Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1969, p. 9

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urns ilOiiilDliP com Whom CPD Conservav tlis lander Robert Stanlield scys Prime Minister Trullrau is hlsn constitutional problems as an excuse for deterring nrlou on problems at more immediate urgency such as housing pollu find and transportation Amusing the federal govern ment or inflexibulty in its con stitutional stance tr Staniield told the Conserve Council at Metropolitan Toronto Saturday thai Ottawa is postponing action on urgent problem by saying they can only be solved with jnew constitution ltc described ilr Trudeaus aitiiude as credible tor na tional lead and accused him oi prtuching dangerous non sense Mr Stanfield said the prime ministers suggestion that the problems facing cities must wnit tor the appearance of new constitution is unrealistic and uniair as said work on setting such problems as housing and pollu tion could be tackled now by the lateral and provincial govern ments within the lramowork oi tbe British North America Act Either the prime minister is unaware of the nature oi these problems and how inlnt action Ylilgllt attach them or else he genuinely belicvcs Canada can vailord to wait gt noannr swimmth Editor Trial JDHANNESBUEG AP Gen ll sleyn South Alricns chlei oi prisons is expected to be the first witness called when the muchpublicized trial at edi tor Laurence Gander resumes in Supreme Court here today Gander cditorinchiei oi the ltand Daily lail here is charged with publishing talse information about conditions in South Atrlrsn jun lltholttVtikl ins remnlhle steps to verily the inlormation Que Gas Explosion Amhme tCPl Oiiicllls blamed seepage oi sellge gas tor small but poweriul unto b9 stun in the basement oi the 0d Queen hlary Vetersns Hospital Sunday There were no injuries Student Protest wNDON Ont or poor turnout Sunday oi students protesting extension oi the school year showed 99 per cent or London secondary school also dents lavor the extension Ech erhard Pits president oi the Benl secondary school slu dean council said About 200 students most oi them lrorn Beat gathered in Victoria Park to protest the twoweek extension imposed by the department or education Pilz called the demonstration to test student feeling about the extension lle discounted lack oi infor motion as reason or the small turnout because he said be con taeted eight or the citys it see ondary schools and told stu dents council presidents about the demonstration whoorlnolr ur Prime Minister Trudeau and members of his party dance around Bonhomme Carnival on the deck oi the Canadian lccbreaker dlberville alter Mr lntdeaustarted the an nual race by boats across the ice tilled St Lawrence River from Queec City to Davis and back CPWirephotot illVélfare Work gicnt Canadianroneny =2 NIAGARA rams Ont or Welfare programs are antl quated and have little eitect on the reduction of poverty in Can nda an educational conference 01 the Ontario Federation of Labor was told Sunday Dr Wilson Head director of theMetropolitan Social Plnn ning Council said the wellare iield is haphazard collection of unrelated uncoordinated and Indian nights disjointed voluntary and public programs The poor are casualties ol the highlycompetitive economic and social system in which they cannot meet the demands for ei tective social auctioning Their veliare payments provide only lends enough to keep his body and soul together Dr Head said that redistri bution oi Canadas wealth and move Militarttifij TORONTOiCP The drive of Canadas minority lndian population or equal rights with the white population is develop lllg into militant movement the Canadian contorence ol so eial work students was told Stin daY ed Kelly oi Kenora 0nt The lndian is given no rights now We are demanding our rights were not asking for them We want to control our own destiny Mr Kclly with his brother Peter and Wilfred Peltier oi Tolt mntos Ruchflsie College spoke lduring panel discussion on mi rnarlti The panel attracted an ysudie of more than 150 one of the largest to attend single discussion session during the threeday conference Hesaid the lndlnns also were2 moving towards aim or coali Lilon with other minority groups such as the Negroes to develop