes We dont know yet how many are locked out said spokesman for Lee 00 Ca nadiiin Union of Public Employv ees but we do know the count is heavy in theNiagarn west ern and northeastern regions on iterate lockn Meanwhile titc rotating strikescontinuedtoday with too Markersoff the job in Toronto and 51 of the generating sta tions in the province TODllY Ann Lenders9 City News2 Classified22 comics20 Deaths21 panama Editorial4 Sports12 is Titealrï¬s rv rusting20 Weatherll Womensd including no been suspended It was the third time since the strike began nearlythreeyflks ago that Torontos big Lakeview plant controllingnearly 23 per cent of the provinces power was affected Andre Bekermaop spokesman for the union said emergency crews would be available at picket lines to aid management in operating the Lakeview plant ifvheip is requested Hydrosppkesman described the new wélkouts asihe sever estblatv yet during the strike But he added that supervisory personnel should be able rto operate the stations in the rest of the province Mr hekeimun saidHydro had told the union that workers in transformer and generhtlng stations in the northern Ottawa Valley Kingston Peterborough and Cornwall were to beloeked outtoday So for faint of lad workers lfncsmen have in Hamilton LcoVampieiv it hydro spokesman for the Niag arnregion said 11 linemen veresusrtended for up to five flflylel three areal communities for refusing to rcspond to off duty emergency calls lastweek OH Meanwhile William Dickie Ontarios chief conciliation affi at said talks between manage ment and representatives of tho limomembe on motion ioday were tn