Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1969, p. 6

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Dr Norman MticKeIizié To Speak At Open The seventh annual meeting lot Presbyteriai Unitod march will be held Feb 25 in Collier St United Glitch The public is invich to attend the eveningsession where Dr Nonmn ll Mackenzie will de liver an address enmied is aionary Go Home Dr blac Kenna is former missionary to China Nigeria and indie lie is now Associate Secretary Board of World Mission of the United Church of Canada Dr ltlneKenLte spent his early years in Edna and is gradu ate of the University of Toronto Village improvement agricultur a1 development and public health ices have been some of projects as missionary His Wife trained nurse helped to pioneer the birth control pro gram in india Adult Oceaniional Centre will participate in the evening Election and installation of of fitor will take piece during the morning session of the presby tcrial with Rev Donald Lute chairman of the Simcoe Presby tery installing in the afternoon dialogue Protecting the Future of UCW by Mrs it Recs President and ltirs Bowman sec ondTicepreSldent of the Tor onto Conference United Church Women will take place This will be followed by Your Giolce of Literature Audio Visuals or Considlotions withthe Press byieriaL question and answer per lod will follow Dr lliacKen Lias spcech on Feb as at Collier Street UnltEd Church The speaker is former mis Meeting sionary to China india and Nigeria and is now Associate Secretary of the Board of World iliissinn Nurses Operate Clinic For Inhabitants Of Skid ROW CHICAGO AP there to bite Joy on Skid Road Site is Jay Shafer it pret ty blonde nurse who band ages wine sores passes olit pills to curb the shakes ord crs medical help for those who want it and tries to offer hope to men who have none Shes an angel said whitehaired man standing outside cheap saloon Each morning Joy gets off thecommuter train among the sparkling glass and steel towers downtown She walks down West llladison Street three blocks to the Salvation Army clinic where she works to hours day Many of the men wave to her Some try to burn the price of drink Site always refuses get so mad at the busi ncssmen downtown who give gt them money she said lit the to in an old red brick building dozen men gt wait in an outer room Sfle AILRIENTS Joy and her assistant Karen Dudenhofer 24 sort the ailments Mrs Dndenhow for calls men who need fresh bandages loy handles the colds coughs and shakes Jerry you sit on the stool Joyordcrs An nnshavcn man in his its turns away and multeis lm relying on you my leg needed an excuse been walking the street all night impold Whendid you have you last drink had nothing for eight hours it give you pills for your nerves you have to sit in the basement All right Jerry stumbles through doorway and heads across the street to the Salvation Army missionA mild tranqtaillizer will be sent to the desk clerk Jerry gets pill as long as he stays in the basement its the only detoxification centre we have Joy ex plained its not nice but its warm and the only sure way to make them stop drinking while theyre taking pills The men in the examination room sit on 12 metal chairs tnnrsome pictured represent th Ba usinesaGiris Cloling inthe Sh Half of them roll up trouser leg to expose open mics and discolored skin The soressome people call them wine soresare ini tiated hy drinking Karen said They get rash and they scratch it Or cut not taken care oi theirnutritionissoiow they dont heal Examinations go on all morning and tiimuai the af ternoon Some patients are on rehabilitation program Iraint had drink since Christmas EVR Joy man can do anything he wants she answered it he wants to do it hadennugh Maybe with the help of Joy is the daughter of Daytoi Ohio minister She attended nursing school in Chicago and spent year at the ilfoodtydiible institutes course in missionary nursing Canadian Writer Achieves Success With Mysteries OTTAWA GP Art at trcotive mother of three grown children may seem an tmlikeiy personto iiiits mor der mysteries But Mrs Give Rippon of Ottawa is already onythe road to sumac Manon Rippon mailed the roughrmanltscriptrot herfixwt book to big American publishing house last Sept in Fridayavenand three weeks later back came an ad vancccheque for $100 Her book azsopag sort of psychological mystery has been placed on Double days Crime Club list Eris almost assures tor rific circulation Mrs Bip pon said Set in Francehttie book is to be on sale by April The Hand of Soiange ex cludea the Slaivhllf and vio lance In fact die murders in it arent very important Its different kind at mystery story and kept it as fictional as possible loy has no fear of working with drinks lmnot afraid of walking throufii here every night Partly because the guys pro tect me Second there are no submoral men here If any thing thcse guys are probably alcoholics because theyre too moral They think too much Joy has been at the clinic since 1967 Her worst experi ence happened last week man died here she said ngth there He was lawyer lie