21 murmur conï¬rm Mcigrks Ofï¬IQDE gt Installation 69th BirthdaY wwuiiiminsizinuaoouu lMACLEODiCLAN earners his litacCiimmon 17 of Guclph0ntpipe1 Dame Floss htadieod into gath ering oi the Macuod Clan in iloronio Thursday night Dame Hora 51 mini of the clan and rsident of the Isle ANN LANDERS liDViSES may Bey itching To Remain Bachelor Dear Ana lander is it pop tibia that my boytriend is ailer gie In me Lately when we are together he breaks out in rash and starts to itch like crazy Bo lievo me this can ruin roman tic moment At first thought it might be gt my Wool sweater but the same thing happened when wore silk andcotton dresses One day as an experiment took almost everything oli and he itchgd worse than ever Does this mean we cant get married Please check with your consult ants and get some word back to me immediately It yousay go to doctor he has Hromised that he will go Thank you for any help you can give us VWORRIED WENDY DearWendy Your boyfriend might be allergic to something you are wearing other than clothing such as makeup hair spray or perfume He should go at once to an allergist who will announcers DiiiissflilUS JACKET Its suit for the daytime citilgtcmpo when evening or rives slip off the jacket to reveal the peufcct dress for dinner and social eveningsi The ziptront jacket has curved hand snackllnethat risos slightly to create flat tering frame The dress is pure princess with dcmi beltthnt gently snugs in the waist Sew Printed Pattern M376 by Branell in doubleknit gabardiria or ltrono of nioseumar Velous costumes you ean waar anytime any coason any place Printed Pattern M370 is availableJn Missear Sizes 10 1214 16 ll at problem arvu omens tell him what to briogin for testing if the teslsreveal no allergies and the itching persists he should consider the possibility that the rash is caused hynn emotional problem He might be itchingto get married or he may be afraid of marriage and ibcblng to stay single in any case be careful with those ex periments Buttercup or you bust 34 dress requires yardr an indi jacket requires vali yams Send one dollar plus iivo cents Ontario SalesTax tor Printed Pattern M370 to The Barrie Examiner Pattern Department 80 King Street Toronto Please Print plainly your name address style number and size iA new 1969 Couture Pattern Book of top designer dresses costumes sports clothes is available for 50 center New In stant Sewing Book helps you to wear tomorrow what you start sowing today 500 illus trltlonis price it pics on oi swede on North Amer ican tour in is the official piper for Dame Floraa three week visit on Waepliotot might wind up with an addition coon QUESTION Dear Ann Lenders Your reply to the widow who trans ialed former irieroissympa thy note us Get lost could only have been written by woman such asyouone who is nappuy and safely married You said an interesting and alert widow not only hangs on to heroid friends but makes new ones You are partly right Shell make new friends all right it she isnt careful shell find herself surrounded by droves ofwidows divorcces and maiden ladiesall just as lonely and isolated from married pot pie as she is After awhile shell resign herself to the truthit is better to go to the theatre or moviewlth another lonely woman than to sit home in bahhrobe hopethe widow who wrote to you will ask herself How many widows did include in my social life when my husband was alivei its good rarestion for married women to ask themselves too God alone knows whose husband will be nexLï¬WaSlL DearD Your letter is sure to prick the conscience of some and logthe memory of others Please read the nen let ter It could be your laugh for the day Durham Dont not the dis cussion on widow without add ogth one last thought As widow am accustomed to being left out of things by old lfriendsBut get furious when gtwlves whisk their hus bands away from me at cocktail parties and civic functions self were scheiningvhussy wrth evil designs Most of the old goats have hearing aids emphysema and are loaded wilh liver spots Whod want them anywayi There are more bad mar riages around than good ones and nobody knows this better than Lenders My marriage was at very good one but kept my mouth shut and never let on to anyone of course am lonely but am also reasonablyi content and far from miserabla ihelast thing want is to get married again So tell those smug womeh to stop worrying They are safe Dusk Dear Dusk dont needtn telltliemlioney YOU did And ank you Shrinks Piles hmtlhuflmmmflmflum Marriott and rrpelr datum than renowned new institute in found uni uelieiiing subatan with to ability to shrink or rhoidlpainieaaithrclisvuitchIn 1ng ammo forgot not miliiaaua in use after care while gently relieving am actual reduction 59 took pow Mm important of oilrecum wcraeocboroughtbatthinniprove mantwaamaintsmcdoyaupoï¬od of many months This on lemonage aï¬ith new lanolin In nos 10 you which uicily ha his halls and stimuliicï¬rowthfl our NowBioDynaiaofluiod inoicb mast and on tary fern sailed Prepargtion Aakforltataiidrug atom alienation or your montyi rafundad Don More Is Regent of Kern pedoh Mu imperial Order brothers or the Entire on he ran the date also marked the ow agents no anniver sary la lumber oi lODE Kerioieaielt honour observed its eisbth anoint meeting and Mil on warm on the oath birthday of lobE nation at organization with mem bcrahip of 25000 womon founded Fab lit 1900 SLATE OE OWNER8 Assisting Mrs htagce will be the following slate of office Mrs Ma Dean past rege Mrs Lcamcron first vicel raglan like ll Wheder second Vice regent and secre tary Mrs Kittmor assistant reactors Mrs MacDonald treasurer Miss lano Slmpso education secretary Vinew Wolfendeu Echoes secretary hire if anamam scrvicos at home and abroad and Mia farir Duuai standard bearer Convener include hirsrE Wolfendeo social Mrs lilary lfoq ways and means Mrs hire flower elated shlp Mrs West member ship and Mrs Dean tele phone The annual meeting began with pot luck nastier served the True Blue Hall on High Two guests intended the ses sion both ioirner regents of Kempenfclt Chapter Mrs Lad ggbflriabadi and him ANNUAL Pnomm Annual mpom showed suc cessful year for the