Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1969, p. 2

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mire abode longer Bil Brother told the Barrie Kiw lain our lat met It maauhmreocmir has rim on mm midi part at nation With it ietiu awareness program Every CanIrbIn child he hid medias lg Mr tod at rimi=1 day thmudiout hlr entir admin We Then we would have no worries about our ability in we imemtimuih and Canadians would hm hm heart attm clotting who won silver medal at the 1WD ohmic 1961 was rddmsina th club on bent of Brotherhood Week He Iot out on pundalel to kept in mind tor IchlIVIM hm therhood among man man man be an obiw five he said and there must be willinxnau to sacrifice all Would Help EndFitnessWoes mjoymcnt at what in lumen log determination to see it thrwgtr Ind In ability to re icognize opportunities whenever they pmeat tharmches LEARN PREJUDWE Men are not born with pm indire or bias he said they learn them One the goals be fore mankind is to ixde these things CrotherI made the stalemens nboul physical times during short questionperiod with club members alter his formal weedi lie advocated Juliana and said that any person could keep himself in shape with about five niinutea on light inertial day of which three minutes Ihould be general exercise mob la resona Aphamraclst by profession Crothera said that running is die best way to improve the nmdioning at the penile vas cular system and reduce wear and tear on the heart lttiiere are flity at you in WI he said any new that 26 at you will die from heart failure at some kind When adrcd what the Ohmpic team needs to be suoceaslul the track star said that besideI the awareness already mentioned there had to be more coaches and motivation And motivation comes from good coaching and awaicaear he said 1lhera is general lack of Tunfurs Paying Oil For Trappers North American and Eiuopean tuition houses Ire having love attair with lunJurs and On tarlo trapper dont mlndh bit Plimsollr says Lloyd look at Barrie president of the On tario Trapper5 Association are the longhaired pelts at lynx wall fox and others currently being used or sportswear and as coat and hats Otter and beaver are always in demand said Mr Cook hionday during the last day at the Issoeiauons threeday con vention But boy the hovers are sure alter that longhair Mr Cook who traps line near Barrie is one of the men VlilD has brought Ontarios iur industry to point where buy on from all oVer tireworld alona to North Bay lor iur auc lions know of some trappera who have been selling to private buyerI and have been getting 310 to $12 or beaver he sald On Monday we averaged $23 Mariners tent their pelts to tJANADlAN mcn our sin Cmiher lliitl with Kiw anlan Rev David Procter confidence arming our young peopla he Iaid which is all dented by the jealousy which allowing his address to lhe Barrie service club last night lr Proctor is chairman ot the Support of Churches Corn goes hand in hand with respect and awe of those who are ccsslul This too is due to DISTRICT WEliTHER Sunny Cloudy Intervals mlttee which brought Mr Crothers to Barrie to speak on Brotherhood Week thorn incrihooo lack at awareness of what needed on be success in any livid Forecast For VVWednesddy it Will be sunny withn cw cloudy intervals inthe Barrie District Wednesday according to the Toronto Weather Oilicc The forecast calis or little change in temperature wilha low tonight at 10 and high Wed nesday or 30 Noon temperature outside the Barrie Examiner today was 30 degrees ampii Little arrange in the Ontario weather pattern is indi cited for today and Wednesday Some cloudiness and law light anowflumes will hit the upper lakes and northeniareas Mutu ly sunny conditions will prevail elsewhere Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Lake St Clair Lake IN Town QueensThe Coppertnnes Continental lnSandy Martin WellingtonNeil Jadtson BayrhorePedro Cortex Sandy Broakdale Park Inn The Canadian way MOVIES noxyCandy imperialMurder Clinic North Bay where the associa tlon gradesthe pdta and Ielis them direct to buyers We gain about 20 per cent tor the trapperl said Mr Dork innit anions rouorvro IGPl Wholesale in retail carton eggs average weighted prim quoted by the department of agrimrltrure as at Monday Aiarge 4942 Irma diurn 47 small 39a Eggs Wholsale prices to country stations fibre pasts quot ed by corrrrnibtee of wholesale Iegg dealt entra large 40 on tenderairle carton buying score 64 buy ing to store to selling 66 wriimr sun In Town in the thingcoming up rosyl few years later added expenses Tnnragami Variable cloudiness Laurens Take the avdrage young married couple ankacar golf curling parties Erie Southern Lake Huron Ni agara Lake Ontario ilalihur ton Sunny with cloudy intervals and not much change in tempera ature today and Wednesday North Bay Sudbury Northern Lake Huron Georgian Bay with law anowllurrlcs today Sunny with cloudy periods and not much change in tempora turo Wednesday Light winds Sault Ste Marie Algoma White liver Cochmne Western James Bay Variable cloudiness with awscattcred