EldestRags Eh titanic iixcminrr format intervac Midï¬iomigb Wednesday in For couplets LEXAMtNER TELEPHONES Emulation Chained Allth m1 All Oihfl 105 You No Barrll Ontario Canida Tundny Fnbruary ll I96 ions the Commons that will make him Canadas minister for re gional development Regional Aid Group Formed arrows CF Thcfcdcral govemmeat will seek broadened administrative and fiscal pow ers far itsproposed department to ovorscc regional develop ment Simgrowth urban ccn tres may benefit bill creating the department of regional economic expansion and four other departments was introduced into the Commons Monday it was given routine first reading Under the legislation the gov ernment would have freer hand to name depressed areas for government financial assist ance and industrial incentives Rural Development Minister Marchand who will head the longpromised new department said the aim is to emphasize fcderal aid for natural growth centres which previously did not qualify man amncrninn talks to reporters at Ottawa lifonlt day after introducing hill in muster Trudcaus close menu and confidant said he hoped for ing in fhe regional development field However he declined to say how much he would ask for mourns camps wins powers to provide granls and loans to industry in depressed areas The aid would permit the government not only to attract industry to slowgroa1b areas but to help industry modernize and expand demonstrably new power is the right to guarantee loans ae gotiatcd by private industry in the socalled special areas designated by government Although Mr Marchand did not say so specifically the indi cations are that the inclusion oi growth centres in the incen acccleratcd government spend The department will take over and expand existing federal He indicated that Quebec east of Trolsitivieres and the four Atlantic provinces will get top priority but other areas would be looked after ion The others include the northern sections of Ontario Manitoba and Saskat chewan five program means that urban centres will more easily qualify Mr Murchdnd singled out Quebec City as the example of growth centre which might quaï¬fy under the new arrange ment He noted that the Quebec provincial capital has static lifr nfarcband long Prime population mal11¢ mam CAPEULB ES Prisoners Code Of conduct Ouldatedi oonoNADo Dalif tar The Us Code of Conduct for aertncernen taken prisoner doesnt unity futlined to modern rmTchologtcu warfare says the Puablas second in omnrnand Brandi Will Bypass Ottawa Visit motivator Wiliy Brandtrvicedximim otW ï¬dgu dnot Visit gttawafin February as planned bit may namnsoi ora ewhcinswhenlusshi stn ilalifax on the way to New York p5 Mystery Girl lit Sirhan Trial nos ANGELES AP mysterious girl in norm dress nla became central tiarae in the investigation of Senator Robert Kennedys assassination probably will be nailed to the witnes sumac Sirhan stand today in the trial of lisk Canada Host Commonwealth Talks ï¬mï¬ï¬ of $5333 gafliiï¬diiï¬xwtï¬hï¬ Conunonwealth prime ministersmnference itwas learned Round Up Drug Violators In New Jersey monsoon NJt tAP eariyooo policemen fanned out over six ootmties before dawn today with warrants for 71 persons in the largestrroundup of alleged narcotits violators mNowJerseyntstary IPK May Have Been Shot From Front unwonmans tAP Kansas pathologist on he on Straw conspiracy trial Monday that photographs flow the bullel uhidh expoded President Kcruiedys head could have uxne from the front Dr John Marshall Midiols resumes the witness stand When Shawotrial reopens Wednesday after Mardi Gras me Davis Speaks At Windsor WINDSOR Out Uni versities should take cars of their own restructuring and not have it imposed on thcm by out riders ontario Education Minis tcr William Davis told Univer sity of Windsor audience Mona day liir Davis said his speech had been prepared long before stu dent occupation last Tuesday of section of the University of Windsors administration block Before his speech ncmet with number of student bodies and spent 10 minutes touring the oc cupied area In his speech to too teachers and studentLMr Davis foresaw LY PRAISE TOR PEACENIKS TORONTO 0P Mont real psychiatrist says peace nika are people who may have reached higher level of evolution than the average bumanbeing Dr John Rich of lichili University told Saturday meeting of the Federation of Women Teachers Association of Ontario that the man who can love all fellow humans or who refuses to kill anyone is further developed than the man who will die or kill for his country But Dr Rich didnt hold much hope that this genera tion will see the average human being envolvcd into peaceful creature Wars