Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1969, p. 6

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CANlNE CARNIVAL SPIRIT Loni what the well dress crl dog was uenrrrigduring carnival ucch Proudly show ing oil his hand ltnittnd roqucand sweater in carni daug er ol tlr val colors llusty apedigrccd dachshund attended the Bar ner Carnival with his lt5 Mia BonnieBrand and Mrs ANN LAllDERS ilDVISES Money And Success May Trap comp lier Ann Leaders My hus band nnd started out together poor but ambitious Alter 20 years of hard work we are worth about quarter ot mll llnn dollars But Sam still Wurils as it he had to earn next months rent He keeps expand ing and getting into more deals when he should be taking liie finsly and enjoying what we have ul always workcdin thebusi ncss with Sam and raised iamily too It was hard when he children were small but didnt resent it because he need ed me Now do resent it be cause we shouldnt have to work this hard Weve already made it Sam and LhavcnLtakcn vacation in ten years Our suc be to not very good writer My wile and were married ANN MNDEIE well worth the trouble ltvtook put this letter together am Alex brand ol ltlt Shanty Boy Rustys costume was complete to the last detail in cluding nn olficial nlval button Examiner Photo ulsive worker iLv occasions because couldnt leave the business When reached my 62nd birthday my wlle pleaded with ma to retire at least part llrno Hut wasnt sure anyone else could run the company and stayed on She tried again two years Igo but couldnt see it Well eight weeks ago buried my wonderful wile Indnow suddenly have plenty or time on my hands The business doesnt seem important at all When lm not there things go along lust line Even better realize too late that made terrible mistake Now the money will he enjoyed by our children when it was really my beloved wile who should have had the pleasure lrdm ltREGRETS AND mm nosnan maven In Spring Renovating Begins WithPaint PANCAKE SUPPER traditional Slimo Ncs dsy least at packers and will be routed It several chunks inzths ares tomorrow sing Among those planning Snipers Ire the Bre therhood oi AnglleIa mm men who tha Irransed pan ll serve pencskes Ind other treats It supper in the nhurvh Glove Ind Coot Ste irons 510 until oclodt Pancakes will be served trom to prnIt Hllisdals United crumb HillsdIle 8T GILES ACW President hirs Also its dir soled the February meeting ol St Giles Anglican Church Wo en held Feb ll Regliglous ed udItion wII conducted by Mrs Hukhlngs lollowed by gen at Innings Fist were dis cussed regarding Nesriy New Sale Rummage Sale the CWL Sponsors Speech Contest speaktbg contest or stu dcnls ot prides sad ol Our Lady oi Assurmtlon school wnl sponsored by the Brentnood Cathan Womens league Participating students It the CM February meeting and Aldona lonsltls was de clurcd the winner Aldons will now competent the regional lin nls itunnér up was MIrletIs Ivlts Contest judges were MrsJ Dumond lira Ill licelen Ind Mrs Stacey Staccy commended the student for their speech delivery and pre sented winners with prises The contest followed lbs bus iness session which was marked with plans tor St PItrlckr dIncs party to he held MIrch It at the New lawell Commun lty Hall Mrs Vsnder Kruys presided at the meeting The secretarys report Ind report of the cueh res was read It was decided to send it donation to the national director ol the Sacred Heart Program The evening concluded with luncheon served by Mrs Dumond Mrs Aardcn and Mrs lVits Good Food Value In Variety Meals variety meats otter change in the diet plus good lood vslue Liver is one ol the best sources ol minerals and vitamins cs peclally vitamin lhlamin rib spoke cu Mil lull In intended to com the general social tile It the city Dietsid weddings peruse travellers and visitors In all Items intend to rclden al lhls me Your leg 931 this news Ippreelsled PieIu phone The BIrrle Ind Isk tor Andrey Control or albyi Eh but It the Womens Depart melt Annual Spring Colleo PIrty on the Quo Vsdls School at Nursing Ind Adventurex Trent Severn Styla were Shown Retrcshmenls were served at the conclusion with Valentiu theme decorating the in table MEDICAL SECRETARIFJ The Februsry meeting or Sirom County hlcdicsl Secre taries Association will be held in ihoBIrrlo Medical Arts Build ing on Wednesday It Just lira Neil For bead lilxarian Muiiozl Recast Royal Victoria mom will