snowllur riea loday and Wednesday Lit tle temperaturechange Light winds Montreal Ottawa Mainly sunny todayand Wednesday Mild Winds light TONIGHT Novak Quartet FORECAST TEMPERATURES Low tonight high Wedncldny llfindsor London Vingham Hamilton St Catharine Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Earlton Sault Ste Kapusknsing White River hioosoneo Timmins Owen Sound railic Deaths lowest In Years TORONTO CF Trolllc deaths in Ontario during 1968 were the lowest in four years the department or transport an nounced Monday la statnmcnt the depart ment said there werel5l16 cute addition to the familyhwife notworkin bucks deaths on the roads in 1939 compared to 1719 in 1967 Garbage Removal firm May Get New Contract Thedtywitltaaruoitapre not contract lor moan re moval and nva contractor Bah er and Stanart an extra cents per units it council adopts recommendation its muons oorrnrrlttee flie than mead two yeIrs ago on live year mirlct to pick to the cityl garbage or $150 per capita However rtdng mu led to request or an additional cam the corn mittee was told last night it we agreed wrrmnumnd the new rate on tire basis at inn omimltmcnt to do the for maps argue for the am into years We thought we had llrrn aarmiiurient tor live yearI Ind the period isnt even boil Aid Dorian Parker groin bed However the Iupported the rooormnendationa jNeoiABlcrkle sneer Bus RouteIsRecommended at coundl Ill be ltd in W6 from the Five hint to Johnson amt throuyr network Ward rum and but down town Councils operations mrmlttee int night recommended tho new route mica to review at the end at three monttu Brian mp evary hallhoun Buses mrld leave the Five Points and travel along Collier and Blah finals on DoanIvlow Drlin They would allow route along Downsview Drive Adam Johann Steel and Net oon areotn Strahane Ave Cook Colflmpod Rodney Blake and ambitious bait to the Five Points When soudenk are travelii to and liver school buses wou make side trip to Eastvlav secondary school Willa tha antviw run the trip would add 991 miles per day to BIrrlea bus ayatern ex CITYNEWS THE AMER rumor minunnr it in Fevv Turn Oilth How University Spokesman Ropmaontatiiu lrornda col ieges and universities in Ontario spoke to disappointingly small audience at ntudenta It East vlew Secondary sclnrol last night The representaqu came to Eastview to tell prospective uni versily students what their in stitutlona had to older the rest dem facilities and the story about tile on campus Fewer than 15 straian sat in each group Mn Joan Morris guldance oifrcrr at Eastvlow said she sent out lnvltatloru on all the highsohoola and Base Borden it is disappointing audience she said The evening washroken into three periods Time interested in particular univenrlty went to the room in which the repre sentative was talking and listen ed then asked qumlans $11 cha interested in several unl versitiea umrld listen to latent representative oadi pen Every university Ontario was represented as was the Roy al Military College at Kingston Janet Skead QueenI Unl veraity brought along selection at lull color slides oi the King ston cam than allowed up the insual pmcntatlon with an out line ol courses ollered The residence policy and the new lacllities rounded out her talk She told the eight prospective students that at Queens every student is considered tor every scholarship University of Tbr onto ofllciala insist upon an ap plicatlon Morgan special of litter wth the University of Tor onto hid the students that or the first year student oould choose any live subleas he wish he said ll you want to take 15 ed to study There are no strings attached to any nHiiis he said It you want to take 15 Wchologyisubjects you may think youd be very foolish to do so but if thats What you want then thats line with in Mr Morgan had the liveliest and certainly very much to the point approach One girl ask cd about the home economics course at of It you want to leach dont lake the worse at of go to Guelph Tehy have batter course The students were told that wife Working maybdagrand or so rovera undredhucks monthram Every income reduced wit lha orerequisites and the no mqu tra ham been kept to minimum It Toronto We caper to groatly increase the Enjoy Mans Blunt Approach Morgan rpeclIl oL liner with the University ol Tor onto rpolra lIst night to students interested ln attending lira unl verrily at an intormation night held at Baalmw Secondary school there waI an any way to get an education said Mr Mon gen would have lound it The students anloyed the blunt tothepolnt approach taken by the rellrad army olllcer Alter leaving Ibe armed services Mr Morgan was superintendent of the Toronto school hoardl He talked about what the stu dents could expect at oi and injected some at thaorclie ment that is part at learning into his talk We are giving course on revolutionr at Toronto this year he said The course starts with the ma races and covers some the American revolution and then taker look at the current llrldelypoo going on It university campuses Onaglrl asked what the Id mlaslon