appear to be inevita ble because man is not ani mal enough to stop ï¬ghting and not human enough to stop defending his territory to to IISSoviet Talks Constructive WASHINGTON Reuters An unscheduled meeting More day between President Nixon and Soviet Ambassador Anatcly Dobrynin dumbed by the White House as very construe live fanned speeiflation that Russia wassceking to allay apprehension over Berlin Berlin rBorder Closed By snow rnan border guards halted traf fie through West Berlins main entrance to the autobahn for two hours today then began let gteigimcarsu thmughrtngain West po ce repo Trafï¬c through other check points on the roads between West Berlin and West Germany was delayed with long lines of cars and trucks piling up ilut it was not stopped There was possibility that snow conditions were responsi ble for the twohour halt in trial fic through the Babelsberg checkpo West Berlins main entrance to the express highway lo West Germany linguistic Vital To Quebec NIAMEY Niger State Secretary Gerard Peiletier Monv day described French Canadas linguistic links with the rest of the Frenchspealnng world as not only natural but vital Mr ielletier heading the Ca nadian delegation tna confer ence oi Frenchopeaking coun tries told delegates from more than 25 cauntricsFrench Caaa dlans feel they need the help of the firemanspeaking world goverrunarns must against the interference which would prevent universities ful ï¬lling their true roles WOULDNT iNTEllIEILE meaningful student tlon in decision making he said but there is no one sys tem to suit all univerisitics and there is no justiï¬cation for the government to lntcrferein res inlciurlug that should be cilch ed by universities themselves universities working more close with government but stressed safeguard think there is role for participa LONG BEACH Calif AP $10000000 US Navy pro gram to train men for undersea living has been suspended while doctors try to learn why an aquanaut had falalheartsei rura Glfl feet down on Monday Seaiab ill the leaking under water dwelling unit which Berry Cannon 33 was attempting repair when stricken was ordered hauled up from the ocean floor nenr San Clemente island delay of weeks seemed like for the traublepiagued pro ject which called for five nine mun teams to spend 12 days each living and working at the bottom of the sea The other eight members of Canaans team began sixday eriod of decompression gradual process in which their body tissues became accus med again to surface pres sures HERES our New Clerk What do you do when person forgets his change liianageigtYou lightly tap on the water with aidollarflbiii Trudeau on the need for gcv Minister Paul Hellyer nï¬untnc son TillIll ihdwerof brickliand ebrlsvfalls Monday as tators are caught in fight Monday to escape the explod WILLIAM DAVIS Undersea Soheme Halted By Death Like cinnamon had been conditioned topressures ls times normalrtowldrstand the weight of the ocean at the Sca lnigtsdepth nuaorsv 15 Thebody ofCunmn civilian with three children was flown to naval headquarters at San Diego Cflllls for an autopsy Deputy lounty Coroner Souza said preliminary tests were lnconclus Canadian Labor Congress in Partial Accord UilAWA OP Organized labor and lhefederal cabinet stepped into the ring together twice Monday butvthc punching was light and both sides ended up smiling The occasion wasihe annual presentation of brids by the 600000member Canadian Labor Congrcss and the Canadian labor Railway Executives Ase soelation which represents some 120000 railway workers OLC President DonnidVMac Donald won at least partial agreement from Prime Minister lag tirreectoroylifoser merits in Marc ArkaTh blast which hu twoljflreme lfldldflywfll blagmod an intense barts said Monday night Delve Into Reidt IOf Landlords Tenants ionoum on Legisla tion to control rents is planned by the Ontario government dur ing the current sitting of the legislature Premier John Ro fer Darcy hchcough will not be effective enough to please Otta was demands lily understanding is that the government plans to rely on conciliation and publicity liir Lawrence said do not be lieve that will be as cffcctivu have never believed in publicity as means of solving dis pul ltlr McKcough was not avail able for comment Both Mr McKeoughs and the attamcygeaerais departments have been studying lawre for commissions proposal The premier said in an inler view the legislation would be part of bill which will go into all aspects of landlord tenant re lationships He declined to give details Lawrence Progressive Conservative member for Carle ton Easthsnidln an earlier in tarvlew halntends to go ahead with bill heis