0MB Will Hear Innislil llppeal morn Stall The On tario Municipal Board an ar ranged ior hearing of an apped Klimt decision oi lnnlali the Strand Community bail on committee at adjustment at the Strand Community hall on Monday March Tbs matter ooncernsan bp plicatian of lstvan Rosa and Marie Kiss ior consent to the conveyance of property with its act of lrontage on the nor therly limit at Evans Place the land has depth oi ii feet inches and oniarca al39 proximately l6ll75 squara easterly irom the northeast tn torseciion oi East Lana and Evans Place and is part of lot 24 Concession The committee oi arï¬ustrncnt dismissed their application at hearing on Dec 19 New Innisiil Club Plans Youth Centre SlliOUD Stall innlslil towasblps iirst service club the recently organised Optimist club which is headed by Burton has plans for an active program will emph aiais on youth work Some ol the aims at Illa club will be promotion oi Optimism oratoricai contest respect ior law wccir bicycle rodeo and youth centre from which we will do our work with the youth also include Kenneth Baker lcdeoa Benoit Bernie Daign eault Edward Earls Bruce Ford King Vernon Gillespie Paul Hlii Aubrey Hansen Sven Hansen David Hunter Kenneth Hunter Elvin Kell Douglas Machle John Nuttall Walter Peacock Donald Owens Donald Smith and Peter Van Tent We are grateful tor the guid ance and co operation oi the Barrie Optimist club said hlr Burton in raierence to the spon sora Barrie dub president Wil liam Hochlay presented the Can adian Flag and badges to the new club while bell gavel and club banner were presented by Optimist litGovernor Edwml Jennings EARLY GREETINGS Appreciated greeunga also wore received from ierry Cas sadly past governor Data lhiifleid current governor Deg puty Reeve Allan Todd on be hali of lnnlsliljwnship coun cil and John Roberts MP oi the municipality said the new president Other charter oiï¬cera oi the new clubswhicb was sponsored by the Optimist club oi Burin include Ernest Nash and Bruce ilnkney as vice presidents Ernest Pascoe secretary trea surcr and William Brown James labarwood Darwyn Jones Raymond Neely and Frank Potts directors Charter members oi the club DISTRICT NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY l1 69 Growth orusie Traced Flower Society Active in earn ONO STATlON tStall monstratinns oi tree planting and seed sowing are planned ior HUNTING GOOD NOTTllWilSllGll TOWNSHIP Two trappers Carl Peacock and Arnold Bowman both at alter week at him trapping in Notta and ago dale There are into for is coon and one wall We also thats legal and brings in good price said Mr Pea Suvner brought in than pelts Township Ind parts oi Stinri lflp min and anyails else code llkainlilur Photo INNlSIll NOTES $500 Service Fee Is Still Hot Topic By ll The service fee of 3600 is still hot subject around lnnisiii Several transactions for proper ties made outside the township lazve been stopped until the ice is paid or approval received mm the committee oi adjust ment One transaction where mother desired to transfer lot to her son both oi whom are miles from innlslfl may require an appeal by solicitor to the at committee Cost of the committee oi adjustment as well as lawyers fee makes the gilt oi the property more of liability The reported decision of the Municipal Board that the lee must be used for services on the property on which it was raised seems to make the Ice more justiï¬able as water sewers street lighting and other serv ices should be done by the mu nicipallty The need oi public utilities eommission to handle such matters seems imperative ms NOT WALKING letter irom Eben Sawyer says he is still conï¬ned to the house and unable to use his leg which is still in cast After his lasttrip to the hospital hcwas lent home for another six weeks and he goes to the hospital again this month in hopes that the bone was healed it is six months it since he fell oifra ladder Last week when Charles Gritt ln called on us he remembered that while visiting Tampa state fair last year he was struggling with door that opened toward him when voice said All right Charlie lil open the door it was Eben Sawyer oi innisï¬l and they eniaycd the unexpect ed meeting in the crowd He was asking how Mr Sawyer was gab ting along so we pass along the NEWS EMERGENCY CALLS This year in the cities ofitit chcner and Waterloo and sur rounding areas system at quick dialing oi emergency calls will be inaugurated The number will likely be 9111 and this will activate system which will lo cate the origin oi the call and get help Winnipeg has been using such service ior