chapter Projects uhiriramst the chap tcrs work include the upcoming annual Dessert Bridge schedul ed to take plaza the evening of April at the Army Navy and Air Force hall Dunlop St Tidscta for the bridge ore vell ahle fronmurhers unonuteVNewi Heaiing Substance sxeness rules more TOR are Even on cusuioueoarkmnc IV MIGHWAV TRAVELLER 3W8 in NEW YORK luncunmo nerunu Ians Hater noon SIDNYSEEINU enrammaur The cuocaaiul Thrift held lat fall will be repeated at spring project the date to announced Retiring Regent hire Dean wasbresenlod with an lODli nipInd saucer on behalf ol chapter manners by Mrs lio vai Now Regent Mrs hinge aocopted the gavel and book from him Dean ODE SERVICES in marking the Nth birthday at the lODE the 5000 women matters raised and disbursed about 000000 Jar education and emergency rcei est year 0m $50000 was spent on ed titration with 1060 Moots re calving lODE aid All the schools in the Nurtilwut Terri FOR TOMORROW Anexceilenl day on many counts Business and financial interests should prosper and sue periors or othci persos ot influ eoce whose aid you seek should be especially generous Romance also favored FOR THE BIRTHDAY lf tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that any business andor finaifcl decisions you make in the immediate present could have forecaching oiieéts so be as into in ranking them and take the longrange viewsioce you wont see the first results unLl the weeks between May Is and July is Alter that good boost batw midsoptcmbcr and midNovember followed by finl other in early December should get you all toa fine stnrtin early 1970 Do not speculate during the next it months how everespecially during the first two weeks in September planetary influences like ESTnEngiA portiinitiea tor lob advancement reiner adverse Eitcallent ran 3mm torlei are redolerns and in or dertostunthedrwout mic or iodine aodiEslomo mod 27 students additiml hoeutin usch are given to encourage conviction of courses lODE sum use also lbeludes schools at nursing art music teadicr unkilnte ballet omnmunity ov Era and of technology About 300000 was awarded from low World War and World Warll Mammal Funds srshipo oiflï¬m each for study in Canada and $5000 for over seas study in senice about 509000 about annually iuCanlda and atroaddMnleMls ore indicatcd in lilarch July late Sepetmbcr early Decem ber rind through January Aspecls governing your persoan life will be more than generous and both social soil sentimental interests will be under especially tine influences between June is and Sept 15 alsobctwcen Nov and la Except for short trips star dont lndlcato much in the way oitrnvel this year but the lrst three monthsotlm will be highly propitious for taking oil on long journeys child born on this day will be warmhearted generous and idealistic may however have to curb tendencies toward ex cessive volubitity newsrowcns APPLY lf you will b9come66 this apply for your pension lime months prior to service excoriation dian universities in ias7with boost from slicer dumb jiutk she answered ya newspaperadver tisemeot and went to work for 1small agency set up to fun to universities Today the Association of to provide post graduate schol Ifn seven professors to one stu dentme tervicw MOVED M0 RESEARCH About four 19 sh doln beginning of the Second World War records and in the Parliamen tary Lib lay interest in politics in mi the section closed and Mrs Patterson married For about 10 years she was busy raising familyLisa now 19 and Kirir 15 When she started working or allies and she Pat fullfledged inin and for Case fedcral grants to Canadian iversiilrr and Colleges at Canada takes up two floorsoi large downtown office bulld lng and employs about 100 people Its function like its lacilir ties tcrson has awards nativc oi Cornwall Ont ho started daiog secretarial work at age ldfor Gilbert Rfliel then director of naval great wayrto get an education Research Tor twovolume history on Canadas naval service and tho main not only highly educated but anxious to help her learn as grown and Mrs Pat become director at toiy in Ottawa it was was being done Peoria involved were There was nratlo at about she said in on in years later in was promoted to research herself on the worked on Privy Council rary and so began the Association or Univer Colleges of Canada the do Matthew had room the WASHINGTON PM wit me wav Ann New vo ref 4an cuisine no JV Byrno won national Jthir runner mum in in Iniormation And Services POI Universities harass Canada MTAWA CF Intellllt gent attractive Dorothy tenors thus had the exciting experience of seeing an organ ization grow froman embryo stage to its present position as tire of her Pm bright but not partimiarly largo ofï¬ce Our main Job was to calcu late federal grants and see they got paid would No one ever really saw what this office would be When there is no national office of education or education ministry and you ofï¬ce you fill no the unlv sities realized they could have central in ocrvice and from there on there was no place to go but up The public industry and government also found the as sedation handy way of com municating with Canadian universities fn thebcginning licked the stamps swept the floor was secretary for thecommit Vices and met lot of wonder ful people There was always of excitement here com the beginning For the first 2v years here never had weekend off didnt mind because there was ro much to do SCOPE WIDENS Soon the association began to administer university schol arships provided by industrial and bustnm ï¬rms Yearby year the number grow and as well tho association took over administration of the Com monwealtb scholarship pro If It advertises sdiolarshlp competitions on university campuses recelvcs applica tions and chooses committees made up of representatives from its member universities to make tho decisions on awards About tlvayears ago Mrs Patterson saw the need for one unit to administer this ac tivity About six months later Andrew the present di rector told her if she believed in her plan enough to do it herself she could My secretary and started the minute we did this About Mlple do Since Streets Telephone 725457 an 33 My Eco