sponsoring to give the city of Ottawa power to Icreate its own rcatcontrol pol He said legislation contemplat ed by Municipal Affairs Minlsi Police iAngers chrucr puma sans an SLOW TORONTlO 0P About half the motorist in Ontario have yat to purchase their Pants Reuters storm new licence plates with only or protest bmvved today at ill days left till the deadline France following police attack Transport Minister Irwin on lonely famthcnlse where flaskctt told the legislature berserk worker hiirself Mondays Mr linstiixett said big siaternent eretwili no Extension or the micde Hearing Today Feb 28 deadline Over Montreal Student Riot MONTREAL CF Tight security measures were in force for the opening today of prelim inary hearings of Sir George Williams University students and sympathizers involved in spree last week that caused an estimated $2000000 damage to the university The public was dcncd en trance io the municipal court where hearings were in old for the 00 adulischargcd iih conspiracy locommlt arson and destroy property With Trudeau eminent commitment to com prehensive economic planning But Mr Trudeau ticked off the areas of housing medical care insurance and offshore mi nerai rightsall raised by the CLOus those in whichthe provinces now have some iuris diction For this reason he called for constitutional reform RESULTED INhElllHS gt Seven alhcrs juveniles under an before launching any overalt planning The railway executives won larger degree of support mainly from Labor Minister Bryce lifackascy and Transport to years at age are scheduled to appear in social welfare court Wednesday for hearings on sim4 ilar charges Reporters were warned to show their credentials to oneoi three police officers on duty at the buildings main entrance No photographers were allowed on the promises Tape recordf ers were banned TORONTO 0P provi sion of the new straight through postal delivery service was tested in TorontoIMonday as most of Canadas 10000letv tcr carriers maintained wait hadsen attitude toward the new system The letlcrCarriers Union of Canada is protesting postal department ruling that two ilvemtnuto washup period The Examineril TODAY AM Lenders7 City Northz Claimed12 11V ComicsJ Dentinii District5 Editorialt Sporty10 ii heat The structine which had bean occupied by 11 families was destroyed bywiha fire and explosion AP rephoto En that the government introduce legislation to set up municipal rcnt review offices and boards to mediate in landlordtenant disputes nir Lawrence said if his bill gets through it would give 0tta wn the power to create rental review board that would arhi traie all landlordtenant disa greements including those in volving rents lie recommended that failure to comply with an arbitration ruling be punishable by fine of upto $10t0 on up to two years imprisonment or both France and his two childmn rathutban surrender Newspapers unanimously con damned décifloti to sefidln police totatiadr tho Bordeaux fanrnhousc Monday where 36 yaarold Andre Fotnquct had barricaded himself for 17 days with his two children as how tatgcs The Jasmine bulldozer op pratar lied hirmclf his ll yearold sorrFnancis and id yearold daughter Aline ma ments before police burstinto thebloodspattered dwelling They found Foulquot and the children with bullet holes in their heads Fubllc opiniongdeepb di turbed is unanimous The price of the capture of the madman should not have been paid by the death of the two childrenï¬ commentsthe influential Pa raisedln the National Assembly asking why the order lsmted to at tack SPURREED BY KILLING Col Lepoivre who connnand ed the operation told reporters the attack was made because Fournuet had killed policeman surrounding the building Because of this an arrest warrant had hcca issued he said decision had her taken in high places to execut the warrant WanAnesee daily and transportation to post offices for lunchybreaks are provided ontho carriers own time Carricrs in one Toronto postal dislrlct returned to their office Monday to find thhup faclll tics locked Alec Powerpresidcnt of the Toronto local of the union said he expected the men to submrt grievances on the inclden Pied libbeclr acting Toronto postmaster said he had heard nothing of the lockeddoor inci ticnt and added that postal serv ice ln the citvaonday was nor mal Representatives ofthe 1506 postal employees in the Toronto region voted Sunday to strike it nolegul settlement is reached on Jim straightthrough working doy STRIKE DATE SET Thconly region to set spcclli to strike date was southwestern =0niariuwhcrot carriers from nine Niagara Peninsulucommu allies say they will walkout Feb 23 it their demands are not me