several years with the result that help is on the job speedily England has we call that covers emer gencies anywhere and this has been giving satisfaction for many years In the Barrie area where each district and municipality handles its own emergency systems many people who are new to the ares may not iran the number to dial ior quick emergency ser vice Dialing the operator puts them through to the city and the call must then be handled someone relaying it to the proper service An overall em ergcncy system is needed so that in case of ï¬re or help being needed there will be no delay in getting the propcr number with prompt attention from the appropriate service There are several police and iiredepart mant adjoining the city of Bar rle and those who do not know lust where the line is between them may be in serious trouble One phone number ior nil emer gencies would hasten the help Perhaps we will have to wait ior area development to bring this improvement NEISONS TN FLORIDA We had call trom the Nol sons of Siroud who are staying in Tampa Florida or some time We hope to visit them soon and get the low down nnali the doings around innisiii and perhaps take them to the Can adlan Society luncheon at Gulf bell part this week where we may meet up with more folk irom back our way The warm weath or has chilled oil bit or day or so while wind irom the north pushed through but temperatures are back to nor mal again and the sunshine is still enjoyable as well as the sea water for bathing The re cent Examiners received with pictures and stories of closed highways and heavy snowfalls should encourage anyone with couple at dollars saved up to head south County win we1comer ew Oro Deputy Reeve When Simeon County council convenes ior its February des siona espccted to open Tuesday Feb 18 itrwili have new mem ber trorri Oro township in Wal lace Key An Oro councillor for live and ahaif years Mr Key was pro mated to deputy reeve when Kenneth Gilchrist was made reave following the resignation of ureava Kenneth Giliselt pie Mr Gillespie resigned in his 13th year in ofï¬ce his eighth as reeve Councillor Allan Melean serv ing his filth year and Council lor Howard Campbell serving his earth was joined yesterday by Charles Sanderson oi shanty Day new ngpointee Mr San derson was osen as the nest candidate in line in the last Ora municipal election Mr Key said he was looking forward with interest to joints the county council He has fo luwcd progress of proceedings throughnews reports am RATE With the ilnanoe and adminis tration committal due to bring in its budget recommendations the coming sessions are expected to lacamong the most important the year before they are ncluded it is the intention to set the 1969 county tax rate warden Arnold Vancise who is reeve oi Nottnwasaga has given assurance that every mom beririteresied in any base oi the county spending will be gi arise opportunity to have say we are not here rail road ianythhlng through he as in emphasizing that all de cisions will he made in demo cratic manncr iidbylira 0rd Vilean BriiCeStewari the ï¬nanceand administration committee has been endeavoring to cut down on budget requests inan eiinrt to hold the tax inc to last years vm mns The roads depart ment which is headed by West Gwiliimbury lteeva KeithLang lord has cooperated by irrep ing its budget request down so that the same live mill rate as 1968 will collect the necessary lilnds along with government grants and other revenues The new city oi Oriilla helped the financial picture by agree ing to pay county taut for six months ior all services escept amssment androads The city is doing assessing while it is non towni upkeep or county roads as ablation roed basis ASSESSMENT UP Those who advocated close review at all county tax spend log will be iollowing the ï¬nance and administration recommenda tions with particular interest Must departments asked ior int creases with the assessment ra ouest torso $150000 more than last yea receiving more than ordinary attention This made the total asked 5339000 and with Oriilla out the suntan tial increase stirred questions at the January session The need to adequate unali fred assessors to complete the job ot reassessing has been stressed by the department Plans call ior six or seven more municipalifles to be reassessed this year as followup to the five done in i966 Aim ofthc department is to have all 31 glinlclpalllles reassessed by Another muchdiscusaed re port concerns recommendation on the advisability oi raising the per diam pay of members from the present $10 The total last year was