unilorlnity oi cause Terming those Indiah leaders who urge goslow policy in el dian aitairs branch He would replace the branch with Crown corporation stalled by lndiens lie said the church has done more damage tovthe lndian communityihan any other sin gle group He did not elabo rat NEAlt snn Mercury is the planet closest to the tollowed by Venus Doesnt productive capacity could as sure decent standard of living or all and permit scrapping at the welfare system CALLS FOR REVAMPING Proi Meyer Brownstone oi the University at Toronto called for program lor redistributing wealthand changing the envi ronment of the poor Such 7a program must be transiormed into social devel opment scheme rtbat will include guaranteed income univeer programs for housing coma tion and health care and plan to eliminatolslums congestion Sand pollution in other conierence business Robert Bradley member oi the board of governors for the Toronto YMCA said Section is or the National Housing Act Vol iers church andilebor unions an opportunity to provide housing for lowincome lam es it said the profit return is low under the legislationbut that it allows corporation 10 per cent returnlive per cent tor promand live per cent or expenses Rents would be set by the Central Mortgage and Hour cnv TAX lNSTALMENl The first instalment of 1969 City Taxesfor Boat Property is due by annals mums simmer nenunnv l1 tme sititutiofiIsZRédIHerring lthodesian Plan SAHSBURY Reuters Prime Minister lan smith SIL urday night released derail ol proposed new constitution racial ly separating the electorate and ensuring that then will never Negromsiority rule in cos The are constitution would cntrencb the sovrrnment oi the unitaryin the bands at velvi lined Rhodesians tor Ill time Smith declared believe it is not oniyso copulate to Rhodesian but with clear conscience we can arm this mnstituiion outside the bar ders oi the country he sddci 1hls indicated to political ob servers that the whiteanlnority leader is still ooniident that he constitution will look moderate enough to the Britlsh for them to be prepared to continua nego tiations on libodesias luturc The Smith regime seized inde pendence lrosn isrttstn several years ago rather than submit to eventual blast rule Time Runs Out NIAGARA FALLS Ont UP Time is runntng out or the federal government to take steps toward easing the plight oi Canadas Indian and Eskimo pqiuiation Allan Clark said Sat urdny ltlr Clartr deputy director ol the Indian Eskimo Association told dismsslon group at an Ontario Federation of Labor WGMCQ that ii positive steps arent taken within 16 MM the level of frustration will reach point when these people will resort to exituric or violence Iom Twm Clues FORT WILUAM The Canadian Lakehead Port Coun cil which represents about 5001 waterfront workers supports the principle oi plebiscite an amalgamation of Fort William and Port Arthur Survivor Released SASKANXJN OP Fred Donald Pederson who sure vived an axe attack that ltilrlfl six members his family and guest Jan to was released mam hospital during the weet en This boy was flown here with skull iracturs and possible brain drains tram Bulian Nlrrws when his parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Peder son iour oi their children and Jesn Baptiste Herman it were slain with an no in die Pbdfll son home Soviet Trawlers NEW YORK AP Life magazine says Ghana captured two Soviet fishing trawlers all its coast last October and has grinned theis crow mean in articlein the current issue Lite says the Ghanaian suspect ed the Russians were involved in an arrernuuUDg plot do aimed to return to power ionems hkrumah deposed as dictator oi the African country in loss The article it socom partied by pictures showing the boats and the crew Lutheran Views ans areinterested more in ecu union says Rev Dr Robert Marshall president oi the Lu theran Church in America Dr Marshall spoke Saturday at the executive meeting at the Eastern Canada synod oi the church Ono impediment Dr larshall saw to chlnch unity was ethnic diiiercnce The proposed union ol the An book in his band and those on the desk he explain were briefing books on to rent countries he plans to Nixon worked at his STUDIES FOR TRIP TO EUROPE President Nixon spent part at yesterday in his