ai ways came in to talk to me Sometimes had no time and id tell him to go away He was reaching outfor some thing or someone 89 was very scared when he died didnt know what to any to him in those last ferv minutes told him God loved him wish had said some thing to him all those other MES At first Mrs Nippon pic turedherseil as Canadian writer using Canadian char acters and settings But people arent interest ad in Canadian settings its too had mean old cafe in Montreal wouldnt be the same as one in little town in France llfrs Rippon originally got in touch with Toronto publisher but after five month wait decided to gator the big time For her travel and nursing have pmven great experience for writing with her lawyer husband wofldng for the air force she moved 17 times in no years And as former nurse in NYChiaffle ward aha got to understand the workings of hotfoled mind Being nurse has been in vatrnabler to my wor Taverns clips metro provinc playoffs ntPariy Sound Feb 21 32 and own fromieftto Right are Ethel Bowman Wyona Wllt NX lkiptt Jean PEOPLEVjliND Piicrs Dali inure constabl snyt Roberts at mam HAWAIIANHDLIIMY Min Kathryn shanahaaltel daughter of Air and bin Francis shanahan of till Bar rie is racatimlng for month in ihnnlulu intuit PUBIJCIZE SERVICE ln order to puttiiclte the serv ices oftered by the Canadian Ar thritis andttheumatisrn Assad atlod Barrie and Dimrict com mittee are prowling bereave ment cards to funeral home to be distributed to the public Ed men is chairman oi the local committee and hiri Jone Dag neauit field representative VNWISISDRAW lira hiary Wisernan of God rington St barrie was the Win ner of the Venture Club oi Bar ttoa Carnlmi Money Doli draw The whining ticket was drawn by the Carnival Queen Carol Spark on Sunday during the Barrie Winter Carnival nosco inriar Airs ftiary Schneider of Tore onto guest speaker at the Bar rie Art Club meeting to be held Wattlde Hating in Libwy ifntl will be the house guest of llir and Mrs Barker Shanty Bay Rd during her visit iovthe ally hits Schneider is on internationally known painter and is co director with her hus THE BARBIE EXAMINER Flavoriiil Pork Social Intel hieadtd to cover titajmral lode life till cit District IddhL outlet travellers and vialton are all items of interest to reader of this me Your help in supplying lhls rim Illlbe greatly appreciated Pleauphane The Barrie Ex anitner 7256511 and ask for Andrey Contact Ethyl ita beita at the Womens Dem mint band Dr Roman Schneider of it School of Fine Arts Mino lite Ont At preview held at Pollack Art Gallery Toronto on Sun day no water colors by hlra Schneider were exhibited BRIDET033 iii THE FAMILY Weddings are news and we are anxious to give your the baht coverage possible Contact the we mens editor at an curly date and arrange for your wedding story to ap pear when it takes place TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13 1969 Lends Itself To MaineDisihés And Snacks Pork tenderloin stuifcd and baked makes an ideal roastfnr small family ltalso slices nicely when cold so leftovers are no problem even if youeook for only one or two This mine suggests delicious apricot stutt ing but you can use your luv orite bread or apple stuffing if you prefer APRICOT STUFFEDTENDERLOIN to cup finely chopped dried apricoLr lt butter or margarine 1T finch chewed onion in cups soft bread onanbs it parsley flakes Va salt yr thyme zpork tenderloan about it pound each Salt andpepper islice side bacon understand the mind at mentallyill person youcan write about real pooping site stressed the word um After youve lived almost 50 years and have wodted closely with people you can then sitdbwn and write real istically lcouidnt have done this when was ill lDEALeFOR MURDER But back to crtirrinw old cafes and the way the whole thing started One night while sheand her husband werejtraveiiing through Erance in trailer Mrs Ripped stopped for some cmigantn at smalltown cafe When she got back tnvthe traiier ahe remarked to her husband What beautiful place for murder in there litre itinpon described the cafe as the dirtiest IiVerer seen in my lit Preheat oven to 325 degrees Place apricots in small saticopan add lust cnough water to cover simmer until tender then drain illcarriiiiie molt butter or mar garine and add onion saute un til tender and remove from heat Add bread crumbs parsley flakes salt and thymef combine gently until all the butterta ab sorbed Fold in drained apri cots Split the tenderloins length wise not quite through open that Spread dressing on one ton derloin andtop with the second onc tie together with string Or use onclcrgc tenderloin and place stutfingalong enehalt of the split loin then told other orsew togathcrt Season tendon oin with salt and pepper and lace on rack in shallow pan top with bacon slice Bake uncovered in 325 degree tender and well doneIf ticcos last few minutes of baking time Makes Hos servings or when the family come in af tet an evening of skating or bowling And lbw can be ready in minutes if you make up the sausage and oeroath topping head of time PIZZA BURGERS to pound pork