requirements were for load science cuuiscalt will cost you or per cent to take that noursehe said STILL NECESSARY Examinations which appear to be becoming thing of the past worestill necessary or tar as Mr llorgan is concerned don iiketulil trend awn lrorrr examinations he said How ever itlooks as it they are on the way out He told the stu dents that the Grade 13 examin ations were goodyardstick Now we lust dont luruw what we are getting in the way of students While so per cent is the varsity of Toronto Mr Morgan said in practice those with so per cent were being accepted ed average or entrance to unl counselling service lor Itndadia because we tool they arugula to need lot of help in ohooav ing the best possible mlxoireot Mines Cornwalng service are going to be availableIll during the Mumoer However like Grrlsunas hopping laid MLMorgan we expect every one to leave it to the last ruin ula and then swam in in Sep harbor The pattern or studying at University at Toronto is also uuv deeming diange said Mr Morgan lnstead ol the usual three hourr of lectures wed per claim there win be PM ably twohoura at Millard and lot of reading assigned to Lho student rum is some talk he said of doing away Withexarnlna tion at the Uni ty of Toronto in the Ieoond year We are little nervous about the intake we are getting from the high schools these daysbut the Idea of discontinuing examinationara jued at theiulking stage Mr Morgan told the studch there as no easy way to get an education it takes lot ol work If there were an easy wnngetanethioatlnnlumrld have toundlt he said dept on irldays when addition nl hours or unite would bring the out up to not idoiuinai mile Greer lr us is guaranteed 55 cent per mile by the city Where revenue from pm gara exceeds out hm Greer pays the city The atlorra owlmilieu Ipv proved new route unanimous it but Mt Dorian Parker ex presod mmationa about the run Hirounr Ward dda streets Stu agreed to the mornmendo lion in View at the threemonth trill period Couricil will also be lied to Ipprova extension at the Sunni dala Road bua Mite Buns now travel along Sunnldale and cmao Shirley to Anne Under thI proposed route Llama maid along Sunaldale til and as to Anne It nwld add two miles The operations corrunlltea Ibo recommended that the north bus route ha adieduladmve nilnuteI earlier to into burea downtown at nun instead Izaa Urges Forest Industry Cut Prices Costs 10on GP Federal Forestryvmnlster dad Davis urged torist lnduflry moment ativas Monday to out prices and mat where wait it Speaking to the southern Dn turlo Ieotton of the OanIdiIn in atltuta oi Forestry he raid the industry Ibould errIirdno its own on Itructure below govern ment agenqy dou Test at the Iddrau war to iaIIed in advance He said lumber prlceI tha been rising for poms tim and pulprid paper prices Ilro are likely to rise But iatme make plea at the me time tor moderation moderation in pricing and mod eration in the aense that to gauge the public now is short sighted There it bound to be hooklaah on forest product in the long run TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mam Al QEMING presents Spectacular Internnilonai Award Winning Film Full la th in color sound and original music in FEB 21 pm AT CENTRAL COLLEGIATE Admiaslonr Adults $200 Student $100 Aloe Ihowirrg It Aillrlon High School on Wednesday February lb Fill In and mail IiiiI coupon today your lraa illuatrared broehiul on Mutter Brand Homes rheraa no obligallon over hundred nlonth re MtlTlART animations aox 395 BRANTFDRD ourrruo name address never own ahome olvourow Any of your friendsin that Sp Dothem real tavourl Tell them how easy it is to build and own Muttart home While their nontly payments may still beovera hundred dollarsunlikerenting theyllbo building up sound dollar values in ahome of their own Muttarts make it easy on the budget After you acquire your own lot theres no down payment easy monthly paymentsjand Muttart mortgage can be paid in fifteen years And Mutter economy goes further than easy tinanoihgl You can save even more THE BELHAVEN money if you erectyour home yourself No special skill or tools are required Muttart homes go up so easy andfast that before you know it youre hosting housegwarming WIN SPECIAL 539R MORE 13sz Shlril noodleC nuauonuonuoaooou PLEASE NOTE For iniormItlarr on Muiiart Homer or are invited to visit Mr Don BrlIbin at Bay shore Motel in Barrie phon 728551 Wodnarda Fab or atthe Parkvllln Mn pany gt About the only problem you could havens trying to decrde which Muttart home to lziugd bgczugadMunags offera really bigselection atoller 32 different lloor plans in 516 my Th an Ofll oll 0f an room omes Inranc two storey sp it overland split out my Feb 20 bum day Mn PM in if any of youlr1 fgiends anti rlziingilua roller coaster dowlnadgthemja lagour Explain 99 ow avian101 err neares uttart epresentative con am owl rant gt mu rs to your 1969 green moneythey paycould probablygwethemahorna eithero he opularMuttart on MulrrrrHomeav zgargayvpiflEoggyitzofiawgm WHY

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