Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1969, p. 14

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fiducwlt Giver former dc nlensivc lineman ior the Los iWouid Leave Indian Education To Provinces IORDMO GP Consor fvntive harkbenchcr introducell resolution in the legislature Monday calling on the iedcral government to get out oi the lield at Indian education in the province Leo hernier tPCKonora said that the task is simply impossible to be realized across Canada by the ledcral govern ment Each province has its pccu liarities speciiic natural relt courccs Industries The ethics Thou of these people has to be gearedlo the speeilic lacets oi each province illr Bernicr said that pro grams by two levels at govern meat to hoipJndians olten are duplicated Much more could he done with the translor of more ohli rations and oi course federal money to the province We in Ontario could provide much more extensive service and creator assistance at less mat he said PLACES BLAME He blamed lack of coopera tion between federal and provin cial governments on civil ser vants Ministers who have led the Indian atlairs department have bargained in the best oi faith but there appears to be no cooperation from senior civil servants whose prime objective seems to be to build personal empires Mr Bernier suggest an In dian advisory committee be based on Indian membership but include members of the leg isleture Resolutions are debated in special hour each week but do not come to vote in the legis Iatlire Constitutional fiChanges Debate TORONTO OP Premier ohn Hobart said Monday he will put the provinces proposi tions or constitutional change on the legislatures order paper so members can debate the pro posais propositions dealing with range of suggested eon elituiional changes here tabled In the legislature byMr Ito barts prior to last weeks feder alprovrncial eonlerence in Otta W3 filo date or the debate was re LONG msronrt has existed ior about 000 years WANTED STUHK SPOTTEBS Seen one lately Aatnlk that is When the stark departs Its timatorthnWelcomeWagon Hostess to arrive with gills tor baby and heiptulInlnr matlon tor the new mother But since the storks out numberthe Hostesses Wel come Wagon needs spotters tohelp out an stark spotter In your neighborhood Our Hush asses will appreciate your help and so will the new mot ers To report stork sightings call FORMER Tonto slim ilT TRIAL Kennedy Greer told how he Angcles Roms towerslt over nowsmcn seeking to tntcrvioiv yesterday otter he testilicd or the prosecution in the trial of Sirhan Bisllam Sirhan accus cd of slaying Sen Robert ITS FUN were 728378l Tinls Perms Postiches Wigs Restyling Complete hair care BEAUTY SALON 12d PENETANG 51 Below NClt Oiiicesl PAINTINEE iliienimi EXIERIOR take pride We and care in Industrial Commercial Residantiel Complete Decorating Service VAN NODRTIVYK CALL 7286876 Coloring Styiing Cutting Ladies Girls Hair cots MEN Try our Special Lunches Fasl courteous service Daily llienu changes NORMANDY Restaurant Steak Hausa Ill Dunlap 73812213 BUSINESS Simeon Stove Oil 7285226 LAURENCE SEWING Er KNITTING CENTRE ior Piati Sewing Machine Knitting Yarns Needlepaiht Itug Kits lio Dunlap Aussies EARLY orientations Es inc PURIIAN BEEF 84 IRISH STEW 2t 01 Reg filo 19c STEWARTS MARKET Penetang Tits5351 ALLANDALE FUELS Bruce Peacock Petroleums Ltd Countys Largest Independent Oil Suppliers Furnace 0h Gasoline zoHr Automatic Delivery Service Metered Trucks iii Dunlap st wrestled the gun livm Sirhan in the chaotic moments ni ter Kennedy was shot Vircphutot pmmmmmmmmmmm WWW lit iliEHnilililli BUILTIIY STOLLAR CONSTRUCTION LTD Distinctive styling backed by quality workmanship se Duulup mini BOLENS Snow Blowers Tractor Models and Arctic 70 with Elec start stnndard