be the guest speaker ltlrs Fox wtll spesk on the Development Ind Use oi Medical Records in the Hospital All members and those inter ested in bccomlngmembers Ire welcome to attend DEANS 81 Miss Dianne Marie Crows daughter Mr and Mrs bowls nton Crowe nl RR Bsrria is one ol ll iorcign students who made the Deans list at GsllIudet College Washington DC bliss Crown in sophomore at GIllIudct liberal arts col lege lor the deal She is graduate oi Barrio Dietrl ct North Colicglste GOIDEV WWDING Mr and Mrs William Vithrl ol RR Strotsd cehbrsled their 50th woddhic Innimsnry during the weekend The couple were married on St Valentines Day Idr It I919 To mark the spec ial day iriends Ind family were welcomed It the couples borne on the 9th line Bonsooosr Beach LENDRA LEFT OUT ibe nsme oi tenors dei was inadvertently omitted from the caption under the picture of the winning Moose Glrla risk on Friday At Barrie Outing Club sin Selch presented the Sahenlcy her husband Roy dishid rep resentatiw LONDON FINAL Itlr and Mrs Wllls It coded the provincial mens usrling finals last weeks lnn don Ivanhoe Cub hlr Walls oao Attended the mitiwlnter eke CARNIVAL BONSPIEL Prize winners It the Winter Camtvsl mixed bonnich It Bar rlc Orrllng Club on Saturday were Ladies listg Stewart slatg Gun Olive Hersey Ruhr Smith Lillian Istison Betty Gone ldiltlewholan £39 Rodg son Men Bill CInnon Prod Webb mistls Hurtibess Carl Bachrnsnn Jim CLyne Owen St John Hill Herrlnm George Judson Harry srd Burden Walter Humphreys Curly Didi lhnDeil Wuwrdb caniwmeeting oi the Ontario he Mint in Poorilmrfidsurlsces by ELIAS R053 With winter hopeluliy on the wane many homeowners specu lIla on work to be done outside the house come spring One lob thIt has to be done lrom time to time Is painting the exterior oi the house So when westhcr permits brush will be taken in mm and the house given iina new dress oi paint one thIt in ca sh pcctcd to hit several years But too may instances any where trom tow months to three years lIter mIny oithese homeowners disgruntled Ind disappointed will be back to the lab at painting again The Inner In to know the conditions that can be controlled and in him turn an determine how long thopointlxgoinstolsstonthe misuse or paint products and cspeelsily excess moisture con tribute freely to the incidence oi paint Ilium Blisterlng crack ing and peeling Ixe the most sequent samples Recognizing the symptoms at paint failure xrd remedying the situation In Inputtent it you want to keep the hours exterior thereloro the house in sound condition Blistcring mInilests itsell Wk course ln myriad bubbles on the paint surlsca Those bubbles are caused by moisture beldnd the point which becomes trapped and pumes out onto the pIint illm Widespresd blister ing say experts on such mat ters may be due to poor innu lItion oi the home This condition is often Iggra vated by the variety at modern conveniences which are com mon to todays home Then in clude washing rn no clothes dryers dishwashers and owers We wouldnt want to live without them but we must provide ior them in the homes ventilation system The male lure created by these devices must be directed to the outside tubewise moisture seeps through the walls only to be stopped or slowed bytbe paint on the exterior the house And thelirsi thing you know you place is hllstered ADDITIONAL CAUSE on might Ilso 1le your blisV teriug may be due to poor waiting check around wtn dous doors and domm tor water seeping in mm the out side Rein water on penetrate beneath the paint Ind cIuse blistering thorough lNllllkv lug is the sure and only an tor this condition Well here Irn bubbling all over with tips to forests hlls wring so will therln con tinue the subject of Ivoldlnl poor paint Jobs in the near tu lure mass has made us slaves to the 45 years We bolhvworked hard oltsvin and niacin Liver ex dollar My inlaws keep begging Sam to play some goli or buy boat but he insists he enjoys his some people work the way enjoy hobby envy the modest lamilies who have one car small house and haveto save all year to take trip tourist class We are trapped by money and suc cess ieel so lrustrated want to cry Any recommendations RICH BUT POOR Dear Rich But Poor Wel come to The Club The only line missing lrnm your letter is The kids never saw their la ther when they weregrowing up Your husband is acompulsive worker and there is no known cure for it But this can be