said to have as gregated ith aizeabla item ranging between $60000 and $70 carma Manama in the llnaiiolni review expect ed to be presented the tire oi reserve funds to help capital expenditures in connection with the ï¬nancing of the new home for the elderly at Collingwood Sunset Manor will be reported The policy of the county through the years has been to avoid debenture debt and it is hoped this procedure can be continued The taxpayers have enough carrying charges to meet inintercst rates on the bonded debts of other levels of govern ment suggested spokesman who deplored the growing trend toward increased government in debtedness for taxpayers to pay innisiil Reeve Cochrane discussing this trend termed it uniair to the young people it amounts to morigaging their fur titrehc asserted Reeve Cochrane missed the January sessions of the county council but it is expected to be back in his place ior the com ing Fdrnlaryaesrioas The in nisill reeve spent short va cation in Florida his ï¬rst in years orstnicv Burris nruspann on new HILISDALE Stall Hills dale Mi Homemaking girls club has decided to meet averyloihcr Wednesday JUNIOR FARMERS ALIJSTON Stall Provin cial conference of the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario will be held at the University oi Guelph on Friday Saturday and Sunday March 22 and he according to notice received are vswe men There are 29 vegetables listed by the United States department or agriculture as having iarm begoni value in excess at $1000000 DISTRICT BRIEFS PLAN SKATING TESTS BASE EONDEN Stall fiwo Canadian Figure Skating Assoc iation tests to be conductcdhy CFSA judges are planned in March by the Baschorden Fig ure Skating club Dates have been set ior nrcsday ltiarch re and Tuesday March 25 SYRUP FESTIVAL ElihlVALE Stall Stavr day April was the date an proved lor the 1969 Elmvaie maple syrup festival program when tours arn planned to am making bushes mape syrup quccn will be OSEII ALLISTON Stall All 1393 which was removed irom the town hall beliry when ren ovations weremadc Inst ycnr will be mounted on new steel iramework and placed in front of the South Simcoe pioneer museum at Riverdale park next summer it was announcedhy Latirner chairman hir Latlmer said plans for special ceremony to mark the un veiling might be considered later it will be the museums ioth anniversary year The pioneer museum which is set up in the one time iall lair building has numerous pioneer farm furniture and household Mayor ch Year lQOLlslNGWOOD Stall Mayor Alick If McDonald is currently serving his year as hand at the Coolingwood council First elected for the 1961 term Mayor McDonald followed Braniii who wasmayor in who after Julian Ferguson in 1559 ï¬veyear terms were adopted ï¬rst lor the last66 term hia yor McDonald and his council are now serving the second part of two year term The regime oi Mayor hichn old has been marked with much development and progressdor Collingwood County representa tives are Reeve Mel McKean and Deputy Reeve Donald Span 1101 jniouimsrl runs momma mon held their meeting at Rev vltlrand Mrs Weirs t2 mem bers attending Davotional was given by Mrs Ron Coulis Pro gram by Mrs Ferris was part or study on China Plans were made to scrvcja supper to GlrlGuides and mowers Fcb ni ands supper to lather and sons March Next meeting will be in the Sunday sch ooi room munity are welcometo attend Weekend visitors at Mrs Montelths were her granddaugh ter Janice Mrs Lofty McCal ium and Mr McCallum and his mother from KlngstunHMr and Mrs Lawrence Brown and sons of Gait and Cpl and Mrs Wil Borden agara Falls spent the Weekend with Mr and Mrs Stewart Vespra Horticultural Society will be panel discussion on as Anyone who is inter ested is welcome From First 1877 Subdivision LlSLE Stall Thomas Cros bio who settled bore in 1364 and had his larm subdivided into late when the Hamilton and Northwestern railway line was completed in 1877 is usually con sidered the founder of Lisle He lived to the age oi on Old rocords show the survey was done by Lett who came to this iosorontio town drip oorrvnunity from Aliiston for the purpose The subdivi sion was called Forest ice and this was ï¬rst name oi the corn munity Later it was changed to Lisle but search oi rocords failed to establish the reason First store was opened in 1878 by businessman irorn Toronto named Robert White It irame rouï¬tcast building built in 1880 was the first school which was known as No In itsearly years the com munity was shipping centre ior lumber wood grain and pro duce There were two lioicis Hunters Hotel across iram the