equipment Barries Largest Snowblowcr Display leme sonar mm meson run is Railway Grievance UITAWA Representa tives ii that mom rath elliple won assurances lrom two cabinet ministers Monday that some of their zrievmcex re either to hand or willbc looked into The amicable exchanger came as the Canadian Railway Labor Ekecuthres Associations made Iletnnual siihmiaslon to cabinet Association Chairman Charles Smith read the presentation to eight ministen Labor hilnkter Bryce hindra sey said he has obtained per mission to increase his depart ments mediation services an apparent reiercoca to an over all ireera in the sire of the public service and agreed that legislation ls needed to Imple ment recommendaqu oi the Freedman report Canada Population YITAWA Wt Canadas population on Jan this year was estimated by the Dominion Bureau at Stofistica hioodayto be 20940000 The population is expected to pass the honoooo mark early in March D35 oiilclal Said Mondays estimate was based on the Juno 1966 census which counted aooisoooresi denlsv at Canada and iigurea since tlien of births deaths and Immigrant arrivals mmmmmmwenw RR BARRIE Follow the Trailblazer this winter Sec Thu au New EEO Linn at spun ltniv Blowers PARTRIDGE TRACTOR seizch Rwy 11 72837752 Long lastingvplants Fresh cut bouquets Artistlc arrangements Order now for localtde livery or world wide through EEC ilwycllius MAPtziblBp Harris Flowers mar izsssas Dunlap izasioi Erich week Word will be scrambled in two advertisements on this iealure Read the ads spell them correctly rid the two Scrambled words BIIII mentioning the two names at the advertisers in which the words oppeared Send your answer to The Barrie Examiner eo Quiz Editor The ilrst two correct answers drawn win the cash prizes Winner Mrs Frcel Installed on any Gas at 7235229 fiSiiAGGy puns All sizes and styles One low price $500 pr Tieatyour feet to comfort ROBSONS SHOE sroas Angus Plaza iiislot DELUXE he Weatherwlse JANITORIAL Wintch Today SERVICE munnuas ClmmPCiaI SERVICE Industrlal CENTRE iiidanuah Frrc lubricatinan with ohangca 7280870 MuttFreeze runwpa pay or Night SnolerES Bonded uni Insured nwyr roeri HENRYSl FlSHNCHIPS WeFly Halibut Only Onian mugs ShrimpNClilps BARRIEWEST PLAZA and artisans Patmywpivl Skidoor Now OilFurnace HAROLD YANCH RIDGE ROAD nriaruvc MARINA 4285405 RRII om sin 74211 PA 7282682 24HR SERVICE LOCAL LONGDISIANCE ENJOY DINNER AT RIVER GARDENS RESTAURANT hanquet facilities or 100 Liquor licences available For successful banquet or weddingreceplion at reasonable prices call 7266944 Hwy ll wshalafii ITS EXCITING YOU COULD BE WINNER LETS PLAY um LED wonos LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS Completoiinsuranee Coverngc TRIIIIIIIING REMOVING CABLING FEWIJLIZWG mt REMOVAL tilS Selflsh Strung QUEBEC ll Canadian hogtitals hospital administra tors declare and nurses took severe verbal battering at the opanhu session oi contender on tmspioal medical flail rela tions llimday Dr Barootes of Regina accrlsed organizations sponsor ing the oonfercnceh at being sulfidth coaxed power struggle or control oi hospital nilatrs The coniereoceLan apparent attempt from within the hospital community to untangle the corn plex and costly problems oi hos pital caroistiic second in two years It is sponsoredhy the Cona dinn hiedicnl Association the Canadian Hospital Association and tho Canadian Nurses Aeso rJatlon get the Impression said Dr Barootes that catch groin Is convinced they are the two leaders in the hospital field that they suiier the other only In subordhvate role that in stead ol respecting you resent and suspect the motivations oi the others PATIENT EOSES OUT ilis criticisms oi hospital ad ministration Include these ob servations survey done of oil diree iiva and orders issued from all