both good and had its good that Sam enjoys his work so thoroughly that he cant pull himsell away mm II but its bad because he is cheating him sell and you too Please show him the letter which appears below It might help open his EYES in OVERWE and made more money than we could ever spend She begged me to take her on trip to Eu rope and other parts at the world we had only read about but was always too busy We missed weddings and Bar llitzunhs and other happy lam MARSHALL Calil MP if they dont letme survive as teachar wish theyd take me out and shoot me like horsel says Betty Blodgctt mm teacher tired beoausa she was overweight Eight months alter losing her job at Redwood high school in larkspur the 41 yearold woman is broke and are she may never work in her prolession again Wheh he asked or her dis iss Redwood Principal Too um Dear Ann Landers never thought would write to you but find now must It can pro yent rust one person lrom mak ing the mistake made it will Donald Kreps called his pound physcal oil teacher living hypocrisy of what shes teaching That as in January 1968 The fivelootseven inch survivors crossword Club last week Shown shore are Joanna Searth Rosslyn Eppleli skipGiaéIDtlEilLGlL 510017 PUNCH PARIS AP French nip singer Johnny Hatlyday was fined $1000 Saturday or punch ing motorist altar an auto ac cident last all He also had in pay damages at $160 IGHT GYM TEACHER DISMISSED BECAUSE OF DIET Miss lilodgett weighed in pounds when the high school district tired her in June in punishing 900cnlorie diet she is now down lo 35 pounds Its been stniggle she says ltleat and potatoes were part at my stvava grapelruit cottage cheese and skim milk The unmarried teacher says she never ermxted man to find woman her size attracv live But last spring when her problems got national public ity she found out otherwise had halldozen proposi als from men across the coun try like you lust the vray ynu arc they said bey Dlsirlct chreacntative slack Hamilton and Dorothy loans lire Enqlettwu Iulr illoniell oapt tor calves liver is res sonahlo buy and there re many ways to serve it in comp hinntion with vegetables Buy quality when you buy meat Goal quality beet it uni lonn rich red color the out side lat is creamy and white The rod or hhse Government stamp denotes top quality in speeted meat worn BRIEFS TO STUDY ADM GUBLPH 0P The Unl vorsity of Guelph announced Saturday it will be the scene or eonlerence April lI19 tor the formation society at Asian studies Dr John Melby chair man el the Universitys depart ment of political studies said the society willbe open to any onein Canada interested in Asian Illsirs ITS RAW COLD SWORD OP lwen tysix Eskimos visited the Six Nations lndian Reserve near here over the weekend and tound the weather uncomlnrts bioalthough it was to degrees warmer than their home anUn gsva Bay Quebec One visitor This is raw cold wind seemsto pens stituLing ior vice skierelen happy grou oi thesplsns set about in orming The Princess With Broken By osnur mans pan Recently discussed with you the oncepromising at youth who drops out because he lacks sufficient responslbhity to manage himsell well Among responsibilities he greatly needs are responsibilities or gcttlng himself up in time to go to class and to drive himself to do his outofclass assignments Some or the dropouts have skipped classes in one or more subjects tor weeks or months on end While these students were home and doing well at school there parents may have taken responsibility or getting them up and oil to sdsool od time of seeing that they did their home wait he Panéakej Race onrkwa or Clara Baker Ssiyeartold lorcstry de partment employee cut two seconds oil hcr 1968 winning time in the annualinlernatlnnai pancake race Saturday by run ning the Alayard course in one minute 14 seconds Whether she outpaced the wome ol Buckingham Eng land will not be hnmvnunlll mesdsy The annual Shrovs Tuesday competition between the women at Buckingham and the Ottawa airburb ol Bells Corners ra quires running the its yards skillet in hand with at lenst three flipsol pancake en route last year Buckingham won but the vict nrw Pnsleamniar but the victor was Pamela Mar shall Bells Corners girl who was attending scth in Eng land DJS WIFE CHARGED lthElltDALE ill Alt Barbara Miller 25 was charged with voluntary manslaughter Sdnday in the lstal stabbing at her husband David Minnow disc lodrey lor