railway station and the Mason liaise on Main and Front streets Agrlst mill was established by William Phillips In 1900 the Ill Collingwood ninth wl uncanny United Church We March All ladies pi the comr liam Brown and lamily of Base Mr aners lVetih nlNl growing gladioli geraniums and Wade general store was purchas Allisten Town Bell New Museum Exhibit articles and machine rclis Be sides Mr Latimer the current museum board also includes Councillors Peter Cameron and James Dickey Herold Black and sandy Ellis secretary treasur 6F OPENS 1N JUNE Opened in the fail at 1939 the museum has becn visited by sev eral thousand annually since The place is closed during the winter months but will be open ed around June for school tours by appointment During summer holiday time it is open daily The bell irom the town hall was moved to the museum last year after the hclfry was taken all whcnthc roof was repaired it was an interesting relic of the past and we were glad to get it said Mr Latilner who did much toward founding the museum and encouraging expan sion The new framework which Wig carry the bell is eight feet Norman Horsburgb is curator for the museum which is con Closa to 2000 visitors were re gistcred last school tours OLDSCHOOL BELL in addition to the town hall bell the museum also has dis carded Allistonschool hall which main use in 188s Old wooden barrows hotac shnc equipment and numerous smaller items iilra wooden hay forlts joii lamps and rakes enli ed attention=ta the pioneer arm in cm oi the district An 1872 fall fair poster print ycar in addition to tinually receiving new exhibits cd in old block letters by Starts Wei 13 CiliiROBERTSilii mewrm ClingLysscun in ed by Robert Henry Little who was justice of the peace ior the area for some years disastrous fire in 1500 des troyed large part oi the corn munity lcvelling buildings from the grist mill west oi the rail road to the Mason House This part oi the community was rebuiltand some of the uildirigs remain Tobacco growing was intro duced to the district before World War ii The first exper imental crop was grown mile north of the then village on lzot Concession Will Show Film To Siayner Group STAYNER tStaiii Birds oi Simcoo Countyj iv the title or one oi two iilms to be shown to members of Stnyncr Horticul tural Sorlcty and friends at an open mcctlng arranged or Monday Feb 24 second ï¬lm be about lower cultivation and will show perennials and annuals oi spec ial interest to Stayner growers in at woodcn type has been fram cd ior display it dated back to an era when the old Tossoron iio agricultural society held its tail inirs at nearby Rosemont First curator at the museum was Clare Watson Master Breeder Shield ilwarded Try try and try again was the basis ior the success story through which Cecil Atkinson Schomberg was awarded master breeder shield at the an anal meeting oi the Holstein Friesian Association of Canada on February i2th in Toronto This is the Associations highest honor No purebred Holstein heifers purchased in me had to be slaughtered when thcyxdul not produce holler calves Two more purebreds boughtin 1932 gave Mr Atkinson two heifer calvesbut aliof the milking er grades and purebrcds went down on the TB test in and had to be slaughtered in third eiiori two heifers from the Spring Farm herd of Fraser Sireetsvilieand two from the Glenafton herd oi the late Mm Al liston formed the nucleus of the present 0rchard Vale Holstein herd This herd beoameam credited ior TB in 1935 and has beenon Record of ParlorInsane test sinceiim Three foundation cows lelt goodriamilies whose bloodlinés prominent in the herd MPERlA EBLUUM WWW member ior York Simcoe rid log the township said Mr aurton Plans iora youth centre will be among those given early at tention The club has been discuseihg the old Strondvschoolflha pro perty was acquired by the township abandoned iilms with sound recordings RM MONDAY TUESDAY PM the next gencrel meeting oi the Ora Horticultural Socicty which is to be held at the township ball at the agricultural grounds on Tuesday April Alastair Crawiord heads the active Oro Horticultural Soc iety with Norman Emma the firstvise president The mem bers choyod an imamde program recently when Cattley oi Oriilla presented two We plan to be very active in reference to the new club lease agreement ior use at alter the School was television onlyvto the book 1511er III purl ruea chilies AmqveurMalon ndoRichord rion James Cobumiohn HustoriiWnlierMotihldu RingoSinrrriaiwnAuiin Candy lino our 2nd Popular Week iASlT iwo oAvs 2o PM cunisiorusn tr LELIA coiaom ruuau oLovcn