hospital branches shows that it resales BARRIE ANSWERING SERVICE Ottering the area zihr Promlp courteous service or the past 14 years 19 MARY sat LA DEBONNAIRE HAIR STYLING STUDIO No appointment necessary Specialize in cutting tinting and perms Wigs and hair pieces Low prices Stephen NewmanJones lhii Napier St 72832693 unlnnnnams inWhere Winter Fun begins imam PIN SPORTSARAMA nwy 21 Miriam rzeilll This IN HAIR STYLING by Hair StyliugExpeltn rants nausea SHOP Hair Coloring for men only Angua Plaza mam Fropylon Carpet $1050 SqYd Installed with outletpadding GEORGIAN Barf CARPET SERVICE Phone ENZIS Sitth Fashion Magic heglnr with tvoour ARDELE FABRICS LIMITED The House oI Quality Wn stuck Vogue pdtlernl is Dunlap Jerrsz dineoutoiiohavonothingtodo with pahcot rare but on chiefly ndness designed or the corniort and cowenleocc oi tha hospital workers In 20 years Idrninistrauve space to hospital has multi plied teniold and patient mace shrunken to far less than 50 per cent oi the hospital am Soon we will meet that rublimrly ad ministered bospltal which hal no room left ior that unneces my evil the patient Good hospital administra tors are rare and too often od mlnislrators acquire their posi tion by dctaull or as result oi proven allure in some other chosen ileld Including medi um Hospitals were portrayed as bastion oi urcaucraey where 43 gt HUNDREDS OF SPECIALS iN EVERY DEPARTMENT lt lg lt U7 Lu AGARIJL 16 ozBt for tiliitliiiifinew 13 itiiilédtiil 77 PERSONNAINUXZEMABLADES scan lNSTANTINE TABLETS 99 lglifgcrnie morn nixcur moron Under Makeup canon Exm Molsyvilrmo interns Moisture Essence Night Cream Actlvo Moliturixer rrrhssuru molten lxiu Moisturizing Cleansing Cream inst vine IEAIIIY human cop otvauih ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS AND COLOURS COEFEE MIIGS TLE jSlECIAL J7 FOR fAST RELIEF OF STDMACH UPSET into treatment minor ESSENKE olvunnn null um arsesAnte saysnaspitul Groupswaging 1e For Power attempts we made to control on Imtoo pm work schedule the most acute Illness the tragic catastrophic ireouently occur ottschecilule it the Gulf hinge nights oi Iya weekends when hospitals an least geared to handle them when the most novice and lim lor rtait are available Dr Bunnies said taxpayer muld Iutilinbly become upset by the inordinate length at documentary inoulsliion oiled up to 100 questions before he can receive simple service DOCTORS USE PRESSURE He also said private lobbies oi doctors can develop to larger hospitals and bring pressure on hospital administrators and gov ernment agencies DECORATED Overall their results can be beneficial but too Ditch they un iavorably distort the orderly nt iocatlon or resources to meet community needs or result In special favor Some hospital bed was no urpied tor the contort and wrliare ol the physician as much as totthe tilbciflx oi the patient because hospital care could be cheaper for the patient and more rcwardhg tor the doctor Turning to nursu Dr Bar ootcs said Nurses have tom themselves away Ircm the bedside and are progressively growm more in dependent ond inllltan luv BXAIIIINER WANI ADS rnona 7mm EIIVS HSVD aAvs arcs Hsvo ElAVS alvs llSYD aws an it lollotl on cnvsrliL elm gt WHITE RAM SHAME 12 oi Bil SPECIALI mm golden sunshine oIIbimrnriumot pearly notulvuysnr sheer olden bronze thefiistlip hmnzers LU Marin itinsiiirie Indsoowi amour Zlmce event SIECIALI Reg 35a 175 lsrrenu Reg45o 225 srrmii Req40 175 irrcliu Raglan2le srrcnu Reg7oo 350 Sll SALE SAVE CASH SALE SAVE shades with new kind neckline an hour FLAVOIIR ER EST AVS ilVS HSVD aAvs alvs lisvaiaws invs Hsv III roorlieiisrr Family Size vSPECIALI gt KILLS GERMS BY MILLION 0N CONTACT iisrsnms ORALANTISEPTIC UI T4 51 Bil SPECIALI IT enter as

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