White mmvon CPt Luther House oilieo preparing or his visit next week to live wos menical relations than in church tern European nations The deslr alter returning lrollt Camp David presidential r9 treat in Maryland where he and his lamtly visited over night in iirephoto Scout ReCeives Silver Gross For Gallantry said because both churches ori ginated in Britain Union with Lutherans oi European hack TORONTO Daniel ground would be moredilticult Dupuis izyearold Toronto Editor Is Dead boy scout will receive the Sil ver Cross tor Gallnniry Cana dian scautings second highest award from GovernorGeneral CAIRO haulers Kingsley Roland Michener later this Martin 71 former editor oi the year The boy Jumped iqu influential London magadne clothed into stream last sum The New Statesman died in mer in vain attempt to rescue companion who lost his bal Mnrfl sugared stroke 5mm sure and tell iroman overhead ly alter arriling herotive days my agdas the guest of the lndian hospital here Sunday night ambassador to Egypt Apa turyr Statesman which he moulded in his own image as an uncompro Bo mising moralist and firm oppo nent at colonialism check our features Com on your gas bill pare our prices Then choose your lnglis auto maiicwasllergasdryeror portable dishwasher from Consumers Gas You can take up to five years to pail with easy payments lngllsllborltorlilntomstte Washer Medele 5300 WSR Featurtn Beadsficyclas specia coolde care for permanent pres infinite bs Iajerlovelselectlondulttima including Miltontil user and Weird eleven Quit $28500 ACQUTIIED OF CHARGE PM suonunv or An Ontar in Supreme Court Jury has ac W55 °° BW quitted David CorbierE as at crusading editors ol lhla cen Gm my on on charge of rape in connection with Slept For 30 yearsram 1930 to 17 incident involving Sudbur 1930 he wascditor or The New mather or our TO VISIT EGYPT TORONTO Stunrt Rosenberg said Sun HSWHGIS s7 TORONTO sr 7266558 gin will soon visit President Nasser oi the United Arab lien public to complete plans to build rocket sites in Egypt hlr Rosenberg rabbi at Beth Tze dec Canadas largest Jewish congregation told conicrence at the Federation of Women Tcachcrs Associations oi Order in that the Soviet dont want peace in the Middle East ACTRESS HURTS KNEE ORVIEIO Italy AP ltsl lan actress Gina Lollobrigda suiiered broken kncccap Sm day in an auto accident to kil ometers north or Rome Direc tor Franco Zeiiirelli was in the car with the star but escaped with minor cuts and bruises day that Soviet Premier Kosy Cameron winner LUSAKA AP Employers and parents are the next target in Zambian government cam paign against miniskirts Cabi not minister hlaiaza Chona told meeting here Sunday that government otiicials are being ordered to encourage employ an anti parents to ensure girls dress dertntly Chona said there would he no violence in the campaign URGE PUBLIC OPINION BRANTFORD tCP Cathov lie Education Weeirbogan hero with plea to the public to send the Ontario department oi edu cation written opinions on exten sion oi government financial aid to separate schools up to the end of high school Sheila Manue district chairman oi the Catholic Student Federation said similar efforts are being undertaken by Roman Catholic high school students throughout the province Bast auraearns them all And if youd like to shop tor your new inglis appliance in the comfortof your homecalloursales manHell be glad to visit uio out coonQ 0000000 Inglis itbaratnrcas Dryer Model LFO 7200 MT With programme drying special coolnjown care for permanent press tumble press control and tnllnite temperature control Large up top lintsoreen Only $18500 iridium Feb 191939 rt lil dl inn Feb 26 taco Ewillniinailiainéihoinoio smelly ettclonnlngttiter Mapia Top work suction new gentle water speed to delicate crystal Only $29900 gt Only $27900 nonvotunrruncnasmo MEANS YOUR Low PRICESl ecting alfcial change Uncle omn aw Mr Kelly said there whalslizl yet denominated Ward Wfifidm plum ofildyon please bring or ma He said lndiuns demand es NOHC Wlth your payment ahlishment in Terminal an in Jaw cnvy Tragué ward Thnada first 2speed edicts taploading Featuring exclusive tiller let washingactlon and is school or social change scrapping oi the lcderal ln

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