WrLIQ radio in LI Grange ltlverdale police said abdomen with two kitchen knives during quarrelln their over countryWestern music Miller was slotted in the PROBLEM OF Heart at Hillcrést school on Thursday The players were all members of Mrs Fosters nssignents and got their writ ten work hiptomptly But Itcol lege with no such constIntsu pervision rinse same students himse lacked the selldlrcctlon Ind drive to follow faith de Isliailln schcduie ol livrng Ind wor Most youths who get on wall at college did prolit lrom home practice in thorn selves With some guidance and pressures lrtun their parents they acquired good habits ot sellsuperiviston One might suppose that all youths who were practised at loliowing schedule for num ber at years at home would readily keep on doing so It col lege But such does not always happen We can imagine low youths who from the tint they is were in an middle elementary grades and on through high school were lorcedtovget oil to school on time to get at their nuncwmk Marty and to hand in all written assignments withou on time Yet someol these youths may have lelt glorious new lite on entering college where nobody kept alter them about any such responsibility Oils might imag hfhuh till he has done them we lne iew at them more ready to shirt ouch responsibilities than it they hadhsd no such home responsibilities LACK OF SHARING 71 secret oi how well respon sibilities will carry over to col lege is how 1qu they hnd been the chlidsown bow oltcn they hodgbcen borne by the child himsell As have ottcn pointed out here the average child in middlcciass lImily seldom shares eilocilvelyln the drudg crles of his hnmeLhe seldom docs snychoreass he mop is on par ants and aloe loved ones of the lsmlly Yer the child who is supposed to do many chores It home but does them only when told or is prompted to do so hardly learns good habits or re sponslhil The lumber ores any child is supposed to do It homo not measure at the respon sibilities he learns Whether your child is or til you might drive him to do In Irrsy oi chores salt beware robot THE HEART Grade Four Class Studenia and parents enioyed the alter noon gtpcrlormance in which College Dropouts Looking In SelfDireCtion without his really learning to sponsihlllty HI teams responsi bility when he starts such jobs 1i and keeps himseli at them till they are well done not when he is Ilwayx told when to do them Ind told repeatedly until they are done we parentacould iind ways to make child feel so eager to do church that we could hardly keep him lrom doing them we might approach ideal results But who will believe that every lob about the home can be mIde so Ittractive that all the uselul things child abound do but doesnt like in do we can mske him want to do Soms el loctiva requireman will be necessary But in any eiioctiva scheme guiding the child to do mmptly and well everything about the home he should liters must be no easy opportunity tor him to escape the ellprt or to escape doing It well Doing it exception snrlseeing he has done it will provide rewards for him to keep striving You know that child is learning re sponsibility or chores or the like when you dont have to tell lm when to begin nor keep Annotlu Questions My daufllter nionths otdn will hold food in her lmuth What yould do gx You have pushed iood into her or forced her to put loodtiicre she does not want Let her teed herselt Never command has to eat anything leit to right above Sandra Caldwcll leanne Walden Julie Stewart and Douglas Ilcaman played some the leading roles Examiner Pho to SECONDARY to Kill lltlilAllOll Common Kidney or Blsddsr mun Ilnlil mm many men and worner tell tense and nervous Mm reorient pussno nlghtlnd secondarily you may lore glee Ind rm Hud Ichn BIChlchllh tder tired depressed In me crisrmt usually brlnsx nllxlll comtort by curbluglrrlllllnsnrmlt um lcirly cIIlnt It drunlsu Iy sroalt SPtiTlEltS Seen on lately Astormnnt is worn the stark departs in tlmeiorthnWslcamaWs on Hostess to arrive with its for baby and helptul lntnn rnntldu for the new motth But since the stark numberthe HostenuWs come Wagon needs spotters to help out liurk spotter in or neighborhood our nat wlll IpprnclItI your so will the new csnunr Miss volt ll your barrio Examiner carrier hII not Irrived by no hone 7282433 Add cm rs ExImtner Wlll Ba Delivered To Your liond Iii

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