sausage meat viccup chopped onion Htsounce can tomato sauce ll teaspoon oregan Salt and pepper tiargo or small mutiins cup sh added Cheddar cheese cold greased frying pan add onion Cook stirring occasion ally until meat has lost all sign of pink color and is lightly browned drain off any excess fat Add tomato sauce oregano anda few grains each of salt and newer Heat and use or re frigerate until needed then heat Broil until dteesehas melted innnediately Makesii large or 12 smallpth htirgers corms vNEAnnEconD ms mammaryan Seagren of1 tho University of Southern California won the day night bale vault at 17 teetone inch but failed in an effort to break his world indoor record Satur Track and Field Federation aek meet Seagmn who arkia Week ago failed threé times SPECIAL iQR MORE Beautifully Loniderail half ovartop of dressing tie oven for about llr hours or until sary to prevent drying cover with foil during These hot and tasty Pizza our gets are great to serve for lunch English Breakup sausage meat inia and is ightlerownedServc trthe Uni States had the har raised to 177 but Penna Home Economist President Of Ys Menéttes Evory year is busy one for Blrrtea Ya him they have acquired reputation for setting hint allidllda of chtevuneot and maintaining the fashion show they will hold dance iii Avril methane otwtddiwilbeSwingluo Swine PRESIDENT ltfrs Robert hllrahali aerat trudiie young home maker heads the excuitl President Marshall is rad nets home economist and was high school teacher before mar riana and moth placrin her iife The Mariam come to Bar rie three years ago from Lioha llead community on the Bruce Peninsula near Owen siiiouo canavrsrra Stroud Senior Citizens enjoy ed two happy Lfternoonsthia past week Their own eiuh meet ing had 30 members present to enloy the singsong and games The Wednesday they were masts lrf Sew for Citizens chihm It True Blue Hall for luncheon and program and Stroud membeia weer able to attend Next Wednesday Feb 10 the stroud cluble in guest of Lakelands Lakelands Senior Qtiaem club with on attendance of 39 heard anvlnterestln tgiit by In nisfil chief of po ce William brown at their meeting toth ANNIVEMMI Mr and Mrs Campbell were fiesta of honorJta family gather gin the Eastern Star Hall Stroud Feb ti on the oc casion of their 40th wedding an niversary The gaily decorated Lahies werecentered by tiered anniversary enltn topped with an arrangement of heather and oorrdinwers and flanked by ruby colored candiea andltoug quets of red roses After delectable nner eldest son Fraser spoke briefly and the celebrants were presented with gift of luggage and other gifts from friends presesnt Music games and good visit were enloyed telegram was re celved from the one grandson unable to be present liobert ltfacFariane who was playing hockey in the Quebec Winter Carnival tournament Present wereiMr and llfrs vtform hvnnand They two as Bruce aged two and Sean four month Despite the no that mini aheavy schedule at barrio as well as with the Menofles hirs Marshall stilifiods the time to enjoy her hobbie of sewing and dating installed in office last Dec embu vhlrs hlarehatl speaks on edthllsiabm of the nus factiondie achiem in work ing for advancement of the The primary purposu of the organization is to assist the YsMen to ftrthcr the work one mvwca In Barrie Fraser Campbell AnnGordon David and Kathy titBarrie Flo and Mrs hiaeFariane John Dobomti Ottawa Mr and liba Donald Convbeli Carolyn Sylvia andecott Bar rie Mr and Mn Duncan Campbell Grant Gregory and Neil arm Mr and iltra Olf ford itoss and Mrs Grace iiras er Richmond Hill hlr and Mrs Fraser Glencairn MitfaiidMra Marshall ltlclt Cflfllm Mr and Mn Lorne Campbell Mr and him Wallaca Campbell Coilingwood hell and Miss Bonnie Glen Huron Ana avatar itiiiitpiiiiii Hun itiuit youreiall asmooth and fhe ueemliie that lira hiarzl shalt will be working with this year include the following nixed offices first We Lfdont him Robert iarinan second vicewedded Mrs Alan Soota secretary hits ltob ert Petetkln and treasurer lira Main akeis hring fopgicaoi interest to the meetings and timber of demonstrations are Missed the education and enjoyment ofinuribera Belts sales and rummnga sales are held by do grotto on railcd by events soda Is the and party they havaplmeddor March lath Among hlghlights of tha lyearia the Nomi dinncrto which manbera husbands are lnvltodr fihe Ya Monettes may not be the largest womens organize tion in Barrieh but they are certainly one of the hescst and the entin community her tits froin the muithnt oppo tunitlea which are made avn it able mat the YhiYWCA mono noratom 4W AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE infill Service MALTON PHONE ZENITH 510 Never padl FasL Easy Efficient Can be custom ordered to meet any size shape or message re quirement PERMASTAMP will reproduce colors fine lilies small type faces logo typeseven photosin true accurate detail COMMERCLAL PittNiiNG nivtsion BARitIE EXAMINER $Itl itiimej you gotacquainted with Hiram Walkers Gold Crest tuhafdiqniiilhisky

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